It's all over. Literally ogre. Inturd abso-fucking-lutely done for and utterly cannot compete in gaming anymore, especially emulation-wise. The new era is here. Intelaviv's reign of greed and dirty tactics is over. The dark ages of PC and console gaming are over.


Other urls found in this thread:



What sort of fucking idiot gets a game from Niggerblog and, further more, doesn't rename it?

Attached: INTURD STUTTERFIRE ETERNALLY BTFO.png (738x177, 1024K)

competition is good

i hope prices drop to a reasonable amount

Attached: INTELOSER.jpg (1495x1458, 978K)

>intel actually dropping prices
Is it really happening?

no, they know AMD is not serious competition.

not yet but if this trend continues they certainly will

>still roughly 40% more than better performing and more efficient Zen 2 offerings

How is it there, in 2015?


fucking finally

Based Incel Corporation

>-15%, yet still roughly 40% more expensive than BETTER competition

Attached: 1557320721274.png (1037x311, 340K)

wow who cares, how about games that actually matter and not a fucking PS3 emulator

its a start.

It's almost as good as a 2 year old intel CPU. Eats less power, too.

Hearing this is nice, especially considering the POS intel cpu I have and NVidia gpu. These trash heaps are long overdue for a replacement.

>PS 4 and Kusone have AMD hardware
>PS 5 and Scarlett will have AMD hardware
>Stadia is relying on AMD hardware
>Steam games running on Linux via Proton have better performance on AMD hardware than on Inturd and/or noVideo

Attached: 32f87b5a8ec011eb9a138cc971dbd4b4cb467d927bc6aa680e0741a5fe0f3859.png (500x600, 199K)

>almost as good as a 2 year old int--

Attached: 543jh60h690-6-4564.jpg (1053x769, 375K)

Now if only they could get their shit together for GPUs, something that actually has an impact on gaming other than more guests in your Planet Coaster park.

>he thinks prices will drop to a reasonable amount
Is anyone going to tell him?

>workstation 95%

>if only they could get their shit together for GPUs, someth--

Attached: 1562539562164.png (2560x1440, 1.63M)

So AMD CPUs are viable for emulation now?

They've been absolutely viable since 2700X.

>$250 chip is equal to a $400 chip

framerate while playing still utter shit

I haven't upgraded any parts in over a decade since getting an i5 2500k, the news of Intel locking their CPUs to certain hardware/Windows 10 spooked me. Is that still a thing nowadays?

It actually beats the living shit out of Inturd, it's just that there are still not many samples/systems tested that were supplied to UB as results, due to extreme freshness of the product. It's going to be solidified in the upcoming months. Besides, there are currently motherboard BIOS problems (manufacturers to blame) which heavily gimp Zen 2's RAM performance/speeds and it's ability to clock higher, after new BIOSes start rolling aout and all of this gets ironed out, even the cheapest 3600 (non-X) will be beating living fucks out of 8700K and maybe even more.

it's a 30fps game you can't win

m8, I'm an AMDfag and even I know that this is a one-off case.
Zen 2 looks to be absolutely amazing, but neither GPU brand is great value.
The base 5700 comes close and it would've been a steal at proper mid-range prices ($250-$300), but as it stands it's merely better than the Super series, which isn't really enough to get me to upgrade.
The 5700 XT competing with a GPU that's $100 more expensive is impressive, and maybe if I were still using my old 280x it'd be an easy upgrade, but as it stands, I'm waiting it out.

Attached: 5700XT_1.png (1359x1203, 59K)

Read that thread, you dumb shit. The video was locked to 30 FPS and the stuttering is due to reddit's own algorithms as well as video maker's inexperience in handling video recording. The game itself however, when not recorded, was reported to be running absolutely butter-smooth 100% of all times.

im not poor so im still gonna get an intel chip

Zen+ and Zen 2 don't work on Windows 7 and 8 (and barely install on 8.1, with a lot of bugs/glitches/missing functionality), but it doesn't matter much, because, due to Proton's emergence, Linux recently became and absolutely fine viable alternative. And even IF you don't want to use Linux (though, with Proton and Wine it's absolutely fine nowadays), there are still WIP alternatives such as ReactOS existing out there.

There's been a 60 FPS unlock patch existing for years.

Hang yourself.

Attached: 1562549113755.png (1414x782, 64K)

>amd shit gets announced
>hyped beyond believe
>comes out
>it's a turd like everything else and only good for synthetic benchmarks with bugs out the ass and not properly supported by famous apps
>shills proceed to tell you how it was bad on purpose and rationalize how you actually don't need this or that program/functionality where it performs like shit
>takes years to become somewhat supported because nobody cares about it
>next amd turd gets announced

When will this meme end?

what if I want a working computer, not a second job?

I think I know the answer...

Attached: i.png (1280x849, 97K)

Great argument.

>being this braindead of an idiot
>not poor
You ARE very poor, IQ-wise.

Attached: 200$ Zen 3600 OBLITERATES 500$ Inturd.png (645x390, 35K)

Is this gonna be the new ashes of singularity?

this is only true for GPUs
Ryzen is a good CPU

Every single time AMD releases a chip everyone praises AMD and then everyone's opinion turns to shit. Fuck off, idiot.

No, since Forza Horizon 4 is an actual game that people will actually play.

Again - Linux is absolutely fine for PC gaming now. Just install Steam on it and then wrap Proton around it. Done.
And there's a fuckton of perfectly fine working Linux-based ports OR natively written emulators already. Hell, ePSXe nowadays is BETTER on Linux than it is on Windows, BECAUSE it's further in the development on Linux than it is on Windows.

Which requires meme snowflake overpriced RAM and motherboards providing worse frametimes and intel is still better for gaming.

lol loonix
didn't even read the rest, lose weight

Coping. AMD had ram problems last gen and now has bios problems. While Intel literally has none of it.

Attached: 1533977391463.png (1196x676, 1.05M)

Nice, I might finally have a reason to upgrade from my 4790 if demanding games stop being shit for a bit.
Still torn between the 3700x and the 3900x.

>BIOS problems
Reading comprehension is really not one of your fortes, eh?

>Inturd literally has none of--
Yeah, right, it has something like this instead:

Attached: 1558039242262.jpg (700x421, 33K)

If you're just planning on gaming the 3900x is probably overkill. Even with the strongest GPUs the 3700x wouldn't be a bottleneck.

whats wrong with u?

as soon as the next gen of consoles comes out you'll be scrambling to upgrade again

Nah, people said the same thing this gen and this generation of consoles had dogshit CPUs.
The same will also be true of next gen consoles, and considering the state of Navi TDP and temps, they'll probably end up with sub-RX 5700 tier GPUs if they want to maintain their current form factors/prices.

I made my build in 2013 right about when the current gen of consoles came out and I've enjoyed having better performance than even the Pro/Xb0n3X. 6 years is more than a decent timeframe for an upgrade.

Even non-X 3600 is not a bottleneck in any way whatsoever.

Nothing. I'm not an Intbecile, after all.

120 thousand employees and god knows how many influencers

>slav scum
You know in your country after the тaмoжня it wil be even more expensive than 8700k


Attached: 1533901898627.jpg (401x245, 86K)

The i3 9100 can run Persona V, that isn't a big accomplishment.

Back 2 /pol/, you underage trash.

I have 1600x and GTX 1080p. Can i emulate Persona 5 ?
No shitpost please

> instant seeting

No lol

at 15fps

Try running at non-LLVM and report back with proofs, kid. What? You can't? Tough cookies, Intbecile.

You can, but raw performance won't be enough to get solid smooth FPS.

So much sperglordshit in this thread.
Just tell me, should I by Intel or Amd for my next gaming PC and why?
Enough with the shitty memes nobody cares about. It's almost like your opinion is trash so you need to put some painbrush around to embezzle it.

Attached: 1548621525036.jpg (698x641, 123K)

I can't tell which posts are fanboys or genuine shills at this point, AMD fans seem to be very vocal shitposters.

90 iq consolefag-tier brainlet post

>should I by Intel or Amd for my next gaming PC
You should ONLY buy AMD from here on and forevermore. Inturd is fucking garbage (and hasd been for at least last 4 years straight) and finished.

But what about power consumption?

Yea Forums, especially /g/, is an /r/AMD colony so don't expect actual answers.

You aren't going to get a straight answer here or on /g/, too many underage fanboys and third world shitskin brand loyalists.

>30fps with stutters

amd lol

Attached: RPCS3 2018.10.01 - (1286x744, 1.25M)

Last I checked, Intel CPUs were still better for gaming, and NVidia is still better at the high end too on the GPU side. Intel had better single thread performance which resulted in better results for gaming 99% of the time.

yes literally.

You notice other games performs poorly on 5700 XT. See

Either is fine now. AMD finally put out a good product. Intel is good as always but overpriced.

>unironically directly linking to reddit
>nobody saying anything
So this is it huh? Yea Forums - Reddit and Twitter.

AMD if you don't care about emulation.

Intel if you do. It's as simple as that.

Attached: 1543920253881.jpg (1920x413, 139K)

Which is OP?


Attached: 1560210106843.png (681x487, 147K)

If I had to giess, probably a spic, going by his terrible English skills.

Spics provide most of the hardware war bullshit, followed by Canadians, then Slavs.

Read the thread before shitposting, cretin.

>Last I checked
How is it there, in 2017?

>Either is fine, goy. Intel is still good! Buy Intel!

Nice try, Intbecile, but people already know the truth and been knowing it for months. And the truth is that RPCS3's devs are going to deprecate TSX soon due to it being barely usable POS, which they've openly stated several times not so long ago. Shill harder, though. You're amusing.

You need a very powerful CPU to get solid 60fps throughout the entire game, but most Intels will hold 60fps outside of a few specific areas in which you'll drop frames.

AMD struggles to maintain 30fps last I checked but that was a while back. The emulator is a bit faster now I think and newer AMD chips have been released. Either way, get Intel if you plan on using the modern emulators. AMD is shit at that as usual.

I just read the thread. What did I miss?

Attached: RPCS3 2018.10.01 - (1891x1107, 2.68M)

This thread reeks of mental illness, fanboys need to be gassed.

nah, mine will do fine. I will wait for Zen 3 or Intel next gen cpu.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077 can run 1080p60 at Ultra setting on my $500 PC Gaming.jpg (1397x881, 283K)

>most Intels will hold 60fps outside of a few specific areas in which you'll drop frames
Again, you dumb fuck - try doing anything non-LLVM and your "so-good" Inturd will utterly shit itself. Meanwhile, the OP clearly shown solid FPS in NON-LLVM, you DUMB fuck. If you cannot grasp and fully process such simple concept, you should go and immediately slit your wrists right this very instant.

I remember this one AMD user who was saying how shit RPCS3 was for not being able to emulate Drakengard 3, meanwhile any Intel from the past 8 years or so can emulate it no problem.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.07 - (1920x1080, 410K)

It's been a while, but I did check by the end of 2018 and these threads are pretty awful if you want reliable information anyway. Just a lot of cherrypicking and brand loyalists sperging out.

who cares about your buzzwords? Intel can run it at 60, AMD can't. Case closed. Weep.

AMDrone shitposting aside, source on the game?

>try making your performance worse
Uhh what? Why would anyone do that?

Are you okay?

Attached: rpcs3 2018-08-27 16-27-32-23.jpg (1920x1082, 321K)

>Intel can run it at 60, AMD can't
Holy shit, you're a literal braindead autist, I see. Should've guessed sooner.

Pure autism, seek help if you take console wars this seriously and aren't being ironic.

Give me more tears. AMD is dogshit and always will be.

>posts the single best scenario out of all the cherry picks
Hmm how honest.

Attached: noise.jpg (1572x824, 144K)

I'm sure if you google the information available in that image you will find your answer, user.

Attached: RPCS3 2018.10.03 - (1920x1080, 481K)

Sauce on game?

>directly linking to reddit

Attached: 1893.jpg (583x435, 56K)

what the hell man

Attached: RPCS3 2018.08.27 - (1920x1080, 310K)

have sex

OP and his autistic meltdown aside, is the i5 9400f a good deal at 200 burgerbucks, it comes with an MSI z390 Pro.

Non-LLVM is more accurate and generally better for emulation, you dumb fuck. More/fuller effects, less bugs, and etc. Speedhacks such as LLVM are a TEMPORARY measure for DUMB KIDDIES that don't care for accurate representation of game visuials and functionality, which RPCS3's devs openly admitted a while back. LLVM is literal fucking "ZSnes", while non-LLVM is like BSnes or Higan, accuracy-wise. You are literal fucking SHIT-EATER if you think/believe LLVM is somehow "better" than non-LLVM.

Oh, it's no more heroes, I shoulda realized.

Who tf is Wendalls group?

>muh akooracy
Stay inferior, shitskin. Always beneath me.

The only tears I'm seeing here right now, is the ones coming from your Intbecillic coccksucking baby toddler face:

Attached: 1561705744306.png (1000x1000, 1014K)

>just buy AMD bro it BTFOs intel in these benchmarks

>Kind of want one of those new Ryzen CPUs
>However my i54690K still runs games fine

Sure the multitasking would be the shit but I don't think I could justify buying a new CPU yet but fuck I want one.

Who gives a shit? Non-LLVM will likely run like shit for every game regardless of your system.

AMD will always be worse than Intel at emulating too. Always.

Attached: RPCS3 2018-08-8 05-00-53-55.jpg (1920x1080, 265K)

You won't see much if any difference in basic windows stuff with that jump.

Why are Amdronessuch massive shitposters, is it autism or are they third worlders?

Aw shit, here we go again:

Attached: GN moron.png (729x243, 1.35M)

>da jooz are at fault im a balding basement virgin

They think each shitpost is going to contribute to AMD's stock price and make bank for them. AMDfags are literally paid shitposters.

Link for pic's video

Spics, mostly.

i've got 3570k, is it worth upgrading?
I don't really notice hard annoyance in performance for what i do

Don't really care about OP or his shitposting, just figured I'd ask if anyone has experience with the Samsung QVO 1TB and Intel 660p and whether they can vouch for them.

That's a fairly solid deal, go for it

>I don't really notice hard annoyance in performance for what i do
why upgrade then

Attached: Demon's Souls 2018.10.20 - (1920x1080, 441K)

Wendell is one of the most honest, reputable, and de facto most professional (has roots working in the enterprise industry for many years) hardware and tech reviewers/testers out there, these days.

That makes sense, Spics can't afford any hardware since mutts are subhuman, so they lash out.

The Intel 660p is good I have one, I have no experience with the QVO though, but Samsung has a good track record.

Literally neck yourselves after seeing this, you dumb pieces of retarded underage shit.

Yeah intel #1 baby wolololo heil hitler

>You won't see much if any differe--

Attached: 1562509406387.png (671x837, 36K)

Why are you sperging so hard lol. Intel will still run games better using non-LLVM modes.

Attached: 1.webm (718x400, 2.88M)

Why would anyone bother with innacurate emulation?

Should range ban all Hispanic countries, the console warring from subhumans would be reduced a lot.

hahaha.....amdbrehs....looks like the incels....are breaking out the fake....benchmarks....right?

Attached: 1561888064237.jpg (615x707, 197K)

OP stop sucking cocks for 10 seconds and learn to speak like a real fucking person, you dumb fucking faggot.

seriously guys....these have to be doctored......

Attached: 1553719945587.jpg (2560x1440, 237K)

This makes me feel better about my i3 8100, but I still need to upgrade.

I don't know whether I should get an i5 9400 or i7 9700k.

It's this piece of horrendously inaccurate and downright misleading FIASCO youtube.com/watch?v=jzaXvEPyKd0 of Steve's totally moronic fuck-up before the entire internet.

Attached: 1560255798134.gif (380x184, 1.06M)


Attached: amdloodie.jpg (633x758, 162K)

If you can make a game run and look better that it originally did, why not?

Why would anyone bother with accurate emulation? Are you a speedtranny?

He's a third worlder, I doubt his English skills will improve.


Attached: amdloo.png (882x758, 316K)

I just upgraded from a 3770k to a 8xxx i5 I forget which, OC'd to 5ghz and didn't notice any change outside of video games and a very specific few programs.

You're just wasting money at this point unless you can't play a particular game.

seriously guys....report all intel shills........Yea Forums is amd turf.....team red...rite guys?

Attached: 1552866434444.png (1920x1080, 252K)

Speedtrannies don't care about accuracy.

Is Demon's Souls flawless on RPCS3 yet?

Computer hardware manufacturer allegiance is fucking weird. I can understand people getting attached to console manufacturers - they want to make sure their favorite games keep getting made - but why would anyone fight on behalf of AMD/Nvidia/Intel?

Most of them are from the US, you know.

>AMDfags are literally paid--

I actually have been considering getting a 2700x, but all the shitposting and shilling by AMD fanboys is starting to take a toll.

>my proof is youtube comments telling you are wrong
are you okay in the head? Is this what qualifies are proof or an argument for you?

also, imagine unironically linking to Reddit while holding a straight face, what the fuck is wrong with you?

my processor is always 100% from task manager and there are some hiccups now and then

No, still has drops.

I wish they would fix Raging Blast 2 first desu, I already beat DS.

I just wish that AMD could fucking beat Nvidia. The Navis are utter shit.


yeah on intel

Attached: 1538075078218.jpg (1167x709, 273K)

i haven't upgraded my CPU since buying a 4770k like 6 years ago

is upgrading even worth it at this point or is this just the usual pajeet psyop

Of course they do. ONLY they do.
>For reference, the following emulators are globally banned for use in racing:
>SNES - ZSNES, snes9x 1.4x
>N64 - Project64 2.x
>GBA - VBA-M (use VBA instead. If VBA does not support your GBA game, please contact an op.)

Can you play at 60fps without going double speed?

Emugen btfo

the latter

Wait for Zen 3 or Intel Tiger Lake

>all those non whites at the end
jesus christ, why does amd have to attract those "people" to pc gaming?

I use an old build since the newers ones had regressions. It's been like a year though, I wonder if they finally fixed that screen flicker and sound pop bullshit.

The build i got was deleted from the internet but it's got a bug where you can't see manlet shields, other than that it's pretty well perfect

The reddit link in the OP already made this guy a laughing stock.
>30fps in Persona 5
It's a bad joke.

Attached: 2019.02.02 - (1920x1080, 462K)

Zen2 is a good upgrade but the amjeets are running themselves ragged shilling it right now.

Attached: 1539310791506.jpg (1276x715, 146K)

>This makes me feel better about my i3 8100
>literally the worst performer
>makes me feel better

Attached: 56ryugfty7u8.jpg (400x400, 18K)

So if I want to build my first pc with specs moderately higher than "midrange" would a 5700XT and a 3700 be considered overkill?

Because that's the target audience, nonwhites are poor, and AMD is a budget brand.

>Intel will still run games better using non-LLVM


>says nothing about the massive differences in price between the 9900k and the zen2 chips
>9900k just barely beating zen2 in cherrypicked benchmarks and the fine wine hasn't even been poured in yet

What are some decent games that play well on RCPS3 besides Persona 5?

The past year has made me honestly suspect Intel have legit shills on Yea Forums, the biggest factors for me was seeing the state of Yea Forums and /g/ and probably other boards after those exploits got found.

>Wake up one morning
>Yea Forums full of shitting on AMD
>Check /g/
>It's the same
>Instantly suspect something has bad happened to Intel
>Find out there was ANOTHER fucking exploit found

>less accuracy
>missing effects
>graphical bugs and glitches
>look better

IQ lesser than 21 points confirmed. Here you go, ladies and gentlemen. A typical Intbecile/noVideot in a nut.

Rather have them than you.

No, you have to wait a bit longer for that game, which is designed to run at 30 fps to be hacked without double speed.


Or I could play the game at 60fps with no issues.

Attached: 1553049546984.jpg (618x597, 144K)


It is, if you're using Zen 2.

Do the games run shitty on your rig? If not, then you shouldn't be worried. That chart is purely synthetic benchmark.

That's it I'm replacing my 1600

Learn reading comprehension, you dumb fuck. GaymanNerdAss was proven to be wrong SEVERAL DAYS BEFORE he posted the video, yet he STILL decided to double down like the total imbecile he is and uploaded it either way. Cope harder, Intbecile.

Based cuck


fucking lol. /g/ is literal AMD stockholder turf and some benches make zen2 look bad, suddenly the script is flipped and Yea Forums is "infiltrated" by intel shills. Like you fags haven't been plastering "INTEL IS DEFUNCT, REPORT AND BAN INTEL SUGGESTIONS" in every single /pcbg/ thread since zen2 was announced.

--> .

the 60fps patch sucks btw and you should kill yourself for using it

Only games I've had issue with are FFXV and Assassins Creed Oddyssey.

Now that's jealousy.

The reddit link is from 2018 actually. AMD simply doesn't care about old games and emulation really.

What game is this?

Is there an updated list of games that run perfectly?

Attached: 1550490696933.jpg (1674x1980, 241K)

>Learn reading comprehension, you dumb fuck. GaymanNerdAss was proven to be wrong SEVERAL DAYS BEFORE he posted the video
yet you don't post that proof, you instead post people saying shit, as proof.
You are fucking insane.

>yet he STILL decided to double down like the total imbecile he is and uploaded it either way.
Yes, wow, he wasn't bullied by shills and retards into silence, how terrible indeed, if only you could police all media and have them only give positive news on AMD, if only.

>Cope harder, Intbecile.
You have posted no proof, you just shit talked and then called that proof.

you too, fuck the 60fps patch. unless something has changed, which I highly doubt.

no, I'm objectively right but have fun defending it.

Attached: p5_30.webm (702x426, 2.83M)

interesting... what gpu?


--> ~ .

Attached: p5_60.webm (778x470, 2.98M)

The Motorstorm games
Demon Souls
Tokyo Jungle
Resistance 1+3 (not even shitting you, 3 is mechanically the HL3 we deserved)

And now I'm just laughing my ass off. Good thread OP, way to make yourself look like a fag.

Attached: RPCS3 2018.10.02 - (1920x1080, 552K)

I recognize OP and his posting style, he's that mentally deranged fanboy on /g/ that will have a fit if you even mention Intel in /pcbg/

If I remember correctly he's Russian, or that might be a different drone.

>less accuracy
>missing effects
I bet you're still shilling for/unironically """""using""""" ZSnes even nowadays.


I should mention that FFXV has a huge bottleneck without an SSD as well, it will stutter like hell without one.

the 60fps patch is inherently broken, I don't know what the 3rd guy is on about.

another problem I don't have a webm of are the speech bubbles around the overworld cutting out before the text effect finishes.

it's a 30fps game and you're lying to yourself with poor frame doubling and other speedups to see a higher number. if that wasn't the case why stop there? give me 144fps.

Attached: f31f6d5e536c497713a2045563e51f16b02d37112e7ddd1ead47ec64f08de534.png (494x440, 205K)

>RPCS3 uses a lot of threads due to how the PlayStation 3 was designed. However, an Intel CPU is preferred, even if you're comparing with a higher core Ryzen due to some architectural differences:

>Ryzen has CCX latency issues that force us to assign all SPU Threads to a single CCX otherwise the performance is horrible. Since SPU Load is usually the biggest load in games, this affects performance negatively in many cases.
>Intel has TSX which is also used in RPCS3 to speed up memory transactions and makes significant difference in several games. AMD has no similar Instruction Set, they proposed their own version named ASF a decade ago but it never left the paper.

>Intel also has better single core performance.

AMDrones BTFO as fuck.

>8 threads in a single CCX
>implying it's a problem

Attached: wtf3.png (255x255, 67K)

Nice non-argumentation, kid. Now go and kys kindly.

Well, you can upgrade if you afford it. If you don't care about playing the old games and emulators, then AMD is an excellent choice for your budget.

Im just going to have to learn to stay the fuck off of Yea Forums for the next couple of days, fuck. Hopefully the fake ass Zen2 benchmarks get debunked because I smell some serious cloak-and-dagger fuckery going on behind the scenes with some of this shit. Im not having it man. Fuck Yea Forums and fuck Hiro for letting these intel shills have the fucking run of the place.

And the bottom line is that AMD is worse than Intel when emulating any game.

How mad are you right now?

Pretty minor issues, it works throughout the entire game.

>Putting words in my mouth
Oh fuck off with this shit.

I very rarely post on /g/ and that's typically only to ask something such as headphone recommendations, shit I don't even HAVE a fucking AMD CPU.
It's just hard to ignore when every time something goes bad for Intel or good for AMD then all of a sudden damage control starts.

Several big/notorious tech-reviewing YouTubers came out and openly called him out for his BULLSHIT, you dumb fuck. Cope harder.

--> .

AMD cpu
Nvidia GPU

>Here's a quick comparison made by two trusted members for reference in Persona 5: 8700K (note, with TSX forcefully Disabled to compare the performance between both high end CPUs without TSX playing a role) vs 2700X. There's a small build delta between the tests but the commits in between don't change anything.

picrelated: 8700k

Attached: unknown[1].png (1589x951, 1.18M)

>Literally posts a reddit link and proves you wrong about muh 2017
>lol no argument, kys xD
How fucking assmad do you have to be

>AMD is worse than Intel when emulating any game
How is it there, in 2008?

picrelated: 2700X

Attached: unknown[1].png (1904x1128, 3.28M)

>Several big/notorious tech-reviewing YouTubers came out and openly called him out for his BULLSHIT,
and yet there is no proof posted, only your shitposting and a literal screenshot of a youtube comment section.
Get help.
Wait, oh god, have you not even seen the proof yourself? Was the image of the comment section enough to proof for you, simply because you didn't like what he had to say?

thats an old build of rpcs3 too lmao

"Pretty minor" and "works" seems to be the start of the slippery slope. These are just ones I've mentioned.
Without a comparison sure you might never know, but you're better off assuming a good majority of effects are broken. In the two webms I gave, while it looks sick, let's just say Joker sliding midair at 60fps is probably not intended.

But whatever, it's your experience to ruin. Not mine.

Call me when Royal comes out still being 30fps then swear up and down a few patches to the game in RPCS3's memory is all that is required for 60.

Attached: no skills.jpg (3779x2125, 1.34M)

You forgot to enter the tripcode and log in, Steve.

It's 2019.

The damage control is real.

Attached: eyeball pepe.png (1920x1080, 795K)

then Intel on RPCS3 is getting better right now.


AMD Cpu and Nvidia GPU
Unless you have a ton of money and job that need a good CPU, R3600 and something like the 1660 or RTX2060 Super are best

>Old as dirt build
well done pajet

Which, again, proves the point mentioned in .

Yeah, I'm looking at it.

Just pointing out the fact that there are notorious AMD shills operating on the 'ch0nz 24/7 yet here you are claiming Intel is here. All I see on Yea Forums and /g/ most days is wojaks in blue intel hats and cringey LE MOMMY SU posting.

>it's not shilling if its MY TEAM!
Shut the fuck up, my dude.

And both CPUs will run every games at max speed anyway, it's just that one won't catch fire to your wallet and your house and electricity bill.

Intel? More like INTCEL!

>intel inside
More like incel red tide, hah


Intbeciles utterly BTFOing themselves by their own hands, ladies and gentlemen!

>Inturd is getting better right now
Yeah, kiddo, ssshhhhuuuurreeee. Especially after all those """""patches""""" and (((fixes))).

> /g/ is shitting on AMD

Attached: amd stock holders desperate for you to buy amd products.jpg (900x97, 28K)

>unironically buying Intcel in 2019

Attached: 1562234552765.jpg (600x600, 24K)

AMD CPU + Nvidia = Cheap and only play the new titles better

Intel CPU + Nvidia = expensive but can play all shits better (new games, old games and emulators)

AMD + AMD = you poor bastard

Except the multitude of games AMD cannot run at full speed even their flagship chips can't do it. AMD is shit for emulation, stop being an asshole to your fellow Yea Forumsirgins by lying to them.

AMD can't handle games on RPCS3, Xenia, Citra, Yuzu, Cemu, PCSX2, Dolphin, and every upcoming emulator as well as Intel can. Do not buy AMD to emulate.

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.18 - (1920x1080, 383K)

>trading in stock makes you a shill now
Do they teach this retarded line of thought in Bangladesh schools or some shit?



5700XT is performing slightly worse than Vega VII (which in on itself is between 2080 and 2080 Ti) while costing twice as less money.
You have to be a total cretin to buy into the "Super" SCAM or to spend even more on 2080/Ti, nowadays.

Attached: 728524ab7ab678a2e4164b0ebae9a622.png (700x770, 109K)

Meh, I wanted to buy myself a 3950X in September. Maybe I'll hold off for the 10 core Intel CPU


Attached: 1539237186694.png (400x400, 13K)


Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.12.07 - (1920x1080, 602K)

Did you have to notify the village fire brigade when you turned your PC on to make this post?

Are they daisy chaining buckets of water from the ganges to contain the blaze so you don't burn down half the thatch shacks in india again?

>holding stock in AMD, and shilling nonstop on Yea Forums about AMD being the best in everything and at the same time shitting on intel and nvidia does not make me a shill
Shitposter san, I really wish youd get a trip so we could at least filter trash like you.
But you wont because you know you can't shill then.

who cares about emulator
console games are fucking trash

That's why I hate them with a passion because they are totally fine with AMD jewing the buyers with Navi being expensive than its predecessor. They want their portfolio growing more. More greedy.

Fucktard. Played games on every single ones of these emulator just fine at full speed. Got over 120fps on some Xenia games even, with a poor 1600.

I just bought the ryzen 5 2400x for 249 should I have bought the ryzen 5 3400g for 240 instead ?

I only play video games

>1600 at stock is out performing a 2700X

Attached: .jpg (1282x752, 265K)

Did you miss the example I gave you or are you juts fucking stupid?
Don't answer that ,we all know its the later.

Ouch, really seething here. Insulting your favorite mossad backdoor manufacturer must of really touched a nerve. I'd be sorry if you weren't an honorific abusing faglord.

It doesn't matter AMD graphic card have a huge problem with OpenGL emulators and I can't recommend them just because of this.

i dont care about your stupid wars, what i care is that incel is a retarded word used by retards and should stop being used in any way.

i mean, what in the billion fucks does incel mean!?

I don't think I've seen a fanbase that shitposts more than AMD fanboys, even Sony fanboys have less of a victim complex.

>dude trust me

>Incel btfo with results that prove it
>Incel themselves admit it

Attached: Dis1.gif (300x186, 445K)

Incel cuckboys love sucking jewish choad
Where as amd alpha males love munching moist vagina

>He didn't see it
So you're a newfag. Got it.

patch disabled, hm.

Attached: .jpg (1282x752, 266K)

You really should OC it.

I'm guessing nothing is changing for older emulators?
dolphin kinda runs like shit on my 1600

You're just proving him right by acting like a fanboy, all the buzzworde just make you seem like a whiny spic.

The status quo will never change. Intel will always have more money and they've monopolized the feature set.

That's cool but there are dozens if not hundreds of games that run worse regardless of what you played.

It's likely you're shitposting again though so I'm going to go ahead and ask you to stop lying to your fellow emulationbros like a loser. What do you even gain?

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.01.08 - (1920x1080, 290K)

3200G and 3400G are not Zen 2, but Zen+ APUs. That wouldn't have been much of an upgrade. So it's either 3600 or higher, or Zen 2 APUs (4200/4400, I guess).

>dude incels are shilling here trust me

I'm waiting for MSI to release a patch for my B350 board then I'll jump to a 3600 most likely.

They're mostly third worlders (Hispanic and Slavs), it's to be expected from mutts and vodkanigger mongolians.

>AMD graphic card have a huge problem with OpenGL
How is it there, in 2012?

>amd alpha males love munching moist vagina
Eating box is for actual cucks.
t. intel buying /fit/ chad

>Sony uses AMD
spot the retard

I’ve got boomer brain and am technologically retarded so can you just say wether or not I chucked myself out of 9 dollars getting the 2600x instead of the 3400g

just report the shill raid from amd fags and move on, their stock is doing poorly if they decided to raid Yea Forums

An incel is someone who hates women because he cant get them or beta orbiters, something like that.

Dolphin should run on the 1600 semi well, it runs almost flawlessly on my i3 8100 which is only slightly faster than the 1600.

It's 2019 and nothing has changed with AMD's poor emulation performance in OpenGL.

>Being a Cringe dyel incel shilling brainlet

How much longer do you reckon a RX480 will last? Will probably go Nvidia next time.

>dolphin kinda runs like shit on my 1600
Really? I've had no issue with it. What games are you trying?

I've been playing a handful of Wii ones lately with no issue, 1600+1060.

I mean it's about 10% faster single core (3.6 vs 3.2)

>Second half of the year of our lord Two Thousand And Nine Teen
>He still schlicks onto OpenGL and doesn't use Vulkan

Attached: 1542231098818.jpg (803x803, 64K)

Buddeh you lost any right to call anyone else cringe when you endorsed eating pussy

that shit is gay dude

Based retard
An incel is someone who wants sex but can not get it
Aka involuntarily celibate
Most people are incels

>That's cool but there are dozens if not hundreds of games that run worse regardless of what you played.
That's just flat out wrong and that's based on my experience with a 1600 with bad ram. The 3000 series are so much better and close to the best Intel than your statement is even more stupid today. One dude here literally showing a 1600 stock running the most demanding RPCS3 game at full speed, let alone something like Drake 3..
You're the one lying and shilling for Intel.

That still doesn't change the fact that AMDrones are more vocal shitposters.

If using AMD hardware was a prerequisite for being a mentally ill drone then Xbox fanboys would be vocal, and Xdrones are extinct on Yea Forums except for ironic shitposters.

Sony has AMD hardware inside. Nice try.

windwaker/sunshine/monster hunter/luigi's mansion are the ones I tried
they're not unplayable but far from ideal

2600X is probably better assuming you have a dedicated GPU that isn't absolute shit.

The Tales of Graces f result hasn't been updated since July 2017 marked as "Ingame".

My endgame save from PS3 now isn't broken without strict mode, so that's an improvement.

Attached: .jpg (1282x752, 212K)

>One dude here literally showing a 1600 stock running the most demanding RPCS3 game at full speed,
What game? Persona 5? Don't make me laugh.

And it's not wrong at all you fag.

>Most people are incels
Nice cope

>massive differences in price
>9900K: $499
>3900X: $499

>tfw I enjoy posting Skeleton Xbox Wojak despite not owning any Xbox

Attached: 1553448465518.png (212x238, 9K)

Do I get a 2700x or a 3600 since they're both 200 bucks at the moment?

Attached: 79Ip6.jpg (283x334, 26K)

9900k is almost $70 bucks more nice fucking try shill


The 3600


Attached: file.png (1282x752, 1.27M)

This is PERFECTLY PLAYABLE COME ON LADS (you need to force the fps cap to 30 I believe). It's not my fault I two shot the first form of the final boss in a couple seconds.

1600 stock guy here. I wouldn't say P5 is demanding, nor any particular game is as would imply. Just P5 uses shit that's been highly optimized at this point.

Attached: ToGf.webm (824x492, 2.94M)

Pic-related is based on an actual survey, BTW FYI. Dolphin's "commune", including literally all of it's (((devs))), was confirmed and outed/exposed to be a cult of heavy Inturd shillers. Dolphin is MADE with Inturd in mind, so they DELIBERATELY optimize it for Inturd and DELIBERATELY gimp AMD's CPU performance in it.

Attached: DIC.jpg (1020x597, 429K)

Is it that good? The 2700x has 8 cores though so I figured it might be good for watching stuff while playing

Hardware fans seriously need to lobotomized, it's embarrassing how dedicated they are to sucking corporate cock and shilling.

And before anybody asks I don't have a combo video.

>all these people complaining about these new CPUs
>meanwhile I'm here with my CPU that only slightly better than an Intel Atom
>It's actually only better at singlethread, it actually gets beat by the Atom in multithread

Attached: 1562776190473.jpg (725x1200, 89K)

A good benchmark off the top of my head is RDR and a lot of games have varying performance levels.

Every emulator is made with Intel in mind because that's the only CPU that is any good.

It's 7nm tech vs 12nm tech.
It runs faster, cooler, and supports PCIE v4 and higher speed DDR4 memory.

Performance-wise you'd won't see almost any change at all. You'd only get decent integrated video, but that's it.

I know the feeling, I'm stick on a shit Athlon x2 240 and geforce 6150.

Is there a good replacement to mixtape.moe these days to upload a file

Benchmark wise it's the same if not better in most tasks, plus it supports higher frequency RAM which will boost performance even more

Attached: perfectly normal person.jpg (1676x644, 217K)

Again - how does it feel, to live under a rock that's lying inside a deep cave?

RX 480 has been obsolete for about 1 full year now. It's RX 580 and 590 at the bare minimum nowadays, if you wish to get any decent performance at 1080p while not overspending a fuckton on noVideo's garbage.

P5 is playable on 1600 now ?

I'm not living under a rock, delusional drone.

Two questions then
Will the 3600 support me throughout the next gen and I plan on getting 3000mhz DDR4 since I'm upgrading mostly everything and I plan on using the cpu for multitasking.

9900K is not 3900X's competitor, as 3900X utterly BTFOs it. 3700X is pitted directly against 9900K.

that's a yikes desu

No, that area should be running at 60fps if his frame rate is unlocked. You'd be getting like 20fps anywhere open.

Attached: holocaust.jpg (800x445, 171K)

I picked up the new Radeon 5700 xt
So I’m good ?


AMDrone mental instability aside since this thread is nothing but trash can anyone recommend a good quality 1TB SSD?

M.2 or SATA is fine.


uguu it is

p5 spoilers ahead, here it is on december 11th, 2018:

and the 30th:

I can't recall what changes happened

If you read the post that was with the patch disabled, and it should be running at 30 at all times. Call it cope all you want, it's a 30fps game.

If you're worried about spend a little more and get the 3700X since the extra cores and threads will invariably help with performance later down the line

>game streaming
what a meme this is

So its playable then. nice

I like my 850 evo even tho it's a 250
just pick up the 860 1tb I guess

I'm really stretched for money since I have to buy a new motherboard, RAM and my HDD is dying and I can mostly only afford a decent 200 cpu which gives me those 2 cpus as my best options and thus why I've been leaning towards the 2700x

You posted one with it enabled. And those webms are having lots of drops in enclosed areas. Post webms in the school or in the streets.


He is speaking in Gentooish. People like those only exist to preach against the evils of intellectual property whilst spending 8 hours a day updating all their programs and fixing the many bugs hoping for a day everyone switches to Loonix so Loonix users get flooded by viruses.

Just leave the crazed man be, he has forgotten what the sun looks like.

Attached: ab6.jpg (657x921, 192K)

3600X is roughly a 10% improvement over 2700X, that's while being LOWER in tier and having 2 cores less. 3600 (non-X) is only a ~5% improvement over 2700X, however. If you ALREADY have 2700X, you should go only 3700X~3950X, OR next THREADRIPPER (THIRDRIPPER inside AMD) in November/December. However, if you're building from scratch, it all depends on your finances and preferences, as 2700X is still a very solid product and AM4 has full backwards and forwards compatibility (only amount/type of features differ slightly), so you can literally get 2700X now and change it for something better easily later. Inturd doesn't have such great flexibility and legacy support. You won't lose either way, if you get one or another.

If that's the case opt for the 2700X since like I said, processors with more cores and threads see better performance over time like in this video youtube.com/watch?v=yh6NvJZjLI0&t=121s

>10000Kbps, sloq quality preset, that's placebo tier
>realistic and practical

You can't fool me AMD kids. I already made the mistake of getting an FX8350, which ended up having worse real world performance in most applications and games than a bloody average i3.

I need to replay this game sometime. Never did finish the extra dungeon.

Attached: Intbecile 0880.png (400x400, 1.22M)


Also the 2700X isn't $200, the 2700 is.

I can't help random LLVM shader compile, and ASMJIT stutters no matter what. Here you go. Keep in mind nobody would be buying a 1600 these days so this is bare minimum performance (they're as low as $80 now!) and I'm also at stock.

Attached: 0CbUaEFIxB.webm (1282x752, 2.8M)

I'll get the 2700x then since there's also a good deal for
literally 200 bucks at my micro center

200 for a 2700X is a deal then, just check the link for the perf difference.

Attached: DED.png (370x339, 983K)

did i fuck up by buying a 2600x

how do people like this exist? not why, but how

Attached: file.png (436x454, 69K)

very impressive frame rate there lol


for real

Attached: file.png (444x260, 42K)

I bet u listen to Finnish Mongolian music u fgt

This is not a big secret, or a surprise. There's a wealth of new main boards that utilize AMD's strengths of their new CPU line. But it's only a temporary lead while Intel has a gap in their releases. And their GPUs are still inferior by a fair margin. Enjoy your lead while it lasts. AMD will always be the bargain-brand.

I tried Demon Souls, Ni No Kuni on my 1600x and they are fine smooth 30fps locked

Attached: 1496390842613.jpg (237x170, 10K)

Attached: file.png (487x430, 55K)

I'm on an 8700K, I have no reason to upgrade. I generally tend to find CPU releases are the most boring, people are overblowing just how good these CPU's are. No doubt if this is what AMD brought out 2 years ago, I'd of upgraded in a heartbeat but I upgraded to an 8700K back in late 2017.

I think I'll stay on this system for another 2 years and see what happens in the market.

better than lying to myself about 60fps :^)

the fun isnt over user

Attached: file.png (364x239, 27K)

I like Poets of the Fall and Stratovarius

he's kind of a retard but still "oh no muh piracy piracy bad :("

>How is it there, in 2015?
AMD has always been low-quality cheap-parts chinese-assembled garbage that breaks in a year. You get what you pay for. Doesn't matter if it runs faster if it just overheats and falls down halfway through the race.

Are all AMD fans this mentally ill, or is OP just an outlier?


That depends. Ultimately, it's a great CPU that should be able to run pretty much any modern game. There's no real reason for you to upgrade unless you're going all out. Even 4k gaming should be fine since that tends to get GPU bound.

god you're fucking dumb
literally just google it and you'll find the overwhelming answer that agrees with the majority of the thread
fucking mongoloid

Um, yeah, you know WHY mass-produced electronics use AMD, right? Hint: It's not a flattering reason.

Tech nerd that knows way too much and is not insufferable to watch, likes to teach people and LOVES linux in a good healthy way.

Attached: Yes, i will rape that.png (800x600, 396K)

right but how do people like this still exist? the number of times the bot in that server flags the pirated releases (its hash based iirc) is astounding because they always give replies like
>but i have bluray???
>but nicoblog is official?


Attached: file.png (681x659, 87K)

I feel bad for him, but he's kind of dense.
Also, fuck the discord for being that annoying

Yakuza 3 = 30Fps locked, 1080p render. Although the game still crashes due tue emulation.
I think i can play P5 now with my 1600x

Imagine the autism necessary to even give a shit about that.

Attached: 1552692335560.jpg (800x528, 252K)

AMD fans tend to shitpost a lot, but OP is far worse than most fanboys, he's legitimately insane, I recognize him from the /pcbg/ threads on /g/, he gets banned a lot and has a victim complex.

Are you telling me that the stir-fry skillet mix I buy at Kroger isn't using name-brand free-range chicken and the finest organic vegetables inside their unlabeled bags? THE HELL YOU SAY.

its fucking amazing how often it happens though thats why i love this
i just have a hard time believing theres this many people this dense

Attached: file.png (658x427, 71K)

AMD fans are the most insufferable people on the internet. Normally I wouldn't point to plebbit but go and check out the AMD and Intel subreddits there is a huge disparity in the amount of fanboy attitude on AMD's side.

AMD don't need a PR department because their fanboys pretty much do it for them and if you say anything negative about AMD in one of your reviews even when AMD are clearly in the wrong they'll make any excuse for them.


it's not just autism, /g/ owns AMD stocks

>dies in 13 months.
>Buy NVidia GPU
>lasts 7 years until time to upgrade
wow what a bargain. yay amd.

use latest stable, spu llvm, 2 spu threads, spu size giga, set to realtime in task manager if you want (since it runs on its own CCX)

spu llvm has compile stutter for initial plays but the performance it gives is better than asmjit and stutter free. giga size makes it compile more together so when you restart the game it loads the bundles of what it compiled faster and you get right back into it.

you'll rarely fall below 20fps (inb4 cope) but where it matters you'll be at 30 (or 60 if you fall for the autism).

Look at this Intel kike asshurt.

Attached: 1559400088679.png (426x146, 35K)

Attached: file.png (719x789, 133K)


Attached: 1550383323598.jpg (600x477, 349K)

are there even intel fanboys? what is there even to fanboy about
amd both produces better products and is the underdog
literally a win win

>amd mobo
they could pay you to take it and it wouldnt be worth it

>These 2060 prices
Shit man I thought they'd be cheaper after the S came out but nope. Good fucking god.

Is that what people are calling him?

I recognize his posting style anywhere, he's constantly whining about "intcel" and "novideo" like Intel and Nvidia raped him.

Either he's a third worlder with crippling autism, or he has paranoid schizophrenia.

Intelfags are basically Applecucks now. Paying more money because of a brand name. I-IT JUST WORKS AND I'VE ALWAYS USED IT.

Attached: file.png (1017x460, 89K)

AMD finally started to do that thing companies do with each other.

You know, compete.

Literally browse any CPU thread and you'll see the copious amount of intel shills and fanboys

No but you described an XV-kun for sure.

Wow, it's almost like newer technology is more efficient. Amazing.

AMD was already doing that with their multithreading perf and thread count at real prices. Now they're competing with single threaded performance and more multithreaded perf on even lower SKUs.

whats the recommended gpu for 1080p 144hz right now

>MSi mobo
Fixed your mistake, kid.

2080Ti do the needful

lol this is fucking pathetic
sonykucks are laughable

Maybe you've been living in a cave or something but Intel were dominant in the CPU market for a decade until the Ryzen was released and NVIDIA has literally been kicking AMD's shit in within the GPU market for 6 years they own 87% of the marketshare in the GPU market.

The only thing correct you've said is that they're the underdog and that's enough for people to bandwagon on AMD.

sony watches the rpcs3 discordm so theyre forced to enforce this

Attached: file.png (697x399, 69K)

1080ti probably.

calm down incel

>Wow, it's almost like it's almost trice as cheaper than the """""competition""""" and the said (((competition))) deliberately hasn't been decreasing/cutting prices to any of their shit AT ALL for several years straight, due to "lack of competition"

>AMD is able to compete against Intel jew prices
>AMD and NVIDIA are obviously price fixing after the miner boom to jew out more cash and keep card prices high

Cut my life into pieces

>but Intel were dominant in the CPU market for a decade until the Ryzen was released
that's why they're the underdog, they've been in the shadows for like a decade
but now they also produce the superior products

Vega 56 can do it, depending on game.
RX 5700 (non-XT) is roughly 25% better in performance than Vega 56 while being cheaper than it, so...

wonder if you're just supposed to edit the hash in the log to get support lmao

>ryzen 1000s come out
>whoop intel in multithread but "lmao nice Nth gen STP"
>still, but also still
>what the fuck AMD you can't do that I'm telling Intel!

>but now they also produce the superior products
good one user

Attached: 1517853194268.gif (300x300, 192K)

Intel can’t into 10nm

...you DO know that Jensen is LITERALLY Lisa's cousin, right?

Attached: 1543532926643.jpg (184x184, 34K)

last time I checked intel cpu setups were 100$ more for equivalent amd setup, mainly due to requirement to buy cooler & higher mobo costs
I imagine it's only gotten worse since

Tick tock tock tock tock tock, Intel.
Your time is now.

just know how to pirate better actually. its very easy, but the low hanging fruit is what fucks people

I like how linking to reddit is suddenly normal now

And they perform better as a result.
>AMD is cheap shit
Yes we know.

if you get off nopaystation along with the rap they shouldn't be able to bust you for piracy

I think the "legit" way to get digital ps3 games for yourself is backing up your ps3 hdd which you can now decrypt for files (as opposed to full blown hacking it, although there are HENs).
Literally just tell them you did that and they should fuck off.

They can't prove you didn't backup then decrypt your PS3 hdd, and requiring further proof is just power tripping.

go back to /g/ faggot, you guys ruined that board with you incessant shilling.

Attached: g.png (2100x1500, 976K)


Attached: AYF.jpg (500x375, 41K)

imagine caring about AMD, a company that still makes worthless chinkshit garbage and has zero market share because it failed to make a single decent product for almost a decade
this company literally only exists to make intel and nvidia stop counting their giant stacks of money and finally make a new product that easily BTFOs amd chinkshit so they can go back to stop caring for another 3 years

It's okay Intelcuck. Just don't run too many programs at the same time now. Your hyperthreading just isn't there yet.

And if they tell you to redump from your PS3 just repirate it. Literally fuck them.

If you need actual tech support ask emugen on vg when they're not sperging out about shaders or chd.

Discord has the most nazi bots I've ever seen. I'm in one that blocks caps if it's used on more than one word.

>worthless chinkshit garbage and has zero market share bec--

Attached: 1558219823433.png (737x664, 202K)

do you feel good making retarded posts like this?

zero tripled is still zero, deal with it gook

you mean like private trackers?
aren't they usually the same hashes

I imagine there'd be differences between your dump & the pirated dump, most likely file hashes, which is what I imagine they check

or for the same price you get a significantly better cpu, but that doesn't matter to the majority of the population, since you don't need that good of a cpu unless you do 3d rendering or streaming

I dunno, user. You seem to be a master of that craft so you tell me.


its shitty but its also fun to see retard defenses
>literal guide on the rpcs3 site to do this
>nobody reads it
>begs for help
>gets flagged
>no longer allowed to get help
it really weeds out the retards and for that i appreciate it

Attached: file.png (730x564, 82K)

We are in a thread about emulation. Intel or you're fucked unless you're only playing a couple of games that run well on AMD.

>I imagine there'd be differences between your dump & the pirated dump, most likely file hashes, which is what I imagine they check
For digital versions they all source from the same PKG file off Sony's Zeus server. Everything will matchup, and them asking for the contents of your rap file (not sure if its contents are user-specific) is piracy in itself.

sometimes....? :^) use chd goyim



>DUDE look at my per core performance. Only 100 more dollars for 5% better performance over AMD
>Who the fuck runs more than one program at the same time anyways?
>Hold up lemme patch this real quick

Yeah /g/ might as well be renamed to "/g/ - r/AMD and occasionally itoddlers getting BTFO", shit's ridiculous.

Attached: 1548610770161.png (396x408, 165K)

slip in ryzen 3000 between spectre and hol up and you're golden

No, it just exists so moralfags can jerk each other off.


Now add in Zombieload

To expand on my pkg file comment you can go to NPS right now and grab a game's pkg link (preferably for your region to keep up the ruse). If you use the psdle tool they use to gather all these things to get the link of this hypothetical game you own on PSN already you'll find the URLs are the exact same.

I believe disc games don't require rap files, but I'm not sure how they can be caught other than region shit.

>you mean like private trackers?
they compare against redump's data, so it you just so happen to know this you know which are clean and which arent
some groups put their own modifications on an eboot or some other shit that would allow it to run and this tampering makes things not work properly sometimes at least for the emulator.

certain sources for titles dont return "clean" results, and the hashed ones are stored somewhere by the rpcs3 devs so you will never know what is or isnt flagged until its been flagged

>be pirate
>never get caught by bot
>because im not retarded and know how to do it
i get to laugh at the idiots user, no morals here

Attached: file.png (704x747, 134K)

>amd literally did not exist in the server market in any way, shape, or form before now
>they finally make something usable in between intel releases
>a few companies try using their chinkshit
so this is the power of gooks
by the way i love how you realize that AMD consumer products are such worthless garbage you're trying to use server cpus to support your argument now lmao, stay cope

>Zero tripled is still zero

Attached: 4545459487.png (432x252, 854K)


Ah, you're retarded. You can opt out of all the patches for the exploits and I have done so because the idea that someone would be able to exploit something as convoluted as what they're suggesting is absolutely retarded, especially the new one MDS.

I love watching as AMD fans spaz out because reviewers don't use all of the exploit patches including the MDS one because they believe that's the actual realistic use case and not even thinking that people would opt out of things that lets be honest are unlikely to affect regular people.

not him but redump also doesn't hash pkgs.
so digital versions straight off sony's cdn are as clean as you can get. just make sure you know that your lie is about backing up and decrypting a ps3 drive (or homebrew).

Intel's cobalt chips were a failure and there's only so much progress to make when you strangle the market. Intel chips suck, amd chads always win.

thanks for proving me right

I swear CPUfag flame wars are at least 10 times worse than consolefag flame wars. And also at least 10 times more enjoyable.

"Who cares about a PS3 emulator that will let you play tons of PS3 exclusives and even red dead redemption 1."

You might as well have said this but you have be seething about how your $250 4 thread i5 with a locked multiplier from 2 years ago is obsolete.

Attached: you.jpg (581x593, 52K)

different ordeal, they usually go by raps/rifs at that point. that ones a bit harder to police overall so theres a lot less idiots on that one, but since not every game has a psn release its the ones that are disc only that cause issues
skate 3 flagged so many people its hilarious

Attached: file.png (717x591, 91K)

to be fair xenia plays rdr1 better at this point in time, as well as being """"the"""" version for its generation

Are the ryzen 2 out already?

>AMD consumer products are such worthl--

Attached: 564e6547.jpg (1329x288, 123K)

ryzen 3000s, zen 2. yes, 3600~3900X

stock is meh and older mobo support is trickling in through bios updates.

Attached: 1545772870574.png (549x413, 90K)

>"AMD chads"
>Be AdoredTV
>Call out Ryan Shrout for his test methodology
>Ryan Shrout asks Adored to come on Show
>Adored chickens out and makes excuse he's out at dinner with his family
>Literally 40 min videos of him replying to Intel fan comments because chad
>Having this much of a persecution complex.

I can't find any good downloads for the 360 iso of rdr. So many scammy shitty pajeet tier websites that use multiple rar files with dial up speed and password locks.

>tons of PS3 exclusives

High IQ tier
>AMD CPU, Nvidia card

Good goy tier
>Intel CPU, Nvidia card

AMDrone tier
>AMD CPU, AMD card

Oh shit nigger what are you doing
>Intel CPU, AMD card

AMD GPUs are more worthwhile on Linux with the community drivers.

>gookshit manages to surpass a year old cpu

Yeah, the shiposting is actually pretty funny, overall i'd say it's
CPUfag flame wars>Consolefag flame wars>>>>>>>>>>DRMfag flame wars

>High IQ tier

>Drone tier

>Shit Nigger tier

Fixed your mistakes according to reality.

>DRMfag flame wars
Now that's some next level acceded shit that I've got to see some day even if it's just once ironically.

The open source drivers are so good, AMD gets better performance running a windows emulator through wine if it's using opengl

>barely-year old CPU surpasses barely 2-years old CPU

AMD GPUs are objectively inferior. Their opengl performance is worse than garbage and their d3d11 drivers still have more overhead than jewvidia. They win in DX12 and Vulkan but that's it. Their software is also pretty buggy especially on release.

You forgot Lootbox/gambling wars.

So are the 3900X and 5700 XT actually good
no memes please

Attached: 1500446241321.jpg (1024x768, 185K)

Didn't Sony or Atlus REEEEEEEEEE at RPCS3 back when P5 first became playable? I think to this day they don't even mention it by name on their website at all. Being anal about piracy could make sense.

>gaming PC
The biggest meme of all.

It's Steam Vs. Epic threads, they're just the same shit over and over again i prefer GOG anyway

>AMD GPUs are objectively inferior.
it's not the gpus that are bad, winbabby.

>AMD GPUs are objectively inf--

--> ~ ~ ~ ~ .

They also consume way more power and run hotter.

They need to step up their cards now that their CPUs are great.
I'm using Ryzen/Nvidia for that reason

ePSXe is still garbage though

The CPUs are INSANELY good.
GPUs are "fine" (wine), but they're not the best currently. HOWEVER, there's THIS coming up soon - wccftech.com/amd-radeon-rx-5950-5900-5850-5800-graphics-cards-leaked/.

> 7nm
> still runs hotter than a 2070
> barely more powerful


> 1 game

Attached: eZ9PprZMQYJRKn6Afdxdud-650-80.png (650x1005, 372K)

FATlus deliberately hunted down and choked literally each and every channel that tried to stream Penis-onna 5 on YouTube, even IF it was done with actual console. Then they tried to crack down on RPCS3. And RPCS3 cucked over.

No one's going to use linux to play bing bing wahoo. AMD opengl performance on windows is still hot garbage.

>PC Gayman
What's next? Lamer Steve? TPU? Tom's? PcPoo? JayZ?

I don't know if its the memes or not, but I'm going AMD CPU next gen.
I'm upgrading in a couple of months. Shit is gonna be good.

I'm still unsure which one should I get tho, since I was an intelcuck from the day I was born.

What's the best for gaming? Don't give me "its for le drawing!" or "It's for le streaming!" or "it's for le multitasking". I use the computer to play games, nothing else.

>AMD OpenGL performance on Windows is still hot garbage
How is it there, in 2012?

>own 1080ti
>still the best
Goddamn feels good, what an amazing card

>What's the best for gaming?
Currently - 3700~3800X. In several months from now - 3950X will be the absolute top dog.

You can't even begin to prove that it's not. Shut the fuck up

>sincerely/unironically believing PC Gayman
I bet you schlick to that Russian GayGPU site, too.

Unless you need all those threads I wouldn't jump on a 3950X.

Literally just wait for Zen 2+/Ryzen 4000 in Q1 '20

this is the result of 99% games literally being developed for amd architecture for the last decade

Attached: 1557446979222.gif (253x275, 3.22M)

Can't wait for 2020.

The bank will steal my money this November to pay for college. I dropped out of college years ago but I finally got the notice that they are gonna stay debunking money from my bank account to pay my debt.

Either I buy a computer now or I never will.

I don't tho, I don't care. I just know that 1080ti keep showing consistent results regardless of a benchmark or a reviewer

Yes. Best CPU in the world at half the price of any competing Intel.
>5700 XT
No. Stock blower fan sucks dicks. Wait for aftermarket fans or get something else.

>tfw got tricked by the Meme70
It still hurts. At least I only game at 1080p so the VRAM scam didn't hurt too bad.

Dude, that graph literally shows 5700XT as bein g worse than a fucking 2070 Supper. That is a flat-out BS LIE, as absolute majority of resources out there reported Vega VII to be between 2080 and 2080 Ti, and 5700XT is only about 5~8% slower than Vega VII.

> 5700 XT
Wasted potential. The windows software team is still composed of monkeys that don't know what they're doing.

>Can't wait for 2020.
Me neither bro!

rip intel

Cool? I don't give a shit about your attitude towards PC Gamer. What this has to do with anything I've wrote

Grow hair and have sex

>5~8% worse performance than Vega VII, for almost twice lower price
>wasted potential
You're not very bright, eh?

dilate :)

It has nothing to do with what you've said, it's only about that BULLSHIT pic.


He's not wrong, AMD''s software drivers for GPUs still suck ass. You need open source shit to get the most out of them.

buy amd

I never argued that, but that wasn't my point to begin with. It's about the price-performance ratio.

AMD fanboys have invaded r/intel too. Guess that's what happens if the only thing you can do is cinebench and complaining/shilling on the internet.

I like Lammy.

Or maybe it's because it's a bigger die and a smaller node? Only for AMD, right

not in this life not in the next one
like I give a fuck when it loads up emulation faster with multithreading, still has worse performance