Hey look that ragdoll is lying in a funny way

>Hey look that ragdoll is lying in a funny way
>Huh? I see it over here

Why don't the ragdolls ever synchronize between clients

Attached: miserable.jpg (1135x941, 332K)

Ragdolls aren't useful enough to sync and would make more data to send and receive

Limiting traffic to only necessary stuff like players and interactive objects.

>why don't physics sync across the network

In order to sync ragdolls you would need to send --
Rotation(3 floats), location(3 floats), and velocity(3 floats) of each bone on each instance of a ragdoll. It would get too expensive pretty quick and there would be errors from poor sync.

if the relevant environment is synced up between players, how can the physics resolve in different ways in the first place?

Lag, small differences between clients make changes big enough for different outcome. Not to mention different framerates can result in different physics, since most of them now are being calculated on GPU.

Physics simulation sucks and relies on a lot of factors specific to the environment in order to solve it's shit. Framerate in particular really varies results.

that clears it up, thx

you're only sending what you have to per player, the actual physics calculation is local only.

>Physics are calculated on a frame-per-frame basis
seems like an inefficient way to do it. A better way would seem like just making a call to the physics engine, it gets a pathing result, and it just charts along that path until it's interacted with by something outside of the initial pathing.

if it were purely "physics"-based, then it would behave identically between clients.

Well you need to render them every frame so it makes sense. The only problem is if you try to sync it with other people.

ragdolls are not a signigicant component of gameplay and don't get synched because it serves no purpose.
that's like synching the debris of destroying a crate
what the fuck is the point

Every considered the physics model is extremely basic so it wont give the exact same result all the time?


If you ever end up using physx for anything other than simple stuff you pretty much have to do this yourself. I personally just peek ahead at the next frame to make sure everything will work as intended rather than going that far though.

This kind of shit only works for rigid bodies.
If you had to solve paths for a ragdoll this way, you'd need a gorillion of precalculations and symbolic math.

Attached: 1559242413812.png (1700x1946, 1.45M)

>Those pajeet shits trying to get in on primitive technology's youtubebux so they do overly elaborate shit that is 100% obviously done with modern technology's assistance.

Absolutely disgusting.

its not a problem of how sophisticated the model is, its a theoretical issue. When you have many interacting parts it quickly leads to sensitivity to initial conditions, non-linear amplification of small perturbations and other 'chaotic' phenomena. Physics in the real world are this 'flimsy' too, but Newtonian mechanics deludes people into thinking its about simple trajectories in space.

The tl;dr is that physics should be done on the server, not the client.

>games where dead bodies can obscure players or even block bullets

Imagine designing this

that will just make renting game servers more expensive for something that has zero impact on gameplay

absolute brainlet

This gets pretty fucked in Payday if you're using a suppressed Judge shotgun on a guard in stealth and the corpse goes flying on your end then you answer the pager across the room and your friend sees the body where they were the moment they died

Lockstep architecture is usually only used in games where a half second or more ping doesn't matter, or when you REALLY need flawless anticheat for your game to not be a complete joke (see: MOBAs, ARPGs)

it also just amounts to basically building a shitty hut out of bamboo and then putting a pool on or near it somehow using smeared up termite spit as "cement", so it doesn't even last for more than a day or two at the most

I'm like 99% sure it's some rich dude paying locals to build shit and filming it, there's like 200 channels and they all are almost exactly the same other than the brown people building

it has zero impact on gameplay -now- because the given limitation in the OP prevents it from being used as a game mechanic..

Based, fuck brown people

Attached: f57.jpg (640x640, 79K)

>Barricade physics are client sided
>Lot of the time broken planks on a barricade just rest on top of the lower planks until you break the whole thing
>Due to client sided shenanigans enemy players could see an open hole in the barricade on their end while broken planks are blocking the view on yours
The infuriating thing is this never happened when the game first came out.