
what are you guys playing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can't drink beer anymore, it hurt my stomach and gives me the shits.

>drinking piss water

Switch to liquor. Craft beers did the same to me. Pilsners are the only ones that don’t fuck me over

Swapping between Rocket League, MK8 and Mario Maker 2. Is Hyrule Wartiors worth buying? I've never played any of the other games in the series, I've heard it can get repetitive too

Enjoying mm2?

Pic related

Checking emails, sending out insurance certs and other bullshit, drilling kanji and Yea Forums when inbox is empty

Oh i did make some mario maker 2 levels

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I'm pretty sure you dumped the booze and put onions in that there can.

Darkwood, it's fucking great but I'm probably close to finishing it.
It's the first time in a long time that I've felt sad about finishing a game

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Actual games on an actual platform.

Out of a can? Gross

waiting to have a proper tutorial on how to set up l an emunand on my hacked ipatched switch but no guides yet

good stuff, what language are you learning and why if I may ask

How long have you been practicing?
I tried it but couldn’t get into it
So you go into public places to complain about being there?

Yeah it's great, I've put so many hours into it and its rivaling Odssey in terms of my favourite Mario game

there are entry level kanji so I think he just started

That’s great to hear. Really itching to pick it up
That’s really nice script though

How's your council house mate?

He's drinking Stella not Carling

>drinking piss
I wish

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>drinking stella
I bet you are an american thinking you're drinking a nice import

I’m Colombian, it was left over from the last family gathering

Danganronpa 2 and/or Ultra Despair Girls
Just started both of them and am wondering if I should stop playing Ultra Despair Girls and just focus on Danganronpa 2.
look I just want to shoot the shit out of Monokuma(s) right now I fucking hate him fuck you for making Sakura commit suicide fuck him and by extension fuck you Junko you fucking despair fetishizing bitch

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>Ultra Despair Girls
definitely, it's fucking great, character development is surprisingly good

dirty laptop, clean immediately

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finishing up episode 3 of Toad's adventure. It's a cute game, a lot of eye candy, but i'd say out of the 50+ levels I've played so for only 2-3 were a challange (I haven't replayed the levels for retro toad or the extra mission so that could add to the challange). Kinda sucks that they only tell you the extra mission once you finish the level for the first time

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I have to leave for therapy soon but yeah I really should clean my laptop. It isn't TERRIBLY dirty, but I should clean it before it gets any worse


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Super sexy vita
I felt the same. Did 18 levels and gave up

Good choice, user. Same here.

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This delicious morsel.
Dungeon Master II: Legend of Skullkeep.

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Nice bottle

Drinking water and not playing anything because I'm phoneposting from work.

imagine drinking alcholic beverages before 6pm

I'm smoking DANK WEED and working on final edits for my master's thesis manuscript. Trying to finish ASAP so I can play some VIDEO GAMES

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Dr. Mario World VS Mode, holy shit it's fun

Also got this to play when I'm in the mood

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I can't even imagine how homosexual you have to be to drink Stella. It's like the modern day Zima.

why would you drink after 6pm? you want to wake up with a stomach ache and head pain?

Drinking water and shitposting on Yea Forums

>Out of a can?
I wouldn't expect him to drink wife beater any other way.

Finished the original Ghost Recon (2001) campaign recently. Loved it, now playing with the Heroes Unleashed mod. Also, playing with a bunch of classic doom weapon mods

No idea what that's supposed to be, thanks for letting me pirate the game bro

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That’s wrong

>Just started both of them and am wondering if I should stop playing Ultra Despair Girls and just focus on Danganronpa 2.
Stop playing Ultra Despair Girls unless you don't care that it has spoilers for Danganronpa 2.

For me it's Picross as well!

I had never played one before the Switch, and I can't believe I went through all my DS/3DS years without picking it up.

It's just such a satisfying puzzle game; I played through the first 100% and immediately grabbed S2, worked out that I finished that off the week S3 same out.

I didn't realise you get a different coloured badge for beating it without the basic hints on, so as soon as I finish S3 I'm playing back S2 and S.

Is that TP!?

Yeah I went and played with hints completely off

I never bothered with the hint roulette or whatever, but it's just so much more satisfying to beat a puzzle that hasn't guided you at all.

I really enjoy Mega and Clip modes as well - I think they're really cool spins on the formula.

Looking forward to getting stuck into Colour as well, just 3 boards of Mega to go!

I’m still going through the original. Tried a bit of colors and loved it

Wicked - The autist in me has to go through them in order (Normal, after a complete board do Clip, back and forth until all done, then Mega, then will be ending on Colour). Starting back from scratch and slamming the early puzzles after you've been working on 20x15s just feels so good.

I’m j8st here now. Cleaning the board in regular picross

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Good luck brother - it's a slippery slope to addicition.

I use my switch daily now

Guaranteed here for me as well - 45 minute bus journey every morning, that can be up to an hour and a half back. It's perfect Picross time.

I’m gonna love the new switch one I start traveling back for work

it's called being an adult you incel fuck.

The Lite?

I reckon the Pokémon one looks fantastic, but I don't think I'll be picking one up any time soon.

Definitely hanging out for a pro model, will be a day one buy for sure.

wait, switch has a touchscreen?

It does! But Picross doesn't support it.

Sounds depressing

Yeah I’ll be picking up on release date. My og is hacked, so I’ll jist buy the games I found worth it for the lite

i was *this* close to getting one

Legally, the definition is the age of 18.
Philosophically, being a man is resisting vices of that sort -- especially at uncouth hours, while the childish indulge in them at any opportunity their lack of self control urges.

Fair enough, I feel like a stupid amount of people are going to be picking up a Lite for Animal Crossing and Pokémon.

What are the big hitters that have gotten the most out of your switch?

I never played Picross with touch controls, for me it still feels like a nice way to play using the joy-con "d-pad", but that could be because I haven't experienced the true power of touch.

Playing the DQ Builders 2 leak. It's OK.

Into the breach
Slay the s-ire
The messenger
Collection of mana
Diablo 3
Puyo puyo Tetris
Mario rabbids
Darkest dungeon

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Cual juego compa ?

Mario Kart 8

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Early jugando picross. O estas hablando de el partido de copa America? Perdón por el terrible español mío

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give it back, pablo

Solid list - definitely a few titles I've been meaning to pick up on there.

Going down my top played:
Mario Kart (after spending 2 years of university high as fuck playing the same game on Wii U)
XB2 (it is definitely a fucking JRPG but just what I needed to weeb out on at the time)
Rocket League (which I'm still trash at after 200 hours)
Odyseey (a perfect game in my eyes)
All 3 Picross
Mario Rabbids (would say it's a must for anyone even slightly interested in the genre)

Play time drops off massively from there, but Golf Story is one of my favourite exclusives I've ever played, Tetris 99, Celeste and Wargroove are also awesome ones to add to the list.

I'm german lol

Stop destroying Europe for the 154th time, Fritz

Either going to buy MM2 or play modded Xcom 2 cant decide

I couldn’t get into xb2 after trying it on a friends. Golf story was my second purchase

these ''comfyswitch'' switch threads are literally the most r*ddit thingson thesite
>hahabro switch and my epic weed bro
>le comfy switch and grogeous countryside XD
>thoughts on my switch and dinner guys upvote!
its all so tiresome

8 ball pool. I'm an alcoholic so I don't drink.

A Link to the Past. Comfiest game I've ever played. Might play Unreal Gold later.

>talking about games on a game board

What was the last game you enjoyed friend?

Pic is few days old, but still relevant.

BTW, why are you playing Picross with hints?

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you ok?

I’m not playing with hints. I’m marking off areas I know there are no pieces

Nep. It runs like ass, but gameplay is mostly solid.

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I really hope you have a cat and those aren't your hairs

>tfw no Picross on PC
Shit, the Elevens need to make a porn Picross already.

Got all the achievements for this and I finished FAR: Lone Sails. So, I'm pretty happy.

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It's definitely one of those games you have to be in the right mindset to play. After 190 hours of doing every side mission I just wanted it to be over and rushed straight to the end. I could have probably chucked another 40 into it and that was without the expansion.

You should play Picross - it'll really calm you down.

OP definitely has hints turned off - you can see them greyed out in the top left.

god hand, and goddamn its such a good fucking game
pure Adrenalin and pure fun
the fact that ign gave it a fucking 3/10 is beyond me

I swapped my switch for a crate of SNES games while he checks out my catalog.

Beat Illusion of Gaia and screwed my near end of game save file on Super Metroid over the weekend. Just got to dark world in Link to the Past a couple hours ago.

wario land 4 after failing to get chamber of secrets to work

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You recommend that game?

Woops, swapped consoles with my bro**

there's a shitton of Picross clones on Steam though


I like picross up to 20x20, then it just becomes a drag.

House of the Dying Sun? Definitely. It's more level based and the areas can be sort of samey minus the color palette and placement/size of asteroids. But it's pretty intense, kind of like Battlestar Galactica. And if you go up against the flagships, it just becomes grueling. Don't go after them in Dragon mode, you'll just make your life worse.

Congrats! What's next on the backlog?

>tfw for some reason my IP is blocked from posting images despite only setting up my computer at this house a week ago

Sounds like an interesting game, I’ll def check it out
Goddamn I gotta jump back into that game

My bad, sorry.

All good. It’s great when the game starts Co,I guess together when it initially looks unbeatable

i'm going to go to the store in the morning maybe and buy some compressed air to clean my joystick and hopefully fix my drifting issue

I'm not sure. I recently went "fuck it" and pretty much installed a good chunk of games onto here, so I don't know. I was thinking of trying Gato Roboto, Necropolis, RiME, or replaying Flower and/or Abzu on PC.

Starts coming

Dragon Quest Heroes

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I can't recommend it enough. If you're into small little fleets (you) going up against platoons of warships in little guerrilla warfare, it's a lot of fun. Taking down the flagships after running from them all the time was definitely cathartic.

Holy shit what is the best one?


I think the next PC game I'm gonna stick some time into will be WoW Classic - missed out on the hype the first time around and looking forward to embracing the casual lifestyle.

Nice rotring, king

Go for it user! Just think how many games that minor inconvenience is preventing you from enjoying.

I haven't played an MMO in years (if you don't count Destiny or The Division). I've never actually played WoW and I've had my eye on that and a few others for a while now. Should I start with classic or just get the WoW that's out now?

I remembered about this game and I think I'm gonna play it and actually try to git gud.

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the crash remasters
i probably should do it soon though because i'll be visiting burgerland next week so i want to have something to do for the rest of the month

Getting close to the end of Iconoclasts. At least I hope so. The game play is decent enough, but the story is a damn snooze fest.
I'm enjoying Peach Ball a lot, but it feels like it's lacking content. I hope they at least bring more boards.

Can't freaking wait for FE or Astral Chain. Does anyone know if The Red Strings Club is any good? I might play that and some other smaller games in the meantime.

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I dunked so many hours into that game. Highest I got was level 18

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From my perspective my only WoW experience was solo leveling to 60 during Cataclysm while my friends were doing end game stuff. I got tired of it and dropped it shortly after.

I'm personally waiting for Classic, from what I've heard of modern WoW it doesn't seem like my cup of tea. But doing the MMO thing in a true class-fantasy RPG? Sign me the fuck up.

We've also got the Spyro remasters coming Switchways early September, I've been hanging out for them since Crash was announced.


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The visuals are so damn gorgeous. It somewhat made me try out Lumines Electronic Symphony under recommendation and I never tried a Lumines game before. I loved it and I wish they would make another Lumines game like Tetris Effect.

>"I fell" juice
They water it down now too. Stella is an absolutely lamentable beverage. In the world of cheap lager, you cannot and will never beat pic related.

I am going to play Outward in five minutes, hope it's good.

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I'm playing with my pee pee

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The switch is so great for indie releases. Hollow knight was amazing on it. I'm pretty disappointed that bloodstained ended up running like shit on it.

I keep forgetting about red stripe. Haven’t tried it in years

I've never played Runescape before, but I see people still play it and talk about it to this day. Should I play it? And should I play Old School over the modern one?

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Sounds reasonable to me. I'll keep an eye on it.

Old school and 2.0 are great, there were some problems but it's definitely better than the new one.

Well, good night Yea Forumsirgins - it's been nice having chats about video games with you!

based Red Stripe. Tasty af.

Thinking about replaying pic-related.

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It's quite hard to come by nowadays, at least in my country. None of the major supermarkets seem to stock it, which is criminal.

Old School I need to get a subscription for, right? Regardless, it comes with modern, right?

Good night!

Son of a bitch I forgot I was going to check to see if Kemono Friends Picross was on sale during the last e-shop sale.

An user has shown me the way.
The solution to portability.

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Almost finished with picross s

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idk I only own Pepper's Puzzles which has a good amount of content and a pretty good interface, but I can't imagine the others being very different since the genre has been done to death on a zillion systems.

Might as well try one of the free ones I GUESS

>300 dollar plus tax picross and sudoku machine

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Do it. It’s great
Damn? I’ll check out public. There’s also total wine a block from me


that's pretty much what a phone is

Been playing Spanish vidya for a while to rapidly acquire vocab/see grammar in action, I learned English this way so I think it's an OK method


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That's on switch!!?? Oh my god!

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what the fuck are you talking about

Man I really want a Vita. So many games.

check the screenshot again

I'm getting buttfucked by Hyrule Warriors. Some of the win conditions for Skulltulas/Adventure maps are at an absolute bullshit levels.

For how much?

big deal, it says comment instead of reply or text or whatever you want it to be

gonna assume you don't play danganronpa

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so damn much crash team racing and mario maker 2, i havent touched splatoon 2 or hyrule warriors in a week!

Tetris 99 and Rocket League, handheld mode in bed before I go to sleep has been the tradition lately. I'm excited to pick up Mario Maker 2 and Luigi's Mansion 3 but not much else this year unfortunately.

I finished S without too many problems but the last couple of puzzles in S2 are KILLING me. I feel like I've gotta finish before I can pick up S3 though

Yea switch players are such soibois playing on the console that does not cesnor 3rd party games at all

if you where a real gamer you'd be on PS4 where based sony censors our 3rd party games

Almost done with Destiny grinding except for dailies so now I'm planning on starting my backlog which includes Mutant Year Zero and Yakuza Kiwami

It's somewhere around $20 at GameStop new, $18 used. It's $40 on download.


>learning to write Japanese at all

Unless you're doing it for a job (which I can't think of why you'd need to write even in a job in this day and age) that is a complete waste of time
You'll literally never use it and it's causing your japanese studies to take 4 times as long

Not him but I can't drink liquor as I get older. If I have more than 1 I wake up at 6am extremely alert, it's weird and fucking sucks. Enjoy it while you can
On the plus side my ability to get shitfaced on a Thursday and show up presentably to work the next day has never been better.

Writing it down better impresses it into your memory than simply looking at it alone. The only reason JP studies take so long is due to you being a little bitch about it.

The Japanese journey is long and precipitous anyway, and if you've got time to kill and don't feel like Ankidroning all the time, writing can be fun.

It doesn't accomplish much, admittedly, but it's better than no Japanese, if you have to choose.

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>that shit
Looks like a gloried mobile game

>it runs like ass
I guess I'm getting the PC version then.

>tfw never played a picross game
>mfw i don't even know what a picross is

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post your pet I know you have one

Jesus christ man its a lot better than spending all your time on Yea Forums

don't worry user it's really easy

About to start Saints Row 2. Gonna try and make Jimmy Hopkins

Is that the NVIDIA Shield? I'm assuming you're running that old build of Dolphin for it?

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idk how you guys play with the switch on its little stand acting as a screen, shits not enjoyable being able to see so little. Handheld mode is more bearable because you can use it closer at least

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you're probably baiting but that's just a switch without the joycons and it's resting on the kickstand

>phoenix wright for the first time
>the messenger
>tetris 99
Have over 100 games on my wish list and just keep buying shit whenever it goes on a decent sale so have a massive backlog.

Cuphead. And I suck at it.

Man I don't know, maybe my vidya skills have gone to shit in my 30's, or maybe I always sucked, but I feel like kid me would've had an easier time with it.

Oh no I played Danganronpa 1
I still fucking hate Junko. As a character, both her and Monokuma are pretty fucking fantastic, but that doesn't mean that I don't want them to choke on their despair and experience pain so painful that it overrides their despair fetish.

Where the fuck is Umihara Kawase on the eshop

Fuck, I read your ( ) reply and thought it was meant for me, the poster of the image, and not . Had a momentary stroke

Is Last remnant any good?

These Bk tacos are the shit

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Cuphead is a hard game in and of itself

Just waiting on FE man...
cant wait for that shit

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stardew valley

is it true they got a new artist? I hear the no more heroes/fire emblem artist didnt work on three houses, but the characters sure look like his usual stuff.

Drinking water and waiting for the Ion Maiden announcement

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tempted to buy a switch on prime day if theres decent deals on stuff

You're probably allergic to something in it, my cousin who is allergic to gluten can't drink beer anymore either.

To my knowledge there's a few different FE artists. But yeah, as far as i know this is a new artist

Damn that's a big fucking thumb

nah it must be the camera, my thumb is average sized, bordering on small I'd say.



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Why are there so many posts on Yea Forums where people have visible beer cans in the shot? is it because you're all underaged and ecstatic to show the world that you're drinking an adult beverage? or is it shilling?

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It isn't just Yea Forums. Social media in general has always been infected by this trite "Look at my material possessions!" shit. Some of it is better than others. I like battlestation threads sometimes.

But yeah.

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Picross is for comfy
Mario Maker 2 on switch, OoT on 3DS, some serous sam on PC.

Sounds damn good

Got it on the steam sale and have been having a blast but I've been informed that it's dead on PC so that's unfortunate

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>Crashes car and dies

I'm not saying the activity itself is good or bad. I'm just saying that is a boring thing to take a photo of.

On topic: I'm playing E.Y.E. and Everspace back and forth.

Attached: E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy Screenshot 2019.07.10 - (1920x1080, 896K)

I understand showing off your setup or battle station, but why show that you're drinking alcohol, wow a beer, how fucking interesting

They think drinking alcohol makes them cool and mature. I get a massive chuckle out of the types who have whiskey or scotch or some other "extra adult" alcohol. It is basically no different from wearing a fedora and smoking cigars because you think it makes you mature. It's usually a sign of immaturity.

Unlike your post?

Are your legs OK?

>It's usually a sign of immaturity.
showboating? Yeah every time. I can't tell you how many outspoken friends I had in my late teens and early twenties that were always droning on about how they'd grown out of video games, fucking constantly talking about how video games aren't for them anymore, how they don't have the time, bla bla look at me I DONT PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!
I never said a fucking thing, I wasn't pretentious enough to pretend. These same friends today are playing dumb battle royale games tens of hours every week in their late 20s.

This. Guys like that may have swag but they will never have CLASS

stop pretending wwii didnt happened krautz

The target demographic for the Avengers

Hell yeah, picross. Don't get the Kemono Friends one, it's pretty bad.

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Grinding out some combos and drinking the best cheap beer in the US of A.

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I really have to play this already, just never gets around to it.
is it like Deus ex or just something else?

I wish I liked beer, it'd be easier to keep a mellow drunk for a night.
I just drink vodka, and it's pretty hard to balance a good night on that without getting too drunk

your laptop is faster than my desktop
wanna suck my dick, slut?

Fuck off with vodka. Go to rum or whiskey

both of those are disgusting. I can mix vodka with pretty much anything and it'll taste alright.

stop pretending that it matters what you're drinking when the end goal is getting drunk and feeling good. I'm not a fucking 50 year old that hates his life so much he has to take time out of his day to smell his dry whiskey so he doesn't kill his miserable wife out of pure psychotic rage.

You're browsing fucking Yea Forums and you're telling me to drink Whiskey? Literally fucking why?

How is Cadence of Hyrule? I play the original for 15 hours and the thing I disliked most was the roguelike type progression. Do you think it will recieve future content?

More like a slower version of Half-Life 2 with Deus Ex-like elements.

>stop pretending that it matters what you're drinking when the end goal is getting drunk and feeling good

alright then retard, drink the fuck up

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Point is that vodka I versatile. Mix it and it’ll generally taste okay.
I don’t like beer. I don’t like whiskey. I’m okay with wine but vodka is easier.

Why give me shit for it? Fuck elitism

>playing Ultra Despair Girls before Danganronpa 2
lol enjoy the spoilers dumbass

Alright that sounds interesting too, heard it was a pretty confusing game so maybe that's why I haven't played it yet

Yes, it is. Highly recommended if you are a fan of SaGa series.

Story wise and dialogue-wise, yeah it is. UI-wise, it can be. But if you're used to Deus Ex, I'm sure it's fine. Great memes are ahead, though.

Anybody know if chocobo mystery dungeon will be good for a fan of the pokemon mystery dungeon series?
I'm stuck between that, civilization, smash or dragon quest builders in a few days

>drinks stella
>plays """games""" like fucking picross
Hey scott glad to see you on Yea Forums posting from your iPhone, happy you're enjoying your wednesday evening.

Imagine enjoying a whiskey and thinking it's elitism. Have sex.

What the fuck?

>mfw I found out you can charge the switch without docking after two years

Are there any other games like Starlink/Star Fox for switch? A google result doesn't really show anything at all and I just get starlink recommendations. I've already beat Starlink.

I just want to fly around in space and shoot shit.

I had this problem and it turned out I'm allergic to alcohol.

He's brown, user. His ancestors were probably in the desert hitting each other with scimitars during the war.

Just finished FF12. Really glad I got it finished before UA3 comes out and the marathon of summer Switch games hits me. Will try to finish up Sonic Mania now in the next week.

Enjoy your summer of fun games Switch bros.

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I used to assume I was allergic to alcohol. Heavy drinking would make me shit my guts out, give me immediate acne breakouts and a hangover that lasted for days. Then it miraculously went away. It's not like I'm a regular drinker either so it can't be a tolerance thing, my gut must've just decided to mend itself.

sailor jerry's and ss13 lol

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>say you smoke weed
>Say you drink and post pictures of your shitty dollar store alcohol
>"Ah yes good sir, what a fine bouqet and flavor that has. Truly I tip my fedora to you. This is true class."

It's funny every time. Incoming asshurt replies.

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Why do stoner burnouts think these two drugs are even remotely comparable? Every argument is "BUT ALCOHOL", despite their effects being polar opposites.

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r u hyporcite

I have the S model of this. Don't know why anyone would need more than 60% that can homerow type.

Does 60% include the numpad? Because I use the numpad daily and would never part with it.

you are a retard or a child if you think they are that far off from each other. Both are depressants

>stella artois

kind of a botti boi beer desu.