This is Tomokazu Fukushima, writer of "Metal Gear Solid" 1-3 as well as "Metal Gear: Ghost Babel". Say something nice about him
This is Tomokazu Fukushima, writer of "Metal Gear Solid" 1-3 as well as "Metal Gear: Ghost Babel"...
Why the long face?
Why did they kill him? Was he going to expose the hack?
He is objectively a great writer
I guess you don't know much about writing lol
Is he Kojima zero?
>I think it would be fair for me to get some credit now, Kojima-Sama... I wrote your stories...
>Oh, but of course, Tomokazu-kun... meet me this evening after work and we shall discuss... the details
Wait, if he wrote the games, then what did Kojima do?
Took the credit and fucked the secretary.
Do what he does best, take credit
is it taking credit or sucking off american B-list actors
>People keep falling for the meme that Tomokazu is the only person who wrote it
>Both him and Hideo Kojima wrote the MGS games
>People make up lies to try to fill their agenda that Kojima is a hack
Don't fall for this meme fellas. Be better.
Ghost Babel was great, I still remember playing it back in 2003.
Just use the word "objectively" to sound like you're right 100% of the time.
But Kojima without Fukushima did only huge pieces of turd.
Fukushima was the writer, Kojima de visionary. If you leave only a visionary, it will sound like a retard.
What other games has he written?
what's he up to nowadays?
He also wrote Freedom Wars which is also fucking amazing.
>contrarians jerking off some no name writer that made a few codec calls and wrote a forgotten PSP and GBA game
God I hate that people think being contrarian makes then cool and unique
Don't use you don't know, user. It makes you look really dumb
>Keep getting tired of people praising Hideo Kojima
>Get angrier even more
>Look up as much dirt as I can to make Kojima cucks screeching
The origin story
>good writing
This is why storytelling in videogames is a joke.
Yes, user, a ripoff of 80s action movies with bad guys with strong motivations such as "I have no fucking idea how genes work" is great writing.
So he's the guy that doesn't understand how genes work?
>Fukushima was the writer
And he wrote trash.
>Kojima de visionary
And he envisioned mediocre 80s action movie ripoffs.
Imagine being an unironical MGS fan.
except for the part where the plot just stops
Thank you you and Hideo Kojima for perpetuating the cancerous idea that videogames should be focused on storytelling.
Thank you for contributing to the death of videogames.
No, he was a programmer in it, not writer.
Not to mention that Freedom Wars was just yet another cheap attempt at filling the hole Monster Hunter left on the Vita.
>MGS 1
>MGS ghost babel
Thank you op, you convinced me that Kojima is a hack.
Really miss the comfy kojima threads back in 2011. Mgs5 was a mistake.
>Ghost Babel
I like how literally only Yea Forums mentions this game's existence, and how, whenever someone asks what makes the story so good, nobody answers.
The MGS fanbase in Yea Forums has become a bunch of posers who pretend to care about gameplay and that they want quality stories despite, up until MGSV, eating up every single thing it was thrown to them, and praising MGS1, 2 and 3 endlessly even though they had garbage gameplay.
Well, not 2, you said that MGS2 was absolute garbage for about 10 years until some Youtubers told you that the story is genius because Jack = jack where you connect shit.
>And he envisioned mediocre 80s action movie ripoffs.
That's like saying Mario is the original platformer and anyone who followed is a hack for following said formula. Sonic and the rest of the platformers after it is a bunch of HACKS.
Pretty sure he was credited for the story?
And it's far better than Monster Hunter.
>doesn't even has an article in Wikipedia
Really makes me think.
No, he was a programming lead.
And fuck no, the universe and the "monsters" in Freedom Wars were all garbage, specially design.
There's a reason no one remembers that game existed.
The only game on the Vita that was close to filling the Monster Hunter space was Soul Sacrifice.
Fuck you dumbass, Ghost Babel was my first Metal Gear ever, and I will keep saying forever that this game genuinely had the best plot in the whole series, nobody can call himself a fan if he didn't play this masterpiece.
The only flaw this game had was the horrendous level design.
Otherwise I would put up any of the bosses from Ghost Babel against the shitty cast from MGS 2 and 4.
Also Chris > Meryl
Of course he doesn't, not even Yea Forums knows almost anything about him.
People saw him credited for assisting in codec writing in MGS1, 2 and 3 and started saying that he was the "genius" of MGS, despite the stories being retard-proof.
Then again, the MGS fanbase continues defying this. MGS fanboys wouldn't understand even the plot of a Call of Duty game.
>they had garbage gameplay
Opinion disregarded
Then go ahead, describe the plot, tell us what makes it genius.
I just looked through the credits and didn't see his name at all.
You have garbage tastes and you're deluded if you think ino one cares for it.
Fucking npc
MGS1, MGS2 and 3 are, by far, the stealth games with the worst gameplay ever made.
The control system was made by people who clearly never played a videogame before, it's a control system that makes it cumbersome even doing something as simple as looking forward because, some low IQ mongoloid, probably Kojima, thought it was a good idea making a fucking stealth game with a top down camera.
Hell, even they acknowledged that this was retarded because they needed to introduce the Soliton radar to compensate for this retarded design choice.
Between that, the laughable turds that the MGS games that are actually focused on the gameplay, and MG Survive, it's obvious that literally no one at Kojipro has any idea of what they are doing when they develop videogames.
Konami made a mistake, not for firing Kojima, but for not firing the entire goddamn studio.
why are you quoting me, I enjoyed the game
The other MGS games were just fucking third person shooters zoom zoom.
Is he dead?
Yes, it only took them 10 years to pull their heads out of their asses.
Too bad that the moment they finished making a regular third person control system, they shoved it back in.
Is this the Thieffag?
I don't put Thief too high up in the scale, still too clunky.
I prefer Deus Ex and Splinter Cell, although Splinter Cell went downhill fast.
Fuck that shit they have nothing to tell
It focuses solely on Snake's mission and gets rid from the shonen tier garbage drama in between every dialogue and twists in the script.
The term "espionnage" took all its meaning then because the story was all about Snake's way to Metal gear and uncovering the mole agent, even though the whole cast was just a watered down version of MGS1 and motives behind the boss's leader were pretty bland, the way the plot unfolds does tell you it was written by a talented professional, it was just way above the shit you get now.
I can totally believe that this Fukushima guy was the one who was behind all of it, how do you explain that all the MGS he wrote for were of better quality?
oh lord oh kek
So basically, you are just saying that the game was "genius" because it was a standard spy story?
>how do you explain that all the MGS he wrote for were of better quality?
Because ithey aren't.
MGS1, 2 and 3's stories completely fall apart the moment you start asking questions about them, specially MGS1.
Not to mention that Big Boss as a character is a massive joke and he comes off as being nothing but a stupid manchild who has no idea what he's doing and people just follow him because he's supposedly very charismatic, even though we have never seen a trace of that charisma ever.
And lets not even mention MGS2's story being garbage and the only defense being
Literally no talent has ever touched the Metal Gear franchise.
Well, Platinum did, but MGR was completely half assed, which is why MGS drones only remember the ebin songs.
Then again the average MGS fanboy is an impressionable fool who cares only about spectacle.
This is what makes you some of most pathetic fanbases of all, because, even after proving yourselves to be just as shallow and wanting only movie games, you pretend you want quality writing and that you care about the gameplay.
The only good thing MGS has ever done is dying.
Sorry I can't answer this troll...
Of course you can't, you can only defend MGS plot with vague sentences such as
>I-I like the way the story unfolds...
I don't expect you to be capable of forming arguments.
MGSV trailers proved how much of a bunch of stupid brainlets MGS fanboys were.
Everyone saying they were genius or some shit even though literally no one knew a thing about what was happening in them and they weren't telling us anything at all about the game.
What's worse about the MGS2 praise is that one of MGS2's messages is that it doesn't matter what happens in the stories themselves or the lore, what matters is the message.
And then, the people go praise MGS2, go on to say that MGSV was garbage because it wasn't about Big Boss operating with Grey Fox in Africa.
They are all posers with no opinions of their own.
Murata was the cowriter of mgs3 with him. But him and Murata were supposed to be the new metal gear creators for 4.but Kojima returned because of angry fan, Murata wasn't able to be the director because of that and Fukushima left in a very weird manner.
Murata is still at Konami, and Konami actually is hiring old members who left back during mgs4, like the main programmer of Mgs1 2 3, if they get Fukushima back I tip my hat to them.
>Ghost Babel was my first Metal Gear ever, and I will keep saying forever that this game genuinely had the best plot in the whole series
Aren't you basically.. Destroying another Metal Gear and saving the world in Ghost Babel? I think you're just being a fucking contrarian hipster faggot. it's hard to flesh out more of a story on a fucking GBC game. The only thing going on with it is different characters and settings in an alternate universe.
thank you based Fukushima for babel
What for?
MGS is over.
In fact, it ended a decade ago.
Then again, most MGS fans are Americans, and we all know Americans don't understand the concept of something ending.
You only let things end when they have gone on for so long that they are completely ruined.
Oh wait, that's already happened to MGS too.
At this point, i'm almost excited to see MGS get pissed on even more, it's fanbase deserves it for the past 6 years of spam over MGSV.
Ghost Babel was by far the most immersive Metal Gear game for such a small handheld for what they can work with but don't kid yourself into thinking it's like the best one out of the series. It gets the job done and does a good immersive experience as a MGS game but don't fucking tell me it's the best version.
>I think you're just being a fucking contrarian hipster faggot.
That's just Yea Forums
This place is only for shitposting, never take an opinion from a Yea Forumsedditor seriously.
>Then again, most MGS fans are Americans
A lot of Arabs love MGS for some odd reason.
The fact that videogames have people dedicated exclusively to writing is disgraceful.
>What for
MGR2, or finally a fresh take on the serie with a main game not made by Kojima.
And remakes I guess.
Because MGS is anti-America, probably.
Too bad most Americans just go on and say
Not the Arabs in France sadly. If this was the case I would be happy they arrives.
For MGR2 you need Platinum, Kojipro can't make gameplay focused videogames.
>a fresh take on the serie with a main game not made by Kojima.
There's no fresh takes, the franchise has zero potential to expand itself.
They either make another shitty open world game, or another movie game.
There's nowhere to go, hell, technically the franchise was supposed to end with MGS2.
I swear at this point I'll celebrate when MGS is finally over, the way it's going is even worse than the Simpsons.
I can't believe people want more after MGS4, PW and MGSV even though the last two were pointless and it's obvious they ran out of ideas.
>Konami actually is hiring old members who left back during mgs4, like the main programmer of Mgs1 2 3
Sorry, but I don't believe any claims made in MGS threads at this point over these matters.
Do you have an actual source?
>I don't understand how Nipponese corporate structures work, where one guy is able to take credit for shit his underlings did
This is why Kojimabois are low IQ plants.
What's with Amerimutts and their obsession with talking like niggers?
I like how Ghost Babel is written like a retarded anime and yet some people think he's a great writer. Good job conning those retards, sir
How did Kojima get away with not even putting the REAL WRITERs name on Snatcher and Policenauts????? He wasn't even famous back then!
Check some of the Konami news on the website . He returned in the company I think at the end of 2017. He did not worked on Survive.
I'm sure they can get plat back. And having another director for a game really could make a change. It could be either a prequel with the boss, a reboot, a remake, or maybe a real mgsv about big boss downfall and not the story of an absolute who playing as big boss and saving kids.
>Hayter doesn't sound like shit
What the fuck do Kojima and Fukushima have to do with that.
>doesn't have to resort to showing children being murdered in order for it to be serious
Well, that's because MGS1 isn't serious at all.
Pretty ironic considering how excited MGS redditors were to see Big Boss murder kids in V.
>how do you explain that all the MGS he wrote for were of better quality?
Because starting with MGS4 Konami gave Kojima too much control. It's not just the writing that was worse, everything after MGS3 was worse in general.
Kojima is a good dev, but is ambitious to a fault. He needs someone who can reel him in, and Konami promoted him to a high enough level where he was eventually one of their top executives, and there was nobody who could tell him no. It's why the later MGS games are full of half-baked features, were constantly delayed and overall feel rushed and unfinished.
Even his writing isn't bad, remember that all of his games before MGS were written entirely by him, and he had a reputation for making games with great storylines in Japan. The ads for MGS and Policenauts even made Kojima being in charge a selling point.
Nah I'm Dutch, I just fuck up my English in order to bait lesser beings like you. 'Pologies, I'm ESL brah.
Kys retard, he also made metal gear AC!D which no one cares about
Have you played Ghost Babel? It is objectively poorly written
Do you think Kojima was in on his murder?
>Check some of the Konami news on the website
Who did?
You are not even saying names, just that "some programmers" from MGS1, 2 and 3 are coming back.
Murata was a co-writer tho
shouldn't blame everything after 3 on Kojima alone.
Alpha and Omega yikes with a side of dead franchises to the left.
Oh, so you are muslim, you are allowed to speak like a nigger then.
Is it really so hard to understand? Metal Gear is a rather unique franchise. I can't think of anything else out there that's superficially a hardcore military action sim but in actuality is full of ridiculous over the top anime bullshit despite taking itself deathly seriously. It's just entertaining to watch, regardless of whether the plot makes sense or not
That and the gameplay is so crammed full of autistic points of interaction that most players would never notice without a guide and that most developers would never even think about putting in that the games have a charm in their own right regardless of what you think of the controls or the camera or whatever
There's nothing else out there that's quite like Metal Gear, and in the absence of anything like it, people want more of it.
Fucking retard
And no, freedom wars is closer to lost planet
I bet the guy who made that pic was making "DUDE, LE NUCLEAR XD IM LE BROKEN LE PUNISHED BIG BOSS LOL" threads back in 2014.
Fukushima is pic related, he's a guy Konami desperately tries to present as THE REAL AUTHOR behind MGS to trick fans into buying whatever shit they slap his name on
I just posted the picture for (You's). To be fair, I played MGS 1 when I was 14 and enjoyed it because storytelling in games was in its infancy. And with my first replay I soon realized that disc 1 was where the gameplay was at and disc 2 was pure cancer, out of which the series have never recovered.
Objectively speaking the MGS series as a whole only has MGS1, disc 1 with good gameplay. The rest is just good tech with interesting gameplay innovations, marred by a terrible director and typical Japanese bullshit.
If I'd play MGS 1 now I would recoil in disgust.
Pic related; it COULD be the cyber ninja's den from mgs 1 disc 1 (or any other weebshit 'RPG')
Will Fukushima fags ever explain why Snatcher is written like MGS1-3 but Ghost Babel isn't
>Metal Gear is a rather unique franchise
The only unique part it has is it's complete disregard for the medium and how it constantly takes the control away from you to deliver you lines after lines of dialogue repeating the same thing over and over when it could be all told in far less.
>people want more of it.
For the well being of the industry, that better not come true.
Last thing we need is more movie games.
>Mutt failing statistics 101
colour (with a 'u') me surprised...
Sleep tight dead franchise.
Shit writer
it's 100% truthful though, if you have observed the kojimawankers over the years, as I have.
More than a retarded faggot like you
mgs2 is my favorite
Left looks like Tenchu stage 3.
And my point is that those who complain about that are Kojimadrones themselves.
You ate up every single part of MGS up until MGSV, which you would have eaten up either way if it was finished.
Yea Forums has shown it's true colors way too many times, you don't have your own opinions, you just regurgitate others, or actively think the opposite of others.
You are not fooling anyone.
>people are ok with zombie enemies in a game that already had vampires
>however people don't want it to be a zombie game
Well dare I say this is HYPOCRISY!
Now remake that image for nu-Thief and MGS5 lmao
No, if I was a mutt, I'd be saying "BOIS LOL NIGGERS ARE SO COOL" like you, Ahmed.
>Because MGS is anti-America, probably.
No it's mostly anti-war and anti-nuke themes. The game has always preached about peace. Hell most of the games you can go through the game without killing anybody. I think these Arabs are the retarded ones who are the ones you described: >DUDE, GO ON, DUDE WITH BANDANA AND EYEPATCH, SO BADASS
and a series that has 1 hour of recorded chats of superboring facts about godzilla interlaced with even more stupid factoids about wildlife
What truth?
That pic relies on ignoring the fact that people weren't complaining about Survive having zombies, but about being a zombie survival game.
>le fukushima meme
>herka derka look mommy I'm calling people brown on the internet!
Wew lad, my 100% aryan genes are superimpressed you managed to do that without your usual supervision! Also don't be racist, it's for for stupid homo's.
Not really, considering it's Americans who thought for 10 years that MGS2 was trash because they thought Raiden was gay.
Lol, thief is such meme faggotry.
>non-canon spinoff
that's like complaining about the ape escape minigame in 3 if it were somehow inserted as a serious bit in the mainline franchise, when director A does it, but when kojimbo does it would be narrative genius.
Stop your autism, it's painful.
And you do what you do best.... nothing but shitpost and expel your vitriol onto all of our collective psyches... but you dont even do that well because your approach is hamfisted and pathetic.
All of that is optional however. If they release a tape of wildlife facts and call it a new MGS game, I think fans will also dislike it.
Fukushima would never have thrown Stefanie away like Kojima did.
This makes him objectively a better person. If he was still at kojipro our waifu would still be in Death Stranding
>some roastie got dumped
Please, no one sucks off Kojima that hard anymore. We're all tired of the ruse cruise, and I'll be surprised and a half if Death Stranding ends up being more than a walking simulator.
user your points literally make no sense. MGS fans are supposed to like a zombie survival game because... they liked an Ape Escape cameo? What are you even saying user
There he goes again projecting that head canon onto everything.
>it's just a spinoff
A terrible idea for a spinoff.
A spinoff is supposed to explore different parts of a franchise.
MGR worked because cyborg ninjas were a thing since MGS1.
Survive was just a cynical cashgrab with no connection whatsoever to MGS beyond saying
>dude, some wormholes just teleported these soldiers to a world full of zombies
Didn't help that, by the time it came out, the zombie fad was dead.
Doesn't help either the fact that the game takes MGSV and focuses on the worst parts of it, which is the grinding.
And it doesn't help that there's other games that did everything Survive tried to do but better, like Dying Light.
> If they release a tape of wildlife facts and call it a new MGS game, I think fans will also dislike it.
That's mgs 3 though. The endless codec calls and terrishit writing and stupid/boring cutscenes that take fucking hours are so horrible.
MGS4 is the worst, I remember one bit in chapter 1 where I walked a bit, had to watch 45 FUCKING MINUTES of boring ass cutscene, then had to fucking SAVE inbetween, then watched another HOUR, then took 10 fucking STEPS and got ANOTHER fucking cutscene.
MGS 4 broke me. I played league of legends during the final 5 'hours' of 'epic' reveal of 'big boss'. My dreams of it being cool after playing MGS 2 as a 16 year old kid being officially crushed.
It was fucking terrible. At least GOW3 had a passable ending that made narrative sense. MGS is tainted, basically when the (extremely poorly written) movie became more important than the gameplay.
It also says a lot about my tastes as a teenager and how I have evolved since then.
Naw man, Stefanie is a good girl. Literally best waifu
You really have to stop sucking Hackjima's dick dude, if anything is pathetic it's this
>user I
Don't but in if you can't follow it. You're a kojimafan, your IQ is obviously operating on a lower frequency.
Yes YOU MORON, I just like the way it unfolds in a much better way than any other MGS, what else should it be?
You imbecile.
good for someone in her late 30s, i guess
>walking simulator
Isnt every game where the main method of travel is pedestrian a "walking simulator"? Shit dude you could even call a fighting game a walking simulator if you thought about it too hard. If you hate games that are open world and focused on exploration instead of combatcombatcombatpressbuttonlootreloadshootduckshootduckshootreloadcombat then just say that you dont need to play these buzzword olympics.
>late 30s
Survive's reception was due to several reasons:
One, that the future of the franchise was unknown due to Kojima leaving.
Two, due to the setting and idea being utterly creatively bankrupt.
Three, it was an obvious cashgrab.
Hell, Konami had a golden opportunity to win the fanbase back by developing a Chapter 3 on their own, or, I don't know, a sequel to MGSV to actually tie in to MG1.
So, the first post Kojima MG game being Survive, made people think that Konami just wanted to milk the shit out of the franchise and had no interest in doing anything interesting.
>MGR worked
lolno it didnt. IT worked becasue they kept the bullshit cutscenes to a minimum. The story managed to be even more stupid than MGS.
>'Oh ehm, we need more motivation to make these the bad guys, lets let them harvest kids for organs okay?'
wew, so well done.
he also made Freedom Wars and we know how shit that was. So much for him being the "secret genius" behind MGS.
In one of these old threads from like a year ago they posted some print interview where Kojima says he writes all his games himself, and Fukushima wrote the codec conversations under Kojima's direction.
>Fukushima would never have thrown Stefanie away like Kojima did.
Oh yeah, we all know the much praised Fukushima is a big fan of restaurant models with no careers, right?
Yes im the pathetic person for enjoying videogames, youre the cool dude for coming to a video game discussion board and getting dem (you)s with your 6th grade knowledge of psychology.
>late 30s
Shes only 31 user. Why would you treat her like this? She looks gorgeous and honestly I wouldn't think she was over 22 if I saw her on the street.
And that's the thing, MGR focused on the gameplay, the story was just a thing going on in the background, it was stupid, but the execution was funny and campy.
That's why it worked.
Then again, if you are going to defend Survive and try to imply MGR was bad, then you have obviously no understanding of MGS as a whole.
I'm the user you are quoting, sorry but Snatcher was 100% him and it was trash a pale blade runner copy with a novel written by a 12yo...
I haven't played policenaults yet, but the earlier MGS didn't have much story to them besides being a rambo soldier chasing down a squad of renegade.
So far there has been very little gameplay showcased that has been about anything other than traveling from one point to another. The point of the game seems to be to look at all the environments they spent time programming and watching the story rather than actually doing anything in gameplay. Maybe there will be more to it than that, but it doesn't look interesting so far.
I don't even dislike MGS, I dislike Kojima dicksuckers.
I never played survive. I barely touch mgs after the canceraids that is 4. I only ever played 1-4 and barely touched 5 because it bored me to tears somehow. But I wont touch anything else by kojima until he learns his lesson that he's not a director and he needs to put more gameplay in his shit games.
A real shame because his team was supertalented. The gameplay mechanics and AI and sheer visual effects of say, MGS 2 were nothing short of stellar at the time. Shame he hijacked his team for his misplaced ego...
Nobody but a cruel heartless hack like Kojima could possibly abandon a goddess like Stefanie
>Not posting the real MGS Map
Look I agree that Thief is superior, but holy fuck MGS1's original map design if you skip the cutscene is actually quite decent. Thief however does feel more like an actual "stealth" map, rather than just being a series of hallways with doors and locked corridors, Thief presents more than one alternate path, unlike MGS1 which only does two alternate paths, which is why Thief is better. But to literally portray MGS1's map as just being a bunch of small lines is disingenuous and only makes MGS fags sounds sane in comparison.
Disc 1 is better than Disc 2 tho, I agree. Good taste, I still like MGS1 as a whole and think the other games aren't that good (other than the MSX Duology and Ghost Babel). MGSV was close but you need a lot of mods to make the gameplay at least somewhat replayable.
>But I wont touch anything else by kojima until he learns his lesson that he's not a director
How is he not?
Literally every game has a director.
>he needs to put more gameplay in his shit games.
Which he did with PW and MGSV.
Hell, one of the complaints about MGSV is that it has no story.
>A real shame because his team was supertalented
What a shame that talent never showed signs of existing considering the gameplay of all MGS games is utter trash.
disc 1's maps are pretty cool yeah.
The ship and bunker of mgs 2 are also good.
MGS 3's base was kinda good, but the graphics were too muddy, and frankly 2 and 3 are marred by a TER-RI-BLE control scheme. Not to mention the fucking menu clusterfuck you had to go through with 3 for basic shit like medical or stealth or food. What a terrible idea that was.
pic VERY related
Okay but youll agree that labeling a game a walking simulator is retarded and almost tells people nothing about how you really feel about the game, but it feels really really really good to parrot the latest epic maymay right?
>but the earlier MGS didn't have much story to them besides being a rambo soldier chasing down a squad of renegade.
True, but they were good for their time. Remember that it was the 80s and most games stories were "go kill the bad guy because reasons". MG (especially 2) actually had dialogue for the characters.
What cruel you stupid waifufag?
The only reason she was in MGSV was because Kojima had a boner for her, and didn't give her almost any lines because she's not an actress.
Hell, her not being able to act is why her career never went anywhere after MGSV.
Well, sorry dear, but if the only thing you can do is being pretty, you do belong posing for restaurant menus.
She's literally in Death Stranding you retard.
>Literally every game has a director.
Are you being dense on purpose? I obviously referred to the title of movie director and not the actual job title which is normal in the software industry as well. One of the titles he carries, since he loves to list so many times his name per game, as well as plastering his name on a studio carrying a few 100 people, the ego...)
No, Kojima said he might hire her, and that if he did, he would call her, but he never did.
I just call it like I see it.
Using the term implies that the "game" suffers from a lack of "gameplay," so no, I'd say it makes how one feels about the game fairly evident.
>promoting your YT channel
how cringe and shameful. Mostly cringe
The promotional team leaked an image with her in it for Death Stranding. There's still unannounced actors for the game.
>anti-kojima fags now like Stephanie after trashing her presence for years.
what happened?
Nice bait thread but Hideo Kojima wrote Metal Gear Solid, sweaty.
Maybe play the games you didn't play first.
Hell, MGSV got like 2 hours of gameplay focused videos before the game came out.
The gameplay was lacking since the open world didn't have much and it was clearly just a scenario for missions to happen, instead of an open world per se, but the massive shift into focusing on gameplay is there.
She is no worse of an actress than Lea Seydeux. Also she recently sang Quiet's theme at the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra so I'm pretty sure she has at least some talent.
She literally isn't. She herself confirms it and everyone saw that Lea Seydeux is playing Fragile now.
The best part of MGSV to me is Kojima trolling the fuck out of online haters by including the mandatory credits at the beginning of each mission, its pretty blatant the message was "Oh I make movie game? Heres your fucking movie game right here faggots" that shit still cracks me up when i see it. I mean maybe im crazy but it seems to perfect and yes it can be dispelled away with " koji has always referenced cinema tropes in his games" but i WANT to believe this is true.
>What a shame that talent never showed signs of existing considering the gameplay
that's because the director was too busy placing his shitty cutscenes at every possible moment. The gameplay and control scheme and innovations were fucking great.
In mgs 2 the AI was even coded to NOTICE YOUR SHADOW. Never seen anything like that after..
such a waste of talent
Nice projection
He was reponsible for the best political elements of the games. Eat a dick Kojidrone.
>maybe eat some more of this puke you just barfed out
Thanks but no thanks.
>the game lacks any real gameplay
>its not out yet i just know
This is your brain on Yea Forums
No, it's just Joostenfags became anti-Kojimafags when it was revealed he decided to not hire her.
>She is no worse of an actress than Lea Seydeux.
Yes, a girl who has 5 lines in a videogame is not worse than an Oscar winner, you are totally not a stupid waifufag who just thinks with his dick.
Which is funny, because the only reason Kojima hired Joosten in the first place was precisely him thinking with his dick.
>he gameplay and control scheme and innovations were fucking great.
No they weren't, MGS1, 2 and 3 have the worst control schemes i've ever seen in a videogame.
How can it be so cumbersome to do something as simple as looking forward or aiming your gun?
We are talking about a military game where you can't move while aiming your gun.
Not to mention that it has a top down view in a stealth game, which is something only a drooling, brain damaged moron would choose.
>the control scheme
only mgs 1 I mean, obviously. The rest was dog cancer. Although mgs 4's control scheme was ... slightly less bad ( still needed screen prompts because not intuitive though).
mgs 1 was good. Rest was shit. Only thing I noticed that MGS did poorly was peeking around corners. But the aim was really tight if you mastered it. 2 and 3 was abomination, I agree. I typed poorly as it's late here and corrected it
>Reasonable assumptions can't be made with information available
You said he needed to put more gameplay in his games, and he did.
Why do you refuse?
Or maybe you just value your opinion more than the truth.
If it's a movie game, doesn't mean you'll like it?
You liked the first three MGS games, which were movie games with terrible gameplay, and hated everytime Kojima added gameplay, after all.
Prove it
>why do you refuse this shit? it has less diarreah in it and has more shit
it's still fucking shit user, also MGS 5 maps were terrible, the enemies were shit, the cutscenes managed to be EVEN worse than the previous parts.
Also the only reason why I played it was the gameplay, and there was nothing. It was just a lame grindy schlog with nothing interesting to do. I quit after I even got to the kid soldier part and uninstalled it.
I mean, that's the point retard, the controls are that way to discourage you from playing it like a shooter because it's a fucking stealth game and you're not supposed to get caught and your guns are generally only meant to be used while you're hiding.
>he did
Nigger, one of the things pretty much everyone agrees on is that MGSV plays perfectly.
this thread is gay as fuck just like every metal gear thread, give me a tl;dr on why the story before 4 is good
What do you know?
You said it yourself that you haven't played it.
>the enemies were shit
>the cutscenes managed to be EVEN worse than the previous parts
Fuck off, fag, my favorite game is MGS3, and that one has less movie and more game than any of the rest except V
see But yeah the control scheme was decent (menus were still a clusterfuck and felt very 'early 00's. But nips are never good at menu's for some reason.
Lea Seydeux would never have gotten work without her rich and connected daddy hooking her up. Even with his help she had to get naked to get noticed.
If you defend her then I guarantee you're the one thinking with your dick.
>you need to play this game for at least 100 hours before you can say Y
Don't talk to me again, low IQ retard. 1 HOUR is enough with this game. The gameplay systems are the same, the stupid ass writing wont change. The colour palette was boring as fuck. it had no vision, nothing. It managed to be even less interesting than MGS 4, and that game was already a hard 3/10.
Defend what?
You hire VAs for them to act.
Kojima got an actress instead of some literally who model that has no acting experience.
That's all there is to it.
Hell, that Joosten woman should be glad she got hired in MGSV in the first place.
>you're the one thinking with your dick.
Says the one who can't keep posting pics of his shitty "waifu" and hates a man for acting logically about her.
I like how your bitch has small tits but uses these insane pushups to make belief. check this onedont get me wrong, it's a pretty woman but it's funny how you white knights never see that shit.
>the stupid ass writing
And here comes the crux of all, that you MGS drones don't care about videogames, you just want stories, something that has no place in videogames.
MGSV is the only actual videogame in the entire franchise.
Well you wouldn't know that because you didn't play it enough. See now everything you say can be dismissed. How does that feel being dismissed like the low effort poster that you are?
She has normal boobs.
I keep telling you, that dress has no straps, it hangs off her boobs and drags them down.
>Don't but in
>your IQ is obviously operating on a lower frequency.
>operating on a lower frequency
> only one with more gameplay ratio
true, too bad the entire series is shit, and this game somehow still managed to have the worst story out of all 5. The 33% that I could suffer through at least.
Can you please fuck off from these threads when it's obvious you don't care about MGS or any videogames at all and you just want to spam that bitch?
the dude that kept kojimbos crazy in check will never return and allow hideo to make great games again.
>kojimadrone thinks he can dismiss a fully functional adult
lol, I know what dismissal feels like, by an actual person which I would respect. Your balls might have to drop first for that to happen.
And What about Lea Seydoux? She is hated more than any actor/actress in her home country and she is a notoriously bad actress.
Yet another proof that MGS drones don't give a shit about anything but the story.
MGS1, 2 and 3 had garbage gameplay and cutscenes everywhere, but because it focused on the story they are "great games".
I'm so thankful MGS is dead and that this community got shat on this hard.
>And What about Lea Seydoux?
That she's an actress with actual experience?
>she is a notoriously bad actress.
Says the one defending Joosten, who even Kojima knew she couldn't act and gave her like five lines.
No, it's the only actual videogame.
Much to the dismay of MGS redditors, MGS died recieving an actual videogame in it's entry.
MGSV is the only game in the entire franchise that I felt like replaying.
The rest were all movie game trash focused on a plot that I couldn't be bothered to give two fucks about.
No you don't.
Look I'm sorry your parents only could afford you an exbawx, but it's still a terribly boring open world game more in line iwth ASSCREED or farcry and barely anything interesting to do.
The reason she didn't have many lines was because her character was literally supposed to not speak you homo demens. Stop pretending that Kojima specifically wrote the character so that he wouldn't have had to give Stefanie voice acting.
Also she's done movies and TV shows since then. She has experience
No, I had a PSone and PS2, but I didn't play those games back then.
Started playing MGS games in 2012, starting with 1, so no nostalgia lenses for me.
Nah nah, if you've ever had a GF you'd know that this one is REALLY overdoing it with the pushups. She probably filled it extra. She's a B at most, but she tries to look like she has D++
>The reason she didn't have many lines was because her character was literally supposed to not speak
How convenient.
>Stop pretending that Kojima specifically wrote the character so that he wouldn't have had to give Stefanie voice acting.
Dude, Quiet is in the game entirely because Kojima had a boner for Joosten, Quiet adds literally nothing to the game.
Hell, you can even kill her and pretty much nothing changes anyway.
>Also she's done movies and TV shows since then. She has experience
Not good enough, considering her career is dead.
thank fuck, dont play them user, it's terrible now. the gameplay in 1 is passable but that's it. Still, you have shit-tier taste for actually liking 5.
For the user who wanted to know who is the programmer of Mgs1 - 2-3 who returned at konami.
It's Kazunobu Uehara, MAIN programmer of the three games. He left at the same time that Fukushima I think.
I did play them, though, and they never stuck to me.
It's odd to me the lengths that Star Wars and MGS fans will go to convince themselves that the creator of their favorite series didn't actually contribute anything because they made some disappointing entries later. It's like they make this amzing discovery that, wow, turns out movies, and video games aren't made by one person but are a collaborative effort, and then leap to assuming that the latter entries being shit must mean that the father of the series was always a hack. Because you can only ever be either a perfect auteur or are a burden on everything you touch. Like sometimes people just lose their steam guys, treating these creators like they either have an indefinite supply of great in them or are otherwise talentless hacks is just silly.
>tfw even MG survive had better bosses than V
For God's sake survive was an acid tier spin off in term of budget and they managed that.
MGS5s gameplay was the best in the series but a literal downy can see that the story is far from finished and that what was presented is meh at best.
No, in fact, MGSV should have had less story.
I couldn't care less about Big Boss, or his Outer Heaven or any of that shit.
If it was going to have any story, it should have focused on the mercenary business.
And remove bosses too, they have no place in this kind of gameplay and just become bullet sponges like in MGS4.
>how convenient
Stefanie went to a casting for Quiet along with many other models. She was chosen for the part.
At no point was the part invented or written for her.
>her career is dead
True. If she had a rich dad like Lea then she'd be doing Marvel movies instead right now, but not everyone can be born into a rich Hollywood family with connections.
Are you me? Most of the stuff you're saying matches pretty much my opinion, minus the controls and menu stuff because I don't think it's that bad. Yeah I concur, I don't really have much to add or object really since most of my opinion I already highlighted in a previous post. I just enjoyed MGS1 far more than 2 and 3 really. 2 started adding too much sci-fi and pretentious stuff to it and didn't want to continue being the 80s cheesy schtick that it was in MG (MXS games) and MGS1. That's maybe why I liked Ghost Babel so much, it felt like it continued the tone of the MSX games and MGS1 rather than descending into full crazy sci-fi territory with MGS2 and 3.
What about them?
They are bullet sponges but they are monsters instead of super soldiers.
Not to mention that the only one that could have been interesting, the Lord of Dust, has no boss fight at all, it's just killing waves of zombies and then firing a railgun.
Jesus christ this thread is proof mgs has worst retards on any fanbase
The fanbase went to shit after MGSV.
Some like to pretend they never liked MGS, some like to pretend they always hated Kojima, some like to pretend they care about stuff unrelated to Metal Gear when discussing it.
It's what happens when a group of emotion-driven hormonal kids get stupidly hyped for something that gave no reasons to be hyped for.
>bullet sponge
They aren't? Aim at the weak points and it's easy even when playing with melees. Seth also had some potential and at least behaved like the old MG boss... (even if he was just a "super wanderer" in the end. =
Having weak points doesn't mean it's not a bullet sponge.
>2 started adding too much sci-fi and pretentious stuff to it
Yes, not to mention the insane amount of useless and gimmicky characters that got way too much screen time.
1 had its references right, it heavily mimicked escape from LA/NY and got that good mixture of badassery and camp.
2 went ahead and took it all wayyyyy too serious. Not to mention the entire third act and piece of trash that would shame even Uwe Boll
Kojimacucks sheathing
Well you can kill the boss in 30 seconds if you are good at the game.
>good writer
>doesn't explain who iroquis pliskin is and just writes him out the story
Biggest plothole of any form of literature
thanks for making the world a little cooler
oh yeah and I forgot:my pet peeves
Drones in 70s
giga mecha in 70s
I could go on for at least 30 moreo annoying things but I have to go to bed.
No, you can't.
>storytelling in games was in its infancy.
well we did have PS:T at that time, which is the best game story written to date. But what I mean is that interactive storytelling was still new back then. A game having cutscenes for longer than 1-2 minutes was still pretty rare back then.
So yeah it was innovative for its time to play an interactive spy movie where you could be the james bond with gadgets and shit. The problem was Kojima forgetting he was making a game and not a garbo movie.
>Not recognizing that edited image that was meant to portray System Shock in the left and Call of Duty in the right
Neck yourself newfag
There's nothing interactive about cutscenes.
Stupid meme, Kojima wrote all the main dialogue, codecs, and scripts. It's so funny because some faggot changed the wiki and put Fukushima on all the credits as lead writer too. Autistic weirdos.
Obviously, however you do interact with the game, compared to a movie where the only interaction you'll have is discussing its finer plot points with friends. Anyway show don't tell only picked off in the ps3 era, when graphics were good enough to show details and the new paradigm on visuals was creating things like deadspace 1, dark souls 1 or TLOU where visual ques and camera work and so on would communicate bits of the story instead of JUST cutscenes or talking heads or a sad song or logs everybody just keeps losing around the map.
I am of the same opinion here. Especially with MGS1 being at it's best when it was filled with the Escape from NY references and general 80s movie references (part of why I love the MSX games), MGS2 just tried to be a speculative sci-fi story about 1984 and Orwell and shit and everything after the Tanker just felt like Kojima going on a soapbox to rant. I don't get why everyone says the MGS series is a "good political game", it's not, MGS2-4 especially not understanding politics. MGS2 does have it's good points like the whole commentary on censorship, but really other than that it really does go overboard.
Fuck I am surprised to see someone else with the same opinion on here, in most threads I just see everyone parrot about how the post-MGS1 games were masterpieces and how it only started sucking when MGS4 was around, when really I just think it started going downhill starting from MGS2.
At least she didn't get fake tits.
... and mgs 1 was basically one of the first interactive stories for a lot of people. attempts on PC were often not very good or on a lower budget. Like max payne for example.
I did see the image before, but I do still think the MGS vs Thief edit was disingenuous compared to the original. The System Shock vs CoD original is entirely correct, CoD is pretty much just hallways with cutscenes and SS does have a more complicated map layout tho. But with the edited version, only the fact that Thief has a complicated map layout is true.
What's this then user? This guy kill him in less than 2 minutes with Melee weapons.
HoMaM3 is a shit soccer moms can play.
FFT is for high IQ individuals.
Post Yfw Konami somehow get Fukushima back as a cowriter with Murata as the director of the next game (cowriter since mgs3 + zoe2 director)
MGS1 was at it's best when you get the speeches at the end from liquid, Meryl, and otacon. Same with MGS2. How can you not appreciate that beauty. MGS2 was when Kojima showed the world he was an auteur and wouldn't just make a soulless sequel. I definitely think it's a masterpiece.
Yeah, and Shinkawa also comes back, and Hans Zimmer composes the soundtrack, and the game has graphics at the level of CGI.
Oh my god, my mfw face when.
>soap box
Oh yes we agree on this. I only visit these threads to troll kojimadrones and point out just how inflated and undeserved his ego is for shits and giggles. It's kinda like picking on children I guess.
All of the points of mgs 2 had no new info. These topics were already discussed in-depth in the 70s by p.k. dick and other SF writers. Not to mention all of that was already known at least a decade if you read abit about projects like echelon and so on, or basically opened a newspaper.
But yeah if you can't read news, or slept through history class, or never touched super basic sci fi novels, I'm sure the concept of mass surveillance, or countries making war on purpose, or AI's being useful for filtering information was gonna blow your minds, aha.
>AC fag shitposting again
What is this autists problem? Why does he hate everything jap? I swear it's the euro cucks who have giant hate boners for jap shit
>KOJIKEK still wasting time with neckbeard triple-A garbage
KONAMIChads were u at?
Read a(ny) book.
>Cutscenes are the only way to tell a story
Were you dropped in your head when you were a kid or something?
It's like you completely ignored the whole JRPG genre which made storytelling in video games popular in the first place.
Yeah, based Konami who doesn't make any videogames at all, truly the heroes of Yea Forums
>I do still think the MGS vs Thief edit was disingenuous compared to the original.
It's called a meme.
But legit if you compare Thief 1 and MGS1 that image isn't far off.
Interesting how this has no replies
I fucking hate nu4chan.
>sequel that isn't held back by vita hardware never
re-releases KINOvania and Contra;makes a NEW contra game
>Kojima is one of the best devs of all time. Top 3 easily. One of the few big ones still going today.
>MGS is one of the best series ever
>Snatcher and policenauts both great
>Death Stranding comes out November and salty shitposter San will have to endure more people praise him
>Will go on developing kino for Sony for as long as he wants
>This makes the shitposter mad
Truly the best timeline
It's funny that all of these Kojimacucks cry about Konami mistreating their hero.
Where were they when Team Silent got shafted?
Where were they when they demoted the Castlevania creator to working on a game center simply because Castlevania didn't do as well as their TMNT games(this was back in the 80s and early 90s when TMNT had Pokemon-level of popularity)?
>Kojima is one of the best devs of all time. Top 3 easily.
>This delusion
Lmao top cringe
Oh wow, two games that literally no one talks about, based.
Is that why both games are conservative sequels?
> 0 gameplay shown
I-I-I-I'm sure it's another ruse!!!
>wow, why didn't these fans of this game care about these things not related to this game
What the fuck do you think this is, political activism?
>gameplay shown in latest trailer
ok kek
Yeah, I bet you all care much about gameplay, that's why when he released an MGS game focused entirely on it, all you talked about was how the story was shit.
Will MGS drones ever stop larping as caring about videogames?
Hell, MGS gave birth to the movie game fad.
I love Kojima!
Kojima is based!
fuck you boktai was great
Not him but aside from maybe Snatcher what non-Metal Gear"game" has Kojima made that was successful?
Zone of the Framerate Issues was a flop.
What does that have to do with my post?
>MGS1 was at it's best when you get the speeches at the end from liquid, Meryl, and otacon.
Literally the opposite
>Same with MGS2. How can you not appreciate that beauty.
please stop. It's an okay game but it's not worth fucking fellating holy shit
>MGS2 was when Kojima showed the world he was an auteur and wouldn't just make a soulless sequel.
It has less soul than MGS1 tho
>But yeah if you can't read news, or slept through history class, or never touched super basic sci fi novels, I'm sure the concept of mass surveillance, or countries making war on purpose, or AI's being useful for filtering information was gonna blow your minds, aha.
This. There's so much speculative fiction that covers it, really the only part that is kind of mind-blowing is the speech that the AI makes because it actually does match real-life things, but I think it's just a fluke from Kojima's part, it's not like Deus Ex where you hear these speeches throughout the entire game, it just happens once and it's the only KINDA mind-blowing part for me. Also good taste. Especially for mentioning Philip K Dick.
>It's called a meme
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Although if you do legit compare Thief 1 and MGS1, really the only thing that would be accurate about it is the cutscenes bit, MGS1's map design is by no means as complex as Thief 1 but it does a few clever things at certain points. It is easily better than MGS2 onwards tho.
I disagree with your opinion, but the image really fucking irritates me, because it's kinda what I wish MGS was always about after MGS2. Just an 80s military sci-fi story about weapons of mass destruction and X-Files type shit, but MGS2 and the other games just stepped on a soapbox and couldn't stop preaching about shit that has already been done to death. Too bad we'll never get stuff like this image, ever. Because people don't realise what MGS Was supposed to be about.
Just because surveillance, government control, or AI has been touched upon before doesn't mean it can't again. Very stupid to think otherwise, civilization is literally built on passing down ideas and expanding/revising over and over. People can be obsessively retarded about being completely original. Also what he really did that was amazing was use the medium to give something that had never been done before. His take on the medium, the message, defied sequel expectations. If all you see is AI, and digital information then you unironically missed a lot. I know you're shitposting but then again I know you probably believe a bit of your bullshit as well.
>Because people don't realise what MGS Was supposed to be about.
What are you talking about?
MGS was supposed to end after 2.
And what do you want from that pic?
Call of Duty: Metal Gear?
>EVER defending a walking simulator
Bet you love MGS IV as well, fag.
A silent hill game was actually in dev by former team silent devs (Konami actually are quite friendly with most of their old employes) but got cancelled strangely in the end of 2013. Masahiro Ito even did some concept arts.
...cancelled probably because Kojima wanted to do silent hills... That got also cancelled because nothing of the game was done, not even concept arts, when he left.
The market approved it. The general public is as guilty as them.
>da opposite no argument needed XD
Holy fucking cope
No, the only MGS I liked was V.
The rest were all garbage.
>What the fuck do you think this is, political activism?
It pretty much is. This is how Kojimafags were behaving when shit first went down.
Well, it isn't, it was about Metal Gear.
I'm obviously not going to care about the fanbases of others, being offended in behalf of others for no reason at all is something that only Americans do.
>Just an 80s military sci-fi story about weapons of mass destruction and X-Files type shit,
That's exactly what it is. It has a bit of everything, all I'm seeing is you're an autist who can't handle any deeper content.
>P.K. Dick fan
ok man, if you haven't touched them already:
Ubik for the UNFILMABLE and highly paranoid plotline and the utterly hilarious 'door scene'
Do androids dream of electric sheep: to understand that bladerunner (while a good movie) had almost nothing in common with the book (androids are fucking insane and inhuman in his vision)
The three stigmata of palmore eldritch for the best drug safety education money can buy
A scanner darkly for a brutally honest insight on his life as a semi-junkie.
And his final books for the completely incomprehensible jibberish, which proves his mind was fading at his twilight years.
Do read ubik and palmore
Fuck, I never knew I would write something with actual info in an MGS thread.
Silent Hill was always the brain damaged cousin of Resident Evil.
when death stranding comes out you'll see that kojima was no longer in control of MGS V, that's why it had so much gameplay. Prepare for a cold shower breh.
>Where were they when Team Silent got shafted?
>Where were they when they demoted the Castlevania creator to working on a game center simply because Castlevania didn't do as well as their TMNT games(this was back in the 80s and early 90s when TMNT had Pokemon-level of popularity)?
lmao what the fuck is this post, you are talking as if you were in a war and Kojimafags were supposed to be your reinforcements or some shit and never showed up.
>Dude this time for sure!!
DS will come out, be another great game, get u universal praise. And then you cuck boys will be seething about him and restart with the next project. Have sex.
Damn, seems like Kojima didn't have a hand in ANY Metal Gear game according to Yea Forums's asshurt driven, baseless claims.
Sorry, "breh", but save your ebonics for when you are in "da hood".
of course it will
and so will call of duty and all the other rehashes ubisoft rehashes
it's not a high bar
>MGS1's map design is by no means as complex as Thief 1 but it does a few clever things at certain points
Just stop it.
MGS1's map design is no more complex than Metal Gear on the MSX which was a 10+ year old game by that point.
Who's /neutral/ here?
Even if I still have some doubts about the new Kojima, I will still buy ds and it will probably still be a good game. But I will also follow the future of mg because there's still some talented guys at konami and some good things that can be made with the franchise.
Exactly, Kojima was cancer and has been ruining the company for decades with his ego.
So many games we could have had were not made because of his shitty movie games.
>you just said that you can't repeat a topic in media
That's not what I was implying at all you simpleton. I can tell you barely read for such a dumbass comment.
I was implying that those things were tropes, and not 'new info' how fanboys liked to see it.
>His take on the medium, the message, defied sequel expectations
That's because you are a gamenerd with no knowledge or intellect of other media with superior writing. Every component you see in MGS 2 has been done infinitely better elsewhere. You just liked the tiddies and explosions because you probably can't read more than one page of political analysis. That's fine, but don't pretend your low-brow shitter plot is anything other than kid-tier entertainment.
The other way around.
Silent Hill was a serious game, RE was campy goofy shit from day one.
I see the loop of making sourceless claims and patting each other in the back over them continues.
Funny how MGS threads prove MGS2's message so well, that circlejerks will make humanity die out, and that the Internet must be wiped out.
spotted another low IQ retard
They were pretending it wasn't about just Kojima though.
Not an argument.
When shit went down with Kojima and Konami so many butthurt Kojimafags were crying about how Konami were mistreating their employees and pretending that they care all of a sudden when they had been doing that for decades and they never said shit.
Why do you keep speaking like a nigger if you are German?
>walking simulator will be good
nu Yea Forums was a mistake
Yeah because we get Kojima games every year. Continue the cope user, I enjoy seeing how stupid you are.
>inb4 pretending to be retarded
>Kojimadrones are this retarded
>Not an argument.
This is Yea Forums, I don't come here to argue, I come here to laugh at the bottom of the barrel of society.
Only white murrifats speak like that, I'm sure their cultural appropriation comes because they have no real culture to begin with.
imagine thinking it's a walking simulator when way more has been shown
>wow, you don't trust something that I just made up? You must be retarded
Why would I trust any claim made in Yea Forums? You are all idiots who make claims based, no on facts, but on your current mood, like a bunch of hormonal teenagers in their period.
There's even a goddamn banner telling people to not trust anything ever said in here.
There's nothing that the average Yea Forums retard hates more than when someone asks them for proof of their claims.
you really believe I'm going to watch that trash? After the anal rape that was MGS 4 I'm limiting myself only to MGS threads. I immediately dodge footage or news articles about his newest turd. I'm just here for the laughs m8.
That's even worse, imagine culturally appropriating people with no culture.
Again, why do you speak like a nigger, German?
For the silent hill game of 2013. There's literally some concept art online and Ito actually was quite sad it got canceled.
>was implying that those things were tropes, and not 'new info' how fanboys liked to see it.
Incredibly retarded to assume everyone's stance and inner thoughts on every detail in the game. Pretty sad for such a snobby faggot like yourself.
>Every component you see in MGS 2 has been done infinitely better elsewhere. You just liked the tiddies and explosions because you probably can't read more than one page of political analysis. That's fine, but don't pretend your low-brow shitter plot is anything other than kid-tier entertainment.
You are without a doubt the biggest blowhard I have ever encountered on this site, AC fag. I want you to know that. Someone as smart as you should be a Harvard academic, and discussing every detail of the Mueller report. Truly a little special snowflake you are, your destiny awaits.
she's ugly now, post a recent picture of her
I remember back when you delusional quietfags spammed the fuck out of Yea Forums and shilled mgsv and it turned out being dogshit
You know something is terrible when only Yea Forums supports it.
>kojima kino will not be good
nu Yea Forums was a mistake
Such a typical Yea Forums drone opinion. I would understand your point if that shit weren't skippable, but it is, and what's left is really enjoyable stealth sandbox gameplay that at its peak gave you huge areas where you could take out all the enemies however you wanted. I spent at least 200 hours of my youth just playing around in the huge expanses of MGS3, on the mountain range or on Volgin's base because the core game alone was so fun. Just admit you hate it because it's more popular than Thief or Splinter Cell so we can be done.
how can you call it trash if you know literally nothing about it?
No, I don't play other stealth games.
I'm not appropriating your TV nation's culture you phillistine. I stand high above you with an actual culture. Your highly simplistic culture can be copied rather easily because you have no real history and the history that you do have, is mostly fake.
Your nation is born from the worst genes post-medieval Europe had to offer, poor slaves and the annihilation of 2 continents worth of people.
We are sometimes imitating your language because it's so easy to fool you. If we imitated your culture we'd all have to become morbidly obese, become monolingual, limit our lexicons and carry AR's to our schools, hah.
Wow, surprised you didn't call me a "nigga", or another nigger ebonic, one of those you love so much.
I saw thet E3 trailer of 2018
I know that it's Kojima
That's all I need to know.
It's your language, don't blame the messenger homeboi.
So yes, you like speaking like a nigger, which means you are a nigger.
Is it really that easy to bait my way into a screencap on /pol/? I should take advantage of this.
>murrifat on racemixing
MGS1 is also he left image but just 1 level with lots of codec calls
>The shitposting is done by a jap hating /pol/tard
Can't make this shit up
You sure told me niggah!
Whose footprints are these?
Breep Breep
fuck this, lets play die hard trilogy instead
it was a good game.
>murrifats defending Kojimasan's honoru
>I'm Dutch
>I just fuck up my English
So you're speaking Dutch?
Nah. I just want something like MGS1 or like that Italian MGS Fan-film again, and that pic does convey MGS1.
It does have less soul than MGS1 tho, compare Ray's sleek generic mecha design compared to Rex. After MGS1, the tech evolution of the series stops making any fucking sense. And as such it loses soul because it's just Kojima wanting things to look big and spectacular. You cannot deny this.
I can handle deeper content. But if Kojima wanted to make something, deep. Maybe he should not have an entire fucking game where you fight the final boss who is wearing a bikini whilst talking about philosophy as Hatsune Miku music plays. Same with MGS2 that expects me to listen to 70s deep sci-fi rhetoric that has been done many times whilst simultaneously showing a Bisexual Vampire walk on water in a ridiculous way. It's tonal inconsistency that plagues post MGS1 games. Christ it's like you fags think I am saying that MGS2 is the worst in the series when I am just pointing out it's flaws and you fags are acting like it's the fucking best masterpiece of all time.
I actually only read Electric Sheep which I enjoyed a lot. Ubik I am thinking of giving a shot haven't yet.
Since you were kind enough to recommend me a few books, here's a few from me. If you want more dystopia kino, check out We by Yevgeny Zamyatin and Roadside Picnic. For some general thing about censorship and historical information manipulation, check out pretty much anything by Umberto Eco although I highly recommend Pendulum of Focault, Prague Cemetery and Numero Zero. Thanks for the recommendations
I never said it was complex, I was just saying that it at least does multiple pathways, whilst the image implies it only does corridors. I was just implying it was being disingenuous in that regard. It still pales in comparison to Thief tho. Ironically the MSX games had superior map design compared to MGS1, especially MG2:SS.
The most recent pick of her ITT is And that's from a couple months back when she sang at the Tokyo philharmonic orchestra
Hi Kojima-sama.
Nah, Dutch is when you fuck up speaking German. And German is when ancient English gets raped violently by Polish
>most people still think that Kojima was behind ZoE games
>It's tonal inconsistency that plagues post MGS1 games.
I see where you're coming from. And MGS1 definitely does have a bit of a more "together" story that is in line, but then again in MGS1 you fight ridiculous villains too, otacon pisses himself, and talks about being an otaku. This "tonal inconsistency" I don't really see as one, it's what the series is known for and frankly what I like about it. I like that it has all those elements, if I wanted something completely serious with no flare, drama, or fun. I would just go read some philosophy.
>Maybe he should not have an entire fucking game where you fight the final boss who is wearing a bikini whilst talking about philosophy as Hatsune Miku music plays
And what game would that be?
>Poles and Germans are somehow related linguistically despite having completely different roots
user what?
fuck off back to Yea Forums
no wait
Which no name guy was it this time
German grammar is unique among the germanic language family because they borrowed it from the Slavic languages. This is why all other germanic languages are category I difficulty to learn for an English speaker, but German is category II.
The way verbs change in German depending on the subject of the sentence is classic Slavic grammar (compare "I read", "she reads", "they read" to "ich lese", "sie liest", "sie lesen")
he looks like he fucks white girls
Eat shit kojimbo
>German grammar is unique among the germanic language family because they borrowed it from the Slavic languages.
Ah. But wouldn't that mean they borrowed more from the Czechs than the Poles? Technically the Bohemians and Moravians were closer to German Territory than the Poles, although the Poles did interact with them too.
Probably. The Czechs themselves also borrowed a ton from the Germans so it would make sense.
>I see where you're coming from. And MGS1 definitely does have a bit of a more "together" story that is in line, but then again in MGS1 you fight ridiculous villains too, otacon pisses himself, and talks about being an otaku. This "tonal inconsistency" I don't really see as one, it's what the series is known for and frankly what I like about it. I like that it has all those elements, if I wanted something completely serious with no flare, drama, or fun. I would just go read some philosophy.
See that's the thing. I don't mind it when it doesn't take itself seriously, but MGS2 does that, that's the key issue. It takes itself too seriously then expects me to to take what it says seriously when it's also being extremely flamboyant too. Even if MGS1 had the serious and silly moments together, it still spaced them out in such a way that it was balanced and tonally consistent, Otakon pissed himself because that's what someone would do, and he talks about being an Otaku because he's a socially awkward nerd, and him being hired for Shadow Moses isn't too improbable if Fox Mulder a UFO nut could enter the FBI. It all makes sense in-universe.
>And what game would that be?
Peace Walker. Fuck that game, I never said in this thread that MGS2 was the worst game, but PW imo is the worst game.
That's medieval era HRE for ya, everyone's borrowing from everyone.
Thief sucks. Meme game.
>Kojima, thought it was a good idea making a fucking stealth game with a top down camera.
MGS1 was top-down because it was made to be played with a d-pad. Not everyone had a Dual Shock controller.
Also, Metal Gears 1 & 2 were top-down too, so there was a historical reason for MGS1 being top-down too.
>It takes itself too seriously then expects me to to take what it says seriously when it's also being extremely flamboyant too.
I don't know man I am constantly laughing at Ocelots one liners and shit, same with Liquid in 2. Its essentially a fun , over the top anime. But when they get deep into the tech talk like with the president, Ames, Emma, the AI, Solidus, Rose and Raiden (fuck you I liked it, raiden is genuinely a tragic character even if you find it a little cringe). And especially Snakes speech at the end, talking about passing on ideas and what not. And yes I realize Dawkins did memes first but it's still a great message which needs to be told more and more imo.
I don't think there's anything though provoking about the Solidus reveal/reveal harrier fight I just think it's cool. And I still laugh every time Ocelot shoots Sergei in the face, gives a one liner, then tells Olga later on that Sergei was his best friend.