It's okay to admit you want this.
It's okay to admit you want this
Remove the dog shit that is Heroes and sure.
>3 beloved games
I laughed
>best soundtrack series-wide
>best stage designs series-wide
Eat my ass you fucking cocksucker.
I don't think so. All of these games are too fundamentally flawed to benefit much from a remake.
>it's this thread again
While SA1&2 are bad games, Heroes is a horrible game and shouldn't be included.
I hope you fucking die.
Only if Adventure 2 is replaced with the Snapcube Fandub
Get Heroes the fuck out of there and I'll still pay $60.
>The only good songs are Final Fortress and What I'm Made Of
>Garbage level design that compliments garbage controls
Suck my dick you goddamn loser.
No thanks
Why on Earth would I want current Sonic Team to try their hand at remaking games that the good Sonic Team could only manage to make decent to mediocre?
Seeth. Enjoy being wrong.
>Garbage level design that compliments garbage controls
>that compliments garbage controls
Nigger are you insane? The control is the only reason why heros was bad. If they remake it it could be kino
>Rouge got a glass eye
>still schoolgirl RPs
I want this.
More like thrillogy am I right guys
That dub is awful
Even Sonic CD is better and that's a lot to say.
>thinking modern sonic music is actually good and not just enjoyed for the cringe factor, like the characters and games in general
oh boy
Its just closed
>>best stage designs series-wide
Imagine being this delusional KEK. I feel bad for Heroesfags
>modern voice cast
no thank amigo
SA1 is the weakest of the 3 and in the most need of a full on remake.
It just doesn't hold up at all even around the GC era it didnt.
Heroes is the game that made me stop being a Sonic fan and Adventure 1 and 2 are nostalgic jank that aren't really worth remastering. They aren't good enough and updating them hurts their original charm.
Just play Adventure 1 on Dreamcast cause the DX version is worse and Adventure 2 on gamecube and never play Heroes cause its a fucking disaster.
>Modern Sonic Team
>3D Sonic
Fuck no. Sonic should stay in 2D or 2.5D from this point forward, I don’t understand this obsession with Sonic and 3D.
Shadow's the only current actor that feels like a straight step down from the 4kids version. Amy wasn't that great, but since Boom she sounds perfectly fine.
Remake heroes first
Even if heroes' levels weren't boring hallways playing thru all of them four times to get to the proper ending would still be unacceptable.
There is no future in rehashing 2D Sonic. Mania was amazing but they can only do it one or two more times before it becomes stale and repetitive.
>There is no future in rehashing 2D Sonic
False. Sonic has had different play styles in 2D/2.5D that have worked in varying degrees and ultimately have done less damage to the franchise than 3D. And if stagnation was a problem then people wouldn’t be clamoring for DK games like people do which are all 2D.
Better do what sells and is liked rather than pulling another Forces user.
>And if stagnation was a problem then people wouldn’t be clamoring for DK games like people do which are all 2D.
We don't get those yearly like we do Sonic games though.
>>best stage designs series-wide
Christ, you need help.
>We don't get those yearly like we do Sonic games though.
And not getting games yearly would solve a lot of problems, especially considering that developers don’t want to constantly work on the same shit over and over.
>Sonic has had different play styles in 2D/2.5D that have worked in varying degrees and ultimately have done less damage to the franchise than 3D.
Yes as mediocre spin off games for handhelds no one is gonna continue to buy 2D Sonic games on consoles and PC for years to come they want a real triple A experience comparable to the 3D Mario games.
>And if stagnation was a problem then people wouldn’t be clamoring for DK games like people do which are all 2D.
DK doesn't release games as often and when they did in the 90s people got bored of it see DKC3 for an example.
Mania sold well because it was the first classic game in 20+ years and baited nostalgia. Again Mania was a great game but the formula will get extremely stale fast people want a real triple A game from Sonic.
My biggest argument against 2D Sonic (including Mania) is what happened with MegaMan 9 and 10. MegaMan 9 was a great throwback that was really positively received and rejuvenated the franchise in some ways, but right when they went to MegaMan 10 the gimmick lost its luster and while the game was still a good effort, people just weren't impressed and even went on to ignore it during that period where they were spouting how dead MegaMan was (prior to his Smash 4 inclusion and a little after it).
>Final Fortress stage design
I still have ptsd by that
I see it now. Making the eyelid and the skin the exact same color as the eye is still a bad plan, but at least it's not disfigurement cheesecake.
>this fucking stupid-ass 2d sonic is going to be stale as soon as they make another one guy again
You just love showing up in every sonic thread don't you?
I don't know who you are talking about but I haven't been to a Sonic thread in months you sound like a schizo. But 2D Sonic getting stale isnt a original thought its just the truth.
The best thing to do with 2D sonic is letting the mania devs make completely original zones and not make them rehash green hill and chemical plant for the millionth time.
>its the truth
How when there's only been one true Classic Sonic game in over a decade? You're just a 3D cocksucker who probably thinks Heroes is a good game.
>Yes as mediocre spin off games for handhelds
Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush were pretty well liked, even the DS versions of colors and Generations. Rivals was average, while Sonic 4, Boom SC/F&I were the only ones to do pretty bad, still a better fucking track record than 3D Sonic.
>triple A experience comparable to the 3D Mario games.
Are you implying it’s impossible to have a high quality 2D game? 3D is necessary. And don’t even bring Mario into this, its not gonna help at all.
3D isn’t necessary*
Sonic will never be nearly as good as Mario in 3D because Nintendo got that down day one whereas Sega still struggles to do anything relevant with Sonic these days asides from putting in Classic Sonic and a shitty, easy custom shooting character.
>The only good songs are Final Fortress and What I'm Made Of
I'd rather we get Riders or Generations with new levels based on the 3DS port
>How when there's only been one true Classic Sonic game in over a decade?
Like I said it will be good one or two more times with completely original levels but you have to evolve a franchise to survive which is why Mario is still alive and Sonic is slowly dying.
>You're just a 3D cocksucker who probably thinks Heroes is a good game.
Wrong i'm a classicfag that has played S3&K more times than I can count. The only 3D games I like are Sa1 and 2 because playing them on DC was mind blowing at the time and I still think they had good core gameplay overall.
>Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush were pretty well liked, even the DS versions of colors and Generations. R
Yes as spin off games they were great but if that is all the series produced it wouldn't survive.
>Are you implying it’s impossible to have a high quality 2D game?
No? I said Mania was great but you can't carry a franchise with only 2D games look at all 2D games from the 90s that failed to make the transition to 3D. Megaman is a great example.
>Megaman is a great example.
Megaman also has a better reputation than Sonic for sticking to his roots. Ever since 06 Sonic has had it rough and primarily due to the 3D games.
>Yes as spin off games they were great but if that is all the series produced it wouldn't survive.
With all the 3D fuck ups the series is still struggling to survive while most 2D entries have done vastly better than most of the 3D ones.
This is real?
Obliviously No
Oh, thank goodness.
You played DX didn't you.
I bought DX cause I thought it would fix the issues I had with the DC version.
>Megaman also has a better reputation than Sonic for sticking to his roots.
Who gives a shit about reputation? Reputation doesn't keep a series alive sales do.
>With all the 3D fuck ups the series is still struggling to survive while most 2D entries have done vastly better than most of the 3D ones.
Yes if you just look at the general reception from reviewers but in terms of the sales the 3D games have always done good.
I'm not in anyway defending the shitty 3D games sega has made over the years i'm just saying to save this franchise they have to start making GOOD 3D games, having mania like titles as a spin off series should also be a thing.
you know your series is a massive shithole if the oh so called "spin-off side series games" are much better than the "console mainline games"
What I want is something new, something that isn't heavily reliant on nostalgia and "HEY, REMEMBER THIS?!" garbage - you know, like practically every other Sonic game since Colors
This goes for 2D Sonic as well - Mania was great, but the original zones were by far the best thing about that game - we don't need to see Green Hill and Chemical Plant for the fourth time in a row
>Hating on CD
>What I want is something new
They tried that with Boom and look at how that turned out.
Stages overstay their welcome by about 5 minutes and many of them are just super linear pathways. In terms of aesthetics, though, Heroes is definitely one of the prettiest Sonic games. Mystic Mansion is probably the standout stage for me.
>Who gives a shit about reputation? Reputation doesn't keep a series alive sales do.
Reputation is actually something that matters. There are people who wouldn’t even FUCKING touch Mania despite how good it is simply because of how the brand is perceived while everyone will buy the next Pokémon game and sell millions because of its brand despite the controversy’s around the new game.
>Yes if you just look at the general reception from reviewers but in terms of the sales the 3D games have always done good.
And that means they should put more resources and designers towards that, rebuilding the brand with quality 2D games.
>GOOD 3D games
It’s been over 2 decades and they still can’t figure out what to do with this blue pincushion in the 3D space. It’d take a miracle, especially for modern Sonic Team.
If they can make Shadow sound like he did in Forces, I'd be fine with him staying.
Replace Heroes with Shadow and we got a deal
doesn't mean they can't try again
CD is very strange on Yea Forums, i saw threads liking it and other hating it.
>What I want is something new, something that isn't heavily reliant on nostalgia and "HEY, REMEMBER THIS?!" garbage
That's what both Boom and Lost World were and they sucked
Cybershell really nailed it in his Sonic 4 review where he shat on the game for being a lifeless rehash, looked at the games newer elements, and then immediately begged the game to go BACK to being a rehash because the new elements were so bad.
>everyone will buy the next Pokémon game and sell millions because of its brand despite the controversy’s around the new game.
Thats not even remotely comparable and the pokemon franchise has so many advantages that Sonic will never have. The franchises were and will never be the same size.
>And that means they should put more resources and designers towards that, rebuilding the brand with quality 2D games.
You mean like what capcom did with Mega Man? Yeah that is working out great for them.
>It’s been over 2 decades and they still can’t figure out what to do with this blue pincushion in the 3D space. It’d take a miracle, especially for modern Sonic Team.
Just because they can't do it doesn't mean that they don't need to do it.
>You mean like what capcom did with Mega Man? Yeah that is working out great for them.
megaman 9 and 10 were actually pretty decent and popular werent they?
still, even if it worked for megaman i dont think thats the direction they should take sonic. they were so close to making a great 3d game with generations
9 definitely was,10 was good but people were kinda soured on the 8-bit gimmick by then .
Yes, I want this. Sadly, it won't happen and even if it did, current SEGA would just fuck it up.
This was never released
they shouldve made more x games. i would love a new megaman x or zero game. even a MMBN game
>Thats not even remotely comparable and the pokemon franchise has so many advantages that Sonic will never have. The franchises were and will never be the same size.
Okay, how about this, I'll use an example of another blue character you brought into this discussion. I've seen more people willing to give Mega-Man 11 a try before Sonic Mania simply because the differences in the reputations of both brands.
>You mean like what capcom did with Mega Man? Yeah that is working out great for them.
Yeah, it did work, people praised it to hell and back and saw it a shining hope for the return of the blue bomber, if they keep it up, Mega-Man will be in a better position than he was pre-11
>Just because they can't do it doesn't mean that they don't need to do it.
Yes, it does, because if they keep churning out shitty 3D games people fans will get upset and cash out of the series and outsiders who don't give a shit about Sonic will continue ridiculing them, thus pushing others away from the brand, oopsie, there goes the fucking sales.
>I've seen more people willing to give Mega-Man 11 a try before Sonic Mania simply because the differences in the reputations of both brands.
Well you are talking to a very small minority because the sales for MM11 weren't great sadly.
> people praised it to hell and back and saw it a shining hope for the return of the blue bomber, if they keep it up, Mega-Man will be in a better position than he was pre-11
Praise means nothing if no one buys it.
>Yes, it does, because if they keep churning out shitty 3D games people fans will get upset and cash out of the series and outsiders who don't give a shit about Sonic will continue ridiculing them, thus pushing others away from the brand, oopsie, there goes the fucking sales.
But that isn't what happens at all. 06 was so bad it could have killed the franchise and then was followed up by another controversial game in Unleashed but then they finally released some "decent" games with Colors and Generations and they both sold amazingly same with Mania. You seriously overrate how much reputation matters to normalfaggots.
We know it's you Aaron
>they tried
no they didn't. the boom project was a total mess caused by SEGA's inability to make good decisions
For fucks sake stop acting like Heroes was a good game because it wasn't. It's not good, it's not a flawed gem, it's certainly not the most "classic" of the 3d games, it's a big piece of crap that utterly raped how 3d sonic played
These are the kind of games that would actually benefit from a remake. Buggy and heavily flawed in a lot of other ways, but liked enough to warrant a second chance.
Finally someone with taste
>Well you are talking to a very small minority because the sales for MM11 weren't great sadly.
Yeah, but the fact remains there are people who won't touch a Sonic game let alone give it any fairness even if it's good simply because Sonic is on it, which is never a good thing for a brand.
>Praise means nothing if no one buys it.
People did buy it.
The X-collection was reported to have broke a million, so that's almost (probably is) 2 million from 2 different games, one of which is a collection of older games which the new one follows in terms of gameplay.
>But that isn't what happens at all.
It is something that happens, this is a fact, they're are people who were genuinely interested in Sonic before shit like ShTh and 06 happened. Now they stay clear from the franchise because of it and later shit like Boom and Forces. This isn't even about normalfags, this is about people in general, and if it keeps up at this rate this franchise will be dead.