ITT post games that only you've played. Starting out with a nostalgic favorite.
ITT post games that only you've played. Starting out with a nostalgic favorite
Other urls found in this thread:
Cossacks 2 napolenic wars
Haegemonia Legion of the universe
These were my favorites when i was 6
>thread of obscure game
>don't even bother to write title
FUCK the volcano mission.
My nigger. Tzar was the shit.
literally never heard anyone on Yea Forums talk about commandos 2
I played it, I preferred Desperados and the Robin Hood game tho
There was this base-building steampunk-esque RTS where you could take command of any unit from turrets to airships and play as a shooter in real time.
Never seen it here. Now if only I could remember its name...
I had a demo disk once for an RTS. A lot of it was flesh inspired, stuff like spiky bones showing through the buildings etc. I could never find out what game that was. One of the levels was in some sort of orange-y desert. Can anyone remember anything like this?
Lotta old strategy games, huh
I'm looking at screenshots on google, but it doesn't look like it's Dune. It was like flesh barracks and stuff like that, like a sort of ribcage construction where the ribs was up in the air and had like skin for a tent.
I would if I could ever find it again
I played the most obscure shit that came with local magazines, too bad there's no way to get those discs now
Maybe War Front: Turning Point? It's WWII, but has a bunch of alternate history stuff like airships and Nazi mechs. I remember being able to control the base turrets at least.
I'd give my left nut without hesitating if I could remember the names of all the games I played
>tfw this was my dad, but he still has all the games on a giant shelf in the attic
He got the Disciples III expansions during the steam sale and we share an account, it's nice
I loved this shit
there's my nigger
Why not Disciples 2? Isn't 3 worse?
What about this thread?
Too much waifu posting?
Oh shit, that's it. I recognize the airship and the mechs! I don't remember the UI looking so C&C Generals though. Ah, to be 10 again and attracted to games based on cool box-art.
I bet none of you have played this great slavjank
come on retard, albion is a well known game
I played it
It was part of a disk of a computer game magazine
I played it for a bit, I think I remember eating sheep in it
So what is the title in OP?
Played it. It was part of a gaming magazine.
Host... Station... Deeessuuttrroooooyyyed
Still have the sound of approaching Taerkasten Flying Fortress' in Tigers in my head.
I don't think there are sheep in the game m8
I dunno, he probably saw the box copy a decade ago in a Best Buy or something and kept going from there
Got it for like $2 during the steam sale cause the disks are a hassle. Fun game, but I forgot how slow paced it is.
What do you guys use for screenshots? Ineed something that only takes a single button. Relive is shit and I'm not talking about steam games.
Never saw this shit mentioned on Yea Forums, not a single fucking time.
Loved it.
Uprising was fun back in the day.
new remaster whop whop
what is it? looks fun
Betcha none of you have played this
I fucking love the theme song so much
I only played the GB version, surprisingly fun game
It's quake+pokemon
It's on steam
I have, I remember playing it as a kid and talking about the Fakir guy and my dad thought I said Fuck
i have been trying for years to find the title of this bitch
i was playing this shit in grade school as the dog fuck yeah
does anyone know a point and click game with a dorky looking main character? it's not day of the tentacle
i just played a demo but i remember it started on some huge office building
>welcome aboard commander
i fucking love this game
the bionicle online flash game
Zanzarah, as the other guy said. For some reason it was popular in Russia about 15 years ago. Battles are fun, but the world design is absolutely fantastic or so it seemed to the young me
The maps are works of art
oh yes hqdefault is my favorite game too
What the fuck is this, opposite day? Every time I'm in one of these threads I post these games and nobody ever recognizes them. And this time they're all posted before I even entered.
Lords of Magic
Literally soul vs soulless
Space Station Silicon Valley
I swear to god nobody on earth knows this game exists but me.
Flying Fox is unachievable; but you must get it user.
The game was shit compared to the first one.
Bro, literally two of us
Remember me?
Come on, Gobliiins was huge back in the day. They've made at least two sequels. Also Gobliins was the best. Goblins just had ridiculously overcomplicated zones where you had to pixel-hunt like crazy to find the needed action.
>enjoy the first one a lot
>buy 2 on release
That was a mistake.
What is this?
played a lot of it nerd
don't be such a negative nancy.
mein neger
ohh shit. my friends and I used to play this multiplayer and make our own maps and shit
What was this game?
I played the shit out of Messiah.
>tfw playing this on dial-up
Fraps tends to do the job well.
I miss 2D RTS games.
>game is 4h long
>ends on a fucking cliffhanger
If you have trouble running the game nowadays, there ought to be an opensource port you can play.
Good old tank game
Archangel. It's kinda crappy, but got some cool ideas in it and after the first standard fantasy part with occasional weird monsters it goes quite bonkers by throwing you into a cyberpunk future world with even weirder monsters.
played it on the ps2, what a chill fucking game
Oh shit Dark Colony
I tried the game a few months back because I got it on steam for 99 cents.
The 30fps lock really hurts the game.
my first ever strategy game, and one I hardly understood. pretty sure I got this from a scholastic book fair.
I miss RTS games that tried something different and unique, instead of copying Blizzard or Westwood styles.
I loved this game as a kid. I would still have the CD but I think my mom accidentally gave it away in an old PC
Was that the game where you control 3 different characters?
This shit was hard. Fuck howitzer creep and FUCK underground units.
Some retarded reviewer burned me.
KKND2 fits your description
>mfw repeatedly walking back and forth on the crack that breaks your mothers back in the painting above
At least you have an excuse. There were people who bought the one that's currently in "early access".
Got it at christmes, along with a new cpu :P
sadly the cd was bad, could not install the game, so my mom had to take it back and change it, but great game, unreal tournament with flying lizards and shiet
Maybe I was too young when I played it, but I remember the campaign being fucking hard as fuck after few missions in.
Enclave is one of my all time favorites. I can't even say it's got some truly unique ideas, or deep mechanics, but it's just so overall smooth, fun, and well-designed. Reminds me of games like Darksiders or BotW. It doesn't set its eyes too high, but it knows what it wants to do and does it so well I can't help but love it.
Time to time i reinstall this one, get full +body stuff
kill mostly anything, get bored :[
This game is fantastic but I can't get it to work on my current computer
Holy fuck! That's the one! That's fucking amazing, dude. Thank you so much.
If you've played this game you're eligible for a senior citizen discount at most stores
If you ever wondered how badly can a game be made, you can't go wrong with Etrom: The Astral Essence. It's up there with shit like Ride to Hell, so terrible and non-functional - it's mesmerizing.
Pre-rendered backgrounds need to make a comeback.
I remember playing that one. I should probably check if I actually finished it.
Legend of the Seven Paladins. It's a shitty 2.5D FPS deliberately made to be obnoxiously difficult, but it got one thing that always impressed me: the opening part where you walk around a completely empty train station. That part is eerily creepy and atmospheric.
What a weird game this was
hell yes hidden&dangerous.
We sucked at it squad members died like Bothans by the dozens.
Bet nobody has played this
So god damned rare to see someone post that game here that isn't me.
have an image from a cut enemy
This was such a great game. One-of-a-kind, too? At least I've never come across anything else like it. Which is kinda weird. You'd think a slow-moving, small-scale tactical RTS like this with RPG elements would be very popular.
Redmoon online or something.
I forgot about Troggle Trouble. I think I had Word Munchers.
Fucking everyone played OMF2097. Killer OST by the way.
It was essentially gauntlet with a Shrek texture pack.
I miss when strategy games were the place to go for primo-quality jank.
Curse of Issyos is kino (and free)
lurk more newfag
Escape ODT?
Actually it's on GoG now in all it's grindy goodness so I recommend getting it.
Rejigged FPS mishmash version of what was original a TPS on the PC and hard as fuck.
>Planet's Edge
What's the gameplay like?
Thank you.
Absolutely loved this. Having to get armour fitted, the different fighting styles with spears and axes. Good stuff.
i don't think you know how to use that meme
what game is this?
I played the demo.
This looks interesting. Should I play HD or Gold version?
man I loved that game too bad D2 LoD came out like a month or 2 before it so Throne never really got a large playerbase
the crafting could make some crazy items
I cleared the initial area, but on my way somewhere through a forest I got btfo. Did I take a wrong path?
Yeah. I actually think the idea to tie TPS, platforming and light RPG elements was kinda ambitious, but the game was ridiculously full of bottomless pits, coupled with bad platforming.
Sanitarium was one of the most famous point and click games retard. Old doesn't mean obscure.
>Midtown Madness 2
Pushing the cop cars into the San Fransisco bay lol
That's not sanitarium. That's redmoon online.
i beta tested the first or second one
if I remember right there are 3 other daimyos besides yours and you get to them through the forest. Plus there's probably high level areas with oni and shit
>world war zero
Its called Iron Storm nigga
I didn't enjoy this series much because I found it kinda empty and aimless, but I'll never forget the name pirates sold it under in my country. It was called something like Assholes vs. Police, and every kid wanted to play them because of it.
Bring up the map screen and follow the yellow line. If you follow the blue line the diamyo will call you a fag and you'll get bummed by endgame enemies. The difficulty curve is all over the place though, so whenever you first enter a new area you'll get your shit slapped.
Thats the original version which was based.
WWZ is like the dumbed down 2000's remake.
lethal injection was the best
None of you fucking basic bitches even know
I used to think this game didn't even exist because I couldn't remember the name and never saw it anywhere outside of a demo disc
Ah, Silver Style Studios. Now that was some quality eurojank.
Xanadu Next is based. Diablo+Zelda with tactical action combat and 10/10 atmosphere
I grew up with this shit user
It wasn't good, but it was really comfy.
I think I played the demo of this
I got an original release disk of it,want a picture?
Also it was supposed to be a better Jagged Alliance+ Xcom mix but it turned meh.
Also intro is kino
pre-continuum though
From the age when mobile games were actually good.
Ultima 6 sprinkled with Elite. Every action on ground besides walking and combat was shown via wall of text. Somtimes you got really bad luck and a pirate ship several tech levels above you got obsessed with killing you every time you leave a solar system. But getting a new tech level and upgrading your everything from ships to weapons to medkits was fucking satisfying.
That's Wiggles
>I got an original release disk of it,want a picture?
sure, I always had this weird memory of it since I played it way back then and it's always stuck with me for some reason. Granted it was kind of a weird game in itself
Played the shit out of a crappy pirated copy of this that would actually crash if I tried to load a save so I always had to start from scratch every time.
Buggy as hell but man does it feel comfy.
Loved that game!
While the consoles got standard platformers featuring Batman, PC had a point-and-click, and in a way it was brilliant. You were actually doing detective work, figuring out where in the city the clues were, and randomly you could encounter fights, which you had to win by using the gadgets you chose to loaded up on before leaving the batcave. There was investigation, management, and strategy built into it. For however much the braindead BamHam series boats to make you feel like Batman because you barely need a couple buttons to do epic beatdown animations, Batman Returns for DOS was probably the only game that actually depicted his gameplay as he is supposed to be by his comic descriptions.
thanks, buying now it looks fun
Dink Smallwood had a weird charm to it
>when you get bargain bin games 15 years ago
Based taste
>games that only you've played
>Starting out with a nostalgic favorite.
I see your Liero and raise you a Clonk
anyone remember this one?
his nostalgic favorite.
wew lad. better luck next time.
Science of Industry mod for half life.
Not only people play science and industry, but they are still playing it and they are still developing mods for it.
I played Tzar. Bribery was broken.
I really loved the ost
hell yeah. I actually did a full playthrough a few months ago. I love it
it was a weird game
my nigger!!
It was absolutely abysmal in many ways, but I enjoyed it. It's even better when you learn how to go out of bounds.
Ive spend hundreds hours playing Tzar. It was one of my two games. Second one was first Commandos. Didnt have enough space on hdd for both so i had to constantly reinstall it. Funny times
this shit right here was my childhood.
one of my favorite things was the enemy variety and concepts like the woodbots or the Frankenstein-esque enemies
Fuck that was a good game. I remember being blown away with how realistic the sounds of the footsteps echoing were. Crazy how far vidya has come.
I remember when they made this into a TV show
I know exactly what game he's talking about. Some PC gaming magazine back in the early 2000s had an ad for it that said to go to their website and they'd mail out a disc of it for free so I was hyped to get a free game. The game was Redmoon Online. I wasn't too much of a fan but I guess there are fan servers of it now so it seems like it still has a small fanbase.
God I wish this game wasn't so fucking slavic.
It hit the perfect point of RTS for me.
very true, I guess charm is a better fit than melancholy but the two are close
I wish more people played this. Never met anyone who has :(
Probably the least obscure game posted in this thread.
for me it was the combat system what surprised me, going from an adventure mode to a wrestling rpg was a weird but cool concept
Is this bait?
In that case I'm pulling out a Soldat.
i come to challenge you
Whats that
Yeah, because all those Anno threads are just filled with people who played every part except the most popular one that has been the baseline since its release, with both 2070 and 1800 developing its mechanics from 1404.
Hey, I got this with a vidya magazine. Shit was fun.
I never see anyone talk about not-final fantasy
Nigga obscure had a sequel,it wasnt that rare
Now this thing...
>necromancide is best theme
2005 me
Ever heard of Tapan Kaikki?
Btlizkrieg was amazing.
762 high calibre (standard game, shit)
762 hard life (mod, fun)
762 high calibre with blue sun mod (mod, fun)
it's slavic as FUCK though so don't complain if your save game explodes or something
Getting it to work was the most interesting game of the "make old software work" genre for me.
Did you actually read his post?
i have tried to play this like 15 times and i have no clue what the fuck is going on, or what to do
Oh, dont worry. I know slav jank
>tfw I will never go back to playing soldat up until 4 AM with my forum friends
end my suffering
Just read a guide if you ever encounter a mission you have no idea how the fuck to pass.
I assure you the game is playable. Sort of. I never finished it because I get frustrated at retarded missions like the one where you have to protect a convoy, but it is playable.
Also, A LOT of savescumming.
i have it on steam is it any good
You made Mistmare work?
Resolution is fucked for me
Well, I was consent with given resolution, asking for Full HD from THAT kind of a game is a bold endeavour.
Best password is DYTIFASUHL
True. I made it work myself but i found combat incredibly weird and slow.
I remember it being kinda difficult but I played it as a kid so it might be wrong.
It's ok, kinda unique for being such an anime inspired game by western developers.
i played my way all the way to the last level (the paris one wasnt it) and then did nothing but drove around the map shooting stuff with the tank lol i never even bothered to finish the game though cause shit seemed to hard by that point (i was a brainlet)
>they say theyr gonna make a new commandos game yay
Anyone remember a PS2 game where you played as a starfighter in a futuristic setting? I remember it was divided into missions, the main location was this sort of island, and the main objective was to destroy enemies, defend structures or repel invasions.
Both factions, allies and enemies, were generic futuristic armies, one blue and one red if I remember correctly.
There was one particular missions about a giant flying aircraft carrier with a cannon which you had to destroy.
Pretty faithful.
me and my brother were crazy about this game
Well, my brother's the one who bought it, so that makes two of us.
since we're all here discussing old games:
does anyone remember some sort of point-and-click educational game where you go around a fair/carnival and do shit, that's super vague, but i think it was a popular title or brand
please redpill me on clonk
i should add a time frame to this: mid to late 90s
This is the only thing I remember from that game.
good taste
I know most here have played this but i dont think its worth making its own thread about, should they do a remake of this? would it even be possible in this day and age to do a helicopter fighting game that doesn't have an in-cockpit style ui (and without making it a sidescroller)?
I feel i've played this game... Cool Aesthetics tho...
Stealing horses was neat.
reminds me of cyberdogs
>all the fucking boomers talking about their pixelshit
>when the new fucking switch was announced
Lol holy shit, just leave
Vaguely remember a weird artsy low poly 3D browser game where you're a soldier wandering through a snowy battlefield trying to find warmth meeting stragglers on the way. Don't think I'll ever be able to find it.
Loved those games. I wish we still got cool games about helicopters and tanks and shit
Remember playing this with my brothers, doing stupid shit like setting the reload speeds to zero and doing chaos matches with nothing but bouncy mines and chiquita bombs.
It was retarded fun.
We've Got Explosives 2 was simply concentrated fun. Amazing game.
Quiz time:
>what was the other similar small multiplayer BOMBING game?
this is only missing Molez
It's a game where you play a faction of clonks.
It's got flying machines, submarines and explosives.
Almost all the terrain you see is destructible.
You have to actually mine gold by blowing up gold deposits to make money.
There are expansions that turn it from a mining and skirmish game into magic and wizardry, feudal knights, inuits trying to survive in the cold north, amazonian savages worshiping totems and spacemen shooting things.
It's got a shitton of mods all the way from orchardry to zombies falling from the skies to space soldiers killing blob-creatures that evolve into giant mosquitos.
And it's free now that it isn't being developed any more.
Wouldn't suggest playing it alone though, there are a few scenarios that can be finished alone, but the game itself is a lot more fun with friends.
I actually played a demo of this
Also from that era was a demo of a Fallout clone that i never found again,you start in a bunker basement and are telepathically called by a german accented scientist to go up. Also you give a dirty mag to a guard. Probably too obscure.
>diablo with wings
getting this shit now
You are the only other person I've ever seen acknowledge the game.
>sequel never
Still fucking great game.
I remember plants scaring the fuck out of me till I figured out to shoot the white flower.
Also - tv-aliens were creepy as fuck.
Still last boss was pure kino - esp when you got his fuckhuge sword
It's good, but it's not that good.
It had an expansion too you know.
knew a guy who was into this for a week or so, never played it myself.
mine is pic related, not sure it's so obscure, though.
I tried to get this but didn't find a working torrent, looked cool
>what was the other similar small multiplayer BOMBING game?
hunter hunted
good man! I actually bought this game back then, sent cash in an envelope and they sent me a diskette back.
So few people played the game it gets posted in literally every "post games only you've played" thread
Really? Never spotted it back in the day. I need to either find my copy or find a place to download it.
Thought this RTS had amazing graphics for its time.
Captain claw is the shit
Alright. Let's start with the easy stuff and get progressively more obscure. I have one that always fucking stumps Yea Forums. This isn't it, but I don't really see this one discussed.
There's a patched version out there that fixes the uncollectable. Great fucking game.
Here's your Diablo, bro
Obblinox general a cute
>that songtrack too
Right in the fucking childhood
Creeper World series is peak gaming.
I played this on a collection disc with the title in the description. There was a demo of a space strategy game that I wish I had a full copy of. It was pretty tight.
Surprisingly good top down racing game on the NES
Great game
Whoops, forgot to reply to my last. I won't list them all, but the Wii has a ton of hidden gems, actually. Boom Blox and this are sort of casual, mindless fun but are great games.
aw shit nigga i totally forgot about this. my dad used to play it to death but we both forgot its name. time suprise the old fuck.
Any more of its kind i could get him? The stuff i fiund him lately are too complex, or he is just lazy to learn them.
what do I win
Totally not LTTP with guns. No sir.
>Spend a bunch of time getting an ancient game to work
>Play it for a few hours
>Never again
I do get some level of satisfaction from it, at least.
Not that obscure, but more people should play this gem.
I'm sure I will think of more, but nobody has played this on Yea Forums except for me. It's a great puzzle game for the Dreamcast, too.
I know I played this at some point because it can in one of those value packs with five or six games in it. I remember getting to play as Native Americans, so that was cool.
can Yea Forums help me find a flash game from like 20 years ago? in it you played as a wizard you controlled with wasd and you ran screen to screen to different zones where you had to click to fire spells at different enemies (i remember a lot of skeletons) and upgrade and unlock different spell types to access different areas? you could also kite enemies and charge up spells so they were small-nuke sized then fire them
>steam release literally never
>they're too busy working on other games now like carrion
holy shit someone else posted it.
I'm currently in the middle of a new runthrough but with the final mutually exclusive missions after the "choice" stringed together.
It had quite the powerful map editor, and i'm sad that the only fanmade missions i could find were russian and i couldn't even machine translate that shit due to region locking and character-encoding sheningans.
I'm at half mind of just going through the missions and doubling every enemy for shits and giggles for my next replay a few years from now.
I got this through one of those book order things when I was in elementary school in the 90s.
Is this some MTG knockoff?
Oh right, this is a thread about RTS games, right?
It was too hard for me as a kid, I couldn't finish the campaign.
A childhood friend of mine had this piece of shit
I should replay that, thanks user. Amazing atmosphere.
Remember reading about this in Nintendo Power and wanting to play it after SC and WC.
And finding the hero characters n shit.
Damn, I remember messing with the map editor a lot.
This was the only game I ever got my late grandfather to play. It was reasonably fun, too.
Yeah, you're right. Have you played the second one?
I know I'm not the only one to have played this here, but nobody mentions it except in lewd threads very, very, very rarely. A shame the English release never had newgame+. Terribly weeaboo story, though.
Right in the fucking childhood
>spend literal hours with my buddy, pushing cars into a pit thats supposed to be a metro station, so we can eventually drive over them
>my dad wants to show of the driving wheel to his dad, we hand over the game for them while they drive around
>we return, horrified that the cars we worked on disapeared since our ~6yo mind didnt understand despawning
>we also gathered neat vehicles like taxis, ambulances and shit in front of the safe house in GTA3 and were fubleghasted when they were gone, even though we killed the OG driver
we also thought it was a demo version since we didn't know you had to win races to unlock shit and we always played sandbox
Oh, and my sister didnt want to drive fast, so she somehow figured out how to turn on manual shifting and were pleasantly crusing around in 1st gear with the egnine in redline. (she still doenst have a licesne thankfully)
also mfw i discovered why the C64 commandos theme song sounded familiar
>can't get the game to run on my pc anymore
I miss those claymation cutscenes
Gotta get them scalps, son.
Played it, loved it. Never saw the ending because my game would always crash when Ripley was about to cross the mercury pools in the emperor's tomb
Came with some of the toys.
I don't think I ever beat it though
They are currently making creeper world 4 you nuts
He fookin' better
Holy shit, you're the first person I've ever seen acknowledge this game. I don't remember ever beating it, but I remember being stuck in the German house/castle with the billiard balls forever.
We didn't have internet at that time yet, so there was no way to look up what to do.
That 90's style art is fantastic
what game?
I know this game
But never have the will to finish it
One day it'll come back
Never saw anyone talk about this game. I like the music.
Bloody Roar
Aww shit. Didn't know it's getting remastered.
C2 is my childhood-defining game.
This classic ripoff right here
Ask my dad for Age of Mythology.
Gets this instead. I could live with it, nice game.
A lot of people played Commandos
Desperados III soon, it's on the steam store page
I played S&I, but the community was long dead so i mostly played with bots
>tfw i will find no one that ever played pic related, it was fucking fun, had a great OST and scenario editor
i played that, fuck off.
some old game where you control a hand and you have to pick up people and throw them away before they steal your gold bars
it had 3d rendered sprite and i dont remember what system but its for pc
Ripoff of what? Major Stryker kicked ass.
And it was shareware so basically everyone I know with a computer who had heard of commander keen or other apogee games played this. I played it a LOT.
who the fuck is Major Stryker
fuck, i came into this thread to post this. some of my best memories were playing this co-op, we always managed to get up to the level with the bazooka boys that could shoot you from off the fucking screen
It's on steam now; decent version really.
Not many games have the limited soldiers / leveling up over time elements
almost as good as dungeon lords
reminds me of meteor
Traffic Department 2172
Im so glad I had a Saturn has a kid because it gave me access to hidden gems I would have overlooked otherwise.
Japanese animal crossing for N64
this game looks sweet
but it also look hard to control
First RTS
Never seen anyone talk about this on Yea Forums.
Not bad 3D graphics and three full story campaigns.
The Korean campaign was by far the best one.
>Best fishing sim
>forgetting to set it to 500% blood
Myst was really popular 25 years ago so maybe some of you have played it.
I remember playing this and mowing down civilians in two player mode.
Great game, don't know how it holds up.
more of a /vr/ game
i guess this is the rts support group thread
any dark reign niggas in here
yeah the isometric controls are a little janky not gonna lie. the completely unique story/parallel system is the highlight of the game
same here, too bad the third part was never made, and will never be made :(
based Stratosphere poster
i lost my friend's lords of magic special edition disk and still feel bad about it
we called it "LOMSE"
game had great voice acting
"death by fiya!"
>ywn play comfy early 2000s mmofps like necron again
i havent, but with a title like that, i fucking want to.
i fucking had a shareware version of this or first episode or something
my dad's friend gave it to us, i played it on a 486 in the mid 90s
the title screen music was always so fucking loud compared to other games i played, i had to turn the speakers down or it would jumpscare me rofl
anyway pretty cool game, one of the more advanced platformers that i played at the tiem, liked the inventory system and different beam weapon throw things you had, cool level variety
Greatest RPG from around the year 2000 no one ever played because indie games never got any exposure. There was supposed to be a sequel but it got canned.
tfw soldat
can ANYTHING compare to the kino A E S T H E T I C of classic dos games?
look at that SWEET COMFY SOUL
this looks familiar but i dont think i played it, maybe saw it in a magazine
game name? looks pretty cool
i honesrly only played the first lords of the realm even though the other ones were better i only had the first one
my save kept getting wiped but i liked the fighting-game combat in an rpg.
anno is pretty fucking popular user...
maybe you juts need to move to germany.
yes, i was going to recommend brigador and crusader no remorse
im glad people are posting gruntz again
there was a fucking war of the worlds videogame? how the fuck does this even work
sam and max hit the road; one of the first areas and easiest places to get stuck is the carnival.
anyone else play this shit? it was pretty good for something browser-based.
That's interesting, I've never seen a Fantasy/Disco themed RPG before.
i had nuclear strike 64
always made me laugh that it was "rated E for everyone" (the n64 version not the ps1 version)
you know, nuclear war! for kids!
>be late to thread
>see my favourites are already covered
But also pic related
played that. desperados were the shit
was this well known? played it at a friend's house in 3rd grade and we really hated it
>he thinks we didnt play german ripoff of Battlezone '98
yeah thunder brigade was fucking great but it was no bz98 / bz II / heavy gear 1 / heavy gear 2 / mechwarrior 3 / etc
noting creeps me more out than ice cold dos game over scenes/sequences
>user! Use the magic of OPRIN!
The death of Eurojank and AA Jap games was the death of video games
no, but i played this
oh shit, never mind. I thought that was battle isle for some reason
How weird that the game can still run on Windows 7 after all this time
Anyone play this? It's called Joint Task Force
Pretty much everyone in spain has played this or one of the secuels, it came with the fucking newspaper one time. I got it on a pack with other 10 games and it's pretty fun.
It's been a looong time since I played it, but it's basically a really asymmetrical Total War-ish/RTS kind of thing where you take over territories on a turn-based overworld map and build bases in them while the AI does the same thing as the opposing faction, then you have real-time battles to attack/defend occupied territories.
It's really kind of clunky, but it had a lot of innovative ideas and it's decently fun.
here's one nobody actually played
with even better soundtrack
I remember renting this and Bio FREAKS. Both were pretty okay. Just 3D weapons fighters like a Soul Edge clone with Mortal Kombat's gore.
this was amazing
Tiny Tank motherfuckers
I remember this was a TV show. The only episode I remember was the main character Ned was basically nude the entire episode, so each scene had a different styled censorship method to cover his junk.
One of the greats
Just download the PSP version with the translation patch. Btw, Makai Kingdom also got an expanded PSP version, and has a translation patch.
Never bumped into anyone who has even heard of this fucking thing.
shitty game, but impressive technically
Doesn't help that the western release was limited to Yurop.
for years, this and lego racers were the only two games i played regularly.
I know this game but only played a demo of it. Fall Haven or something. Also I can't get ever get this game to work from a torrent.
Maybe this isn't the right thread to ask this question, but does anyone remember a first person mecha game for PC (windows 98, I think) in which you drive through a desert and the most prominent color is orange? A friend of mine had it on a CD he lent me way back. I can't remember much of it though
No you remember it correctly, KKND campaign is quite challenging.
Dark eden? Playing a slayer, looks like.
My Afro-American gentleman.
I too enjoyed my turn based MMA RPG Adventure game.
Loved this game it had great lore.
Forgot pic. Loved it when I was a kid.
On the subject of weird games...
Never got past the first world of this
Vangers, one for the road
I think that was it. Thanks!
I played it
Is this "culturally insensitive" by today's standards?
Used to watch my younger brother play that with his friends.
Good, simple fun.
been waiting for this to go on sale on gog for awhile
How come no one ever played this chip's challenge?
They're on GoG, first one still plays pretty well. I haven't tried Uprising 2 yet.
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny.
Played it as a kid, no idea if it was popular or anything.
These kids certainly did
I played a demo for this. seemed janky but fun
I played Myst, but I was so young that the puzzles just confused the shit out of me and didn't much care for it
i bought this and would just spend hours trying to terraform the whole map to be flat
i quit the actual campaign on the mission that introduced burrowing units, i wasnt smart at RTS at the time. This game was really unique looking back at it, and absolutely amazing visuals at the time. I remember they were hyping up how it used voxels and shit. Wasnt there a sequel?
This game had an awesome soundtrack, needs a remake imo
Tomb Raider for GBC
kodename kids next door 2?
I used to play this game all the time with my best friend in 5th grade and was actually thinking about posting that in this thread.
It's insane no one has ever attempted something like that again. Shit was pretty much just multiplayer deus ex
This shit is so bugged.
I literally couldn't finish the campaign because of a bug.
I tried to play it but just didn't have any fun.
>see thread
>think exactly of tzar
>4rth pic
мaйкa ти cтapa...
Game was popular in my country 15 years ago.
Magi Nation
Oh shit I didn't expect to ever see it mentioned anywhere.
It's like Natural Selection but more fun.
Red pill me on this game
I wish more "jrpgs" had this sort of gameplay instead of turn based crap
It has a community that isn't completely dead
we should get together and play some of these games :)
Europa 1400 The Guild. It's the definition of comfy, but also janky as hell and unbalanced.
now that you mention it they are kinda dark...
Literally me: the post.
God the last levels were so fucking hard, fuck the ice zone btw
ah fuck what game?
That is one of the first I ever played.
this game gives me headaches
I can't even get through the second mission because I can't get the hang of the controls
Well, I'm kind of cheating. It's not just me who's played this; I beat it with two friends on my birthday one time. Two manned the guns and the third used the wheel in the middle when we needed to steer ships.
I don't know, but we had it.
Everyone's played it.
May as well have posted Skifree.
This one? Because he's correct.
That's how most people remember myst.
This game was redpilled as fuck
Also the X-Files one.
I have yet to see anyone talk about slave zero. It was a fun little arcadey mech shooter from 1999. It's on GOG but be aware it's kind of crashy in certain areas of the game. The OST is pretty great though
I was never able to get far because of the crashes
I can't remember why did I love this jank piece of shit so much
once you get to level 4 you can farm the missiles half way in the level. just get them, return to base, then sell them. repeat that then buy the auto trak mini gun and the game gets fun
do you remember what happens when you hit backspace? ;)
Is this game actually good? does it run on the PC?
Oh snap.
I was literally just thinking of this.
I only ever played the fallen haven demo.
b-but muh money
When ever I played it I noticed it always crashed when I killed a certain type of enemy. Using missiles always caused it to crash while when killing them with other weapons it only sometimes crashed. Thankfully you can usually just avoid them and run through the rest of the level, though there are some crash fixes posted to the slave zero GOG forum if you ever want to give it another try.
This. Man, I remember coming home from school when it first came out, getting to the page in my browser, and letting it load for hours while I played with legos.
I don’t even know if I could play the game now. I still remember the music. It would be nostalgia overload.
...go on.
I get the same feeling too user, reminds me of dominus(i think thats it anyways)
its on steam
I've played all of these user.
Help me.. A new one is coming soon. I'm not sure i'll be okay.
I remember this. Awesome RTS for a browser like you said. The mechanics were cool, humans and aliens were different enough and the missions were fun.
I think I was old enough to actually beat them. When I was younger playing RTS games like aoe2, I could barely beat the Joan of Arc campaign.
version 2 never ever
I just got to the infamous level in III. I haven't attempted it yet. Games are surprisingly comfy.
Anyone here played the old hobbit game?
fpbp. Crazy how this game still has a modding community and gets updates. Thanks steam sale thread.
Are those Japanese giant hornets? Did he have a hole in his suit or something?
according to Yea Forums yes