>"Hey JC! Did I ever tell you about that time all augmented people in the world went batshit insane for no reason at all? It sure is strange that nobody bothered to look into the cause."
"Hey JC! Did I ever tell you about that time all augmented people in the world went batshit insane for no reason at all...
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And he was a good friend
Paul was test tube born after that, right?
> Hey JC, did I ever mention why we still use helicopters when we had hovering jet propellant aircrafts that could lift vertically 25 years ago?
> And don't get me me started on the fashion nightmare that was 2025, thankfully the world went back to normal clothes almost immediately after, it was like a collective hallucination.
>JC did I ever tell you about adam jensen? he was good friend?
It sort of makes sense though, you barely see any mechaugs in 2052. The world’s totally gone by then and mecha are sort of hushed up as untrustworthy abominations by NCR types. I won’t justify the storytelling of MD though, it’s a far cry from the atmosphere of the first
Yeah the art direction in the game was pushed too aggressive, though it will be interesting to see if fashion actually lands on something similar to DX:HR by 2027
Deus Ex
>terrorism, global conspiracy, wool pulled over the eyes of the people, new world order
HR and MD
This criticism falls apart when you realize that conspiracies go unpunished in real life too. Most people will believe whatever Big Brother tells them, and the ones that don't have no recourse anyway because the perpetrators are above the legal system.
>fashion nightmare
girl please
They're not talking about punishing it though, they're talking about it never being mentioned.
>Hey JC, remember when augmented people were publicly discriminated and segregated by everyone and now there is virtually no trace of said discrimination when it was only about 30 years ago?
Damn Canadians
It makes sense you wouldn't see that many mech augs because there wouldn't be that many in the first place. The prequels presents a world where office workers are voluntarily removing their own arms and legs for mechanical limbs that offer little to no benefit to them.
in the DX bible it's stated they still have separate lines at airports
That's not discrimination, half your body is a fucking toaster oven.
JC, remember when hacking computers allowed you to read emails without having to race against a timer? Oh well, at least we can produce drones with our minds nowadays.
Hey remember when black people were segregated and discriminated in the 70s and by the 00s there was no trace of it?
There are still people that hate basketball americans today, augs are not discriminated at all in deus ex, at least as far as I remember.
Yeah the idea of the high tech world at its peak which leads to individuals willingly parting with limbs makes sense. It would lead to the totally barren world of Deus ex 1 where mech augs are extremely rare twenty years later
Gunther writes an e-mail complaining about how he has no future outside of the coalition
according to the bible, mech augs are seen as monstrosities. that's one of the big advantages of nanoaugs, easier to blend in and part of why gunther is so wary about being replaced.
He could've moved back to Germany and opened some kind of tavern, I bet he would double as a good bartender and bouncer.
>JC, remember when technology was advanced we were literally building cities on top of cities? No? Ok, go back to crawling around in this 80's New York subway then.
all the niggers rioted in london in 2011 and now literally no one mentions it
mechanical augs are dying out so theres nothing to discriminate
That was Hengsha. American cities are eroded and full of dated infrastructure, international companies have siphoned most of the wealth into their own pet projects at the expense of society, except for all their shiny terminals located all over the old cities. Do you pay attention when you play these games?
He reminds me of the bartender in the beginning of neuromancer
Just like how people never discuss Waco Texas
Jordan Shea, a mech who used to be with UNATCO runs the New York Hell's Kitchen tavern. She only does poor on business during city lockdown.
Paul was normal
>JC remember Prague? It was an incredibly advanced city and hub for all the major tech corporations, it was also known for having an especially brutal form of augmented apartheid
There would only a be a tiny fraction of people willing to part with their biological limbs for the sake of novelty. Augments are expensive, require surgery and a lifetime of immunosuppressives. People may be willing to part with their money for the sake of the newest gadgets but the loss of money is the only major inconvenience. What are those office workers going to do with those limbs? I can understand neural implants, but how is superhuman strength or speed an asset in a white collar environment?
Lots of military people feel like that and most of those haven't become cyborgs.
Haha yes, and it's purely coincidence that Paris and Hong Kong are also run down and full of old infrastructure. Maybe you should try playing the game instead of pretending you know what you're talking about.
I don’t think office workers were the ones getting augmented super strength limbs. It’s mentioned that manual laborers got augmented so they could outperform the regular workers
>JC did you know they rounded up augmented people and put them in prison camps? haha thats kind of strange.
>Hey JC, did I ever tell you about how mechanical augments let you dash through the air, create shockwaves by jumping, and influence the weak-minded with pheromones?
>JC,do you remember Panchea? That huge project in the artic which collapsed for no good reason at all?
I actually really liked DXHR's ridiculous fashion. To me it represents the opulence and decadence of a society right before it verges on collapse, sort of like everyone riding high in the 20s before the great depression. Their extravagant attire was a manifestation of this.
maybe you should treat HR and MD like parallel universes since they clearly are very different from Deus Ex 1
It might have been cool if it was its own separate universe and not DX.
Pheromones that smell like pussy, no less.
>user hasn't come out of his room for months since he last went to the augmentation clinic
I think it works because you have to remember that the original DX1 was borderline post-apocalyptic in terms of just how bad things had gotten. So in that sense it can actually be explained why there's such a stark contrast in tech and fashion and such.
i wonder what he smelt like haha
>JC why do i have an aug that gives me more air supply if i can just health regen through the drowning damage?
>Hey remember that time I tried to melt the government into a system where everyone has instantaneous input?
Because drowning sucks even if you aren't dying.
What was Helios' tax policy?
There's two NSF guys talking shit about Gunther's augmentations at the start of the fucking game.
Why would anyone think direct democracy on a mass scale would be a good idea? All you got to do is look at twitter and realize how bad of an idea that would be.
twitter is not democracy, their staff members control the content
Paris is an ancient city dude, of course it is not gonna look all advanced aside from inserted tech. Same with Hong Kong. Hengsha was built new that way, a megaproject funded by Tai Yong Medical.
What about all the futuristic architecture? Did all of it get torn down, rebuilt, then decay all in the span of 20 years?
It's very easy for twitter users to start a lynch mob.
Maybe it was cheaply designed
I can't blame the prequels for not wanting to be hamstrung by the original's bland and blocky architecture. Deus Ex looked dated on the day it released.
That's because they own his fucking body. He's too deep into this shit he can't leave now
The downside is that it takes much more energy to regen through drowning damage. But it's not like energy is scarce enough for that to matter.
I never understood what's so dated in DX graphics. UE1 was still fairly new back when it was released, and the maps itself look good.
Wonder what happened to Adam
Unless they retconned it, Paul was born completely normally. JC was a test tube baby produced after MJ12 found out Paul had perfect genes for nanoaugmentation.