Why are fans better then Nintendo at msking soul with their own franchises?

Why are fans better then Nintendo at msking soul with their own franchises?

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Other urls found in this thread:


This bait is so obvious.


Go on. Post the link to the download so that we can play the game. We CAN play the game right? There's a f*cking game to play right? No? There's your f*ucking answer.

The Pokemon community is a good example of this, they have some ornate the best and most extensive mods and hacks I’ve ever seen.

Reminder that this looks absolutely amazing and Yea Forums is just a land of miserable fucks



so is there a game to play or is this just bait

This image has so much soul I can barely look at it...



Why does everything look like it's armored with scales??????????? Why is the color palette so fucking painful to look at???????
Why do zoomers have such shit taste??????

>gorillion screenshots
>2 maybe 4 demo vids max
>stuck in development hell worse than any porn VN
Every single time

That's what Yea Forums is now. Just massive 5,000+ people discord circlejerk parties flinging shit each other for a giggle, and because of the aforementioned size, this means that probably 99% of what you see at a given time is this, even if it's some mundane fucking meme exchange. Note I said giggle too, not genuine discourse. I'm convinced even what may seem like actual arguments between memelord fags are just two colleagues riling shit up to see how people like you and I respond. This board is now an echo chamber for organized groups, rather than an anonymous discussion haven. We both should've left already.

I swear, the more I look at this shit, the worse it gets.
More dithering =/= better you fucking retards. Also learn color theory. And have sex.

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waht game?

The color palette is awful

OP, please stop making these shitty fucking threads.

it's still in early stages of development. there's not a name right now, just a discord server with occasional progress updates.

>unironically posting "have sex"
You need to lurk about 4 more months, you faggot newfag

>confusing detail for dithering
oh no he's retarded


>Learn color theory
Not every game has to be Super Mario World bro. There's nothing in that webm that is missable due to blending in.

>confusing dithering for detail
Actual brain damage. Some incredible """"""detail"""""" he's added on that grass, that roofing and those bricks.

you don't know what dithering is, it's fine, you don't have to respond any more

Overdetailed trash.

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Pixels =/= soul
Also soul =/= good, ALBW is PACKED with soul and care for the original, it just ended up looking like shit, ironically similar to most fangames. To quote Chef, "you have the soul, and the heart, but you don't have the talent".

It's still embarrassing to compare Pokemon's plastic toy models with Dragon Quest XI that goes to great lengths to capture the look and character of the original spritework in 3D.

soul is a buzzword you fucking retard. its a term meant to parody autists like yourself.

Attached: soul.png (1650x414, 153K)

>color theory

All these hard rules are the antithesis of soul

I love how you can just avoid an argument with absolutely zero input. Just pray that the uninformed don't assume you're right.

The above is just as lazy. Despite having access to the far more hardware resources than the below, it chooses to instead take the lazy way out with some weird nes-snes hybrid that wouldn't fit any of the console eras. It's disingenuous and only serves to fool those who are easily amused.

>Nintendork tiny brain can't handle any detail that is more then just a simple plain color and shape

>Make a fangame of 2d pokemon games
>Make it 2d
>"I-it's lazy!!!"

You seriously think this is an impressive looking 2D game? Are you high?

Why do faux GBC graphics for a game that would never run on a GBC? A bit more effort then you just have a GBA game with a puke looking color palette.

Okay virgin.

The bottom is just lazy. Despite having access to every single future-proof Pokemon Model from the previous generations, it chooses to instead take the lazy way out by not including them, saying "it would take too much time." That wouldn't fly with any other series fanbase that wasn't full of bumbling retards. It's disingenuous and only serves to fool those who are mindless consumers.



You seriously think the bottom is an impressive looking game by any metric?

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do you not see the texture of the tree on the bottom? not sure why I'm even bothering to reply since you're automatically assuming 3D = better

>Begging the question
Please, provide the 2D Pokemon game in question that dwarfs the previous example.
>inb4 the faggot never comes back

>those ads on the side of the building
okay, not bad

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It's a game made by a small team of people that had some webms leaked on /vp/. It isn't being released until it's entirely finished just to avoid a DMCA during development. Judging by how it's been the topic of so many Yea Forums threads and makes you autists seethe so hard, they probably are making the correct call.

>If you don't like this brown, washed out, over designed fan game, you like Nu-Pokemon!

wasted quints, awful post replying to awful bait

Sure, not defending sword and shield. Just saying despite being prepared on much more powerful hardware you get lazy devs who go for the "retro" style, without understanding it was only hardware limits that defined the era.

Again, not defending sword and shield. Just saying even a gba romhack would look better undoubtedly, and again using far far weaker standards than a pc fangame.

But to both of you, what are you even arguing? Why can't both be lazy?

you are so fucking stupid. nice conjecture.
literally nothing was leaked. he (because there's one dev, not a team) posted progress in /rheg/, the fangame general. it got reposted by Yea Forums mouthbreathers from there. he never said anything about not releasing until its finished.
>inb4 why should I believe you
I have talked to him weekly, we post in the same general, and I have commissioned him multiple times. quit making shit up, and quit believing everything you hear.

holy shit, every videogames board is fucking terrible. why is everyone here so stupid but me

Any gba era game. Even the shitty tiles for fire red.

>Calling someone lazy for making their own assets
>Suggesting they make a rom hack instead
retard. your only argument for it being lazy is it's a 2d game. are all 2d games lazy to you?

That night-time GSC hack looked better.

because you're still under the implication that 2D = lazy when that image is beyond exceptional by 2D standards

What a waste. Downright embarrassing.

Which one?

That's not my argument, I'm saying it would objectively look better. And you're assuming you can't remake tiles and shit. In fact, its far harder to mod the games even with the tools because of hardware limits, something pc fan games don't have to contend with.


It shit 2D, what dont you get? This isn't even a good example of nostalgia because it throws out the window exactly why the games had to look similar back then.

not that user but he's probably talking about Pokemon Metropolis.

Attached: metropolis.gif (160x144, 343K)

Terrible post

actually work with the limitations you're trying to emulate or have a unique art style

Above is a fan game, it lacks resources and thus gets to be "lazy". A studio with the highest grossing franchise in the world does not.

Fuck off n*gger

Do you seethe with rage when a 2d platformer trying to have a retro feel has graphics that don't abide by the strict limitations of older hardware? These graphics wouldn't run on an SNES and certainly not an NES.

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If Nintendo released a pokemon game with those grapics, Yea Forums would explode with wojack edits saying "so this is the power of the shitch"

so it's a bad remake because it doesn't look like it's from 1996? that's an even worse argument than your first one you should probably just stop trying

I don't know if it has a name, or if it's even still being worked on.

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Great so you admit it looks like shit.

>I have talked to him weekly, we post in the same general, and I have commissioned him multiple times
why should I believe you

souls just another word for animated minutia according to Yea Forumslads

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>>inb4 why should I believe you
I'm only going by what several other anons have said and the only fucking source of information is other anons. You're just as reputable as anyone else. Not that I really care. The game doesn't have a name or any reliable way to look it up so how can you blame me?

Soul is usually used in place of nostalgia, but it's also still real. You can tell when a team really enjoyed making a game, had lots of ambition and put a lot of effort into it.

Anyone can tell the difference between a game rushed out or designed by committee and a game that was made by a passionate team. It's basically what Nintendo has made their entire business on.

soul kino

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not that user but literally go to the archives and search "rheg" you idiot


i'll fucking spoonfeed you

sword and shield and the entire switch library apart from mario being wii u ports... so much soul... a lot of painstaking effort there...

Kill yourself faggot

>Just sift through 460 threads bro!
thanks for the spoonfeeding

It does, and it is. That's Pokemon Metropolis.

here's the commissioned art in my game.
idk what else to tell you.
don't bully my shitty game please.

Yeah dude, because fucking Yea Forums users are so trustworthy. the source of information (the fangame general) has been available to anybody who gave enough of a shit to actually find solid information.
but it's easier to Dude Trust Me on the videogames board.

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/rheg/ has been a ghost town for months

>every videogames board is fucking terrible. why is everyone here so stupid but me
Imagine being so fucking conceited, kill yourself you fucking cunt.

they have an active thread, right now. as a matter of fact, there's an rheg meme now from the countless retards that trek across Fourth Channel asking for this game specifically.

>Yeah dude, because fucking Yea Forums users are so trustworthy. the source of information (the fangame general) has been available to anybody who gave enough of a shit to actually find solid information.
can you link me to a thread that actually has solid information about it instead of just an archive link of 400+ threads? a fucking NAME to search? anything?

It has a thread up, but I don't know if I would call it active. Barely any of them have been hitting bump limit.

Why does dithering cause such pain in the prepubescent asses of the users on this board?

as multiple people have told you. but you might as well just ask me. I don't mind telling you what I know.

Yeah it's really sad. there's just a declining interest in fangames anymore, at least on /vp/ specifically.
I'd prefer the occasional "rom hack thread" over a constant rom hacking general. there's barely anything to discuss, so its all shitposting.

you might actually have something wrong with you
but here's where it originated

every general after the original dev comes back to share his progress. if you can't figure out how to navigate generals then god save you and please crawl back to whatever shithole site you came here from

so you get mad at anons for believing misinformation about it when it's an elusive game with no reliable way to find anything about it besides "just sift through every /rheg/ general thread"?

like theres no nickname for it or name of the dev who's making it to make things a little less broad/

imagine being so dumb you can't figure things out on your own

I downloaded pretty much every non-obscure Pokemon fangame.
Which one is the best?


it's literally not elusive in the slightest. all you have to do is say "tell me about this pokemon fangame" in the dedicated place for pokemon fangames.
he has a public discord server what the fuck, I have no idea how this shitty Yea Forums meme of it being a TOP SEKRIT PROJECT spread.

this unironically looks better than every pokemon game.


Not him but can you link me this discord so I can post it on Reddit and make sure it gains a lot of popularity and have Nintendo find out about it so they shut down this discord tranny abomination?

user here gets it

I'm not the person you're talking to, kill yourself cunt.

99% of fans are tasteless shitters with little to no respect towards the source material.

Look at any series, movie, tv, comic, et al., where fans of the original have taken over. It becomes literal fanfiction. Insertion of things the braindead hacks have thought would be "cool" since they first thought them up as a teen, still trapped in their heads as they refused to age and grow.

Even in fan art, or development, or any sort of fan content relating to the source but intended as an accomoaniment, we find this utter vacancy of creativity and taste.

There's few fates worse for a franchise than "fans" getting their hands on it.

>Look at any series, movie, tv, comic, et al., where fans of the original have taken over. It becomes literal fanfiction. Insertion of things the braindead hacks have thought would be "cool" since they first thought them up as a teen, still trapped in their heads as they refused to age and grow.
Thank goodness gamefreak is adding soulful, mature features to Sword and Shield like DUDE BIG POKEMON and WOAH MMORPG RAIDS!!!

imagine seething so hard when replying to someone who isn't even the person you think you're replying to

nintendo has shut down like literally two pkmn fan games in over a decade, and its because they were getting actually huge articles written about them *because they were finished*. Unless you're on Kotaku, you have nothing to fear in terms of DMCA/C&D anymore.


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Thanks for revealing what a brain damaged, shit eating retard you are for quoting that and then immediately sperging out about "soulful" and "mature" content that you feel - as a tasteless, out of touch fan - this colourful franchise aimed towards children should have.

>lol dude don't make fangames using sprites just make your own game engine and create and render your own models like billion dollar corporations do except with 0 starting budget
honestly what the fuck even is this thread? people who have never game dev'd acting like they know anything about it?

>weird nes-snes hybrid
Are you 12?

>gigantimaxing isn't retard shit you wouldn't see in a bad fangame
megas were bad enough. mario is designed for kids but you don't being designed by actual morons smearing their own feces into their idea books.

It's a pretty game with overdesigned graphics - perfect for Reddit to eat right up! I'm sure if someone helped bring it to more mainstream light Kotaku and other journos would pounce all over it.

I can see it now - "Fan develops better looking game than Sword and Shield," Twitter and reddit memes are made about it. Nintendo steps in a week later. Goodbye.

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Nintendo should unironically hire these men.
I do think the sprites could use a bit of refinement, but besides that, it looks vastly superior than ss.


that battle screen looks amazing, also is that an unused official pokemon they actually made now?

>that mansion


Attached: Squirtle.jpg (496x495, 64K)

The first two were unused GS starters, the next two were pre-RBY, the rest are fanmade.

>this will never be a real game
>no mainline pokemon game will ever have this much attention to detail
They pulled off wizard-tier coding to have a region and a half in the second gen and they've been complacent ever since
the god damn spinoffs have been better since puzzle and mystery dungeon were incorporated

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You realize this is just one guy and a month or two of work? You're expecting hobbyist game developers to make a AAA fan game?

it is a real game, fuckin retard. have you read literally anything else posted in this thread

Because they care about making a game that feels fun to play.

Nintendo cares about making faggot gimmick consoles and making rehashes that basedboys will buy.

>wizard-tier coding
Johto was barren, and Kanto was like 50% of the size.

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Where can I fucking play this game already


It looks good but the clash of GB visual style with that much detail to the environment feels really off. They should have gone full SNES



And by they you mean Iwata all by himself since GF was full retards.

>being a GameFreak corporate cock sucker
Lowest test post

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Oh, no, one dude working by himself had a game in alpha stage? He should have just made another lazy rehash like Nintendo would. Effort and trying to make a fan game that has a certain aesthetic appeal and not having the same skill as an entire corporation? Better talk shit and call it ugly. The fact that one man working on his own accomplished as much as he has already shows how lazy Nintendo is.

I'd say Kanto was optimized to not have so much menial bullshit

Oh yeah?
It was a boss rush. There was nothing to do there but unlock Red and get the other box legend.

Right, so what's the problem here? Wanna walk the entirety of Kanto all over again just to fight in some gyms?

I'd like something to do in the game after Johto was so short.

the wizard-tier coding bit was fitting in so much info into a shitty GBA cartridge, you could've shown any coder just what they did with johto and they'd assume you used up all the avaliable space in the cartridge
yes the region was barren and terrible and just fleshing out johto would've been better
but it still was a technological wonder at the time

>gen II
ok dude

my bad, i should've said gbc
now google the file sizes for second/third gen cartridges/games and you'll understand

not the user you were talking to, I was just tuggin your penor.

any idea what the discord server link is

I love these threads.
Always fun to see people in their 20's throwing shit at each other because of a franchise designed for kids.

In development. No name and no download will be given until it's done.

The textures are too busy and it blurs/gives me a headache just watching the screen move. It's way closer to soulless than soul.

Sound likes you are a weakling, go see a doctor

why not just make your own free original clone instead of making it a fan game? All you're doing is setting yourself up for disappointment because:
>1. the actual games aren't like the fan game whether you like that are not
>2. calling it a fan game means it's 10000% more likely to get taken down before anything substantial comes out of it and then you fuckers will lash out at the original devs because the people making the fan games lacked the creativity to make their own thing.
honestly I feel like fangame devs are just super retarded, at a certain point I feel like you'd know to really stop and think about what you're doing. Freedom Planet started off as a Sonic fan game, but the devs wanted to break the limitations of what was their with Sonic and made it its own original idea.

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While entirely disagree with you, I do think there can and have been exceptions to this, just look at sonic mania. And there are cases where the original creators become just as a bad if not worse than fans with their bullshit, for example star wars or again sonic.

Fuck I meant I don't entirely disagree