Can the Pi emulate PS2 yet and if it can, is it even worth trying to make it do it?

Can the Pi emulate PS2 yet and if it can, is it even worth trying to make it do it?

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Just buy a ps2 you frick they're like $60 on ebay and if you get lucky at a thrift store you're looking at maybe $10

Why pay the same and then have to pay for games as well? Get fucked mate.

You probably won't be able to get away with playing anything more intensive than Disgaea or 2D games

The Pi can't even properly handle NES emulation. You're trying to imply that hardware demands for emulating this kind of hardware is very light. Yea, actually, it isn't very light at all. If you want to have a good setup, you basically need a top-of-the-line PC. The thing that's comical is, you actually need a more powerful PC to emulate old games properly than you do to play new games. It has higher hardware requirements, especially if you're using an LCD screen, you basically need a top of the line GPU to even run the thing at 4K so that it'll actually look good with CRT shaders. And if you want to do things like use Grovvy MAME or Retroarch's frame delay, you need to have an incredibly fast CPU to use high frame delay settings to minimize input lag as much as possible. It's completely fucking full of shit. Don't believe ANYONE who says that you don't need a powerful machine to emulate games. If you want to have a pile of shit, you can use a Raspberry Pi. If you want to have a terrible setup, if you want to have an embarrassing setup that I will laugh at and ridicule you for having, then yeah sure, go ahead, build a toaster and tell me that you have a good arcade cabinet. But, if you want to actually have something respectable- if you want to earn my respect, you are going to have a real PC- a high-end CPU, and if you're using an LCD, you're not only going to have a high end LCD that has variable refresh, but you're also going to have a high-end GPU capable of pumping out 4K without dropping frames. Fuck you for even daring to think that you don't need a powerful computer to do that, fucking piece of shit.

When every PS2 game is literally a buck a piece that's no excuse
>And no don't tell me that would be the price of Barbie games and other bargain bin clutter

Nope. That being said there is an ARM emulator called "Play!" so maybe it'll happen in the future but don't expect it to play anything beyond homebrew.

>What is softmodding?

>he doesn't like flipping through manuals
>he doesn't like reading box blurbs
>he doesn't like memory cards

FMCB, dumbfuck.

ps2 emulation still has problems in general so even the most powerful hardware will still struggle with games. thats just how it is.

never understood why people today still think emulated games should run perfectly if you play them on hardware thats more powerful than the console they are emulating for.

just pirate the games. torrent trackers already have a torrent with every ps2 game ever made.

its called softmodding you fucking moron.

I have a Pi 3 b+, and even PSX and N64 games are a pain to emulate.

>And no don't tell me that would be the price of Barbie games and other bargain bin clutter
It literally is

You mean PS1. and no, PS1 games are fine. Fix your settings
N64 games do chug, even when overclocking.

Is there even a good emulator? Pcsx2 is ass.

>You mean PS1.
No, I meant PSX you piece of shit.

Is this a copypaste?

ps1 is ps1, playstation is playstation. psx is a psx. Not a ps1.

Attached: psx.jpg (1920x1442, 138K)

If a 4th gen i5/i7 can barely get decent performance out of PS2 games, I'd say no.

>Say PS1
>Someone "hurr durr its PSX"

>Say PSX
>Someone "hurr durr its PS1"

No, It can't even max out PS1 emulation. However, PS2 emulation itself is dogshit no matter where you run it.

There is this falsehood here that if you don't like janky emulation you must work for some nebulous collective known as "the resellers" and have a vested interest in people buying old physical media. I'd hazard a guess people just want games to function properly.

Get a fat PS2. And somehow attach a hard drive. You can use any method you want, but here is mine.

Bear in mind you lose your ethernet port with this. So any online features will be a problem. But it easily enables modern SATA hard drives. Put your isos on a hard drive and plug that hard drive into your PS2. There you go. Literally all the games. Running properly.

No, it's not. I can't stand how people think that emulation for this stuff with the input lag that it has is acceptable, then they turn around and say that games aren't fun because of it

no one but mouthbreathers calls it anything but the ps1, looking back. At the time it was called a variety of things, psx, ps1, playstation, ps. But now, the only acceptable term is the ps1, it was the first playstation. It's like retards who think they're special by calling the wii the dolphin, because that was it's codename. No one cares, you just sound like a fucking retard, ESPECIALLY cause the psx is an existing system. Irrelevant and short lived, but still an existing system.

I assume this bypasses region protection as well?

softmodded PS2s can pirate games from other regions but can't run legitimate games from other reasons

do any online features for ps2 games work anymore, besides the pserver for outbreak, and .hack//fragment? I tried socom and MGS3 and a few others recently to no avail.

I call it PS1 you dumbfuck, i just pointed that everytime some retard comes to say PSX is the correct or vice versa

Right, cheers

I was explaining the correct terminology, and never said you called it anything. Way to get assmad though.

Stop being a fucking nerd who has to go “ACKSHUALLY” to everything. You miserbale swine, do you think your parents are proud of you? Proud of you being a sweaty fat nerd living in their basement spending all day on a mongolian rehab application image board correcting people on what the “actual” name of a console that came out 25 years ago and nobody today cares about. People can call it whatever the fuck they want, PSX and PS1 are both acceptable terms for the console. And if you want to get technical like the fat nerd you are, the name of the console is “Playstation” and “PSOne” is the name of a revised model of it. So how about you just fuck off and go back to jerking off your pathetic 2 inch virgin micropenis to whatever degenerate shit you whack off to?

>are both acceptable terms for "the console"
they're acceptable terms for the consoles they refer to, sure.
but pretending the ps1 is a psx is retarded.

PC can't even emulate PS2 properly yet. PCSX2 sucks.

Legitimately seething

Fuck off zoomer

Show me where I can buy Persona 4 and the Xenosaga series for $1 each.

Why the fuck would I changed what I've called it since I was a child?
Its a fucking psx, just because theres a ps2 doesn't mean I have to start calling it the ps1. Cheat webites, games magazines, they all called it the psx

Just softmod your ps2 then you dumb nigger

Ps2 emulation is dogshit
Cemu and yuzu run better on a pc instead of spongebob on ps2 emulator


fuck off, it was called psx at the time and you never actually owned one. go back to watching ur fat balding retro game channels on youtube to tell you how things were

>ZoE and Ace Combat 4 still cost upwards of 20$ a pop if you want the box without thousands of GameStop stickers on it
Where are you finding these cheap PS2 games, user?

>it's another "zoomer tries to rewrite history they didn't live through" episide

You can even play online from the emulator if I'm not mistaken

I dunno about that. Mainly cause I dunno about the specs of the raspberry pi but also because the two times I tried running the PC version of D1 on integrated graphics it ran worse than literally any other game I tried running on it.

user i replied to said ps2 games were $1. I want him to prove his Trumpian lie

Attached: hdd.jpg (1170x655, 92K)

No, the newer Pi model limit is 5th gen consoles.

Any processor in the last 10 years will run PCSX2 well though as long as it's not a shitty FX CPU.

I use an i3 8100 and GTX 1660 and usually run PCSX2 games at 4k/5k resolution.

just emulate on pc, have a pi and tried running stuff with it, couldn't get away with a smooth framerate on mario 64, wouldn't expect anything beyond maybe dreamcast to even work

this is bait, but anyways, i've playing arcade/snes games for months with friends just fine with a rasp 3b.

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

>dusted old fatps2
>bought fmcb memorycard for 9 dollars
>chink aftermarket sata adaptor for 15 dollars
>500gb hdd for 40 dollars
boom, bye bye shitty emulation. 0 regrets


>especially if you're using an LCD screen, you basically need a top of the line GPU to even run the thing at 4K
But the whole point of running a pi is native 240p analog output

4k nerds use external frame scalers.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (4032x2268, 1.84M)

why would anyone emulate ps2 on ARM, that's retarded.

Which adapter did you use?
The one I bought didn't work.

Attached: img_20150420_234002494.jpg (3240x1824, 824K)

You can find a PS2 for $5-$10 if you look around yard sales and flea markets enough. I'm the one selling them for $50-$60 on eBay 2bh. Ezpz money, reselling Nintendo consoles and games is a meme compared to the PS2. If it's a slim, then you made even more money and it's cheaper to ship.


>japanese Ps2 with DVR
>a category on usenet unifying ps1 and ps2 games back when backups were possible on the ps2.

hey asshole, go to a flea market, get a cheap PS2 fat; like

A shitty ass GT 730 can output at 4k

If you're already filling the HDD with ISOs, why not install FHDboot while you're at it instead of hacking a memory card?

Yeah. I finally got to play that berserk ps2 game that's j only

Ive used a retropie setup for gba emulation and it works even better than on my gaming laptop latency wise. also tried n64 emulation and thats when my pi3+ starts to slow down

n64 is garbage on every platform.
The only way to run it correctly is a flash cart on original hardware.

Just get a PS2, PS2Hdmi and a freemcboot memory card.

gamestar one they sell on aliexpress. has worked flawlessly for me so far though the plastic screw heads get mangled easily.

Ah, you got a whole aftermarket unit.
I was trying to use a SATA-IDE adapter on the original network unit.

to add, I use a 3.5" hdd because I figured it will have lower power yield and there wont be shitty fitting problems.

yeah that would be the best option but its too much work imo. I'm not that interested in online play.

fuck I had no idea that was even a thing
looks like I'm the retard here

>yeah that would be the best option but its too much work imo. I'm not that interested in online play.
Isn't it more about using FTP to transfer your games over from PC?

>there wont be shitty fitting problems.
There's already an online database of which drives do and do not fit

Great PS2 game emulation probably won’t be likely for at least ten more years.

You do realise a toaster tier desktop can emulate PS2 games nowadays right?

is a 100€ commodore64 worth it lads

BASED BBF poster

I could always do that with my slim. and I'll probably do that if the fat one ever gives in. I doubt that though.

HMMM which should I choose
>buy a $60 PS2 off ebay and buy games at $10 each for the ~~authentic~~ experience
>emulate free games perfectly at 1080p and literally remastered tier graphics and widescreen hacks on my 15 year old desktop toaster
Such a difficult choice

>ear in mind you lose your ethernet port with this. So any online features will be a problem.
Wait, are online features still possible?

What about hacked wii u.

What is "toaster tier" to you? An Intel Atom and integrated graphics like pic-related? That shit struggles to run even basic-bitch PS2 games like FFX even at gimped sub-native resolutions.

Attached: Speccy3-1.png (660x525, 34K)

It's called the Playstation or PS1, period.

It was N E V E R actually called the psx

>emulate perfectly
yeah I'm sure Yakuza and Ridge Racer V work in 1080p "perfectly"

if you aren't in it for the purity of historical context why are you even playing old games? if you have that much free time to fill try going to the gym

Still can't run games like Wonder Project J correctly.

It was only called PS1 after PS2 was released.
PSX is what the magazines called it at the time when they weren't writing out Sony PlayStation in its entirety, a habit they picked up from pre-release industry news when PSX was the working name.
See also: Nintendo Revolution.

I played all PS2 SMT and Kingdom Hearts games, as well as a few others, on a dual core intel chip with 2GB RAM 10-15 years ago with upscaled internal resolution.
>integrated graphics
What does that even matter for emulations? But my graphic cards were all budget for the time, shit like 7500GT.

PCSX2 is the best emulator because it has the most good games.

Attached: pcsx2 2018-09-27 06-53-00-77.jpg (1920x1080, 232K)

Yes it had issues with some games, like Shadows of the Colossus.

But the majority of them run great.

Because they're good games?

I don't know, ps2 was pretty good back in the day because of all the multiplats, you could play everything. But in today's context, does ps2 even have any exclusives that are worth going back and playing? With gamecube exclusives + pc releases of the multiplats (modded to supprte hd resolutions and texture packs of course), I'd think you'd have everything worth playing from that era.

"majority run great"
it's like dragging your dick through a field of cactus.

ps2 has a huge library of mediocre games which are pretty good in today's standards considering they dont have always online shit or microtransactions. I love discovering strange shit games on ps2.

He's right though.
>it's like dragging your dick through a field of cactus.
No, it's not even noticeable.

People are right to correct people who call it the PSX
It was only ever called the PSX as a codename.
Because the internet was not really there yet the only way people got news was through Magazines and those guys are retards.
So the magazine retards kept calling it the PSX and other retards never got the memo it's actually called the playstation.

Then a console comes out CALLED THE PSX and oh no spaghetti-oh's looks like you retards calling it the codename all these years just got blown the fuck out.
Now go back to playing your Nintendo NX's or fucking Xbox Scorpio or whatever.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne
Digital Devil Saga 1+2
Raidou Kuzunoha 1+2
Persona 3: FES

off the top of my head. A lot of games have been remastered by now, but not all.

gradius v

by this logic you should throw a shitfit for magazines calling them nes/snes when everyone called them just nintendo and super nintendo.

>23 minutes of some old boomer complaining about how the kids today just don't know gaming because they didn't play on the machines designed to take all your quarters

Anytime my friends wanted to play
“Hey want to come over and play nintendo?” or “let’s go play super nintendo”
I never heard anyone say psx either, everyone said playstation and when the ps2 came out, everyone started calling it ps1
is right. Nobody calls the wii “dolphin” or the one x “scoripo” so why would anyone other than contrarians say psx

>child exposes himself again
names that are allowed to appear in press are given to them by the manufacturers. it's funny because the story of "PSX" follows the same line as "GCN", which is that the US marketers didn't think the japanese branding was cool enough for their market

>A larger sticking point, however, was PlayStation branding. SCEA hated the name and wanted to change it to PSX, a contraction of the project’s codename. “This was actually a huge internal battle, to the point where there was research done among consumer groups,” says Harrison, who, having seen various youth groups reacting badly to the name PlayStation, had his own fears about it. “I remember thinking, ‘Oh my God, the name is bombing and everyone is going to hate it’. I shared the information with Tokunaka-san, and he said, ‘Oh, that’s nothing, you should have heard what people said about Walkman’. And that pretty much ended the debate.” In Europe, at least: the US nevertheless went ahead with early trade promotion, calling it PSX, and had even come up with its own mascot, Polygon Man.

No, the best you could do for PS2 emulation on a single board computer that is still relatively affordable is an ODROID-H2 which is $111. And even then that is spotty and only certain games will run full speed.

Attached: pcsx2.webm (518x418, 2.96M)

>Can the Pi emulate

Pi 4 is out and it's a big leap from the 3b+. It'll probably do N64 and PS1 and maybe even Saturn fine once everything is optimized. PS2 is definitely out of the question though. And Dolphin running well on it is a hard maybe, I would say no though.

cry all you want, psx is still wrong lmao

I've emulated PS2 games on the PC plenty of times with no issues. With various minor improvements to them, too, like higher resolution and faster loading and such. Nothing major, but enough that I'd choose to play any of them on the PC rather than the PS2 itself, anyway.
What's dogshit about it?