Why didn't Chief make babies with Cortana?
Why didn't Chief make babies with Cortana?
She's an AI, she's already Artificially Inseminated.
Artifical Intelligence.
She was originally a chip he put into the back of his helmet.
A human being cannot procreate with a fucking Data Chip.
Even with her "resurrection" she is nothing more, than an AI with control of various technologies. Can she create? Perhaps.
Procreate with living biologicals? No.
He's literally sterilized
Why bother with Cortana when you now have access to vice-like sangheili pussy?
>A human being cannot procreate with a fucking Data Chip
Dont tell me what i can or cant do.
their babies would be too powerful they would be half AI and half Master Chief
Here we go again, I make a Metroid thread on Yea Forums no one post, they're only interested in this shit, make Halo thread on Yea Forums and get the same result, I'm done with Halo and Metroid on Yea Forums, you guys suck.
I don't think robots can make babies with blue alien women, OP.
You stuck a micro sd up your dick hole didn't you?
because Cortana is a bitch.
honestly, 343i would do this. halo 7 featuring Chief and Cortana's half AI, half Spartan son, and the technicalities are hand waved with space mumbo jumbo
Because the real chief doesn't have romantic feelings for cortana.
Cringe again.
i thought it would fit. the peehole literally looks like an sd card slot.
>how do you impregnate a hologram?
with lots of attempts.
Is Master Chef an incel?
Memory expansion eh?
This reads like a genderbender.
Gimme sauce.
Too busy with saving the world, otherwise he would be swimming in poontang.
We are Americans, AMERICANS! This is AMERICAN HOUR! We should be talking about Halo nonstop, Japan doesn't like, Europe doesn't like Halo, we're the only ones who keep it alive, yet the only types of Halo threads you guys can make are this shit threads, alien porn threads and late night threads when everyone goes to bed, I'm done.
its literally in the filename you lazy fuck.
Thanks for spoonfeeding me, loser.
Reminder that everything after ODST is shit
Because she isnt real. Cortana is just a simplistic tts AI on the level of reach's Dot. Chief imagines this guiding voice as a motherly halsey figure due to intense psychological trauma
No he doesn't and she isn't motherly at all, he's never expessed any sort of feelings towards Halsey.
Cortana is just a useful companion, she might have feelings for him but they are one-sided
Did it really have that many people at one point? When was this 2009?
Halo 1 Cortana>All
man knows what's up
who’s the final boss of halo?
Cortanas giant labia
nah its halo 4 cortana for me
Just download Windows 10
I refuse to believe chief never had sex with a woman before. He probably fucked one of the female Spartans. Shame they're probably all muscle and aggressive.
MC cant fuck a hologram, but he can still do doctror whats-her-name