I was wrong about this game. The story isn't that amazing and it can take a short while getting used to the combat but it's definitely not as bad as some people say it is.
I was wrong about this game...
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That's the problem with all Tales games. The stories are never good and the combat is tedious and braindead boring
>it's definitely not as bad as some people say it is
Most people that actually play videogames rank either Vesperia or Ao no Kiseki as the best JRPG of the seventh generation. No idea what you are talking about.
i dont mind the story but the presentation is just awful
things just keep happening to the characters over and over, they have no agency in anything they do
true the story sucks but the lore is great
I'm about 10 hours into the game how do I git gud at the combat? I try to run forward and combo enemies but I get surrounded and hit from the sides which knocks me out of my attack. animations are slow as shit to recover too and I can't figure out how to cancel out of them.
can you have more than 4 moves useable at once?
Yes, through skills. Super chain 4 and 5 are really useful and so are altered artes. You can chain those to chain more artes together that way. Also when the enemy is on the ground you have a small window to put him back up and extend the combo. For Yuri, you can do that by doing a free run attack on them and then doing artes again.
It's a great game. Story is usual Tales. Combat is solid at the start it unfortunately becomes much more fluid as you learn skills, though some of them are near end game (making it a little too late) which will make the second play through the best version for combat alone. I fought the Traitor of Heaven a couple of days ago and while the dungeon was random as hell; tedious even, the fight alone was worth it. I need to do the last 'figment' dungeon to get the remaining fells arms, but then I'll officially be done the game once I fight Duke again.
manual cancel. they should have really gone into a little depth with this mechanic. I remember not even being aware of it until end game when I first played it back on the 360. totally useful.
Fireball is a godly spell. Keep allowing Rita to use this. The more times she uses the spell the more fireballs she launches. It's arguably the best spell in the game in terms of damage and stun lock.
>missed the scmitar and don't have backstep on yuri
how do I set more than 4 moves though? I can only have an up, down, side, and neutral one like smash bros.
honestly backstep is pretty useless. unless you have the skill to constantly backstep, even then I would argue its usability.
you should be able to scroll down to the 'shortcut' artes, and then in the DE you have an extra set of 8 artes you can equip (might need to synthesize an item for this)
>anecdotal evidence
and i say Vesperia was garbage compared to Graces F, what are you gonna do now, fagget?
The only thing Vesperia did well is the graphics, which are actually better than Xillia/Zestiria/Berseria.
is estelle cucking yuri with flynn? does this game have a hidden dating mechanic like phantasia?
Nigga, the story is so bad climate change is the main villain
Only the gameplay is good
>it's definitely not as bad as some people say it is.
Remarkable how the Yea Forums hivemind went from "Vesperia is the best Tales" to "Vesperia is overrated fucking garbage" all because of PCfags
Yuri is pretty much asexual, as for the rest of the party only the kid with the hammer manages to score with a NPC
what do you expect from a board of contrarian retards
Estelle is gay with Rita, even gayer in the definitive edition
Fuck juego
it seems like the other way around. however it's easy to mistaken Rita's severe loneliness for subtle romance. the best friend scene near yuri's bedroom was really genuine though.
let's be frank, the game didn't age well
Yea Forums liked it when it was new but under the fresh eyes of PC gaming we finally took our rose colored glasses and noticed all of its flaws
>didn't age well
curious, why do you think that?
Give Ristelle dog ears
Annoying that you can't revisit that outfit
Sodia is so insufferable. She makes me cringe every time they give her screen time.
what do you mean revisit? my karol has that costume unlocked.
there's a sidequest to permaunlock all the slutty costumes for Yuri's eyes only
>Yuri's eyes only
Estelle deserves to be paraded around
Flat flat flat flat flat
This witch has no boingy bits
but she has sweet armpits
>yuri's character arc is just glossed over
>raven is just poor man's zelos
>judith is extremely boring until she destroys the fiertia's blastia
>the lolibaba feels out of place
the others are fine, even pic related
ESPECIALLY pic related
Should I get this game? Never played a tales game and its $30 at gamestop. Not a big JRPG fan but I'd like to play more of em and I'd like more games on switch
I always see Symphonia/Vesperia/Abyss touted as the franchise best games
if I wanted to just whack away at an enemy until the instant kill button pops up I would rather play sekiro
the games must always have underage characters to contrast the cynicism of adults with the hope of the youngsters
Too bad Patty has two modes, "AYE MATEY THIS FIGHT BE SALTIER THAN A SCURVY DOG ON THE POOPDECK" and "poor seifer alexei ruined everything this is so terrible ye matey"
she's the funniest character to play as thanks to her randomness and different attack modes
Aged better than symphonia did
Theyre strong games aswell as what most would say are the last "good" tales games only one that really stood out after those was graces combat but graces is so bad in every other department its hard to like it even with its combat mechanics, shitty crafting didnt help either.
What are Yuri and Flynn looking at, Yea Forums?
Does the story ever really pick up?
I keep waiting for a moment like the genocide from Abyss or the second world from Symphonia and nothing has really happened.
I loved playing Vesperia for the first time on my switch. Its now one of my favorites, and I've played most of the tales games on consoles since Symphonia.
Hate that the hit detection on the sorceror's ring is so ass, though.
someone explain how the instant kill move chains work I'm too brainlet to understand but they seem important
nope, vesperia is a slice of life game and the only villain is an allegory for global warming
not even kidding