Crysis 3 came out 6 years ago. It ran perfectly fine on graphics cards with just 1gb of memory...

Crysis 3 came out 6 years ago. It ran perfectly fine on graphics cards with just 1gb of memory. Its human models and skin textures still look better than anything on the market today.

What the fuck happened?

Attached: psycho.jpg (1680x1050, 259K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s law

Here's the latest AC for example, a game with perhaps an order of magnitude more GPU power needed to run. It's just straight-up worse. How is such decline possible?

Attached: assassins-creed-odyssey-characters-compared-3.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

Pre-rendered cutscene
In-game model


moore's law happened. That means that developers don't actually need to optimize their code, they just need to wait 1 year for better graphics cards for their games to run good enough to release.

That looks like absolute shit.

Based fucking retard who didn't even play the game and think that that's pre-rendered

So show a screenshot of him thats not a cutscene, I'll wait

Too bad the game itself is boring and sucks.

Is it worth playing? Never touched it because

Attached: 1363601563780.jpg (1920x1080, 70K)

Re2s models look better

Attached: claire_suprised3.jpg (874x904, 165K)

Insanely forgettable plot and setpieces.
Though it's a cool tech demo to test your graphics card to. If you liked Crysis 2's simplified/consolized gameplay, it's more of the same.

That leather looks great, but her skin seems plastic.

Moore's law has been a thing for about 50 years nigger

(the cutscene is realtime by the way, dummy)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1378x728, 234K)

And he looks worse so thanks for proving my point

>moors law was since always
>Graphics was always shit
There you go "nigger"

Tech is literally the only good thing about this game.
Gameplay > graffix

Crysis had this thing where it tried to be ahead of its time. It completely failed in all regards except muh graffics.

Devs realized they could take some extra Nvidia bucks for PC ports and implement some GRAPHIX bullshit that tanks performance and eats up VRAM but looks slightly better. The fact that PC requirements rise year after year while the PS4 and Xbox still perform the same as when they were released back in 2013 is proof that optimization is no longer in the minds of AAA devs for PC ports.

This, everyone thought advancing tech would mean better and better software. Instead we just got lazier and lazier devs who just stopped giving a shit about optimization. Memory leak? lol just tell the plebs we recommend having a PC with 16 gigs of ram! Don't feel like properly compressing all those video and audio files in a billion different languages? Just keep the game at 100 gigs and tell the plebs they need to buy a second SSD for your game!

This makes me nut. How the fuck can Hitman 2 take up 130 gb of my drive when it's just a few maps while Witcher 3 is like 50 despite being 300 times bigger?

Do you even know what Moore's law is

The Crysis 3 scene is static, always takes place in the same lighting so they can save on processing power by baking in lighting calculations. The Ass Creed one can take place at any time of day so they need stronger hardware to calculate lighting in real time.

It's really fucking annoying, and one of the factors that's just made me stop playing a lot of modern games. I do not feel like fucking waiting around all day for a game to download, whether off steam or a torrent. I do not feel like clearing off a fuckton of space from my SSD just so I can give some fuckhuge game a try. I do not feel like needing to buy extra storage space that I shouldn't actually need just to deal with ths shit.

Also it's no coincidence the generic soldier dude in Crysis is bald LOL. Believe it or not, it takes time to render hair.

Remember that one time jewvidia completely fucked over hardware-accelerated physics by making it their own proprietary bullshit that just burned out and died instead of going anywhere?

We need to go back

Attached: ryse-2-jpg.jpg (2560x1440, 585K)

Graphicfags are killing the industry more than feminists or actual fags ever have

user: CrySIs dA bEsT

Spider-Man PS4: Hold my beer

Attached: Spider-Man PS4 Great Graphics 8.png (1920x1080, 3.11M)'s law

Retards will tell you HURR DURR DEVS DON'T INTO OPTIMIZATION but the reality is there's more and more graphics bells and whistles and at higher and higher detail and that's just not free. End of story. Take your example. Textures have been about as compressed as they are going to be for many years now. There's nothing left to do. The compression is simply at the mathematical limits. If you believe Crysis 3 had super advanced high res but low memory requirements texture technology that's just crap. Another thing is a lot of people don't seem to know how this shit scales. For example, if you take a texture and double it's size that does not double it's memory requirements, it quadruples them.

tldr; Devs do optimize. There's no free lunch. "Next gen" graphics comes with an inherent cost.

Why are we posting ugly old men?

Attached: Crysis-3.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

That looks worse

Apparently for the last 6 years devs have consistently thought that good graphics = glowing sweaty skin everywhere.

>Crysis 3 uses baked lighting

Don't forget the other dumb shit like "god rays"

At least godrays actually exist. Don't get me started on intentionally recreating camera defects.

Crytek are fantastic engine and general technical developers but they can't make games worth shit.

Sony ponies unironically posting PS4 games that look like shit and claims it looks better than PC games are retarded

You think volumetric lighting is "dumb shit"?

Global illumination, real time raytracing, SSJ4 ultra instinct AO, each hair on each character's anus is fully tesselated and has real time physics, some fancy and costly as fuck algorithm to make shadows blur a bit around the edges and look more natural, gigantic textures, and a bunch more shit with minimal graphical impact that you wouldn't even notice is there unless you had a side by side screenshot showing it on and off, but that still costs a fuckton of performance.

Why'd they change Psycho to look like Donald Pleasence?

Attached: psycho.jpg (600x306, 144K)

So you don't.

because once you see that face in motion it falls apart and you realise its not actually graphical detail but a large texture

>those textures
>ran perfectly fine on graphics cards with just 1gb of memory

Attached: 20190217144738_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.58M)

go look outside. Real life doesn't look like some meme desktop wallpaper where you have god rays originating from behnid every tree and cloud the way it's presented in video games.

That shit is the absolute worst. Lens flares were bad enough, but I drew the line when they started shoehorning unnecessary chromatic abberation into everything. For what fucking purpose?To make my games look like something meant to be plaid with shitty red and blue 3D classes that came out of a cardboard cereal box?

I want to the industry to die though. I want video games to be a thing of the fast. Imagine how free we’ll all be?

Attached: finally free.webm (1920x1080, 920K)

>I want video games to be a thing of the fast.
You gotta race for your right to play vidya? I'm in.

Attached: 1532259058806.gif (400x300, 112K)

Yep, and I bet RTX is going to suffer the same fate in 2 years, but that's probably for performance related reasons as well.

Yeah, RTX seems like it's going to end up a wasted gimmick like with physx, but I've mentioned this before and /g/entlemen have told me it's not the same and won't happen, but I take that with a grain of salt. As far as I care, raytracing is yet another meme until proven otherwise.

Crytek was founded by gpu nerds wanting to push the cutting edge. One of the devs even invented SMAA which is still the best shader-based AA.

Whatever studio is in charge of Ubisoft doesn't have those priorities. They're more worried about historical accuracy and accessibility.

Games like Crysis can't be made anymore anyways. Every dev capable of making a AAA engine is moving towards cross-platform, streaming, etc. which all require optimizing for the lowest common denominator.