This Switch lite is NOT meant for core gamers. It's NOT made for the people who come here...

This Switch lite is NOT meant for core gamers. It's NOT made for the people who come here. This is the switch version of the 2ds. This is meant to be a cheap option for children. It's a way for people who would otherwise not even consider the switch to get into it with a cheaper price.

No shit this is a downgrade. They had to somehow decrease the price by $100 without making the games run any worse. The upgraded Switch made for people like us will come next year. It's sad to see so many people whining about a product made for small children.

Attached: Nintendo-Switch-Lite.jpg (1194x672, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm just getting one for Animal Crossing anyways

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I'm still getting one because nintendo is BASED & EPIC

I think it's made to deflect from GameFreak's awful 3D game world design.

Actual children don't want this, they already have smartphones that are stronger and play higher res games.

It will have a hand in creating tomorrow's core gamers.

>using "gamers" unironically
>this whole post reading like a stereotype

Attached: absolutely.png (235x245, 166K)

>This Switch lite is NOT meant for core gamers. It's NOT made for the people who come here
Imagine how OP looks in real life

same it's essentially an upgrade from the 3ds for me

I would buy one of these. I've looked at the drawbacks and who doesn't end up buying more controllers for a Nintendo console at some point? Plus, the loss of tv compatibility doesn't phase me. I'm almost never at home due to the fact that I work 2 jobs. This would be a nice convenient way for me to get some gaming in on my splits, and without having to shill out a ton of money to do it. By the time I'll think about buying more controllers I'll have more than gotten my money's worth so it won't be a big deal.

>live in canada
>switch games are $80

yeah fuck right off with that


this post reeks of r/gaming

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Pokeshits are so fucking full of themselevs

You sound upset.

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This is exactly what you niggers wanted

I just wanted a more comfortable handheld option that I could still dock. Nintendo never does anything right.

Just buy a grip casing you fucking mongoloid

Shills are already spreading misinformation that Sword and Shield were designed "with the Switch Lite in mind" even though it literally has the same specs and resolution as a regular Switch in handheld mode, so you're probably right on that.

>He thinks children likes plastic toys with god awfully screen resolution and physical buttons

Children today likes to play pubg or fortnite on their 1080p phones.

>This is meant to be a cheap option for children.
>yet faggots use the thing as seen on the trailer

>this is a switch version of the 2DS
So they will make a further enhancement on this akin to the New 2DS that will appeal to the core market?

Fortnite is on the switch and will run WAY better than any phone.

What about the Pro version, was it just a rumor or is a real thing?
If the next gen consoles get delayed or are not attractive enough I might consider getting a Switch Pro as long as it gets rid of all the limitations of the vanilla version.

how much will it cost?

>It's a 2DS switch version!

It's a gimped switch forever on handheld mode and irreplaceable controllers. But you get 1 hr more battery life! Cool right?

>core gamers

Probably not a thing until at least 18 months after Switch Lite launches

Its a real thing but won't come until next year. Obviously they aren't gonna release 2 new versions of a console in the same year.

Too late then.

And costs $100 less, you forgot that part.

>what is reading comprehension

I really wish they made this version from the very beginning.

Too soon. Nintendo was still milking the 3DS

>Switch runs fortnite better
>Switch runs silky smooth 30 fps on medium settings.

The delusion. Here's a 300$ Chinese phone running fortnite on near 60 fps on max settings.

Most kid's phone have this similar if not near this phone power.

>This is meant to be a cheap option for children
Children are one of, if not, the main target demos; but, it is also for women to play Animal Crossing on and people who completely prefer handheld ie Japan
And lets not kid ourselves; plenty of teenage/adult normalfags will still be picking up ShovelwareMon and will get this to play it on.

Children still like Pokemon and will want a Switch once a Pokemon game comes out.

That's like saying you guys like the o3ds more because it's cheaper.

Ok now where is the non portable version for $200? Handheld consoles are a dead market now that everybody and their grandma has a smartphone.

And how long does that phones battery last? I have a tablet which is without a doubt stronger than any phone and the battery vanishes in an instant if you try to run even simple games. Also remember heat. The switch has a built in fan, phones do not. Running a modern game would make any phone melt your fucking hand.

I really liked my DS Lite when it was relevant. I might wind up buying this for similar reasons. I already have a gaming PC and other consoles and shit, so whatever, the Switch is the only thing I've really slept on because I wanted to see if there would be a bullshit upgrade version like PS4 Pro or Xbone X. Seems like they're going for more portability this time like with the DS, not bigger screen or bigger battery or higher tech specs, so alright. Sure, whatever, as long as it reviews well on launch maybe I'll pick one up. If if reviews well then I'll feel better about buying a regular Switch because I'll know what it's being compared against as an alternative version, 'cause fuck buying multiple versions of the same console in the same generation.
Also this or I'll get a regular Switch if the Lite blows on launch.

Attached: DS-Lite-min-696x430.jpg (696x430, 23K)

Then WHAT is made for people like me, huh?
The fuck is meant for me, you alt right nationalist bigot?

All I want is a Switch with a bigger screen and modern tablet specs then I'll buy one

It's really not much to ask

>If if reviews well then I'll feel better about buying a regular Switch
I meant to say that I'll get a regular Switch instead if the Lite blows.

Hardly any good games on switch its all ports

>moving the goalposts in 2015+4

10% drain an hour of gaming. So more or less 4-5 hours. Battery saver mode and in game graphics set to low may go up to 5-7 hours


In what world do you live in?

He's right

That still doesn't fix the lack of a d-pad and makes it even less portable.

The guy isn't even playing the game or even leaving it open. He tabs out of it. What a retarded video.

Seems like apologists are using this excuse a lot for Nintendo lately.

>these ports from Wii U are not for the core audience that bought them originally
>1-2 Switch is not a title for the core audience of Nintendo
>Yoshi games are not for the core audience
>ARMS is not for the core fighting game community
>Labo is not for the core audience of the Switch
>Switch VR is not for the core audience of gamers
>Switch Lite is not for the core gamers

Nintendo and TBC need to take pokemon away from gamefreak. They don't give a shit and treat it like a cash cow knowing all of their fans will buy it. Not that TBC themselves will necessarily do better, hopefully they could find someone who actually cares and wants to make a good game.

Fine here's another uncut pubg video gameplay. 9% in almost half an hour gaming in max 60fps mode. So more or less 5 hours of gaming.

Nintende switch 330 eurobucks

Ns lite 200 (if it were dockable +80 for the dock) so really only 50 discount. Then you take into account that no detachable joycons and no hd rumble or IR so in the end is it still cheaper? (imo it schould be dockable cuz now it's the nintendo switchn't

Fite me

>phone gaming

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please be in texas

>Arms is bad because it's not another Street Fighter clone


Lmao wrong. I play my handheld like a Gameboy which fits in my pocket and I can take it on the go to play some comfy games like Castlevania and Metroid.

The Switch is not a Gameboy.

The Switch Lite is a Gameboy.

What would any of these be used as an excuse for?

280 usd

I have NO idea why incels are so upset about this console, 'HD-rumble' is a battery draining gimmick only liked by basedlets, games almost always look like shit on the TV, this new console has better battery and likely fixed the joycon drift, as someone who bought an OG Switch last month I honestly wished I'd waited, finally a worthy successor to the PSP.

>Can play the same games mostly (motion control gimmick shit are not games)
>$100 cheaper
>Now focused on handheld gaming by being much smaller, while the original Switch was a halfway compromise to both

Explain how this is a downgrade, because for the handheld aspect, this is most definitely a upgrade.

Buy secondhand, the cartridges are bomb proof and second hand games regularly go for half RRP.

>The upgraded Switch made for people like us will come next year
just in time for the ps5 and xbox two-by-four or whatever to also come out and dunk on it

The Wii U ports and sequels are well received by most. No one is trying to defend their existence.
Yoshi is a niche series yes, but they still make it for the fans and casual platform players.
Arms is niche as well and was trying something new.
Labo is not for the core audience that's correct.
Switch light is for people that want to have something to replace their 3ds but don't care about docked play. I personally think it should be a little cheaper but have no problem with the model existing.

Not everything Nintendo makes is for everyone who likes video games. They are ok with putting out niche products to fill market gaps and experimenting with new ideas. Not sure what your point is by pointing these things out and ignoring the rate at which the switch has sold as well as the big numbers that their mass appeal series pull in. Nintendo can appeal to the larger and smaller markets at the same time.

Nintendo didn't do this to satisfy anybody though, its obvious they just did this to end the 3DS once and for all. Now they can say "I am sorry, but the Switch Lite is the 3DS successor, as the Switch is the Wii U's successor." They no longer need to lie and say that 3DS games are still coming. Of course this is only true if the 3DS developers really do move over to the Switch Lite.

Didn't realise the new Xbox and PS were handhelds lmao

>lose options to play the same games
>not a downgrade

They did it for me: someone who doesnt even have a TV anymore because why the fuck would I?

The current Switch is a waste for people who rightly moved on from TVs.

Seems like more and more Nintendo products are defended in this manner.

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>upgraded switch
>a hand held
stupid desu ne

bought a 2ds because i hated the hinge and the 3d feature
gladly gonna pick this up over the switch

The 3DS has had PLENTY of support for years now, consolidating all the developers on one console is better for everyone, nice to finally have a Nintendo handheld that isn't a gimmick ridden mess again.

>"they had to drop the price by $100 somehow"
>the dock costs almost $100
>remove the dock

Buy a first gen and hack it

>Take the Switch
>Remove the things that make the switch what it is in the first place
>We want the retarded 3DS audience


It'll obviously still be a dockable console, the lite removed features to save money, even greedy nintendy wouldn't remove features from their premium offering while charging more.

Are you a beta faggot who actually wanted motion controls and rumble on a handheld? Lmao.

He does NOT play for half an hour. He plays for about 15 minutes with very little actually happening during his gameplay. So under perfect conditions his phone gets around 3 hours in this game. Under realistic conditions probably 2 with a top of the line phone most don't have.

Enjoy losing your save the day your switch gets sent for repairs or gets lost.

>It's NOT made for the people who come here.

Who are these types of people?

plus all the extra mechanisms and charging associated with the joycons.

Won't know until we see the underside ports to confirm. Looked like there was only a notch for the usb charger.

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perverted degenerates who need jesus

>switch version focused on handheld mode
yes, this mean a possible version focused on home console.

I unironically want this one.

>unironically using the term "core gamers"

The fact is that Nintendo, being the greedy fuckers they are, have realized that once they merge their console and handheld sales into one piece of hardware, they can't make money off of both. So this is their pathetic, greedy as fuck attempt to continue milking their audience by providing a "handheld" version of the switch that is inferior in every fucking way to the original.

It's meant for suckers

Nigger he played from around 2:40 up to around 23:10. He has the game opened from the start minus the intro you mong. Even with that that's still 4 hours of life on max 60fps you blind illiterate drop out. With tweaking you can squeeze out an hour or half with the phone settings you retard.

>B-but nothing happening in the screen yet.

What are trees, grass buildings, landscape and shadows? Jpegs? user please stop being a retard.

I don't own one yet. Do Switches use memory cards at al, sort of like the Vita, or do they at least let you save to an SD card, since the 3DS had a slot for that? Given user's comment I assume the games don't save your progress directly to their specific cartridge.


since when did kids have 200$ laying around,also the fact that this has no T.V out is a shame it's literally perfect for someone who wants it docked 100% of the time

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>zoomers thinking something needs to be pointed out as not ironic

Just because they charged 80 dollars for an extra dock doesn't mean it cost them anywhere near 80 dollars to produce. Thing is mostly plastic.

>implying core gamers don't play portables

please kill yourself

It's just a giant gameboy now that plays console games

That's why they're putting it out in the fall, just in time for Christmas wishlists.


Does anyone know if there were plans for a port of Elite Dangerous to be brought over could the switch run the game reliably?

I was holding off buying a PS4 over seeing if Nintendo would release something like this so it's perfect for playing while relaxing in your own house

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Dude even kids get sick of playing only 1 game til the sun burns out

Your games save to built in memory. If you want to back them up, you have to put them on Nintendo's online service. Be warned that not all saves can be backed up because Nintendo is mildly retarded.

>since when do children have parents?

yeah buy second hand and get your cart banned, because the seller made a pirate backup copy and kept playing it after selling. Or buy it, and have a cart banned from online play for cheating.

Buying second hand games for any modern console is risky af.

It’s made to get people to buy the new Pokémon. No one would shell out $400 for a new console and game otherwise.

Lol just use the voucher
100$ for 2 games is far better than 160 leaf bucks

The excuse from Nintendo is because it would let people cheat in some games (i.e. trade your rare Pokemon to someone else and then restore your save backup and not lose the Pokemon) but that's such fucking bullshit.

For all we know it's just the adjustable charging stand for the original that's guaranteed to work on this due to the notch on the back.

You’re a moron

except that's literally impossible, switch has no facility for tracking individual cartridges

The games save to the console. If you want a backup you have to pay the online sub (even though all Nintendo online is pure lag) and if Nintendo decides to stop backing them up you're fucked. In the case of major games like Splatoon, Animal Crossing or Pokemon, you are forbidden from doing online backups.
If anything happens to the switch, your saves are lost forever.

This is pretty much the reason I'm not buying a switch. I'm going to wait and emulate the games later or get a hacked switch just so I can keep my saves when the cheap hardware inevitably fails in a way or another.

You have like a 1: 8 million chance of that happening and 9/10 times you brought it from someone shady as fuck to begin with

They have the same resolution...

>likely fixed the joycon drift

why is it bait? it is true

All I wanted was a switch mini. Lucky me.

>for the people who come here
Who are the people that come here?

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Was this a thing in the 3DS days? Did people actually pull this off? I savescummed in FE but that's all singleplayer shit that don't affect anyone.

You’d only lose your saves if you need up completely obliterating your Switch like a retard.
Like are you trying to go swimming while playing Splatoon?

Each cart has its own unique ID cert that is burned in it during manufacturing.

This has been known to happen even with highly rated verified ebay sellers. I guess you can try to buy it from a more "official" reseller, but then it's like you only save $10 vs buying it new so why take the risk?

"Hardcore gamers"

>making a version that runs even worse than the handheld Switch

Attached: 1555197279441.jpg (1024x862, 96K)

>gets btfo
>repeats himself and posts more wojaks
Oh no ha ha!

Yo what's up Masuda my man how's Sword and Sheild development going?

The dock didn't cost $80 to manufacture.

Breath of the wild, mario odyssey, mario maker 2, octopath traveller, need I go on? Switch probably has the best exclusives of any of the major consoles.

Just file a defective item report, if the seller didn't mention the cartridge was banned you're guaranteed your money back.

Shit happens user. Losing your switch or having it stolen or the memory fails on you, or just simply having an accident that destroys it (car accidents, home fires, etc) are all in the realm of possibility. Why should that have to come with hours and hours of game progress down the drain just because Nintendo are a bunch of ass-backward dickheads?


>octopath traveller
Also on PC.

it's the same specs. will run the same

They will perform the same but Switch lite has no HD rumble shit and it has a half hour longer battery life

None of these count

It doesn’t run any worse
I would like to remind people that there was a bundle in Japan that consisted of the switch without the dock. It retailed for $240, meaning the Switch lite is essentialy 40 dollars less then the switch by itself

Enjoying yourself?

Attached: 1516250668193.jpg (1536x2048, 175K)

Send your switch for repairs because it drifts? Good chance it gets wiped and put on the pile and they send you a refurbished one. Want to play it in 10 years? Lose it? Get it stolen from you? Feel like upgrading to a switch pro or getting a lite for travels? Fuck you, shouldn't have played our games.

>actually believing that lie
It WILL run worse.

wow 3 games, about as many as the wii had before they fucking abandoned it too

I will never understand why they removed the ability to do local backups. Wii had it, 3DS had it, even the PS4 and Xbone have it.

Why do you believe this?


I'm a bit disappointed by the battery life, but what really kills it for me is the lack of ability to connect to a TV. It will have all the necessary hardware for it, so it really is just a business decision so they can sell the original Switch alongside it for more money.

If it had actually been able to connect to a TV I would have bought it. I suppose at this point I'll have to wait and see whether this Switch Pro thing pans out or not. I really don't feel up for paying extra for joycons I'll never use and TV-connectivity they arbitrarily decided to not have in the Lite. If they don't add something worth my time in a Pro model, I suppose I'll just wait until the end of the system's life cycle and pick it up on the cheap then.

>wii game
>worse super mario 64
>a rehash
>a PC game
So THIS is the power of Nintendo?

Fine, I'll go on: Smash ultimate, mario kart 8 redux, mario rabbids... I can be here all day.

Name 1 console with better exclusives.

Why did you post a picture of yourself?

>This is meant to be a cheap option for children

That's what the switch is

None of these count

I put in almost 1000 hours of 4U hunting on my doorstopds. Don't you ever call it a casual machine again!

I was hype as fuck for this until I saw the D-pad

and yet it actually comes with a dpad

dude im not buying a shitch for that shit. i can give you points for zelda and 3d mario but that's about it

300 bucks is a lot to drop so little Timmy can play Pokemon for 5 minutes and then get stuck and go back to playing on his tablet. 200 dollars is easier for a lot of parents and casual players to swallow.

It might have the hardware but keep in mind TV mode puts out more heat and therefore requires a better cooling system. For all we know the Lite has the exact same hardware as the regular model just permanently underclocked with inferior cooling fans.

Imagine being a poorfag that can't afford $20 a year

Attached: Laugh2.gif (250x250, 69K)

Their customers will buy anything no matter what. They did it to sell more online subs, obviously. Funny that they're fucking over those who did buy online subs by forbidding backups for the games that need it. They'll keep subbing and buying anyway. ;)

Not all games can be backed up even if you shell out for the online plan.

All the major games who would need save backups don't support cloud saves. Cloud saves also don't last forever. You should buy a brain with your money.

imagine being a typical smug anime poster and being completely wrong, especially since AC has already been confirmed as no cloud saves.

>its for ppl who cant afford a regular switch!
>you can literally buy a preowned switch with games and controllers for less than the price of this thing
>$100 being that much more unless your allowance doesnt pay that much
You're right tho in this being for kids, as are all Nintendo products and games. I own a switch because some of their mainline titles are tied to strongly to my nostalgia and my gf likes their games because they're easy and colorful.

MSRP for joycons to play waggle games is $80 at which point you may as well have gotten a Switch on sale. Unless you travel a whole lot. The current model is just a little too big for flights.

Yeah you could, but what if you shell out that much money for a used switch and then it turns out it's banned from online?

>$5 off the msrp
>Dog shit on the cartridge
Buying secondhand in Leafland is a mistake.

This user speaks the truth. Odyssey and BOTW are two of my favorite games in the last decade, but I recently sold my switch because there simply isnt a reason to own one now. God knows when prime will be out, dont care about pokemon or animal crossing (literal baby games) and online sucks so it killed smash for me. I have enough friends that own smash where I can always play if I want. Got rid of it. It was literally collecting dust.

Possibly, but people have seen mention of a new SoC in firmware which matches a die shrunk version of the chipset used in the Shield, so it's a reasonable assumption that the Lite uses it. In fact, I have a pretty hard time seeing this having better battery life than the original Switch by even a small margin without such an upgrade given that it doesn't have space for a bigger battery at all.

Feeling the need to excuse why you own a console designed for all ages sure is a sign of maturity.
Thinking something needs to be edgy and mature themed or else it's lame and for babies sure isn't a sign of an angsty teenager or bitter manbaby.
Feeling the need to let complete anonymous strangers know about the existence of your girlfriend who is apparently a child sure isn't a sign of a delusional shut in.

My switch flew out the window when the plane turned

Oh no this low probability occurence could hinder me from playing laggy shit online that I have to also pay for! The original owner would be doing the person a favor.

>playing any game besides Pokemon

Mario maker 2 dude, you could literally never play another game for the rest of your life.

You know they call us oldfags for a reason. I turned 31 recently and I have a steady income, gf, lots of friends and so on but I still like to shitpost here. It's not a little secret club, zoomy. I cant help time turned me into a normalfag, but the fact youd think I'd lie as an anonymous person on a videogame board is funny. The fact having a gf is somehow beyond your comprehension. Oh to be young again.

The quality dpad makes me want one

>Its a real thing

Pure speculation user.

Honestly the one thing I want to know is if the Switch Lite can connect to ethernet via USB adapter. I have terrible Wi-Fi and playing 3DS games online is a horrible experience. Not having the ability to dock it is a little sad but it's overall an acceptable loss to save $100, I mainly just want it for Mario Maker 2 anyway and I'll probably get it regardless of ethernet, but it's still something I'm interested in knowing.

the fact that the gf comment is what you felt the need to focus on tell it all. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though it's pretty fucked up that you're dating a child. Wouldn't fly in my country.

The 3ds and switch pokemon stuff looks terrible, I would rather have an old style overly pixelated looking game than whatever it is. Or like xd gale of darkness, which could probably run on the switch

Can you link the thing to a tv?

So its a PSP.

??? Buy a cheap WiFi router from amazon / ebay

A Switch smartphone would sell like hotcakes though.

I have a Wi-Fi router, user. I just have a terrible ISP. Frequent outages, heavy packet loss, God bless America.

>mfw a bunch of nintendronies are going to buy it for this dumb reason
and do what with it, exactly?

Attached: C4hFBECWEAAwSww.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>So its a PSP.
With even less functionality.

You don't know that. It could be good but it could also be the same mushy shit the pro controller has.

>mfw ninten-drone(nohyphen) is auto marked as spammed
this website is fucking dead

Attached: 1538339229291.gif (500x311, 447K)

Nope they specifically made it so you can't despite the necessary connector being integrated to the console by default (for the charger).

>terrible ISP
Ethernet won't help you there bud.

they had speaker and mic placements on the PSP that would have made it a perfect phone

ty Bush for bundling the last mile and protecting these shitty cable companies

No I'm saying women are simple in terms of what they find interesting in videogames. Most women dont care for shooters unless its overwatch. Do you understand? You speaky english?

It's made for Pokémon

Pretty sure your girlfriend is retarded

>tfw my GF in highscool played CS1.6
get fucked

>buying this when I'll be able to play Xbone games on my phone soon
lol why tho

Attached: mw-1024.png (843x603, 261K)

My gut reaction to the Lite was that it was retarded, but I guess it makes sense that Nintendo would want to fill the niche left by the 3DS and have a dedicated handheld alongside a console again.
Pretty sad that Nintendo can never commit to their gimmicks, though. They're giving up on joycons just like how they gave up on stereoscopic 3D with the 2DS. They pitch the gimmicks as an essential selling point and then admit is was kind of optional all along.

Attached: 1476748417206.jpg (135x210, 6K)

So it's full handheld now? Damn, Nintendo got really kicked off from stationary core consoles market. RIP.

All trash , but keep trying retard.

Xbox One

I don't blame you for hating the online. It's easily the worst thing about the switch. But for me the first party or at least nintendo published catalog is pretty varied with quality choices.

You have 2 of the best platformers ever in Odyssey and Maker 2,
2 adventure games in BotW and awakening remake,
Kart racing
Side scrolling both difficult and easy with DK, Yoshi and Kirby
arena shooter with splatoon
life sim with AC
Party games
strategy tactics/rpgs with rabbids and FE
puzzle adventures like toad and luigi's mansion
brawler in smash
arena fighter with ARMS and Pokken
action beat em ups with astral chain and Bayo.
rpg adventure in pokemon
shooter in Prime

Obviously not all of these are out and a few are rescued from a now dead console and I don't play all of these myself but I feel like the switch already has a good variety in first party and exclusives alone for a pretty young console. Even if not everything is for everyone it's unfair to imply it's odyssey and botw then nothing else. In addiction to more third party support than any nintendo home console in awhile. I really do feel you with the online though.

wow nintendo btfo, can't wait to see this outsell the switch lite by a million units bro *hi 5s you*

If you are 12 years old probably.

A fleshlight is not a girlfriend user....

I'm not going to listen closely to a child predator. Please rethink your life.

Your left hand doesn't count user.

>been waiting for a Switch revision
>all we get is this
I can't complain too much I guess. It's pretty cool. I hope the battery lasts longer. I'll probably buy it as it's basically a better 3DS

Good thing there's endless shitware on the appstore for them to play. I swear my nieces have a different game every day that their favorite YouTubers are getting them to play.

In what world do YOU live in? Who do you think it is that buys Pokémon? In case you didn't know: it's children (either by definition or man-children).

How does switch games look on a 4k 27'' monitor?
Also when can we expect some videos of actual people playing the console?

Same battery. It lasts like 30 minutes longer.

>guy being earnest about his situation and admitting to normalfagdom
>desperate attempts to tear him down because seething over no gf
I wonder what the average age is of posters here

You...sorry I mean he admitted to fucking children. There's no defending this man's taste in anything.

unironic cope. just move on dude. The kind of behavior you're exhibiting is woman-tier. Men aren't supposed to get jealous and try to tear eachother down like that

Based schizo poster

>You're right tho in this being for kids, as are all Nintendo products and games
>gf likes their games because they're easy and colorful

You aren't.
"Man-children" aren't actual children. You aren't right and whatever delusion you want to live in isn't reality. Go outside. Have sex.

Looks to me like you're projecting a little
It's possible to like childish things without being a child schizo poster

You don't understand women. The guy's completely right; check out ranking disparity between men and women's favorite movies. All you find at the top for women are shit like harry potter and disney movies. women are simpler

so she's retarded then, taking advantage of the mentally disabled are you?

I'm getting the teal one with the new miku game
Fuck you op

But I'm not that old fart schizo poster
I just think you're the retarded one

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You can it's just manual now

Using gyro controls on this thing will be fucking impossible
it worked for the last two implementations (wii u and normal switch) since you didn't absolutely have to look at the screen while moving it. Here, it's just gonna be fucked.

Oh, like just a little slider? Interesting
So it's probably designed for kids then, since that's an easier concept to understand than going into a menu to do it

I dunno, I play Spla2n in handheld regularly
I recommend playing in an office chair that can pivot and turn, makes it easier to adjust if you can just move your feet for stable movements

you're defending someone who buys retarded children nintendo products so they let him call them his girlfriend. You are just as sick in the head as he is.

Nintendo loves ripping children and man children off as much as possible. How is one company so based?

>make a more portable focused Switch
>it's still way too big
You had ONE fucking job nintendo.

Do you want it to be tailored more for ants so much to the point you want to use a magnifier to see what the fuck is happening on a game? It's already for ants to begin with.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

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I own a 2DS and come here, what now faggot?
>Thinking I want a Shitch lite

lmao. Not without a fucking TV out and better thumbstick placement. They've learned jackshit from the Shitch.

>he wants it pocket sized

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Hi Eric. How's it going man?

Does anybody actually give a fuck about this? Once I finish a game, I don’t give a fuck about the save file.

If I play it at a later date I just start a new save. Why are faggots so uptight about this? I’ve never had a Nintendo system die on me, and I’ve owned like fucking 40 of them.

I agree with you but at the same time why even have cloud saving if its not for all the games people want it for? Makes sense for a game like AC where people put years into their game.

I have no clue who that is, but I'm doing ok. I haven't bought a Nintendo product since Iwata keeled over. So I'm already doing better than Nintendo.

It something for poorfags who will only get 1-4 games on the system who have a pc or a console already.

As of now there's no more than 5 Switch exclusives worth considering. Nintendo consoles aren't meant to be the primary gaming device.

Most console owners are poorfags.

Considering all they do is post consolewar bait on Yea Forums yes.

Yea Forums is a speck of sand in the console market. I'm talking about the average person who buy a console.

I've spent way more time on my switch than PS4. I mostly use PC though.

The average person who buys a console has disposable income to spend on a $300 device and maybe 3 $60 games a month.

There's even less PS4 exclusives worth getting, unless you're into Sony moviegames.

The average person who buys a console doesn't even have more than $500 in savings.

The 2DS sold extremely well because it was a cheaper option for literal babies and so will this.

The 3DS and all of its revisions combined including the 2DS sold less than the PSP

I'm glad it's a handheld-only Switch.
Was worried I'd be tempted to upgrade if it was a much stronger docked-only Switch.

I play docked 99% of the time.

and the DS sold double what the psp sold, what's your point? Not everything needs a direct comparison to be significant.

People where also buying them for a time in order to hack existing 3DS

The DS is the best selling handheld console ever
The 3DS/2DS sold worse than a failed handheld.

Someone is gonna green text this post and list every game you posted as either shit, soulless or rehash.

But the 2ds was far better than the 3ds?

>You have 2 of the best platformers ever in Odyssey and Maker 2,
>2 adventure games in BotW and awakening remake,
>Kart racing
>Side scrolling both difficult and easy with DK, Yoshi and Kirby
>arena shooter with splatoon
>life sim with AC
>Party games
>strategy tactics/rpgs with rabbids and FE
>puzzle adventures like toad and luigi's mansion
i like luigi
>brawler in smash
>arena fighter with ARMS and Pokken
>action beat em ups with astral chain and Bayo.
>rpg adventure in pokemon
>shooter in Prime

>remove features
>doesn't fit in your pocket
>far better

>Nintendo is Introducing a Nintendo Switch that can't Switch
Call it something else.

Attached: huh....gif (220x190, 2.17M)


Do you inbred morons think this is a good burn or something? This is gradeschool shit, cannot believe you faggots earnestly type these things.

Look where you are, reddit.

they should have called it the nindendgo

>what is branding

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I am impressed with your autism

can it run botw and botw 2? If so I will get one.

You can set a watch by it, honestly.

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Hardcore PC "gaymer" here
imo if you are buying a switch ARE automatically a casual gamer, and that's okay. If I'm getting a portable vidya machine I want it to be as portable as it can be. Switch lite is slicker looking and smaller (cuter) than OG switch
Switch lite will be for when I'm commuting, gaming on the shitter, in bed, etc. I'd probably never use my switch in docked mode anyway
PC is for my hardcore gaming

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There's still no reason to waste the money on a system with 3 good games. The WiiU had more and better games.

The only thing your mom is earnest for is sucking my dick

it reaches 60
Drops to 18 fps sticks around 40 most of the time
I was watching the frame counter

>as someone who bought an OG Switch
motherfucker, you are talking into a mirror

The Switch already outsold the Wii U months ago and by the time Pokemon comes out it will have doubled the Wii U's lifetime sales.


...And the wiiu still has the better library.

>tfw now convinced to get a switch between this and pokemon
>tfw slave to masuda forever

Kill me pete.

Attached: done.png (645x1260, 440K)

>buying pokeshit in 2019

Not really.

You're using the word "earnest" in a way that is technically correct, but just dumb enough that I can tell you just looked up what it meant for the first time.

>be me
>just want to play some comfy rune factory 4 remake and rune factory 5
where do I get hackable switches in 2019?

Attached: release.jpg (191x220, 17K)

>you're correct but ur still dum
Would it make you feel better if I said your mother is craving my dick in earnest?

your mom is looking up at the back of my head right now as she eats my ass while I shit talk her son on the internet

ebay, as usual

Switch lite is too expensive, needs to be dropped to $149 to make up for the lost value of going full flagship switch.

>the people who come here

reddit and normalfags come here and the switch lite is a legit upgrade because it doesn't try to be a fucking FRANKENSTEIN console and is just a handheld like it should have been, doesn't have stupid gimmicks, no stupid dock that scratches it, just a standard control scheme and the fucking buttons, that's all they needed to do and I will fucking buy it and fuck you nigger

Isn't that the same argument you used on Pokémon Let's go Pikachu?

>i.e. trade your rare Pokemon to someone else and then restore your save backup and not lose the Pokemon)

and how is that bad exactly? pokemons are not a fucking finite number, you can catch them endlessly, what is their fucking problem

LGPE was legitimately awful, you can't compare the two.

>have a tablet
>tablets being stronger than flagship smartphones
Just because the screen is bigger doesn't mean it's stronger

can you use the pro controller on the lite?

>remove the dock (90$)
>remove the IR camera (25$)
>remove the HD rumble (30$)
>remove the HDMI port (5$)
>somehow the lite still costs 200$ despite all that extra shit they removed

literally a robbery, brava

To let kids pretend they are.

>phones do not

why don't they exactly? it always puzzled me, like they can fit in all the nonsensical crap like cameras and shit but a fucking fan is too much to ask? what kikery

They mentioned you can still play 1 2 switch on it by using separate joycons so I'm going to say yes.
It doesn't have a kickstand and can't hook up to your TV though so you'd need a stand or something for it.

>MSRP for a product is the same as the manufacturing cost
>An HDMI port costs $5 to produce
you CAN'T be serious???

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1 2 switch on a 5 inch screen

Because a phone going WHIIIIIIIIIIIR in your pocket during a meeting is autismus maximus.

Nobody will fucking want this.

who the fuck said I was talking about production costs you absolute retard? I was factoring in the idea that EVEN if you pretend they costed the price you pay for them you would STILL pay MORE than what the console actually costs them to make

the switch lite will cost roughly 100$ to build to nintendo, that's over 100$ you are gifting them for no fucking reason, if you buy it new you are an absolute moron

Complaining is fun

why would it go WHIRRRRR in your pocket if you are not using it, it would go WHIIIIIIIIR when you are gaming

>the switch lite will cost roughly 100$ to build to nintendo, that's over 100$ you are gifting them for no fucking reason

>It's a way for people who would otherwise not even consider the switch to get into it with a cheaper price
Basically bored core gamers with some coins left

Why does Nintendo keep lying in their ads with totally unrealistic shit lo

Attached: SwitchLite.png (2800x1776, 1.37M)

Thanks to Apple if a phone isn't so thin it bends in your back pocket nobody will buy it.

the worst part isn't even the astronaut, it's the two girls playing Smash.

but girls love smash

replace the top with grade schoolers

>The average person doesn't even have more than $500 in savings. Even in first world countries

I'm calling bullshit on this one.

Will they at least release a left joycon with a d-pad for the OG Switch?

"""girls""" maybe.

No, actual cis het Asian girls who play Smash all the time.'s the exact same as the switch, but it's undockable? The fuck...isn't the whole point of the goddamn thing the ability to both take it with your portably and dock it when you are home and want to play on the tv with a controller?
Was the dock really what was pushing it to 300 dollarydoos?

well of course, but that's not what Nintendo wants you to believe.

Not everything needs to be the next TORtanic, Yea Forums. Jesus Christ.

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The middle ones would be realistic if they were kids, or an adult on a bus or bus stop
They're good party games for early 20 something birthdays

I can buy most of them except for the rock climbing one (and space one of course). Like please, you're there to fucking rock climb. Everything else is just people hanging out so I could buy someone lugging their switch along. Although bringing it on a camping trip is sort of odd, especially if you have no way to charge it

Nintendo of America, you mean.

Look at the type of games smartphones play! Even "good looking" 3D games are scaled down a LOT, the tiny screen just hides the downgraded graphics.

Yeah in theory their hardware is stronger, but it is comparing a sprinter to a marathon runner in terms of 100m dash speeds when you need to compare them for the full 40km when talking about long game sessions.

Smartphones have no way to properly release heat, so they can only run on a performance where they produce as much heat as it can passively, with no headsink or fan, release. This limits their hardware power by a huge portion. The Switch comes with a heatsink and fan, it can deliver power for longer periods of time consistently

Besides that, battery life of smartphones when playing 3D intensive games is also much much lower. Usually not more than an hour or so. The Switch has a lower res screen (but still high PPI count) than a smartphone, which decreases energy draw, as well as a much larger battery.

So like the new Switch.

You sure about that?
>space one
It's obviously meant as a joke but space flight is boring and lonely as hell, so why not, if you can make it work.

>buying an unhackable Nintendo console
for what fucking reason?

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Shut up Nintensoy, you're just using a bunch of made up terminology to hide behind the fact that your sytsem sucks ass

>make a new Switch
>it can't switch

No, this "new" Switch actually has redeeming qualities.
>unhackable Nintendo console
Imagine actually believing this.

>make a budget version of your console
>cut a feature a lot of people aren't using to cut the price

>dude bro (with a dudegirl) skateboard hangout
Can buy it.
>rock climbing
>two women
lol no
Stupid, defeats the purpose of being outdoors and camping, but I can somewhat buy it
>outside on balcony of some city
I could see faggot Twtich streamers doing something like this so I'll let it slide
>In fucking space
LOL nintendo, come on.

Nintendo already did Switch on a plane so it's only logical for them to go even higher.

>not buying physical

>"phones can't run fortnite better than the switch!"
>proves that they can
>"b-but the battery life!"
based nincel

>Call it something else.
They could call it a "Game Boy Pocket" again?

Attached: Game Boy.jpg (620x828, 152K)

>I have a tablet which is without a doubt stronger than any phone
big fat doubt there little underage user, non apple tablet market has been in the shit for years and has been limited in investment in comparison to phone development due to sub par sales numbers

Saves are stored on the console even with physical. The cartridge is fully ROM, no SRAM or anything.

>It's obviously meant as a joke
Wasn't very funny, but maybe they should play more vidya to cure the boredom.

It's a stretch but it's not impossible, there was that one Russian guy that took a gameboy and tetris up into space and probably what inspired that bit.

Except the 2ds was the better version

Should've been 150

Camping isn't about intentionally cutting yourself off from technology just so you can feel more like you're being "real outdoorsy" fag.

this is for moms who have two kids who were fucked when nintendo released a "one per livingroom"console like the switch and gave it all the features of a "one per kid" handheld

and practically nobody else.

>it's a food analogy
Nintendo always the innovator.

>still spewing this old chestnut

No, girls actually love Nintendo games. The easiest way to bring a girl over after a date is to invite her to play Mario Kart. I'm not kidding, my sister comes over every weekend to play


I had the usual, plain and relish.

it will take months before they can find an exploit

but do you fuck her?

An easier way to bring a girl over after a date is to put on Netflix on your 65" 4K OLED TV and make her jaw drop when the bass comes out your 7.2 sound system.

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>having a sub in your livingroom
>not in your car

you watch movies in bed on a laptop

>Nintendo always the innovator.
It gets better.

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>nigger detected
How's that '88 Cadillac treating you?

according to the porn I watch, if you take your dick out and masturbate in front of her and say "sorry" but keep going, she will 100% fuck you. But be careful she might decide to fuck your dad too (if not already) so always keep your slut sisters close and make sure they want your dick more than anyone else's.

If the Switch already was made for children. The Switch lite is made for childre...ners?

Yes but you lose the motion controls for tools like the magnet. One of the most fun parts of BotW is controlling Magnesis and Chryonis with the joy-con.

If they have the same awful joysticks the joycons have this will be dead in the water. I had to replace my joycons twice such thing won't fly on a $200 handheld.

This is so each sibling can have their own in non-poorfag houses and so poorfags can have one at all.

It's obviously just the newer cheaper model made for parents to buy for their kids on xmas. The end. That's it really.

If i already didnt own the original(and modded), i might've considered getting the mini as a "budget" model since i play undocked a majority of the time(since I'm too lazy to setup a hdmi splitter for my monitors). Starting at $200 isnt too bad, maybe it'll even drop to 3DS prices after a few years.

In non-poorfag (read: middle class and above) households mommy and daddy get a full-on Switch for each kid.

I'm buying one solely for my VNs and so I can fuck around in Smash without having my GSP affected.

Considering they did pic related and the Mario Maker 2DS as Black Friday sales in the past, I wouldn't be surprised to see a 150 dollar special Switch Lite next year or the year after.

Attached: Black-Friday-New-Nintendo-3DS-Offer-2016.jpg (960x540, 55K)

>that time i picked one of these up from the nearly-empty gamestop down the street and hacked it an hour later

It kind of is, though. Why even go camping if you're just gonna be on your phone and play your fucking gameboy, you can do that outside in general. Not saying don't bring your phone just incase of an emergency, but you're kind of supposed to lay off the tech stuff and actually take in and appreciate nature and the company you're with.

I get it though, Yea Forums never goes outside so its hard to explain

Mario Kart is the only thing they talk about, at least in my experience. Maybe Zelda too. But Smash? Nah.

Yeah, i already see some retailers going $150 next year black friday/boxing day. It really is the 3ds' replacement, too bad the games are home console priced.

If you're gonna be on your devices the whole time, yeah you're right, it kinda destroys the whole point, but a little bit of gametime won't ruin a family camping trip. Especially considering it's not like they're backpacking or anything actually rugged, they're clearly car camping.

Me and my sister play Smash (Squad Strike Random characters so I don't destroy her completely. Puyo Puyo Champion cause I like picking Carbuncle with the Japanese voices and spam it cause it's funny and the games tend to be pretty close. Mario Party but on the Party Mode since its kindof fun. My sister wants us to play Mario Party 2 cause it's the most fun mario party with no gimmicks and it has the Ketchup Blood map.

>You don't understand, the new Switch is bad because it's FOR CHILDREN!
>you said the same with LGPE and the new Pokémon turned out to be a piece of shit
>So like you said in the OP it's a piece of downgraded shit

And this is why you Nintendo retards are a joke in this board.

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I don't even have a Switch due to its lack of games I want to play, but in the event something sells me the Lite is what I'll be getting.

Eh, nintendo tries way too hard to make their consoles look like a super magnet for social gatherings that's totally normal for anyone to whip out anywhere and start playing(microsoft and sony are pretty guilty of this too).

It's become such an extreme tradition at this point, that i legit find myself enjoying nintendo ads because of the absurdity of it. Do you remember nintendo's blatant attempt of trying to "casualize" the 3ds by having actors straight up say "I'm totally a cool person and i don't mind playing my 3ds in public" lol?

Attached: download.jpeg.jpg (300x168, 12K)

I have that phone and its great. It even emulates gamecube really well and the battery (4000mAh) lasts a lot but even if it drained It charges from 0 to 100 in an hour. Best purchase Ive made

The voucher is $130 or so, but yeah good deal.

I would bring my switch on a camping trip, I mean, fuck nature, like what is there to see. Oh wow look at that butterfly! And that tree branch!
Fucking gay shit. Now let's play Mario kart retard.

I assume this is less because they actually think they're fooling anybody and more just to make nice shots. There's only so much you can do with different shots of neckbeards in their bedrooms.

Same. I found out how extremely easy it was to mod a switch...but the library is so weak that i dont even feel like doing it.

And why the fuck did you feel the need to quote me just to say you're a shit eater?


Switch games are for Nintendo fans. It doesn’t matter what model you use, it’s the same fucking games.

Switch is not even a hardcore platform, your argument is like saying a green water balloon is more hardcore than a blue one

Very marginal increases

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I fucking wish the regular joycons had that fucking d-pad, man.

Funny thing is that I cant recall a single neckbeard in any nintendo commercial, just your typical attractive actor. And it's usually them playing at the most lively party and less a single person on a couch.

It's like your typical mcdonalds commercial that refuses to show the actual fat depressed people that actually eat there.

will it be compatible with the pro controller?

Almost certainly.

Based Nintendo, now i can buy Switch lite and not unplug my Switch PC every time i go to the toilet.

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Yes, but it doesn't dock and doesn't have a kickstand so you'll have to prop it up yourself and that's gonna feel silly playing on a controller and a 5.5 inch screen.

why would anybody buy that shit when with that money they could buy a gpu and emulate all that shit

It is pretty lulzy that the Switch Mini can't do the signature *snap* with the joycons.

contrary to what Yea Forums likes to think switch emulation is still in its infancy

>'88 cadillac
close, my first was a catera
now I'm on a 05 taurus
i just like music

>no multiplayer out the box
>smaller screen
>can’t dock so bad FPS from portable mode will be the default
>literally the only redeeming “quality” is that it costs less money, as if that were the problem to begin with

The stock speakers in my car are actually good. All that matters is that I can hear the music inside, not three blocks away.

>can't connect to TV EVER, not even a shitty 720p signal
>something that even the first psp could do

big fucking no

They're probably afraid of the thing overheating since the OG Switch gets quite hot when it's docked and I imagine the fans are probably downgraded in the lite.

And how is passing a 720p signal through with no additional processing going to kill it? On the original Switch docking it ups the clockspeed so there's that, but outputting whatever's on its screen to a TV shouldn't add any additional heat.

the OG switch gets hot because when docked it changes its internal energy output and dishes out higher resolution you absolute baboon, a simple output that transfers the shitty native 720p of the lite to a TV would not make the console work any harder, in fact it would stay a lot cooler than the OG switch and the games would run BETTER than OG switch because the clock speed would be toned for 720p which ironically is what most switch games run better at, including breasts of the wild

Literally the only time switch has been used in my friends group or at parties was to play Jackbox or I think smash, like ONE time.

Did your parents never buy you a video console?

Nice to see you're a multi-billionaire, dude, that's great

there's a 300lb neckbeard at work who brings his switch to play on his breaks. He's legitimitely popular with all of the 18-21 year old girls who work there too. And not just the ugly ones, but the so hot it hurts to wear pants ones. They fucking buy him shit and always ask him to hang out. This is not a joke, I'm completely serious and I'm rethinking my life choices.

2019 may be the year of the ninty manchildren.

Those girls are there just because he has a Switch. Imagine bringing your console to work and it becomes the center of attention rather than you.

December 2019:

Guys my left analog stick on my switch lite is drifting what do I do?

The only time Ive seen people gaming irl parties/gatherings is some dude or 2 playing 2K in the back. I've played mario kart/bros deluxe with a small group a few times but it was obviously nothing extreme like the commercial and it definitely wasnt the life of the party.

My problem is Nintendo has always called the Switch a console and they’ve never called it a handheld. As a console it needs to be compared with a PS4 and XB1 which put it to shame, not to mention the Pro and X. As a console it’s yet another underpowered overpriced Nintendo console without a reason to buy it unless you like Nintendo games and having barely thing else to play except last generation or shitty late ports. Being a portable does not change this fact and it’s not a real portable because of the size and battery life. Most owners use it at home and most gamers don’t use portables.

Now Nintendo pulls a 180 and releases a portable only version and calls it a portable instead of a console so it’s a portable and people will think the hardware is fine for a portable which is problematic. By making it a portable it no longer looks like the underpowered console that it actually is because of it

It's made for poorfags and kids. Both of those categories are Yea Forums.

>They had to somehow decrease the price by $100
yeah with no dock no HD rumble and motion controls gone there is $100 right there

>was accused of being a Sony shill when I told people to wait and see what the revisions were all about instead of buying a Switch right away
Tendies can be the funniest thing.

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what the hell is a core gamer lmao

It has motion controls, gyro is still there

the average person is working a minimum wage job living pay check to pay check
most people dont have $500 savings

>switch already an underpowered, overpriced shit running on old hardware
>instead of realesing a version that isn't painful release a gimped version that's only bearable to brats who's mom could afford it on their welfare check

jesus christ nintendo will never release a real console. they did the same with the 3DS, they didn't fix it's glaring flaws and just decided to rip off even younger kids.

So what do you do when the thumbsticks start drifting
Because they will drift.

i mean for the joy cons since they are $60-80 by themselves

delete this! just buy it gaijin!

motherfucker switch has TERRIBLE battery life because teegra is fucking ass and always has been. a phone that's smaller than easily beat a switch because it's more power efficient. ever since tegras release fucking ages ago they've been trying to pass the chip off to SOMEONE, ANYONE! shield flopped, tablets flopped, integrated devices flopped, cars flopped, nintendo were the only ones stupid enough to fall for it because they were still drinking wiiu coolaid and didn't realize that phone chip capabilities were always going to be better.

Does Turquoise color look more like green or blue to you anons? I might be a bit colorblind here

Kids are quantity> quality. They will buy this trash like they buy Bionicles when they already have Transformers.

>2 old games (on PC via emulation)
>a revision on an existing game
>a shit RPG that's also on PC

wow what an amazing library for the switch

>Buying second hand games for any modern console is risky af.
t. video game publisher

dont listen to his lies anons

I play my switch in the breakroom with coworkers
makes breaks more fun, since theres literally nothing else to do but play pool

boomer wagons and estate cars actually have great sound systems. internal space for sound to expand in matters a lot more for sound quality than expensive speakers reflecting off everything in a cramped hatchback.

new orleans and i have a boyfriend

Hows this for terminology
Smartphone is gay, what are you a teenage girl or something baka

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If they showed people playing in a supermarket breakroom or something that'd be easier to swallow than 2 females who went rock climbing.

To do drugs in the forest
Thats why anybody goes camping
I've brought my phone every single time ive been camping

I've been camping a bunch., and have done some dugs but never at the same time. Probably missing out, I need to try shrooms or something on a campout.

I wonder if these two know each other

Attached: 1558404179934.jpg (1000x1000, 92K)

suck my dick, I bought a 3ds on launch and it costed more than this. Imagine being a neet and still not being able to afford a switch or a mini + a decent gaming pc.

>The upgraded Switch made for people like us will come next year.
HAHAAHA. Sorry no it's never coming.

It removes the bullshit so it's automatically a more hardcore console than the regular Switch is already. I want to ask what's wrong with Yea Forums but then I forget you all have autism in some way or form. You literally have to be a faggot to like gimmicks on a console.

well im not anywhere close to 300lbs
must be someone else

Look at it this way.

>Comes with no Joycons to play with friends, must be purchased separately
>Cannot be connected to a TV
>Has a SMALLER DISPLAY (this is not a good thing, you're literally getting less hardware per dollar)
>You cannot play the entire Switch library

You can easily find a Switch on sale multiple times a year, with a free game and a $50 gift card from the seller, making it an equivalent of $250.
For a system with Joycons, with a game, that can also be upscaled on your TV.

This shit is stupid.

>not liking nature

Look at this guy

Attached: 17112008020.jpg (2592x1944, 1022K)

I mean when most of your friends already have their own switches buying a "lite" edition seems like a no brainier

It'll probably be launched closer to q1 2021 to close the gap on next gen. Remember that the wii u died a little too early and had to be replaced mid gen, they don't want to repeat this and burn fans. Now, I don't expect it to be even equal to the ps5, but it should be capable of running SOME multiplats.

Is this dumb picture supposed to convince me lol. I'm going to go play smash this shits retarded.

I understand when they remove or replace hardware to meet the price. But there is zero reason to not support video out considering how many third-party docks that don't obstruct anything there are on the market.

imagine being an adult that plays pokemon

The old leak from ages ago said that a dock would be able to be bought as a separate purchase