So will it fit in a pocket now? Requiring a case or backpack isn’t portable

So will it fit in a pocket now? Requiring a case or backpack isn’t portable

Attached: C2A3D4B1-A600-4754-9C78-96010C088C0B.jpg (590x350, 25K)

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Jews making us buy a new console just to fix the fucking awful d pad that the original model has

If I saw some faggot carrying a fucking switch in his back pocket I'd knock his ass out in 3 seconds flat

not really, and it has still the same underwhelming graphics and framerate the undocked version always had
it not worse lol
enjoy :)

People that would buy a handheld only don’t care about that. It still beats the hell out of the 3DS.

just wear cargos

The Switch was always pocket sized retard. Console in one pocket, joycons on the other

No you wouldn't you faggot.

1 second to identify your target
1 second to power up while screaming
1 second to punch in slow mo to make the impact harder

He’s right I just tried it

Not with protruding joysticks.

Yes my friend.

It's a true portable. Not like the original clunky ass switch

>B-but the original switch is portable just have huge cargo pants and remove the joycons it will fit!


>real d-pad
>No joycon shit to deal with
>Portable only
>more battery life
>Fits in your pocket
>Possible switch lite dock
>Sleek and sexy like the dslite
>A majority of games will run on it. Only shit like 1-2 switch and mario party won't work but they suck so who cares
>100 usd cheaper

Based as fuck Nintendo.

Attached: f2416411347.jpg (480x552, 94K)

Now try putting a wallet in with the joycons

lol no enjoy dwarf Switch

only benefit I can perhaps give is battery life and even that's just a sliver bit of time more alongside brighter screen.

>putting a wallet in your front pocket

well, congrats?
I guess the playstation 2 beats the playstation 1 too in that regard. one would assume

>Only games that suck won't work with it so who cares
>speculating a dock when there is nothing for video output
>removing controller innovation

Attached: cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png (196x319, 84K)

Not with those shoulder button bulges

won't the sticks fuck up if you put it in your pocket?

If it's the same or smaller than Switch - Joycons, then it is portable. If not, they ironically made it harder to carry.

Yeah, and the PS2 sold way more than the PS1, what in the fucking Christ is your point?

>sitting on your wallet
I read that it fucks up your back after prolonged exposure

>Can't play any metroid game
>Cant play any castlevania game
>have to pay to play cool shit like metal slug
>have to pay for online
>mainstay """games""" are zelda and mario the two most overrated series on earth
I don't care if they made it cost 100$, just give me a justifiable reason to buy this shit that doesn't involve me becoming a brainrotted bing bing wahoo or smash playing degenerate.


because it has zelda, mario, and smash
there is no other reason to buy it

my point is that the switch was underwhelming enough for the current generation especially in 2019 Anno Domini
an upgrade to the switchs rig is the LEAST that lazy nintendo could do

>have to pay for games you want to play



It has Castlevania

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My Normal switch can fit in my pocket, I don’t understand where this meme comes from

why do you want and or expect Konami to make ANYTHING that isn't utter garbage nowadays? Just pick up the Classicvania collection or either Bloodstained game

>not having your wallet where you can feel it

Attached: pickpocket-dgyef2.jpg (640x435, 115K)

obviously don't buy it you don't like video games you brain dead fucking faggot

Works perfectly. How much space does you wallet take up?


You wouldn't do shit you little faggot. You would just silently seethe and then after mommy took you home you would post to Yea Forums how you totally beat him up and everyone clapped.

Have you not been keeping up? There are games coming out this year that you might like, like Astral Chain or Daemon X Machina

>>speculating a dock when there is nothing for video output

Look at the bottom of the unit you moron


>WHY ISN'T *insert nintendo franchise that hasn't seen an installment for 2 generations* GETTING A NEW GAME?

You can play eveeything hacking that shit lmao

user you do realize there are games coming out this year that aren't moonland memes that are first party right? just because Pokemon looks like unfinished shit doesn't mean the entire year is gone.


see you in two weeks with the multiple FE generals trying to decide which student user should plow

Attached: H2x1_NSwitch_FireEmblemThreeHouses_image1600w-920x460.jpg (920x460, 54K)

>"wHy dO yOu hAvE tO pAy iN oRdEr tO pLaY gAMeS?"
This! Fucking Nintendo! What were thwy thinking!