I'm sure there's been a fucking infinite amount of the exact same thread but what do you guys think of TMS? I'd consider myself a pretty big SMT, FE and Persona fan, although I'm not too into anything that's really been happening with FE from Awakening onwards and was disappointed in P5 if that counts as anything towards my enjoyment of TMS.

Definitely see a lot of people defending it or wishing it'd get a Switch port n shit. Always high praise for the battle system and that everything around the gameplay isn't as bad or weeby as it seems but honestly I found it fucking embarrassing to play (coming from someone who loves P4 nearly as much as P2). Gameplay is decent but I can't be the only one that just can't look passed everything else? What do you fags think about it??

Attached: tokyo_mirage_sessions_fe.jpg (600x600, 129K)

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Elly best girl

It is a very good game.
Mamori is best girl

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A betrayal.

i like FE, SMT AND idolshit, so this is the perfect game to me, but i quit getting games for my wii u after smash 4. ill get it if it comes to switch

I’m really interested in it but I don’t own a Wii U. I’m hoping against all odds it comes to Switch, but it probably won’t.

try it if you're a shitty weaboo who likes watching anime tropes for the 48t7w948 time

It's surprisingly fun, albeit a little easy. The artstyle is great and the game has some catchy tunes too. If your PC is decent enough, you could emulate the game as well user (60 fps is very nice).

Attached: singing.png (1600x900, 3.36M)

It's probably top3 jrpg from the last generation

It's on a whole different level of weebshit from Persona, but I still found it to be a lot of fun. Session animations get a little old, especially when you have to watch 13+ of them in a row, but, aside from that, the combat is fine and different enough to stand out a little from any other megaten. The dungeons aren't particularly bad too. Persona's slinks can learn a fair bit from TMS' supports, though they're still far from perfect.
If the story was at least a little bit more serious or grounded, instead of just "Shadow Dragon, but in 20XX," I'd easily call it a good game. As it is, it's just an enjoyable one, full of fun tropes and good music.


I hope it gets a switch port and removes the censorship

Attached: MAMORIIIIIIIIIIIII.jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

I only remember how Operation Kowashitai shitposted ferociously against all the other games releasing at the time and spoiled Persona 5's plot for a lot of people myself included.

My brother and I thought it was pretty damn solid if you like JRPGs at all. You need to go in with an open mind and not take anything too seriously/be ready to laugh at the game a bit though because there are definitely a good handful of "dad walks in" moments. I don't really fault people for not giving it a chance between the ones still seething at the proper crossover concept getting binned in favor of idols or people just plain too embarrassed to play it. One of the best Wii U exclusives if you can set all that aside though.


I hate how Nintendo kept on trying to push the "this is totally a crossover" angle with this game, even after this shit:

You know there is something wrong with current SMT and Persona when this shit is legit harder than the newer games of the series. Enemies are threat and they know how abusethe session system.

Attached: x360-hXP.jpg (640x360, 44K)

It is a cross-over in the sense that it features elements both from megaten and FE. If you stretch the definitions a bit.

Attached: very fast Barry.webm (960x540, 2.94M)


One of the most underrated games of all time. The battle system is better than any P game.

Didn't play it due to censorship. Would buy a re-release on switch if it fixed that problem.


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I want to violently slap Tsubasa's Tsubasas.

TMS is awful