Heh imagine if someone just bought a i7 8700k

heh imagine if someone just bought a i7 8700k

Attached: 8700.png (1247x705, 158K)

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>both over 165
zero fucks given, get whatever is cheapest.

Yeah, they'd be outperforming AMD in everything except for a game that can be crashed by spamming in chat.

derp, Ryzen

>90% of people use 60-75hz monitors
Defend this


>hey guys this NEW THING performs better than this OLD THING


i dont know a lot about PC components BUT i have to upgrade my PC soon and HERE'S MY PLAN:

1. I know the AMD processors are better than Intel now regarding overall price for performance and I think a new model is being released soon?
2. I currently have a motherboard for an Intel chip and dont' want to buy a new motherboard
3. People are probably gonna sell their old Intel CPUs because they want the new AMD hotness
4. I'll just get a decent used Intel CPU compatible with my motherboard for a good price

What do you guys think?


Attached: OH NO NO NO NO.png (1255x687, 140K)

>that retort
>relevant at all to my post

Imagine still having the better product even if you bought it 2 years ago.

Cheap mass produced panels that boomers think are acceptable because that was the standard back in the 80s


>new thing is just now getting performance of old thing people have been enjoying for years

So basically 0 difference in gayms, Intelfags BTFO

3600X is midrange

Attached: 1562621399886.png (1440x720, 222K)

the only old intel cpus you'll get are xeons from office clear outs
you will need a new socket if you are on intel
no one is going sell their old i7s because they still run everything and gpus do the bulk of the work in games.

i think you need to stop being a poorfag and save up for a full system on modern specs.

Attached: BTFO.png (1255x705, 140K)

soooo whats better value a 2060 or 5700?

5700 competes with 2060 super

A vega56 for $220 before they finish clearing stock.

are all the options under $350 shit?

where is it 220

i got a strix56 for $250 a month ago, seen pulse and msi ones for 220. guess you need to be faster

normal retail price is a 50 dollar difference and i bought my 8700k on sale a year or two back for 280 at microcenter. have we really not gone beyond that in two years?

Hey nerds, which CPU should I get if my main concern is running emulators like PCSX2/Cemu/Citra?

Attached: 1560548727978.gif (635x640, 3.28M)

It's smart desu. If they would buy a new monitor today they could get 240hz. Massive jump from 60hz


heh imagine if anything over 60 fps improved gameplay

if you're serious please use google
dont trust the monkeys on 4channel with your purchases

Wait for 4 core ryzen 3 and push it to 5ghz if you want to run emulators.

you'd be a sitting on top5 gaming cpu?
pick literally any gaming benchmark and you will see the 8700k either on par, very slightly behind or not-so-slightly ahead of every ryzen 3000.

Do this and definitely don't do that

The Ryzen 3000 series typically has much better average 1% low framerates which gives you a much smoother experience while gaming.

Just get a 3900x. Its just $499 only