Why aren't you playing MCH in FINAL FANTASY XIV Online™ Shadowbringers?
Why aren't you playing MCH in FINAL FANTASY XIV Online™ Shadowbringers?
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cuz i'm not interested enough in the game to pay a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION to play it
no way dude
because they lost their gimmick in the patch and are just rangers with a gun.
its like $12.99.... thats cheaper than a bucket of chicken at KFC
Fuck off with your poopnose cat.
A bucket of chicken at KFC is more worthwhile than playing FFXIV for a single month.
Finished with this game that has a cash shop when you're already paying for subscription + expansion.
>Play big bearded highlander.
>Like to go around and look at cute girls.
I do not wish to be the little girl.
is this game worth getting into
looks p cool
There is no more room in the servers for new players.
This games graphics are so fucking ugly holy shit
>paying a monthly sub to ERP when you can do it for free on discord or something
It's literally all cosmetic shit, just don't buy from the cash shop
can someone please explain how Savage raids work. are they just harder versions? can i farm them as much as i want?
kfc is trash
Based and Niggerpilled
no self respecting nigger would eat at KFC when church's,popeyes and bojangle are a thing
the best place to get chicken at is the pakistani gas station in the hood the more likely you are to get shot at the better the chicken is
They are harder versions with more HP, and harder mechanics.
Give me like a month and I'll be able to if it's not too late to join the party
Because I'm not far enough long in the reassignment process.
I started it, but fuuuuck man starting at lv30 is ass.
I sure love the obligated retard in every potd 1-10 run that thinks they need to explore every room and open every chest, turning what should be a five minute run into fifteen.
Two times yesterday I had someone afk as we got in.
You have to press accept when the queue pops to enter, so they literally accepted and immediately fucked off!
I'll never again say that new jobs should start at a lower level.
>Guy in FC leaves game running 100% of the time, AFKs for hours at a time by using the workaround to stay connected
>GPU burns out
>"Wow I can't believe my GPU burned out"
Why the fuck do people just not turn the fucking game off
Slippery slope and why isn't that cosmetic stuff attainable via actually playing the game?
It comes in it's own bin, even.
but i can do them as much as i want right? they're just like Extremes for trials? because i wanna farm the mounts? also is the drop rate 100% for all of the ones that gives mounts or only some?
Reminder that Mommy Shtola is for Runar and Runar alone.
I think for savage raids you get an item that you use to turn in for gear. I think a couple pieces of gear drops per run and a chance at a mount
Fucking paint huffers at titania I can't get a clear because everyone is too dumb for the fucking vine push. I am losing my faith in humanity. Fuck
why do you do this to yourself?
>we finally got RNG as a class
This is a bad thing?
not a fan of zoomer overwatch references
>Make a gun job
>Add gun mechanic with bullets
>Remove gun mechanic
>Wonder why people don't want to play rockem sockem pet class
>mfw join a farm party
>"sorry i'm clearing for one more, but he's seen the entire fight"
>we wipe before adds
>we wipe after adds
>"don't worry we've got this next one!"
>wipe again
>mfw 'farm' party
On plus side I got the mount and had my class weapon drop one clear before I could buy it and just bought a WAR weapon instead
I don't think my computer can run a MMO
i can understand why f2p can get away with it. need to make money. but when you make people pay for the game then pay for a monthly subscription, you're already drowning in cash. fuck you
>Complain when people play PotD the way it's meant to be played
You are literally the retard in that scenario.
Because I've done leveling dungeons thousands of times and I just want to level mch up fast as possible to get out of the low level shit, my enjoyment be damned.
but i can attempt it as much as i want though right?
>"clearing for a friend and then farm afterwards"
These are the worst.
*an MMO
you use "an" before words that start with vowel sounds and we pronounce MMO like emm-emm-oh
What fight
FFXIV always seemed interesting to me but I don't want to support the worst model in games.
>have to buy the game
>the expansion
>sub fee
Granted, it's only about 75 USD, but its just something I don't want to pay for.
Plus I don't want to get addicted.
Because it's easy money. Greed runs the world user.
What are the new mounts?
What guide is good for this fight? Since it's already been a week I'm sure they expect everyone to know the fight perfectly by now, and I'm just getting to 80 today.
The Balance for a written guide, youtube also has some good guides.
im trying to.
resubbed couple days ago. havent played since before stormblood.
I joined the suggested server because i didnt to play my old characters (for now anyway). Man wish there was an option to skip the main storyline fluff work up to lvl 50 at the very least.
>Literally giving a single shit about other people's opinions
If they get the message that says someone in the group hasn't cleared the dungeon, and they don't stop to explain mechanics, they only have themselves to blame when the party wipes.
i fucking hate people who do shit like this, it's like they don't even care about the shit they buy
just buy a boost goyim
it's a machinist
they use machines
>Get Dying Gasp for trial daily
Fuck me time to waste half an hour with complete scrubs
What's the fastest way to level from 60-70 as a tank now? Just queue dungeons or HoH spam?
I've gotten it a couple times already, and it's usually a 1 shot.
You can attempt it as much as you want, but once you clear a floor you're locked out of the loot for that week.
because there's a monthly subscription and I can just play the millions other games that dont have one
Ugly sparkly dragons.
Experience is the best teacher. go jump in a learning party.
tiny dragons
32 runs of HOH if you really want it.
It's called machinist.
Who'd have thought people would want a job called machinist to be about machines.
>He thinks guns aren't machines
People seem to hate WAR questline, but I find it humorous.
Also why do Roes lust so much for lizards?
>i dont want to get addicted
have some will power for once in your life you weak ass bitch
Maybe the way it's meant to be played was poorly designed? Just because something is intended doesn't mean its good
Just started
Mashing 1,2, and sometimes 4.
Is this the whole game?
Once pirate rapists always pirate rapists.
I wonder how new players manage with out levelling the MSQ and everything with that server wide exp boost.
have you never played a mmo before?
should i even bother with job changing?
t. MAR lvl 23
No. Get past level 50.
To be fair, they don't use the money for the game itself, and this is stated several times throughout media and reports. FFXIV money is used to fund other projects/massive failures.
If you don't like it now, you won't ever like it. Don't listen to the "i-it gets better after X hours!!" people. It's okay to dislike certain genres.
>I shall give you one last chance to repent. Delete this thread and start discussing e-celebs
Because most of it was from old events and various special promotions that are long past. The best cosmetics are still in-game and in the largest numbers by far.
there's literally nothing wrong with the sub model for MMOs. due to the game design of MMOs it's the lesser of other evils. B2P negatively affects development later down the road when cash dries up, F2P negatively affects the game immediately by designing the core game mechanics and patch cycle around it. look into some logistics studies of MMORPGs and you will see how sub model is the better option in the end.
Eventually, for your first job though find something you like and stick with it until the cap
>have to pay sub
>when there you play all other games for free
level a dps job with the MSQ, you can level tanks easily by spamming dungeons with the exp boost you'll get from leveling your first job
wait what do you mean? so like if i do alphascape 1.0 savage and clear it, i can only attempt it again next week?
New MCH is shit.
I want my old MCH back.
More like Granny.
Not at the moment. Take the one you've got to job cap and then start leveling another.
Except it isn't poorly designed at all. People want to level their Aetherpool equipment and collect shards for items, and bitching at them for doing the thing the game mode was made for is exceedingly retarded just because you personally want to selfishly power level Jobs when you have a million other methods of doing so.
Form a custom party in party finder if that's your aim.
doesnt matter. at the end of the day just play what you like
yeah i was thinking a dps class, the MAR class is okay but i dont really do good damage at all
>Go to Gold Saucer
>No arcade games
This is the worst place ever!
Boring card game that you gotta grind cards for
Majong (lol)
Stupid mini games that are dull
lmao fucking poorfag
>Lyse just asked me leave the negotiations with the Confederacy head to her, and what she learned about Doman etiquette
Oh god
On one hand we're leaving the diplomacy to a meat head gorilla in the body of a cute girl
On the other, the only other choices are Alisaie and WoL so there actually isn't a better choice
>the way it's meant to be played
Only idiots go through it like that and you know it.
What are they gonna do, farm a fucking kinna weapon?
On the first ten floors?
It's a leveling tool at this point, nothing more.
>He actually liked RNG the class
you'll get more EXP after you get a single job to level cap. Like 1.5x more EXP.
eventually you'll do decent damage but well, a tank is a tank.
>Live Action Heavensward
mite b cool
Daily reminder that Eden is an Ascian space station and the thing that ruined the planet will be on board it if it wasn't already made part of Zodiark when He was summoned
>Only idiots go through it like that and you know it.
>no arcade games
>lord of verminion
You mean DNC? Yeah, I don't like it.
>Too stupid for Mahjong
It's okay to be a little retarded user, don't feel bad
You just won't get a chest. Only final bosses of the tiers drop mounts like o4s o8s o12s and the mount is a 100% drop. There's no lockouts for old raids. Only eden will have loot lockout when it comes out
actually it's straight up double xp until level 70 now, 70 to 80 does the 1.5x thing if you have a job sat at 80 already.
Armory bonus is 100% up to level 70, 50% after.
When you clear you roll for loot like anything else, if you win a roll on a CURRENT raid you get locked out from getting another piece of gear for one week. Old content like alphascape or anything like that is uncapped and you can run them endlessly
Air Force One retard
ultimately all i want is the gunblade class, so... yeah dunno
also its better to level a dps first because it doesnt matter if you have no idea what you're doing in dungeons
there are some specific shit you have to do as a tank in some dungeons
>WoL is a black sassy afro negro
You don't get your damage dealer (Fellcleave) until level 54. You don't get Inner Release until 60 something. It's worth it to keep going though. Mythril Tempest will eventually give you Meter.
Because it has 0 utility
Because he thinks everyone running PotD are like him and only do it to speed grind job levels, despite the fact that your performance in PotD is 100% decided on OPENING FUCKING CHESTS TO UPGRADE YOUR GEAR.
I hate the summonable pet but it seems like they really liked that for several classes this expac. Other than that I'm fine with new mch
in that case, pick any tank so you can more or less equip the same gear you had on the second you unlock it.
damnit.... currently in uldah so i COULD change to drg or ranged... aaah
Does anyone have the image of elidiobus, Zenos, and WoL and some other sitting at a Mahjong table?
Then get to level 60.
ah okay thanks. so i can farm all the old stuff as much as i want but cant farm eden and the nier raid when they come out? also how hard are they if i'm unsynced? i'm IL432
that really needs an EX mode
>Japanese people caring about diversity quotas
No way burger
I'll give you 60 for everything and remake it to We a single player game where i don't have to team up with cunts.
They should make the WoL illberd because everyone knows he's the true hero
Because I play BRD!
I haven't played DRK since HW. What is their deal now? Just throw flood/edge between the 1-2-3 combo every now and then to keep darkside up for more damage? Only 60 right now.
alright then... i'll stick with MAR and change to GUN maybe SAM or some BLM if i feel like it
hope leveling as MAR isn't a chore...
WoL isn't even the worst negotiator among the Scions, given how we actually manage to get through to Sylphs before Yda and her tardwrangler show up, ruin everything and have us run through the worst dungeon in the game.
>Yshtola is a poo in the loo cat
i just want to be able to login once without having some bullshit sub 30 person queue cucking me for my precious seconds
Because I'm too busy playing BLM and SAM to deal with that twice-aborted job
Have they made it so pets/mounts/etc. are account wide yet?
With the way WAR is in ShB, technically your big dick damage skill is gained at 35 now, it just gets upgraded to be even bigger dick damage at 54.
>Giving chinks a monthly fee
Nope fuck off and let me know when it's free to play.
what's the coat and gloves used for that glamour?
>cosmetic shit
aka the only reason to play an mmo
some are account wide (get delivered in mog mail on all characters) some aren't
>You may have scared me away and soiled my robes katana WoL, but can you stop my Ron?
What hat?
most of it is. I got so many emotes that were from past events that if I were to pay upfront on the cash shop would cost me like $50
Most of the cosmetic cash shop shit is literally meme outfits and ones for specific characters
>Free to play
No way poorfag, XI still requires a sub to play
Is there really any point in making more than one character?
You can't solo them and you still need to know some mechanics. Coils is easy these days. Not sure about Alex but omega still requires complete mechanic understanding to clear. Difficulty varies but pic related is a standard final boss mechanic difficulty
I'm playing Black Mage
tanks get it real fuckin easy to be honest, though quest XP should allow you to coast for the most part anyways and gunbreaker will start at level 60 so hopping over to it will be total nonissue.
no unless you're a roleplaying faggot
t. Brasil numero uno
>Coils is easy these days
Nael is still impossible to solo, need pals to get past turn 9
Not unless you're an autistic RP'er.
After playing this game for the week I have come to the conclusion that these threads are shill threads. this is the most boring game since fucking wow.
crap combat
crap classes
terrible dungeons
tedious quests
instanced as fuck even more so than the awful GW2
Fuck you shills! I wont ever sub to this analwart of a game!
>tanks get it real fuckin easy to be honest,
>take twice or three times as long for quests because no damage
Uhm user...
I said you can't solo
>Roll the combo into one button to reduce button bloat
Do this on all jobs for all combos, or none
Then why release more races?
>coil is easy
You still have to do most mechanics because of the amount of them that are instakills
*joins your party*
Savage will be tough at first, but it will mostly be a battle against the 7 other people in your party fucking up simple mechanics.
Nier will be a 24man so there will be eaaier mechanics but by virtue of having 24 people there are more retards on average to wipe the raid.
As withmost fights it is as simple as boss starts mechaic -> do proper simon says response -> clear ez
Both from the Skallic set
The Ballad Crown from LotA
looks like the skalla jacket and gloves.
>Because most of it was from old events and various special promotions that are long past.
You used to be able to buy old event cosmetics for gil when the event rolled around again.
Is it too much to ask for slutglam screenshotters to have a basic understanding of lighting and what looks good?
because that's what people ask for
Yeah until you hit 99/99
>Can't even pronounce superbolide properly
Dumb lalanigger
are you talking about 3.0 or 4.0 mch? I liked 3.0 but 4.0 was just ass, dude.
Are you fuckin serious? let me babywalk you through this.
you do the MSQ quests, and if the 10 second difference between a dragoon poking them with all 2 of his attack skills at level 20 is the dealbreaker than I don't know what to fuckin tell you, and if a quest says "your too low level" you get into a dungeon instantly with your extremely short dungeon queues and get a levelup for doing basically nothing but pressing three buttons over and over for 20 minutes.
I just want my crazy motorcycle and snowboardan.
cause i'm still leveling things to 60 for Makai Master, like a weird masochist.
>hangin with friends
>"hey lets try the 80 treasure maps"
>buy some 100k maps
>do one map
>indigo cloth drops
>think nothing of it at the time
>do another
>indigo cloth drops
>after like 30 minutes of maps we got 8 cloths
>check market board
>3 million a gil a piece
>we literally made like 25 million gil unintentionally
>if i weave them into the shirt its even MORE gil
what the fug do people not know how piss easy to get these cloths are?
more like superdilate
all according to keikaku
This expansion has put so many things in a new light for me from a lore perspective
>Unukalhai is another reflection of us as Ardbert was
>character creation is us using our Ascian nature to choose a form that suits us
>we were probably the 14th member of the Ascian council, and were the primary advocate for Hydaelyn, which is why she favors us with her blessing across all the shards
That last one is some Nerevar-tier lore.
Ok GNB isn't for me, should I level DRK or WAR
DRK out of those two, WAR will put you to sleep
That's a cute ca--
do you use all the cum in your holes to shoot or something
ahhh m'naago...
I caught a map last night spear fishing. Is the dungeon any fun?
crafters/gatherers don't have friends so they can't do maps and pay a premium price for the stuff that drops
There no such thing as clear parties.
Yeah that's true but once SE learned retards would actually pay for it that was the end of that and I really don't blame them. I blame the idiots who can't wait to get fleeced.
Does anyone have a webm of the phase transition for this fight?
>not dyable
i dont think the dungeon is out yet i didnt even see it once out of like 20 maps
I want her to crush my head between her thighs.
new map dungeon not out until savage release.
Sorry man, but I'm enjoying my BIG DICK DRG damage and MASSIVE utility too much.
Oh, you mean just the loot from the box drops the mat, neat.
When do balance tweaks normally happen? before normal or before savage raids?
go back
>last night party with fc
>1 clear in 2 hours
>join clear party in pf
>4 clears in 1 hour
Maybe all the good players play around 2am.
Want to know how I know you're an absolute Chad
Y'shtola's voice gets me hard as fuck.
Posh, intellectual, demure yet with a hint of sternness. Literally diamonds.
>Minfilia tells Thancred she's basically just an Ascian in the context of her connection to Ryne
>was propositioned by Eldibus to become one all the way back in 2.1
I honestly feel like Emet seeing us as an Ascian doesn't confirm that we were the 14th, just one of the ones he personally knew
I wish they would add blackjack and poker so I can spend hours being a degenerate gambler
If I see one more of those macro faggots spamming that shit I'm going to go on an actual fucking rampage
>Ditches him to go with us
Why did Runar get friendzoned bros? He deserves better.
>Not mastering Mahjong
You plebian
why the fuck can't cats and lizards wear anything thats not some kind of slut glam?
>We created our creator who blesses us
4D chess
how hard is it to solo sophia and seph ex with a tank
Savage is still difficult even if you're unsynced. You need to know the mechanics as most stuff is an instant kill even 20 levels later
it's been scientifically proven to give u high percentile
But she's right next to him, right now.
>Implying I'm gonna risk getting BTFO by Hatchford Lebowski, the only man playing on LoV on Jenova
Name Race sterotypes
Midlander - Boring
Highlander - Boomer
Male Miqote - Gay
Female Miqote - Slut and most likely gay
Male lalafell - Shitposter
Female Lalafell - omg subscribe to my twitch, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter!! ^^ /hug
Male elezen - narcisistic faggot ghost
Female elezen - let me speak to your manager
Male Roe - Top gay
Female roe - let me speak to the head of the company
Male Au'ra - Broomstick so far up their asshole it creates extra horns.
Female Au'ra - Mentally Ill
I wear a cowboy outfit though?
How hard is it for you to get good.
I'm literally too much of a brainlet
doable with level 80 paladin+echo, dunno about other jobs.
Even worse. Just attain Dark Arts, use Delirium, then spam spinny-blood move ad nauseam.
Dark Arts spam was unironically more engaging than current DRK.
>you will never be lovingly cradled in a big guy's arms
Good. I don't understand some of the hate I see Runar getting. He was a total bro overall.
What's all this stuff I'm hearing about Lazy Peon or whoever skipping content or whatever? Is he supposed to be big or something?
id say air force one if it wasnt a disneyland ride for fuckin toddlers
the minigames are dogshit, AND you can't even see other players doing them??? the place would be actually entertaining if you could see people doing stuff
Calm down user, I'm asking you what the glamor is.
Cause I'm playing MCH in Stormblood!
Can you please stop parsing? It's my right to be carried and you shouldn't realize I'm not doing damage. This is not even legal.
>Join a farm party for Titania
>takes 10 minutes to hash out positions and how certain mechanics will be handled
>countdown finally happens
>boss gets pulled by a DPS, MT is afk despite commencing a ready check
That was the end of that party
>I sure love the obligated retard in every potd 1-10 run that thinks they need to explore every room and open every chest, turning what should be a five minute run into fifteen.
Easy way to spot someone who emotionally and socially stunted.
>he thinks one machine is enough
let my dye the af please
Do you not have to pop invuln for more than a single ability?
Can you do the mechanics?
You can solo
>Ranged DPS get to ignore positioning and are in general less interesting than melee
>SAM is a little too weeb
>NIN is way too weeb, fuck Naruto
>MNK is too ching chong
>DRG is kind of cool but the whole tether thing looks absolutely stupid
>and I really don't blame them.
I blame them. Wasn't there a company in the US lacing cocaine in kids food/candy decades ago because it wasn't illegal and made them more money?
I'd happily pay for a sub year round and each expansion, but the cash shop simply existing in this kind of game constantly makes me feel like I'm playing a game that just wants to sucker cash from me and doesn't even want me to invest time in it.
>join farm party in Titania
>We wipe constantly
>Create drama by putting waymarks bad
Everyone gets mad. ;)
>DREX as a healer
>Tank is GNB
>First thing they do is use all of their fucking CD as soon as we move
>Without even touching the mobs yet
>Ask them why the hell they did that
>No reply
>They keep using Camouflage and Rampart at the same time
>Even when only pulling 2 mobs
>Never used Aurora or Heart of Stone
How the fuck does someone level up a tank to 80 without anyone telling them how to use their CD?
Like fuck, they don't even have the PotD/HoH excuse.
i can't say if he's big but i know he's known at least
>Male lalafell - Shitposter
You're playing a weeb as shit game. Embrace it.
>MNK is too ching chong
If we're lucky those sets will be the new crafted raid gear.
Because reorganising my hotbar after the job changes will be a pain and I already have Dancer at 80 so I'm levelling Jobs that will get me the other three Role Quests. Also I'm just plain scared of what may have been done to it.
I hope you like Diadem user
Why is he so yandere?
>love FF8s gunblade aesthetic
>its tank
>i'm shit at tanking
am i utterly and almost certainly done in by playing gun?
Lol wtf seriously? It's just Shinryu tethers with a Seiryu knock back circle. None of the mechanics are hidden or obtuse you just do the fuckin thing.
Welcome to Eureka 2 electric boogaloo, try not to kill yourself, there's enough suicides to clean up as is
>I can't play a class because one of its 2 minute CDs doesn't look cool enough for me
here's what actually happened
>tank does ready check
>someone else starts the countdown before tank can
>tank gets pissed and quietly refuses to pull out of spite
Give it a shot user. Heh, puns.
What makes his reaction faces so perfect?
basically some washed up eceleb makes a review video on ffxiv's leveling but he paid to skipped heavensward, bought a level boost, did zero level cap content, and then complain about the story being bad and how the game is too easy.
It's not fair
how come we don't get to throw cards...
heh but honestly i'm scared shitless of tanking, always played a dps class and just want to be my virtual squall :(
This line delivery in English was so fucking heart wrenching man. I couldn't hold back from tearing up.
Tanks have literally always been melee dps but with meatshield hp, aggro, and cooldowns
Hrothgar are top gay and furry. A furrier male Roe.
but on the cart they dont do top 5 damage do they .(
The best is how they dodge them.
Literally just activate Royal Guard, go up to the enemies, hit them, face them away from the party, do your rotation and make sure you don't die. C'mon man, Don't you wanna Renzokuken? We get to Renzokuken.
Then the story needs her to emote and she does the regular genky catgirl miqo'te ones, throwing off the whole illusion.
>Friends ask me to queue up as MCH to see how it is now.
>Join an alliance roulette.
>Queue insta-pops, notice almost my entire hotbars are greyed out.
>Frantically trying to rearrange shit to get some semblence of function, but completely lost when tried to play it like SB MCH.
>Manage to do less DPS than a few healers.
>Check it out next day, actually rearrange the entire bar from scratch.
>Discover how Overheat is actually supposed to be used (It's not a +10% damage thing you pop for wildfire anymore),
>Literally spamming buttons faster than MNKs, can't mash fast enough and overheat feels like it's up almost 24/7.
My latency will never let me play this job, but it sure is fun as fuck.
>i cri at vido games
Wanna know how i know you're a onions chugger
i DO want it mang aaaaaahhhh
banished to the realm of shadows
Watch this video
He puts it well what's going on.
Got to 50 with DRG and just beat Ultima Weapon, kind of want to try one of the jobs that are available to me. I've tried tanking with MRD/WAR and a bit of healing with CNJ. Is MCH a good ranged DPS? I'd be interested in BLM, except I'd have to level up THM first.
She goes back to him after the end of the story user.
>World boss on different world.
>Spend 3 minutes waiting in queue.
>Port to Kholusia.
>Try to get to instance 3 for 5-6 tries.
>Finally get there. Get invited to group 5 dead.
>Stay alive for last 50% and nuke as hard as possible.
>Silver lol go kill it a third time for the mount xD
THIS is the game all you furry weebs are creaming yourselves over?
is she the quistis of ff14?
Magnus hit me harder, but all the voice acting was fucking great.
I honestly don't know who started the countdown, but it was just another red flag for the "farm" party
if you have stormblood you can unlock a better class that starts at 50 in uldah
That's pretty fucking hilarious. Did he think he'd honestly get clout by paying to skip a huge chunk of the game then saying its bad?
I entered a final fantasy XIV thread without knowing what this game looks like and now I'm shocked that the game doesn't look like what I expected.
You're implying I haven't been a MC main since HW Early Access. I will play it thru its worst iterations and best iterations.
>he deleted the video
wow what a bitch
True but only because she was trapped. She would have ditched them entirely if their way home wasn't blocked. Which is kinda fucked up in a way with all the Scions. They all would have went home leaving everyone they had come to know in the dust. Maybe all except for Thancred because of Ryne.
Is xivg any less gayer than here?
Because I see faggots everywhere on xiv threads on Yea Forums
calling it now, AST will get a card that summons blue eyes white dragon in 6.0.
>tfw Multifaceted
Do I just farm for Control 8s now and still make ingot-tier mats?
I don't, only Heavensward right now.
Not like it mattered, it had so many dislikes that the video wouldn't appear on anyone youtube page.
Do it user, gunblades are cool as fuck!
Yes he apparently received "death threats"
Just be MLG pro like me and use the tether without a partner to only give yourself the buff lol
Fuck off avatar fagging tranny.
>DPS player tries to play AST
She's a traitorous whore
Is there a secret tech to finding the special Fates or A ranks? A way to know if it spawns on a different server/instance? Are there crossworld hunt linkshells?
>implying you need a tracker to be able to tell when a player isn’t pressing any buttons
Yea that's the reason LOL
>blue eyes white dragon
Eh, watch this.
Takes a faggot to recognize one.
SE is an SJW-bitch company now, if you haven't heard.
Hunt Linkshells have extremely autistic people who spend their entire days calling out Hunts and special FATES of all types.
You haven't seen anything if you already think these threads are gay
My guess is that he made the video close to Shadowbringers release in order to get lots of views/ad revenue because controversial videos like that are clickbait near big releases.
oh well then, CNJ becomes WHM which is currently one of the better healer classes, don't bother with WAR, MCH has the best ranged physical damage and BLM has the biggest damage of anything, hope this helps
You brought that shit on yourself, queuing for roulettes alone means you might have to babysit someone, be it new players or slow, bad players. Don't use roulette alone if you're adverse to them.
What dungeon has best MCH glam?
I played FFXIV during my first few years at Uni. I smoked an incredible amount of weed and was on academic probation for 2 years because I would just play this shit constantly. Finally unsubbed and I finished my first degree with a 3.4 and did another degree landing a 3.8.
I can never go back to an MMO because I completely commit myself to it, and life is too good to waste on something like that lmao
Muh tank anxiety
Muh FC says
Muh anyone got a cute catboiii???? Rawr OwO
>Some interview where they say they wanted Tifa and Aeris to be like Eastern and Western styled girls
>They make Tifa the Eastern styled girl with some stupid Japanese schoolgirl outfit
>Tifa who was modeled after a RL Western actress
I fucking hate Square Enix so much those cunts shouldn't be allowed to touch Squaresoft era games.
Garo collab, PvP, Anima grind
ShB would have been better as a standalone game instead of an MMO expac imo
still very good and emet is the best villian we've had. HW>ShB>ARR 1-50>>SB>>>ARR level 50
Huntshells are super fucking cutthroat apparently and if you don't regularly participate or make callouts they'll kick ya.
Was Vauthry still in control after his transition to a sin eater? Did the sin eater simply inherit some of his personality, or the fact that he was born a half-sin eater give him some edge when retaining his own identity? I get that it might not matter for him, but it might for someone else who becomes a sin eater, since that's essentially saying a strong enough will can maintain control even after the transformation.
Nope, only for VII. Get fucked.
>tank does only single pulls
>stands still for every pull
>his rotation is the single target one, ONLY that one, nothing else, keeps losing aggro
>no def CDs
>pulls ALL def CDs at the start of the boss
>Titania weapon
How is this possible
>tfw you know the owner of a big one on your server so you can be lazy as fuck and hunt casually and never risk a kick
Feels good man.
Remember 4.1 patch?
Can 5.1 top it? Expectations?
Because it's fucking stale and the playerbase is 95% made of glue-sniffing retards.
Tank anxiety bullshit isn't exclusive to Yea Forums, it's only more prominent now because GNB is out.
Muh FC bullshit is blogposting that most people ignore.
Catboi and hrothgar posting has been called gay since the dawn of times.
You haven't seen anything if you think this is gay.
He bought the titania weapon playing something completely braindead like RDM
>PvP, Anima grind
I was hoping you wouldn't saying this, but I knew you would.
Lucky fuck
I agree with that ranking wholeheartedly.
Jokes on you, I sniff my sisters boots.
faglord probably talking in fc chat or discord, i drop out i get anytime i get these shitheads, dont care if i look like a massive autist im not gonna bust my ass for some lazy fuck not contributing
I think he runs on the same logic as JENOVA and Sephiroth.. Still entirely himself despite all the science.
Garleans are brain damaged
>Nier raids
It's literally going to be launch day all over again but instead of bara cats it'll be YoRHa RPers everywhere
There's discord servers out there exclusively for calling out cross server hunts. They have hunt tracking bots and all that stuff.
I think it was a process. Had he survived he most likely would have lost himself entirely to the Sin Eater.
What world? Because that's not the way it is on mine.
He was always a Sin Eater that fancied himself human
His ascension didn't change his personality at all
these thread are usually filled with people from xivg user
Warrior was gutted this expansion since it lost the slight differences between its DPS and Tank stance. DRK was simply turned in to WAR with Eye of the Storm taking the spot of Upheaval along with the only low cooldown mitigation ability that's notably different from the other tanks. The two are so boring I can't recommend playing them anymore when GNB and PLD both exist.
We need to just bite the bullet and make the tanks full on DPS jobs with an aggro toggle if they're not going to actually do much with the tank side of things.
>Tfw when you Midare and jump right to the top of the hate list
Because in titania he doesn't actually have to remember anything except tank buster timing. Even if he fucks up chains the other guy will die first and he'll be fine.
He was part human. He was infused with the Lightwarden light in the womb, so he naturally accepted and grew with it, rather than it changing him.
The lower level dungeons are more stressful than the higher level dungeons.
Nobody has the tools to help with any mistakes.
It's mid day and summer.
Why do you get all your CP back when you finish crafting but you don't get all your GP back when you finish a gathering node?
oh jesus christ thank you user now im not worried at all AAAAAAAAAH
bro, where'd you get that wallpaper?
the Fan Kit page still hasn't undated for Shadowbringers
I'd be lying if I wasn't interested in BLM because of all the dumb memes. But hearing that it's a good DPS is reassuring as well!
What server? The ones on mine are pretty casual. I rarely see people get kicked unless they swap DCs or they are an early puller. I even own one and I don't expect every person to come to hunts all the time. People have other shit to do, including me.
It will demolish 4.1
It has dumb memes, good DPS, and is FUN!
tanking is stupid easy now. every tank has their tank stance starting at level 10 and you can AoE forever.
>want to play a healer
>everyone will think im a faggot
>would prefer a male character cause im not a total faggot
>males look like fucking basedboy faggots
>females actually look good
>never played females in rpgs cause im not a faggot
>forced to play a female healer
Kill yourself
you kinda need to know encounters in advance so you know where to plop your damage circle so you can stay in it as long as possible, aside from that it's easy
Is this game actually good or is it just the honeymoon phase?
>Mateus is homeworld
>barely any partys - barely anyone doing fates - barely anyone interacting with each other
>go to Balmeme
>hundreds of people in every city
>tons of people grinding their 2nd or 3rd class to 80 with fates or doing the Shared FATEs achievments
Sure, half of those are disgusting furfags ERPs, but atleast they play the fucking game and interact with the community.
Just join one of the countless Hunting Discord servers like Centurio Hunts.
They have bots that automatically track kills and do callouts for every hunt across all servers. You simply opt in on the servers you want notifications for, and then whenever you feel like it show up and kill shit when it gets called. Zero need to beg for a linkshell invite or deal with any of the drama.
HW Bard and Machinist were KINO.
>honeymoon phase
>for a game that's been out for 6 years
Anyone concerned about being thought of as a fag for playing male healer is a major faggot
He loves her more like a mom. But also in a carnal way. Just like the WoL
>>never played females in rpgs cause im not a faggot
Sounds like an indecure faggot
Just admit you want to play a hot girl.
>he liked castbars
god fucking DAMN i hate Innocence's 3rd winged reprobation
You're already a faggot if you care about any of that
>all these people that like the new MCH
Wait, let me rephrase that
>all these people too dumb to manage ammo, heat and keeping hot shot active
>we have to kill the clams bro episode
>skip buyer in leveling que kills himself trying to force you to pull wall to wall episode
As long as you don't take the scenic route there's not too much that can go wrong
>Always getting hit by bosses aoe and stuff and I thought it was because of my shit high ping
>Decide to change to SSD because it taking too long to load some player models
>It's easier dodging AOEs now
It's placebo right? I doubt a SSD would make this much difference
>Getting this insecure over what you play in an MMO
You're dealing with waifufag/pairing autists. They don't understand a relationship that isn't romantic or sexual in nature. It frightens and confuses them.
Roes lust for everyone. Just like Lalafells are perverts universally and miqo'te are sluts universally.
Nah. It involves Cid and the conflict of technology and magic is all we know.
Balmung is a meme because no one could get in. It's like going to Japan for anime land and finding bored business men and xenophobes.
Mateus is the real ERP, tranny cancer land wheras RP fags of Balmung actually write.
>being interested in a dried old hag
Sounds like you think about faggots more often than actual faggots, faggot
>get the dragoon armor
>tummy hole
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does.
Does anyone else find it kind of funny how WoL has PTSD from Ishgard but gives no fucks whatsoever about Ala Mhigo?
Just like all of us in reality?
Friendly reminder that shadowniggers is the best MMO expansion of all time
Goddamn, you must have some serious fucking issues with your own sexuality. Maybe you should visit a fucking shrink to get that sorted out.
Never heard of shit like this on EU datacenters, the worst you get is the most dedicated hunt autists being terrible players, and the regular whining when some people are inevitably late for a certain monster
>how the game is too easy.
99% of it is
Balmung is old news full of washed up RP'ers who can't hack it anywhere else but their bubble.
heavenskino is still better than shadowbringers
placebo. hard drive only matters at loading screens. afterwards most stuff is loaded from RAM.
t. Closet tranny
Go make a grindr account and suck a cock if you're this worried about how people see you online playing a healer
My retainer is either better geared than you or equally geared. Think on that for a second.
Yes that's why I'm so fucking angry
Yup, you got it
Not sure how different they are from a war at 80
The Haurchefant shit us forced as fuck
how is bard at 80 im gonna start working on it today
>Everyone begins shining together
>That music
>Zooms in on your character on the middle against the final boss
How will they top this? I was almost crying just from pure hype
so ronkan stuff will be useless when phantasmagoria tomes come out right
the same as 70 with less rng and apex arrow
I liked the old design too, but you can't deny that it only felt like you were playing a real job for 10 seconds every minute.
Machinist is better
Because I subbed for the first time since 2.0 and all I've fucking done is Golden Saucer trash, so I don't even have MCH yet. I've hardly even touched the MSQ, and did Hildibrand up to Ultros but my ilvl is too low for that.
Meanwhile, I've spent the last 12 or so hours trying to get Bahamut from Elmer Fudd.
Like always.
Ala Mhigo literally has no one worth caring about if you're not a crafter and every other citizen was a garlean informant or sympathizer
>We need to just bite the bullet and make the tanks full on DPS jobs
I wouldn't mind that, to be honest. I'd love to be a DPS paladin able to offer pinch healing and spellcasting as well as melee. It'd never happen but making that would be nice
The way its meant to be played
it isnt
Yes but at least some of it looks cool and it's dyeable from the start
how does apex arrow work exactly do you just use it when it's at full strength or what
i didn't ask that
>we eat trash like kfc
That’s white people chicken. Most of us like Popeyes or chruch's.
It was a pld MTing, wasn't it?
yes it is, MCH better in DPS and fun.
Rate dungeons
>Mt. Gulg
>The Twinning
>Akadaemia Anyder
>Dohn Meg
>Holminster Switch
>Malikas Well
my fucking nigga
both are trash compared to bojangles though
use it at max soul voice, its not a targeted spell like everything else you have to position correctly to actually hit shit
can that even happen anymore
>how will they top this
Wait for ex.
>personal dps
nobody who is good cares. bard brings more overall dps to groups than machinist
Ive done upwards of 50 unsynced runs of a dungeon for a specific armor piece for glam and it is still refusing to drop. Ive triple checked that its supposed to drop and from which chest in the first place.
Am I unlucky or is there a chance theres something wrong with the loot table?
I last played when the level cap was 50. I am thinking about hopping back in. Do you think I can clear the two old expansions, level to 80 and enjoy the new content for one month or is that going to take longer?
how fucking long are these ivalice raid quests I just want to unlock the next raid
>leaving out qitana ravel
fuck you
church's taste like catshit
popeyes is overrated
>want a tank drop from a 24-man
>healer and dps queues are fastest with if the piece drops, there is no guarantee to get it, and the tank might just roll need on it to destroy your chances completely
>tank queues are 25min and up
>somehow the piece never fucking drops
What do? Shorter queues with reduced chance of getting the drop, or longer queues with no guarantee that the piece will drop at all? Chest piece by the way, so you have to sit through the whole thing and can't just quit after the first two bosses.
>the wine fetch quest
Made me think Matsuno has been hanging out with Taro.
Twinning didnt' do much for me because I never really liked Alexander. Malika's well was boring but for the final boss who was what I wish light wardens often were - that kinda infamous biblical angel look. I liked Holminster Switch.
Qitana's Ravel is behind Amaurot and Gulg for me because it has that major revelation.
Appreciate Matsuno's writing you coward.
how long it takes aint important, just don't rush it, this is not a game to bumrush to endgame in.
Shut up and fetch me wine for my wife.
I'm not a faggot tranny
Why the FUCK is there still no dyeable plague bringers coat and ivalician holy knight armor
I don't really like the idea, but I've accepted that we're never going to make tanking any deeper at this point. At least let me have a fun DPS rotation and compete on the meters so I can listen to my FC throwing a shitfit that a tank is beating them out.
Lizard trannies wish they had hips like that.
it's not about liking alexander, it's about realizing those absolute madlads built one in the basement with nothing but 200 year old notes from when cid was hanging out with you.
They'll be coming later as dungeon drops. We just got dyable World of Darkness sets as Mt. Gulg drops. Imagine creating new gear.
>Twinning didnt' do much for me because I never really liked Alexander
did you hear the bgm? it's sick
Everyone wished really.
Also again, guess the races.
I wouldn't be surprised if they got into Alexander's time stasis bubble. He was supposed to be waiting there until the end of time, so the opportunity would have been there.
which tank should I play? PLD or GNB
PLD is the chad tank in shadowbringers
If you weren't tapping your toes to that music you have defective eardrums
holy hell
I want to hug a Hrothgar!
Yes, its truly a marvel to behold because it begets a series of questions where each is worst than the last.
People should also realize Tycoon is a mechanical creation and not a primal unlike Alexander itself. It doesn't pose a planetary threat like Alexander does by proxy and it also doesn't seem to have the same powers as it's just a mix of Alex, Crystal Tower and Omega based as you say, on notes left behind by Cid.
You guys are obsessed with the idea of complexity.
cool story, bro
Easily. I finished shadowbringers without skipping cutscenes in about a week with a full time job and a gf
he's lost his touch don't (You) me
>tfw simply existing causes poorfags to seeth
You are small time. It's all about the Regalia now.
it was avaliable, most of it is from special seasonal events.
It has spacetime travel powers and that's good enough.
At least wait until the savage content is out before you make any assumptions on what the tanking role will be for this expansion. Using the story trial extremes from the base expansion as a reference point is just inaccurate, they've always been on the easier side of high-end content.
dude i was sweating like crazy, never tanked see
Started leveling RDM and I've been seeing tanks in tank stance still struggling to keep hate against my AoE.
>tfw simply existing causes payfags to seeth
>Poorfags existing cause you to seethe
yes, child
we are all so very impressed
So is SAM still fun? Or did the class-overhaul kill it?
Good job user, keep it up.
Sastasha user? You have 2 more dungeons right away. Enjoy.
>catgirl wearing headgear with ears
so will the next patch come with balance changes
which item
t-thanks user
cmon user was my very first time tanking. :(
They nuked the free flowing nature of it. Now it's just another 30/60sec gcd counting skill speed hating melee dps. I went back to BLM.
no now go back to your shed estrologian
It's a bitch but it can happen.
I still remember farming my relic weapon in HW on my blm and in probably thirty runs of gubal library hard it never once dropped a caster body.
Didn't want it for glam, it was just better than what I had at the time, so naturally it refused to fucking drop.
Then it's on them. As long as tanks have their tank stance on and are using their aoe weaponskills, it's impossible to lose aggro.
Yes, SAM, BLM, WHM will get nerfed. RDM and AST will get buffs.
Because FFXIV is boring trash
Did Nero send anything back in time? No? Then suck it, loser. Cid wins.
>play Au Ra male
>horns sticking through every head piece
>crit adlo
Is it this good higher level, too?
yeah im the sastasha user
> 2 more dungeons
good lord have mercy on me, but it was fun sooo nice
5.01 and 5.05 bring changes
Weak, expect buffs before savage.
That, or DRG nerfs. There's no reason for a job with that much utility to have such a high dps.
tsds on youtube has good video guides for (some) dungeons. Good to look at if you're tanking for the first time. Mr Happy vids will suffice for the rest of the content.
>He needed to pay to have 2 passenger seating
[Laughs in drought chocobo]
>He didn't play The Twinning
>Now it's just another 30/60sec gcd counting
It was always that though
thanks user will look into
You're getting some special education tanks my friend
Are we seriously supposed to think the Confederacy are good guys?
They are literally pirates
I'm sorry that you actually believe that.
well they're not detachable
>throwing it off
I love that, personally. The gap moe is really nice. Y'shtola can act all aloof and learned but deep down she is still a cute Miqo
>There's no reason for a job with that much utility to have such a high dps.
FUCK OFF leave us alone jealous SAMfags
Yes, now imagine that on everyone on the party.
>b-but SCH is fine, we should buff WHM not nerf SCH
So varis is fuckin dead now?
That means there is no proper villain left.
Critlo is consistently good, but unreliable until you get Recitation at 74, at which point it can be a 'take 0 damage' button or a 90s benediction.
I really hope there are no nerfs and only buffs but that's impossible because they'd need to tune numbers on monsters
I started playing this game a week before 2.1 dropped.
I skipped almost every single story related cutscene all the way through stormblood and never felt like I lost anything
I learned the story through my sister who I originally started playing the game to hangout with
Figure it is worth it to try and watch all the shadowbringers cutscenes because the theme interests me
Have I been missing out on story this good the entire time? Last time I watched a cutscene there wasn't even voice acting...
That's fine. Just get rid of Eye and Battle Litany.
I meant it more in the sense the design philosophy isn't going to return to an almost pure mitigation focused job because the game is evolving with the playerbase who've chosen to focus on parsing and speed clears. We're not going to get something wildly different than each other such as one tank being focused highly on mitigation, one on damage, one on utility, etc. because racing on clears demands you chose the highest DPS tank or one very close to it, and the goal is to never have a job that would be considered "sub-par" for content.
So if that's going to be the case, at least let me compete against pubs and friends on the parse meter, no reason to make tank DPS lower than actual DPS and their rotations more simple. I don't think it'll really cause any problems at this point.
rdm dps is broken in early content
Why is Thancred a better tank than DF tanks?
>2.5s GCD
Did you skip all the cutscenes or what lol
>start playing trial a little over a month ago due to seeing all the Shadowbringers hype
>get to level 35
>liked it so much I got the full game and pre-ordered Shadowbringers
>140 hours played now
>getting close to HW
>still lots of side things I want to do
>subscribed until September because I got the 60 day timecard on Amazon for the fat black chocobo promotion
I ignored this game for years because of the sub fee but I'm glad I decided to give it a try.
It'd be half, catalyze doesn't spread with deploy. SCH is balanced just fine.
>>still lots of side things I want to do
How about we keep everything and you and Yoshi don't trying anything funny.
Did you not remember the coffee machine enemies in the twinning
give it to me straight, can i have my very own bestia?
*double and triple weaves at u*
the warrior of light looks like that!!!
That was Wedge's though, proving who's the real master of the kettle
how the FUCK do i sanic through 70-80
Well, we know that doesn't happen except for SCH and WAR, who will be massively buffed. Just wondering how they will nerf DRG at this point.
>dem meaty Alisaie thighs
Oh yes.
I can tell when someone didn't get past level 20 when they push the 2.5s meme. Even if you don't play a job that can reduce the gcd, from early on you can see it tick down with more skill speed. I'd be willing to say that the longest cd you'd encounter at endgame would be a 2.4s double weave build.
play the game
Do the FATEs while in queues
>Implying he had descendants
faster than that faggot
No proof, it was Nero who wanted to make an upgraded Broilmaster.
Imagine if skill chains were in this game.
I'm talking of SB. That's something that SCHs keep parroting during 4.x that they shouldn't be nerfed.
Glad to hear user, go at your own pace and experience the story.
Wedge and Tataru get married and have many cute baby lalas together!
I remember the robocop reference enemy at the start
Just now.... Just this once, I shall go all out against Wowniggers
You fucks were meta all of SB because of pierce and crit, give someone else a go.
>"I hear ffxiv is bringing in alot of yen.....Ya know I have a few projects that could use a little funding..."
DRG does this.
Shadow is by far the best but yes you have been missing out
>mfw wondered how the Crystal Tower had the power to travel through time and space all game
>Fucking Garlond Ironworks made an artificial Alexander and spliced some Omega into it
Those absolute maniacs.
Haha you just paid 30 bucks for a 2 seater mount because you have no friends to get the draught chocobo?
Here's a 4 seater for 200k mgp.
Dont try to argue with DRGfags, they wont share their spot just like they wont share their gear
Not sure what this post is supposed to mean. Tabata is not with the company, and FFXV projects are finally killed off.
Well things like trying out dungeons I've skipped that aren't part of the MSQ and ranking up in the GC to do hunts. Also I only did a few of the Hildabrand quests so I want to continue that. And get some more MGP so I can buy some gear that I think looks nice. And I want to start a crafting and gathering class since I've only been focusing on my starting class so far.
>tfw you convince all your friends the sub then Uber them around dravania so they can get through HW faster
Premium feels
KFC is over rated Popeyes is miles better and church’s is when you get the taste for it.
In that case, it just wasn't reliable. You could cast 10 adlos and none of them would crit. Any mechanic you could skip with a crit adlo could also be skipped with a tank lb.
They fixed this by nerfing the potential for group deploys, while strengthening base shields and giving them a critlo on demand.
Who here is gonna use NG+ to play Shadowbringers again?
>assigning positions
>melee standing at spawn
>healers running around
>can't decide lightning rune order
>10 minutes pass
>healers not in their water runes
>melee eating phantom rune
Please tell me Janny is easier to pug than this.
Do you avoid the actual attack animation or the light on the ground? Because the animation doesnt matter its the light that counts, when that dissapears and you are standing in it you get hit even though the animation misses you