>Better battery life
>An actual D-Pad
>No detachable joycons, no rails, it’s one solid and comfy block of a handheld.
>Much lighter and a bit smaller.
>Higher PPI

Can you imagine playing Link’s Awakening, Dragon Quest XI and Animal Crossing on this thing? Jesus holy christ, day fucking one.

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Other urls found in this thread:


doesn't even have TV support for no fucking reason, other than to of course sell the more expensive one to those that want TV play

Does it come with a bottle of onions?

Yeah I think I’ll just keep playing my tv one

Had no idea S O Y L E N T was filtered

uh no we're not
>no dual screen
>no 3D
>no clamshell


>sticks start drifting
oops, what now

What exactly is your point?

That you should probably dilate, tranny.

he doesn't have room for a TV in his mom's basement

They are only 200 bucks, just get another one

>better battery life
every "spec sheet" we've seen claims 3-7 versus 2.5-6.5, that's hardly better. ANY handheld lasting only 3 hours playing a fucking game is ridiculous.

lets be real, nobody is playing this shit outside their house anyways

It would run like raw sewage in TV mode. A lot of the games will be running in 540p which will look good on the small screen but would be total ass on a TV.

>3ds bros
Don't associate with me plebian my 2dsxl is all I need

>only 1 screen
is shit

>>An actual D-Pad
The button d-pad is better. This is a downgrade.


get a new one what are you poor?

how are you going to play games for more than 1 or 2 hours consecutively? are you autistic?
play for an hour and charge it for the next day


>breaking a controller

What's it like to be a stupid caveman that cannot use a device without breaking it?


I hope it's at least still clicky like the original buttons. If they make it a mushy d-pad it's a downgrade in every way.

People will actually take this bait. Just watch.

Not for more than three hours without coming by an outlet anyway. But I play my switch every day on my commute to work. I like to drive, but I welcome our self driving 5G future

>Some nigger who wants shitty clamshell and useless 2 screens

this is actually true but gaymer tradition will keep anyone from wanting to admit it

Well yeah if it’s mushy I agree it’s a downgrade. If it’s like the pro controller it’ll be good though.

Switch's library is still shit. This won't make it any better. I want to see what the fuck the Pro even is anyway, if it's the existing Switch but better or a retarded home box. I hope the former.


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>tripfaggot niggor who wants shitty posts and useless seething

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Pro controller has a mushy d-pad, not a clicky one. The difference is the rubber membrane.

Why would I need a different Switch when this one probably can't be hacked and that would make it worthless?

Nintendies is finally getting their shit together, merging handheld and console.
It's gonna be pretty nice once you don't have to choose anymore.

The library is fantastic if you didn't buy a wiiu

what a joke

give me a tv only version, if i want portability i still have my 3ds and vita

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>Mario Maker
>NSMBU Deluxe
>MK8 Deluxe
>DaS Remastered
Seems pretty good to me.

serious question, how are you playing so much video games in a single day? do you not go to university, or have a job?

Switchs library is far better compared to 3Ds library in the first 2 years

I'm interested in this take. Explain.

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I don’t have my pro controller near me right now, but are you sure? When I think mushy d-pads I think of like Wii and DS

>no rumble which a good chunk of first party games use for gameplay features
>no tv port for literally no reason
no thanks maybe if the price was $169 it'd be a good deal

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No. No we are not. The 3DS is not the Switch. I love the 3DS, but this is not at all close to a replacement for it.

2DS XL is barely any bigger than the N3DS but has much larger screens.
I wish they would have given the 2DS changeable top plates tho. Always thought it was neat how you could customize the N3DS.

ugly ugly ugly

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skyrim bayoneetta and dark souls are all on pc and other consoles and why would you even pretend dark souls on the switch is even worth a penny?

>>NSMBU Deluxe
See I actually thought of getting this but Mario Maker happened and now I don't know what to get.

>still can't cover screen
wow so portable fucking hell nintenbabbies truly are delusional

>PC game
>melee is objectively better

wow, literally nothing!

Of course I have a job. I work from 8-5 five days a week but even during the week I play games for at least 2 hours in the evening. During the weekend I play at least 4 hours of games a day. Why are you even here if you only game for an hour a day?

Unified library is the biggest advantage but i’m still owning 2 SKUs, regular Switch is just not a good handheld, so i’ll keep it exclusively on my TV now.

If they ever release a Switch TV i’m definitely getting it and selling my regular Switch, something without screen or dock, just one box, they could sell it for 200$ too.

>indie port landfill
>better library
fuck off namefag your ass wanna get doxxed again?

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Bayo2 isn’t on PC, and your PC isn’t a handheld you can play Skyrim on.
>pretend it’s worth a penny
Because it is.

I find the button d-pad to be more precise. In 2D platformers and such it's important to always press the correct directional buttons and accidental directions can kill you. Every cross d-pad has the opportunity for accidental presses, even if they're well-made, but the separated buttons basically make such accidental presses impossible. The ONE thing that the separate buttons are bad for is rolling motions in fighting games, but for everything else I genuinely prefer the separate buttons over a cross.

>want a Switch
>want it so I can play on the TV
>want it so I can play while I am walking around the house
>hate the shit graphics

Guess I will just wait for the Switch Pro with better graphics and can still do both then...

I can't believe Yea Forums has reached a point where it disqualifies the actual existence of a game for being >soulless goddamn this place fucking sucks. Fuck off and take up your made up meaningless meme words with you.

Woa you are SO COOL with those hot, contrarian and edgy opinions! Hating popular things makes you so interesting user! Please tell us what you, clearly a connoisseur in video games, consider to be good?

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>Not knowing what words are filtered
Go back to R3dd1t and stay there.

Doesn't matter and no one saying that it's better on the Switch. People bought it anyway so they can play it on their favorite console.

Go take a bath, smeleefag

>More buzzwords

Wow, your post is literally nothing!

I should have said "rubber membrane" instead of "mushy." I like the definitive clickyness of the buttons on the joycons better than the feeling of any rubber membrane.

I just don’t like how 3DS games look on XL screens.

not him but i prefer the face buttons too. theyre nice and clicky and platformers feel the exact same to me, while everything else is a straight upgrade

>his game carts are exposed and unprotected while I have an armor flap

>most nintendo fans bought a Wii U
>the ones who didn't likely were not interested in its games
>so they would buy a new device with the same fucking games on it

Now do you get why people who didn't buy a Wii U won't buy a Switch either? What makes the same games better for being on the Switch?

more than 4 hours a day is beyond degenerate. anything less has your needs fulfilled with the switch lite anyways
autistic gamers arent the target audience for this thing, its kids with bedtimes and some semblance of self control

Vita and 3ds are the best handhelds ever don't fuck with me

Yeah, the low PPI does make them rough. Lower PPI than the GBA if you can believe it.

>XL wobbly hinges
Yikes! My N3DS screen barely moves, sweety.

unironically I'll buy one and homebrew the living shit out of it. This'll probably replace my comfy homebrew'd n3ds

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>Nintendo's stock drops 15% after E3 due to analysts being wrong about Nintendo announcing a revision
>Nintendo even states "we have no interest in a revision at this time"

Maybe all of you need to stop being retarded and expecting Nintendo to cater to you?

>no 3ds games
what's the point?

Would you be able to homebrew it without the paperclip thing?

So what happens when the control drifts?

>most nintendo fans bought a Wii U
what world do you live in

I bet you barely move too, fatty.
>Doesn’t want his hinge to be lubed up and ready to go at all times
Yikes indeed. Who cares if a light breeze can close it shut? It’s just as easy to open again!

>shitch shill trying to kill 3DS thread
Fuck off

I think current switch homebrew is long past the paperclip exploit but admittedly I'm not sure. I haven't done my switch yet. I've been waiting on the switch pro to drop so I can do use my old switch as my new homebrew go too. This switch lite will work even better for that.

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Can’t kill what’s already dead.

Cope, seethe and have sex.

A world where if you want games, you buy the console that those games are on. If you waited and let the console die, you never wanted those games, you wanted to be catered to by them doing a revision without the gamepad, and when Nintendo ignored you, you blamed them instead of your own stubbornness.

>time to buy Switch!
Wait a minute...

>no clamshell
>no comfy music everywhere, even fucking settings
>no cool themes
>battery life is still worse than 3DS
>no 3D (not really an argument, I know)
>no streetpass
>everything that made Switch cool is stripped
I don't think so.

Get a clue.

not having the option to use the TV is what kills it for me, i can already play the switch as a handheld but with the option to play BOTW on my TV when i feel like it.

Also just 1 controller option that looks like shit, it's a literal downgrade, how are people defending this?

The sticks are still trash though. They don’t feel good at all. I tried spla2n with it and I felt fucking sick. Same with botw

No tv mode? Really? Huh. I don't really want one unless it can still sling to the television in some way. That is the one thing I actually love about the switch. The option to take it with me or use on my giant tv while at home.

wait does it have a worse cpu and gpunor something? why would it run worse?

You’re a woman, ain’t ya? Just get a glass screen protector and you’re golden. No need for any of that fairy stuff.

This. Is it weaker in some way? What the fuck is the point of that?

Sorry but shitty rumble that has never been good in the history of videogames and some meme gimmick is not what makes the Switch good, nobody cares about that stuff.

In fact it’s what ruined what would have been a perfect system, the joycons are gimmick shit that breaks easily because the build quality is poor.

Aren't there some games that don't support handheld mode?

Do you use tard strength all the time, or throw your controller in rage when you lose? If not, you have nothing to worry about.

don't forget that it doesn't have motion controls and gyro aim, so you literally cannot play spla2n with the optimal controls

>>Higher PPI
the screen is just smaller, it's the same resolution,

No him but I do think it’s pretty damn stupid the switch only has two basic ass themes and no music on the home screen when even the Wii has it.

It's probably a different chip dude

is it the same plastic screen? Nintendo is insane if they think I would stick that in my bag

Mario Party? Can’t think of anything else.

just SWITCH it with a new console xP

haven't seen anyone ask this but can you play online games with this?

1 2 Switch and Mario Party come to mind

how am i supposed to play my etriam odysseys on that fucking tablet senpai? baka

you're a literal mongoloid retard if you don't buy a case for your switch

I’m only buying it so I can support the smol jp devs, like Swery and Tak Fuji. Plus bigger shit like Astral Chain. Absolutely no FPS otherwise I’m fucked

Those "gimmick joycons" are the best thing for people with friends and local coop generally.

If you don't have friends, buy Shitch lite.

Actually the sticks drifting is a very known issue that happens because of poor design choices and build quality, the same poor design choices that make the Pro controller’s D-Pad hilariously imprecise.

Joycons starting to drift is an inevitability even if you take care of them.

clamshell is actually a big deal

Smaller screen with the same resolution = smaller pixels. Which means.. more pixels per inch, AKA higher PPI.

just spend the extra 100 bucks on an actual regular switch user, it's not worth the downgrade

I mean I do buy a case obviously but having a plastic screen that scratches just by looking at it wrong is mentally retarded. It's 2019, put a piece of fucking piece of glass on that thing


I’m not poor so i can afford 2 pro controllers and 2 joycon sets with grip, sweety.

Playing games with a single joycon is fucking shit.


oh boy, another switch to have no games on.
Damn the amount of shills is crazy

I have a switch, PC, and 3DS...why would I buy this?
Also a good amount of switch games gain lots of frame stability on a dock. Bayo 1+2 come to mind
the fun I have with the switch is either lying in bed playing fun games on the weekends or playing fun multiplayer indies, smash (we go back and forth between melee and ultimate), jack box, Mario kart, etc. with friends on a big screen. This lite version has a use case for children who want to play Pokémon, and that’s more than fine since it’s important to make kid friendly products. But as a university student / researcher why would I / you ever want a feature downgrade? Even if you’re a neet, docked mode is a good feature

the people who defend the switch lite are just as pathetic as the people who defended the original 2DS

>it's not for you so it's totally okay if it's shit

Just wait for the NEW Switch Lite, or the Switch Lite XL, or the Switch i. We'll see what it's called.

You still need to cary something to put a few carts and maybe a charger or a cable, even for the 3DS a case made sense.

>No docking, despite the same fucking hardware
>No rumble
>Barely any fucking smaller
>Still not pocketable
Jewtendo strikes again. Watch this be $300

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No one can take away our comfy consoles, games and threads!
Switch shills begone!

>its dead lol
Not sure why that matters, are you going to miss out on games because the company stopped making the product?

Good luck playing fighting games on that piece of shit.

ah yes, nintendo ads are usually unrealistic like that, but the switch is durable enough to keep in your pockets if you can fit it (see etika who always kept his switch in his backpocket and it was completely fine)

Do you have reading problems?

It’s already confirmed to be $200. My biggest worry is about the type of screen they’ll use. If it’s TN, well hopefully resellers will drop the price of the original Switch to match the lite.
Couldn’t care less about TV-out or rumble.

>Why would I buy it?
>I'm too smart for this

Fuck of and die you filthy tranny

Single joycons for fun games is pretty cool though it’s not good for smash or Mario kart, I agree. Dude, do what I did and get the Dino wireless controller. It’s good, feels like an offbrand Xbox controller, and had really nice sticks. The triggers could be better, but for $27 it’s close to a pro controller. Also I clock like 1-2 weeks before needing to recharge

so can i use my pro controller on it or am i locked to the default controls?

no user is just being a dumb fuck

Won't the right thumbstick get in the way when you're using the face buttons?

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>playing unmodded skyrim

>he thinks it's about money

No I’ve just already played all those games. It didn’t really have any genre defining or revolutionary games that will keep me coming back down the line.

You can use the pro controller because it can still connect to other joycons

No, more like
What sort of use case would a 18+ year old have for this? I know there are many underage lurkers but it seems like it isn’t even like the 2DS since that only really took away a feature most people didn’t use. Local multiplayer, portability, and docking at different apartments/houses is like one of the biggest reasons to get a switch. Crawl and multiplayer gungeon are like prime examples of games on PC and switch that work WAY better with the switch’s use case

Playing Switch games on a more comfy handheld with an actual D-Pad is worth 200$ to me, but sure it’s not for everyone, certainly not someone who already owns a regular Switch and thinks it works good enough as a handheld for them.

For me the regular Switch is too big and too heavy and the right stick placement makes it even worse, now with the Switch Lite the right stick might not even be an issue since it’s much lighter.

This doesn't add enough battery life to make it a replacement for the DS.

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It’s a guilty pleasure. Game’s got its share of problems and is essentially junk food, but I’
actually have fun roleplaying in it.

What the fuck, Eric, I thought you hate Nintendo. What the fuck?

the primary impetus for removing the ability to output to a TV is that it would have to raise its clock speed which is a cooling concern that they save money by not designing. The Switch lite will perform better (faster loading) than the original’s portable mode.

We would have to see benchmarks and a full spec sheet. My guess is that it will be within 1-2 frames of normal undocked switch performance, especially since they underclock undocked mode across the bar for sake of battery life

More than fucking anything, I want a boost mode for an undocked yet wall plugged switch so there’s a lot more stability for undocked performance while still rendering at a low resolution. This would be absolutely kino for playing in bed

it's not shit though


It's $100 less. What were you expecting?


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Wall of text.

Listen, I'm an adult (29) and I only sit down in front of my computer. I play Vidya on the side, don't need that GAMER CHAIR or I don't even use the TV.

>no tv support

why even fucking bother?

Remember to wait for a cool limited edition of a game you care about before buying one, this will be 3DS all over again.

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This has all of those features except the docking part.

I’m not a huge fan of the joycons either. I play on a controller either in bed, on my desk, and at other apartments/ houses. That also fixed the stick placement since I got this controller that works super well:

who the fuck even plays mobile games on phone/etc?

are you going to spend 10 hours on a subway to play a RPG? no home dock is retarded, for any console/gaming device.

Why would I want that? Buying a game toy is embarrassing enough as it is without it having a picture of Mario or some shit printed on it.

Fuck. There's a damn good point about the screen quality.

They're using a newer revision of the Tegra X1, so it's less power/heat being generated. By discarding docking/TV output, they only have to account for the thermal budget of the slower clock profiles. Which also feeds into the engineering plans by letting them use smaller heatsinks, a slower spinning fan, etc. Reduces weight and power consumption further.
Hoping for a Nintendo Shield TV which would be the polar opposite of this thing (no screen/battery)

Because more people play portable than with TV support. Also it's less expensive.

god i wish squenix would release a rocket slime collection

Post your 3DS collection

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who the fuck is going to prefer a handheld over a TV/monitor at home?

The DS, PSP and Gameboy didn't have home docking. Were they retarded?

agreed, gaming is so cringy and embarrassing, let's go back to r*ddit with the mature kids

>Why would I want that?
Uhh to take pictures of it and post them on Yea Forums?
Do you actually unironically play handheld games in public?

Take your worthless opinion and shove it directly up your ass nigger

No but if I die in alone in my flat which I plan to I don't want to be found in what could look like a video game shrine.



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>nintendo too lazy to add an HDMI out port

no fucking excuse

The majority of switch owners. Especially in Japan, Nintendo's home market.

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>on one screen

I too am an adult (23). I play vidya in bed, or on a monitor hooked up to a PC or my switch. I also hang out with friends during the weekends from time to time with drinks + Mario kart on a big screen. Docked mode adds stability in frames. The lite is a major downgrade in the way multiplayer works on the thing.

Of course not, why would it?

>The GBA and 3DS games we never got in a bundle with a Slime themed Switch Lite.

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Nigga 13 million is not the entirety of Nintendo fans when the 3DS sold like 86 million and had a shit tier launch

I occasionally pull out an emulator for advance wars when I’m in a waiting room.

I heard shitty things about the New 2DS' build quality, is it really that bad?

I don't really care for Pokemon SwooSh, but this is aesthetic as fuck.

How often does this happen? Maybe stop playing like a fucking barbarian and your toys will last longer. I've had my Switch since June 2017 and I've had absolutely no issues with it.

Outside the paper clip hack that already got patch hackers have gotten fucking nowhere with home brew software wise

Dude you can still buy cool stuff and not turn your house into a cringefest full of anime posters and statues.

Holy shit yes. Make like a switch pro or something that is just the console with a better graphics card and processor or something. Every game not made by Nintendo directly looks like shit, and even some first party Nintendo game's don't look good.

The Switch outsold the Wii U's lifetime sales months ago.

$30-50 too expensive imo, considering everything that was stripped off.
More power to the "portable" crew but this is so unappealing to me it's almost sad...we need some proper hardware ffs it's almost next gen time.

They said no revision news at E3
And well they didn’t lie

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Not him, but maaan, the 3DS had some really good games + the entire amazing DS library. I still use it to this day.

Except you can hack ipatched units now and there's free emmc (emunand) support

and I am saying not adding a hdmi out port is lazy as fuck.

I would argue this "lite" version is a ripoff. you get half the functionality.

It’s going to sell hot cakes just like the DS and 3DS did.
Why didn’t they announce this at E3?

But it does have motion controls
Only the docking IR camera and HD rumble are gone
Everything else is there

Like I said in the post right after the next, multiplayer is shot in the foot. You think you and the boys are gonna crowd around an even smaller screen to play smash together, much less Mario kart?

So if this version is the real handheld what the hell was the previous one?

You're saying $120-$150 was stripped off?

fuck nintendont

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Hinge is wobbly
2DSXL is lighter so it feels different
Speakers are positioned differently so some people may have problems with covering them with their hands.

I loved my 2DS and really liked the design. It closes completely unlike 3DS. But also the plastic is somehow softer so it gets scratched easily.

Attached: colec2.png (1423x524, 1.15M)

Most people have 4k screens. You want (at best) upscaled 900p on that? Yuck!
Just look at FE. It’s going to look much better in handheld mode than blown up on a huge TV.

Wake me when homebrew has been found.

>plugging it into a TV is half its functionality
brainlet detected

So how will I hack this thing?

Normally* shit
These little things are actually bangin’ Yo

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people are already willing to crowd around the switch's small screen to play mario kart so I don't see why not
anyway this isn't made for that sort of thing. If your primary reason for buying a swtich is local multiplayer on a single device then buy the original version or wait for the "pro"

It is when you buy into marketing.

The original Switch basically had no profit margin, it cost over $250 to produce at launch and that dosn't take the retailer cut or cost to ship the thing from China/wherever its made.

Nintendo should sell their hardware at a loss? No, you're fucking stupid.

>spending more than the cost of the console itself on controllers alone
no thanks

Dock+joycons+rumble+TV+etc is definitely more than $100, at least from what Nintendo values it all (which is all that matters to consumers).

The only reason I care about modern gaming handhelds is the CFW/hacking potential. Care very little about this Switch Lite. Call me back in several years once they drop support for this thing, then we'll talk.

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What's the point of buying this shit if it doesn't have TV support and the regular Switch can still be used as a handheld?

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>Stick right in the middle
Uhh... single joycon use can’t be fixed.


>thinking that having higher ppi will make the shit looking games less shit
Poor fool

It’s cheaper, it’s lighter, somewhat smaller, has better battery life and looks more aesthetic.

The big advantage to this Switch Lite is giving cheapfucks like me the chance to play Mario Odyssey, Zelda BOTW and Pokemon Creatures

I'm gonna get the yellow one and put pikachu stickers on the back

You listed Dock and TV even though they're essentially the same thing. Same with joycons and rumble
The Lite has controls they just can't be detached and don't have rumble. The dock internals are worth about $5 and the plastic that surrounds it is much cheaper.

Are we able to connect controllers to it, like a gamecube controller?

Why would I care what Nintendo does with it's money?
Also FUCK YOU autistic nincel retard, you don't get to call me stupid while defending fucking Nintendo.

You can hold it momentarily from just one side and you don’t feel like everything is about to break, it’s one solid object.

It's $100 less and has better battery life.

We're going back to cosy town boys

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call me when F-ZERO is out.

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Fuck I just remembered this game.
I wish they would too
DQ Monsters Joker too

enjoy your eternal slumber

Alright then. Aren't the joycons like $70 and the dock $80? It obviously doesn't "cost" that but it's all about value taken off from the original product.

Sure thing buddy. It has slots for every Nintendo controller on the back (not pictured). You can even cut off the cord on a Famicon controller and stick the stubs into the 3.5MM jack and that works too.

This is for the 3DS crowd, you can’t connect anything but headphones to this thing, get a regular one if you want to use a controller, it doesn’t even have a stand so you’ll need to buy an accessory for it, plus the screen is smaller.

the whole thing dies
Honestly though, this will be extra spicy if the analog mechanism is untouched. The Joycons have like a one year shelf life. And now it's integrated!

Fucking how?

literally just google it

Best time to drop atoms bombs of news is when no one else is competing for everyone’s attention

How much better battery life?

30% better afaik

Nintendo isn’t retarded.

They profit from joycons breaking, just like Sony does with the Dualshock’s 4 terrible durability.

But entire systems under warranty? Yeah no.

It’s for poorfags and cheap niggers
So most people

How do sticks start "drifting"?
I've yet to have broken a controller so hard the sticks get fucked up.

user, the joycon's weakness is literally dust
dust will kill the analogs
not barbaric analog mashing, not throwing it across the room

That's just a design oversite from Nintendo. I hear they just bulk ordered the kind of analogs readily available on Gear Best. If it's untouched, this crap isn't even worth $199. Wait post release is my advice.

Here's hoping.
>Nintendo isn’t retarded.
Sometimes I wonder.

I don't see the point of this.

The Switch is ultimately a handheld. Pokemon Sword and Shield is gonna be bundled with this and sell like 20m copies

It's worse in every way except it costs tye pocket change sum of $100 less.
Why would anyone care?

Isn't the switch already pretty portable?

I could actually fit the Game Boy Advance in my pocket.

It has worse battery life and less durability?

Do it for me Peasant

But for $100 more, you get a better deal. I guess what confuses me is why someone like OP would buy it when they already have a Switch.


Do it yourself faggot

Will it run Xenoblade Chronicles 2 better than OG in portable mode?

I can see not including a dock but removing the TV out functionality entirely is a really poor decision IMO. The normal Switch isn't /that/ bulky so I really don't see the point of this aside from a cheaper version of the Switch.

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who the fuck cares about sales
hahahaha, not if the GPU clocks are the same as the existing Switch

Might as well shut your eyes eternally, Miyamoto said it himself, if he can't think of new gimmick then F-Zero is never getting touched again, to him making new games without inovation is a waste of time (hypocrite fuck), to him F-Zero GX shouldn't be followed upon just because it was good if he can't of new shit to add to it, otherwise people should just keep playing F-Zero GX forever according to him.

Barely 30 minutes more battery life, which is nothing. Same durability or maybe marginally more solid, but you already have to be a fucking retarded ape to break any part of a regular Switch. Neither of them is made with Nintendium, both will break from doing retarded shit.

The people who make this console, the point of which is to make money.

>200 dollars is a reasonable price

Keep waiting my friend

30% of 3-5 hours isn't "barely 30 minutes".

>But the JOYCONS
Why do you keep parroting this? It fucking has them THEY'RE INTEGRATED INTO THE FUCKING CONSOLE holy shit

Why do you think them not being detachable magically means it costs $80 less to make?

The original Switch cost about $257 to make at launch, not taking retailer cut or shipping costs into account. It had a tiny, razor-thin profit margin which has all but certainly improved, and this new units that's being sold for less will also likely have a relatively small profit margin on the units themselves at launch.

You fucking morons think this shit costs nothing to make and then act like Nintendo should sell them at a $100+ loss because you have no idea how much it actually costs to make and make no effort to actually find out? No, you're just an idiot.

Yes, it is, unless you're a fucking retard who thinks they should sell it at a huge loss and lose money.

>so I really don't see the point of this aside from a cheaper version of the Switch.
That is literally the point.

Lite is "up to" 7 hours.
Switch is "up to" 6.5 hours.

Switch is an uncomfy handheld, too heavy and too big.

I can value my turds at 300 bucks and it wouldn't be worth it.

The dock is nowhere near $80
The joycons by themselves are sold at a massive profit. And again, the lite switch still has the same controls just without the rumble/IR.

>Switch is "up to" 6.5 hours.
And where do you see Nintendo claiming this? Its 5.

it's a cheaper switch for children what is there to not understand?

They should do a side by side barchart. Who the fuck is running the stats department at Nintendo

>From the Starbucks to the Antifa rally to the backyards cuckshed, the Switch Lite will be with me wherever I go!

>Yea Forums suddenly hates clamshell
what happened?

It is, poorfag

Manlet hands here, Switch in handheld is NOT too big, and certainly not heavy. Are you underage?

>gold switch light breaks after a few uses
breakable diamond switch light boys ww@?



I mean you can choose to ignore the factual information I've presented to you and keep living in your little fantasy, but I'll keep calling you a fucking moron if you do.

At $200 this probably has a small but healthy profit margin, I'd imagine this is somewhere around $130-150 to produce given what the original Switch cost and what the lite doesn't have. We'll have to wait for actual cost teardowns when its out.

Happens with some controllers more often than others. I've had Gamecube controllers last me like 15 years with no problems. I've had about 4 xbox 360 controllers where the left stick just started popping out to the right after a year or less of playing and screwed up the deadzone since it wouldn't automatically reset all the way if I let it go from the right.

I'll give you that one

>inb4 buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

It's really not an impressive library.

I just don't get removing one of the bigger selling points. You can buy a used standard sized switch for the same price.

"better deal" is arguable.
if you're someone who's interested in the switch for pokemon / animal crossing and plan on using it as a portable, then the Switch lite is a far better deal
If you care about playing it on your TV at a higher resolution with detachable controls then you can spend $100 extra for that.

Oh, you're just shitposting, got it.

>new should cost the same as used

Then people who want the TV functionality can get the existing model instead?

Even the Lite is a little too big but it’s good enough, i come from the regular non-XL New 3DS.

I don’t need my handheld to have detachable controllers, i’d rather it be all one thing, less stuff to break and no wobbling, even if it was nearly undetectable.

It didn't happen with my nds and 3ds, it won't happen with this one.

I'm saying that 200 bucks isn't that much of a deal when you can probably find a standard Switch used for the same price.
I thought the whole point of having multiple docks and the docking system itself was so you could hook up all your friends' switches up to the TV super easily.
I'm retarded though. I guess if people want a handheld only version then it's for them. I'm not part of that demographic so it just isn't for me.

Again I have literal manlet hands, I have young female cousins with bigger hands, and the N3DS XL and Switch arw both pretty much perfect sized.
I could imagine complaining that they're still too small, but too big seems laughably wrong.

That's what analog stick is for.

Switch is different, though. Completely different analog mechanism. The only thing keeping dust from getting into its internals is a thin flap of rubber.

The analog issue on Switch is well known, and I personally suffer from what I'd call stanky drift. Don't expect GBA build quality with modern Nintendo. I do hear WD-40 compressed air can help the analogs if you do suffer from it.

Wait post release and see reviews. This is one of the biggest issues with the Joycons, imo.

>the new one isn't that much of a deal because the old one sells for that used
based brainlet

Man fuck this shit. Where's the Switch Pro with non-shitty performance?


If the PS4 Pro and XboneX taught us anything its that most people do not care about performance as much as they do about price.

new to nintendo?

All past Nintendo handhelds were smaller.

Yeah, I forgot the New 3DS with better performance was just a hallucination I had.

>new 3ds
>non-shitty performance

Choose one.

There are nds emulators on smartphone, which only has one screen, you know.

Oh, the buttons are cramped and tiny. But the bezels are too big and it's not ergonomic at all. So it's too big and too small at the same time.

Switch is just compromises the system. And it bothers me that the more focused Switch Lite goes for the same exact form factor. But I suppose limited R&D was done.

Switch Lite on the day of Link’s Awakening release and just in time for Pokemon.

Expect the Switch Pro to be released a bit before or on the same day as BoTW2.

Okay, and?
My old GBC feels too tiny for me these days. What are your thoughts on that size?

I guess maybe I've just gotten comfortable with using my tiny hands on big things over the last 26 years.

Good luck convincing Nintendo to release a 3DS emulator with janky ass phone-style controls for the Switch.

never ever.

Dunno dude i don’t really care about your wrong opinion, i’m glad Nintendo is catering to me.

Also old handhelds still feel just right.

Is there a source for it using a newer Tegra X1?

now they can't stop the pretense that it's a console when it doesn't have the horsepower for that.

Nintendo should just stick to mobile gaming.

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Assuming you have bigger hands than I, I absolutely can not see how you could enjoy using comparatively microscopic handhelds when even I think they're tiny.
You're a real weirdo.

Can't get comfy with that right stick placement. All they had to was copy the Vita.

>Same resolution on a smaller screen.

Oh yes regular Switchfags got absolutely BTFO until the Pro comes out, cheaper SKU has higher PPI, kek.

time to let my regular Switch stay in the dock, forever. .

Gonna get one to be my Final Fantasy machine.

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* now they can

I'm waiting on this to but apparently it won't be coming for at least another year, if it even comes at all.

Source: His ass.

...why? 2 screens is a dumb gimmick.

Blame all the retards who just wanted to hate Sony, D-Pad and face buttons should ALWAYS be above the sticks.

360 controller was a fucking meme spread by PC.ucks who have shit taste and it’s still ruining controllers to this day, even the mighty Nintendo bought into the meme.

This is why I bought a regular N3DS. My friend showed me his XL and it was like looking at a mosaic.

unless this thing ALSO runs FASTER than a docked Switch, FUCK IT

Thanks for beta testing, cope.

this kills the 3ds

>D-Pad and face buttons should ALWAYS be above the sticks.

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but hes right

it was night and fucking day with hyrule warriors and pokemon SM

It really depends on what games you play most of the time. Sticks across from each other are good for twin-stick shooters and nothing else.

But can you use a Switch Pro controller with it?

What is the point really, no one would play a portable console, and even less one that looks like a toy, it'd make you look like a huge manchild.
Do the japanese really think everyone is an autist who plays their portable consoles in public during a 2 hour long commute like them? Jesus.

i got mine for free, asshole
gamestop free money weekend in 2017?

what? you didn't make 2000 in store credit off of $100? FAGGOT!


Nope, D-Pad below the stick makes your finger favor diagonal inputs, stay uncultured and wrong, pumpkin.

but why

>Console dead in a year or so because JoyCon drifting and no way to replace them


to be fair, while Nintendo controllers rarely break up, both Sony and xbox controllers tend to last 1-2 years only depending of what you play, so the anti Nintendo kids are used to it

Seething beta tester with obsolete day 1 hardware.

I don't even care about that too much. It's just awkward to move your thumb straight up/down when switching between the stick and the buttons, instead of diagonally.

>It's full handheld mode now and it's all forged onto the screen that is the console
>The controls layout is still retarded
I think they want people to not buy this junk

ok, fine, i'll buy it when smt5 comes out

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>>Higher PPI
This is just looking for positive things to say about it. The original's screen had perfect ppi. If anything, a larger screen is all it needed.

PS1, PS2 & PS3 controllers have excellent build quality.

It’s with the Dualshock 4 that everything went to utter shit, i never had to replace a dualshock before, i’m on my 5th DS4 and i never drop them.

RDR2 alone killed the X button of one, fucking horse riding.

I'm glad I don't press my controller buttons with the force of an industrial-grade trash compactor.

>Waitfags won

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Nice try asshole, i take extremely good care of my controllers, DS4 build quality is shit, even one i bought new came broken once and had to return it.

Fucking based. I'm so happy I'm going to get one.

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>Gorilla Glass 6
I'm gonna need a source other than Wikipedia.

>5.5 inch screen
lmao my phone has a bigger screen than that

>no 3DS backwards compatibility
No ‘bro’, we’re not going anywhere

DS4 is pure shit. I haven’t encountered a single one with a properly functioning left analog. DS3, otoh, was also shit, but was much easier to open up and repair.

Never cared about TV connectivity because I like playing in bed, however I'm still not buying it until the catalog is better.

turn that shit into an x right now

Sorry soiboi, the only device that can fit in your pockets is your buttplug.

I can finally play online

Those sticks are going to fuck up so fast.

So then you admit the Switch isn't pocketable

sorry, asshole, but the Dpad isnt some magic upgrade.

the reason the switch didn't HAVE one is because it was MEANT to be a shared controller.



Tbf, pocketable really means it can fit in a suitcase or bag pack. No handheld since the SP has been small enough to fit in anyone’s pocket.

The 3DS fits in my pocket just fine. But that's as big as it gets.

>Tbf, pocketable really means it can fit in a suitcase or bag pack. No handheld since the SP has been small enough to fit in anyone’s pocket.

>Fits in pocket

All devices since the game boy micro did this. Even the original 3ds did.

Nintendo fucked up with the original switch, they realized nobody is going to carry a backpack to carry the device.

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>>battery life is still worse than 3DS
Why lie? Its the same as n3DS, and better than 3DS.

Attached: 3ds.png (682x434, 378K)

And nobody uses that gay gimmick, what a tragedy.

Except the fat DS and lite/DSi versions, and the 3DS, and the PSP, and the Vita.

Every time I played a multiplayer game on someone's Switch they always had pro controllers. A single joycon as a controller is ass for shit like smash and mario kart.

I always use 2 Joycon in a grip, I find that more comfortable than a pro controller. the buttons on the pro are too big

>no clamshell design
>doesn't play upscaled 3ds games
>only ps4 ports at 560p


3ds for life