>dark souls
High tier
>hollow knight
Okay tier
Bad tier
>dark souls 2
>dark souls 3

Attached: iltusa 2.png (636x900, 451K)

Other urls found in this thread:


least post the better version dipshit

Attached: ab08d7f96ad9141cfe35ddfa5e13f69e.png (636x900, 448K)

Objectively correct list.

Time to fap

Objectively incorrect list.

But he did

>no glasses is better
How do you develop such trash taste?

Attached: pring654 2.jpg (1200x1722, 223K)

>no bulge

Where's the dick?

dark souls 1 nostalgia fags are such fucking ultra brainlets that it's not even funny.

>He doesn't like Megane

Fucking faggot.

Dark Souls 1 has by far the best exploration out of them all. Bloodborne is super linear, but otherwise good, and Dark Souls 3 is just linear but with big and boring open spaces.

Demons Souls > (You)

>no demons
why do DaS babies even bother posting?

Kill yourself faggot.

Attached: l.gif (340x198, 1.66M)

Name ONE (1) thing DeS does better. Is it the atrocious combat? The shitty movie game tier boss mechanics?

Attached: 60783286ec52e03b5f327d33ac0abdc4.jpg (780x1100, 56K)

Imagine putting Sekiro in Okay tier because you can't summon randos to carry you through bosses. The absolute fucking state.

>The shitty movie game tier boss mechanics?
Izalith wasnt one then?

>soulsborne tier list
>hollow knight

No, it it's there because it's
>it's linear as fuck
>shit in the story/art/music department
>zero replayability
>stealth is in there for no reason and immersion breaking
>the pacing is all over the place
>combat went from the complexity of souls to rhythm game

Attached: body_mahattaya_ginga 29.jpg (752x1062, 98K)


>hasn't played the best souls game

>complexity of souls
AHAHAHAHA. Are there really people that actually believe souls is complex? Oh jesus fuck. I had no idea. Thank you.

>better version
>no penis

Nice, nothing worse than glasses

Attached: c1205e887515aeb31f07a93543867428.png (1033x1458, 593K)

Dark souls aged rapidly in recent years

I cant honestly say its "da bezz" like im braindead. Its a ps3 game. It was good but im ready to forget about it


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Attached: for you, faggot.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>dark souls
High tier
Okay tier
>dark souls 3
Bad tier
>dark souls 2
SHIT tier
>monster hunter
Soulless newgrounds flash game tier
>hollow knight

Attached: 1556915484194.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

Nero is my mommy.

Holy shit, you guys are gay as hell.

Attached: 60lClea1tgdswto1.jpg (500x500, 85K)

More complex than DeS, that's for sure, which was the topic. Nice non-reply non-argument.

Attached: ao_madoushi 2.jpg (1500x2103, 332K)

This is the most retarded thread on Yea Forums right now. Well done.

>More complex than DeS, that's for sure, which was the topic
No the topic was vs Sekiro, how about you pay attention. Don't go around posting nice girls while spewing bullshit.

>>hollow knight
>>Soulless newgrounds flash game tier
What an absolutely shit opinion. Hollow Knight has ten times more soul than either DaS 3 or Nioh.
Fabulous taste, user.

Attached: gachou 3.png (900x1290, 645K)

>finding a physical flaw attractive

Now post more.

Attached: 1561101553086.png (452x530, 328K)

I seriously cant understand why people put Hollow Knight and Dark Souls next to each other
and yes I played both. Just because it has a few similarities doesnt make Hollow Knight a fucking Souls game

>bad tier
you're dreamin

Attached: ca24aa94b463302dcbed96dc70da1fc1.jpg (280x390, 29K)

Oh, well, it still stands. You can't actually argue Sekiro has gameplay beyond countering. Once you've mastered that you're basically done with the game. You can deny it all you want, but there's zero complexity behind it. DaS at least allowed you to experiment with builds. What's your choice in Sekiro? HMMM DO I WANT TO UMBRELLA NOW OR AXE NOW?
Also, again, I can't tell you how much I hated the fucking stealth. If there was only one animation they could've at least put some effort into it. Instead you just have these loud-ass screams coming from the NPCs as you butcher them - how the fuck is that stealth? I won't even go into how the mini bosses are often harder than the actual bosses, except maybe the end boss.

Attached: limeblock 5.jpg (1000x1650, 377K)


>don't find this shitty specific feature attractive
>dude are you gay????
go back

it's 100% true or you wouldn't be so butthurt, even mediocre bloodstained is a better game with more mechanics

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Attached: gachou 1.png (955x1386, 783K)

It's literally a small group of discord trannies that shill the game here at every opportunity, as well as falseflag like filthy niggers in Bloodstained threads. People don't actually like the gameplay of HK that much; just the art style.

Attached: Cock Sucker.png (178x365, 78K)

death to all megane fags

You can wear glasses without having eye problems.

I'm not butthurt, but it's just a stupid fucking claim. It's a great game with more soul and effort put into it than most snoy and tendie releases.
>the discord trannies conspiracy
Have sex.

Attached: eu03.png (696x723, 473K)

why don't trannies get facial reconstruction surgery too?

Stay mad, faggot.

Attached: 9217466.jpg (874x592, 369K)

BB > Sekiro > DS3 = DS1 > DeS > DS2
Never played Hollow Knight or Nioh

Attached: Nerd Imp.png (550x798, 283K)


I would just swap dark souls 2 with 3. Or move 3 to its own shit tier.

Dilate. Literally no one enjoys HK for the gameplay, just the asthetics, which admittedly are pretty, but exploration is boring and combat is too fucking simplistic. Maybe the sequel can fix the issues, which it's looking like it might.

the porn stars do

>picking up big tit young tinder slut tonight
>this thread

I need the next three hours to pass quickly

Attached: 1560816274044.gif (400x400, 54K)

>no glasses
Pick one. And only one.

based retard

Nioh shouldn't be on this list, also isn't Hollow Knight a metroidvania?

>>dark souls
>High tier

Good list is good.

Some people think of Hollow Knight as a Souls game. While it does share many similarities, I agree that it shouldn't be ranked with them.

Seeing a hot girl in her underwear is one of life’s great pleasures

Hmm. Yes.

What about her feet, user?

Attached: damao_yu 1.jpg (1903x1320, 1.2M)

Why do people rate Dark Souls 1 so high? Game had more technical issues than even Dark Souls 2 and it really falls apart after the first half of the game, that includes the DLC that's by far worst in the series

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Souls games are literally just remembering shit.

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>god tier exploration
>best lore
>best music
>best zones
>totally interconnected world
>most freedom in how to approach things
>allows variety of play styles

Attached: we like older women.jpg (550x550, 44K)

What about em?

I liked the aesthetic in Sekiro, personally but Bloodborne is still my favorite.

Attached: Second best Nintendo girl.jpg (500x731, 86K)

Opa Nero-sama...

Attached: limgae 1.jpg (1200x971, 481K)

Literally me

None of them really compare with Bloodborne in terms of aesthetics. Sony gave them as much time as they needed and it shows. I'm still amazed just by the level of detail in the Hunter's Dream alone. My only real complaints with Bloodborne are
>grinding for vials is super shit
>the world is too linear
>the dungeons are boring

Attached: PBqyUrV.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

I want to have sex with the emperor so bad.

Attached: 5bb8b87418fd86011f720e7eacc70954.jpg (1000x1627, 498K)

I really liked the boss designs too. Amy is still my favorite boss design of all the Souls games.

Attached: Approving Amy.jpg (661x620, 134K)

Damn Yea Forums.

My wife and I are trying to have a kid, this thread has made me so hyped to bust a nut in her when she gets home.

>all souls(less) garbage

Let's hope she is not too tired from Tyronne.

Gascoigne is definitely the boss I've died to the most, even when I count up all the games, including Isshin. Fuck me, that werewolf phase is such shit.

>picking up big tit young tinder slut tonight
aka she's a hamplanet

just toss Molotovs at him after you play the music box

I think you can say this about any videogame ever made.

>tfw I didn't find out about the music box until 3 playthroughs in

Attached: Hunter.jpg (2668x3576, 1.41M)


>le DS2 bad meme
I'm tired of this shit

It's not too bad. It did some things right and some things wrong. Powerstance shit and Bonfire Aesetics were cool, ADP was awful.

Attached: howdowesave.png (800x840, 117K)

God Tier:
>Dark Souls 1
High Tier
>Dark Souls 3
Okay Tier
>Hollow Knight
>Dark Souls 2
Bad Tier
>The Surge
>Salt and Sanctuary
>Lords of the Fallen

based, fuck glasses

fuck glasses and the nerds who like glasses

best pvp, worst single player but got fixed up to be "good"

sucks bro, I still died a bunch because it didn't work or he legit just smashed me before I used it. Is there any boss as aggressive as him in beast mode?

forgot demon souls
dated compared to dark but gets credit for being the start of it

>Is there any boss as aggressive as him in beast mode?

Attached: babby orphan.jpg (347x436, 10K)

>tfw brain rot from hundreds of Yea Forums threads have forced me to see any image of a girl frowning and embarrassed as she strips, as NTR

Attached: Gillian Wet.png (351x411, 79K)

>not 430 posts and 126 image replies omitted.

Counterpoint: glasses can be used to hold up condoms if other things aren't available.

>fuck glasses

Attached: 1423843417560.png (144x268, 29K)

His purpose is to both get you out of playing like dark souls for veterans, and to teach you the cruelty of souls games to newcomers. He was one of the hardest for me on my first play through but a breeze by the second.



>dark souls
Opinion disregarded, gay, incorrect and gay.

are people finding this fun or do they only like it because anime tiddies?

Attached: neverinth.jpg (460x215, 32K)

>god tier exploration
Yeah, right.

>best music
>when Bloodborne exists
Being deaf must be tough.

>best zones
Lost Izalith
Demonic ruins
Crystal Cave
Lost Archives

>totally interconnected world
>m-muh interkonekshon

>most freedom in how to approach things
Factually incorrect.

>allows variety of play styles
Just like any other game you fucking retard.

diagnosis: dumb faggot blinded by nostalgia

Go fuck yourself.

>my opinions are different AND I'M MAD ABOUT IT!

how in the god damn did we ever get to the point of having people in this board put hollow knight in the same category as souls games?
am I getting baited?

Nah, it's just your shitty opinions being garbage,

>don't enjoy stupid-looking unnatural accessory that exists for medical purposes
>don't want the human eye, the most visually important part of the face, aesthetically fucked with by this
>millions of years of evolution of eye contact, only a few hundred years of glasses technology
Gee I wonder, you fucking deviant defect nerd-fetishist.

Attached: 1452898472700.jpg (897x1279, 284K)

Attached: 1490430469296.jpg (680x645, 33K)

you're only confirming what I said

Those are some damn fine child bearing hips

they do
its called getting the shit beat out of them

Low T

>anime proportions aren't real

Attached: Raita depicts normal girls vs. banana skeleton.jpg (764x563, 215K)

No, you instead want some fat bitch with subhuman tattoos. What's it like to be fucked in the head?

Attached: khanka_shui 7.jpg (1689x2687, 1.95M)

Gascoigne is probably one of the best tutorial bosses ever made.

>don't want the human eye, the most visually important part of the face, aesthetically fucked with by this
Exactly. so you don't find clothing attractive? You're just an all nude all the time kind of guy? After you cum on glasses and they take them off it's like they just flashed you their asshole out of nowhere and you get hard and ready to go for round 2. Non glasses wearers can't even do the taking off the glasses and letting the hair down move unless they buy fake glasses. Pathetic.

Aren't there glasses that can be worn for non medical purposes?

>Being unable to grasp the fact that glasses enhance the looks of a girl


Attached: 3a9.jpg (537x758, 131K)

You forgot your smug animu girl reaction image.


Attached: easonx 7.jpg (1000x1286, 528K)

Sure thing pedophilic roach-fucker.

you forgot to insult my intelligence and put up an aggressive front

Glasses are cute but I don't see how you could find their presence or absence to be deal breaking. Y'all niggas need to take a fucking break for a bit and rehab

kys norman


Attached: tfw.jpg (500x334, 59K)

they don't, which is why many opt for contacts

Just laugh at their shit taste, it's funny.

Attached: 11234829.jpg (848x1200, 137K)

Imagine being proud of having shit taste.

Attached: amania_orz 9.jpg (880x1040, 117K)

shit taste

Attached: fessf.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

Not a dealbreaker for me but glasses add more cuteness for me

Attached: Smug.jpg (1500x1433, 135K)

You all severely disgust me.

Attached: ..jpg (1280x720, 83K)

for me it's easier to imagine a girl with glasses as being a perverted degenerate who gets turned on by hot sex

>so you don't find clothing attractive? You're just an all nude all the time kind of guy?
Nice retarded argument, humans wearing furs has been a thing for a long-ass time. So long that comparing glasses-centric fashion to regular clothing and lingerie is laughable.

The rest of what you said is nonsense typed by a simpering chimp. Your goal is to make the girl take her glasses off, apparently. When they could just be off in the first place or the girl could use contacts and put some half-decent effort into her hair and appearance. Jesus you're retarded.

>glasses bad because unnatural
>posts fat roastie with tattoos and makeup

Attached: get fucked.jpg (258x245, 12K)

because they are. The ability to have your glasses fall off partially while being pounded adds significantly to overall slutiness

Second best cat

Attached: Kokopuffs.jpg (1029x665, 139K)

you're boring and clearly and angry virgin

Right back at you loser, there's a reason the glasses girls is always treated as the most ugly one until someone sees them with their glasses off.

Attached: 1457392440989.jpg (698x960, 60K)

And you can't string together seven words without fucking up. What a worthwhile opinion you must have.

Attached: 1549824536714.jpg (680x1020, 115K)

>Take fat girl
>Put her in a corset
>"huur anime proportionsl"

Imagine being this wrong.

Attached: 1475083376297.png (1280x720, 567K)



God Tier: Bloodborne
High Tier: Demon's Souls, Sekiro
Ok: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Nioh
Bad: Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls has 2 of the worst areas in the soul series and the worst boss, bed of chaos.

Based Pervert Detective

Attached: 1516766311947.jpg (1000x1210, 175K)

He's retarded.

Attached: illust_73323736_20190630_080035.png (774x1200, 800K)

>I like the freckly 5head hometown nerd girl
>I-If the drawing has big tits maybe they'll agree with me.
What a faggot.
I fully admit that some girls with glasses look hot, but they're exceptions, never the average glasses girl, like how your picture makes my penis recoil if I look above the neck.

Attached: 13680462.jpg (850x1234, 431K)

Something something NTR

Attached: 1516757839329.jpg (1280x1813, 2.01M)

Bed of Chaos is so weird. Basically a chore after beating it once.

Attached: Glasses XD.png (178x178, 56K)


oh shit a typo gonna kill myself nice call you totally don't come off as a petty try hard loser

They are though, there's no crazy like sexually frustrated and repressed crazy

Armpits and back dimples reign supreme

>Okay tier
Nioh is the best game on the list, and isn't even a souls-like. Does retrieving your currency when you die make something a souls game?

But user, how else will I be able to pretend I'm guts if I cant play dark souls 2

Attached: L3skBlm.jpg (1408x2098, 615K)


Attached: 1547029666183.jpg (1150x1500, 651K)

Dark Souls 2 did add my favorite weapon FUGS and favorite armor set Mirror Knight so I'll give it that.

Attached: Looking Glass Knight.png (666x666, 370K)

You write off someone entirely for not liking glasses, I write you off for how you type. Tough shit if you don't like fair play, aspie.

>Black underwear without a doubt
But that’s less lewd than white with the bows or the striped kind

You are looking in the wrong places for hints of that. There are much easier tells, since a lot of girls are forced to wear glasses that they actively dislike but they can't use contacts, so they wouldn't even fit that aesthetic if their eyes gave them a choice in the matter. Look for things you know they can control, like standard clothing and shoes.

Attached: 41312.jpg (740x582, 137K)

okay purityfaggot

Attached: h2443232d2s221.gif (200x200, 565K)

Me on the right


>that quality
Me on the left

Attached: do i look like i know what a jay peg is.jpg (1746x1294, 144K)

You take things far to serious if you think I "wrote you off" (don't worry I didn't want to fuck you anyway). You've been angry from the start, maybe you should refrain from calling others aspie.

Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 2 DLC/SOTFS
Dark Souls 2

You’re damn right. I’ll do the corrupting, thank you very much

In terms of sheer options for diverse weaponry and fashion, Dark Souls 2 takes the cake and runs with
Just a shame that variety isn't used on a game with better locations and fun bosses

>Wanting an outright slut with no glasses instead of a glorious closet nympho with glasses


Attached: 4.jpg (1088x1600, 540K)

>You've been angry from the start
Okay human projector, whatever you say. I'll continue laughing at every post while you assume, since that's apparently what you do if I don't type out 'roflmao xD lawlzer' every two seconds like a preteen girl.

>he likes white panty virgin prudes over obedient sex crazed sluts who wear black panties
can you even imagine

Attached: al roker.gif (245x220, 493K)

>see new doujin from a known artist
>see glasses as a tag
>give it the lowest rating and close it instantly

Attached: E0060A5E-3C0C-4C0B-B410-852055260E04.jpg (334x506, 28K)

Kind of feeling sorry for you at this point

If it's what you're into it's what you're into, but don't try to bend the language to mean what you want it to mean. You like something that is inherantly not lewd. YOU want to do the lewding and corrupting. Others prefer to just get right to pic related. No problem with them both existing (as long as everyone's of age for their respective territory), but cottony white with bows ain't lewd and you know it.

Attached: 47ca90cc4d2dde637ef44a4edad5c7c4.jpg (1200x1600, 623K)

What are some games where the devs blatantly inserted their magical realm?

Attached: 1550256702800.jpg (870x1248, 307K)

Well, so much for that cherry. It's nasty now.

I feel you, man, I do. But live and let live as long as he doesn't want to fuck kids or something with those tastes, I guess.

Attached: 1553459992674.jpg (724x1024, 97K)

WHERE ARE THE BLOODBORNE DOUJINS???????????????????????????

Attached: Bloodborne_.The.Old.Hunters.full.2543541.jpg (718x1000, 287K)


Attached: illust_75646971_20190710_235813.png (706x1000, 272K)

I want to marry Pochi and have a thousand young with her!

Improved that for you.

Attached: 1467272863707.jpg (832x1300, 613K)

Bro, calm down and take a look at the image I replied to. The whole joke of the image is taking mostly innocent things and declaring them lewd

And if we’re going to get down to the literal, there’s nothing inherently more sexy about black panties versus white. It’s just underwear.


Never ever, enjoy you are demons souls doujins for the 6969th time

This logic makes no sense whatsoever, you're just another baiting faggot and I have no idea why I'm even bothering to type th

>Bro, calm down and take a look at the image I replied to.
I'm not angry...? I even said it's fine to prefer what you like.
>there’s nothing inherently more sexy about black panties versus white.
Of course, and there's nothing inherantly feminine about pink, but we would both be disingenuous if we claimed that societal norms and color biases/ perceptions didn't exist, with white representing good and black representing bad/ the unknown/ adulthood, at least in the west, while a lot of that is totally inverted in the east.

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think that DS1 is the best Souls game

Attached: 1504672947446.jpg (5500x2198, 1.94M)

What the fuck is a metroidvania doing in a demon'sdarkbloodkiro tier list

any cool vidya characters wearing glasses?

Jesus christ, she has WoW Night Elf hands.

Literally didn't play the fucking game, or quit after 30 minutes of gameplay at best

Attached: Lewd Bayo08.png (500x500, 218K)

high tier
>DS1, Bloodborne
Meh tier
>the rest

Attached: 1549124098811.webm (1278x720, 311K)


Attached: otacon.png (256x256, 65K)

Nice tits

There's literally nothing wrong with having glasses and there's literally nothing wrong with not having glasses
Some girls look cuter with them, some don't
Not everything has to be an argument you fucking autists

Attached: 1561250162977.jpg (750x587, 104K)

>not everything has to be an argument
yes it has you retard

Shh! We gotta have some sort of angry conversation or else the mods are going to catch on that this is a thinly veiled ecchi dump

Raitabortions are the worst scum of this board.

Jesus Christ user, where did you find that image?

Attached: 1545762447924.jpg (1600x1132, 259K)

what is this board for if not extremely heated arguments on things that have nothing to do with video games?

>small woman at work
>kinda cute
>always wearing glasses
>at break one day see her with her glasses off for the first time since she was cleaning them
>nearly splooge my pants
can't say for sure if she was cuter that way but but maybe the contrast between how she normally looks is what set me off

Well I disagree that ‘bad’ must equal sexy.

I am attracted to feminine women more than I am attracted to the less feminine women. And if we’re talking about traditional societal norms, men are typically associated with being bad while women are typically associated with being good.

google by searching for 'Yea Forums anime girl who prioritizes warmth', because I didn't have it, then found the shitty version a few rows down and didn't care to find a readable version of an image everyone's already seen.

>lol DS2 and 3 are bad xDDD
Your tier list and opinions are memes invented by the echo chamber you bury yourself in and you have no unique thoughts of your own.

You are a strange person, user.

Attached: 1545761008204.jpg (800x566, 244K)

Friday Night threads but also you right

Attached: 1485473298395.png (791x769, 32K)

>M-muh inerkonestion
Isn't an argument and is one of the greatest features of the game. You doing a stupid stutter meme doesn't change it's the best souls game with the best world building.

Attached: 14235342.png (278x182, 4K)

Degenerates like you belong in camps

Attached: 1545691406870.jpg (1280x889, 322K)

Come on dude, what the hell.

Attached: shrug1.jpg (1200x628, 52K)

I was expecting a dick.

Who doesn't choose right?

Does it need to be large with the hand cut off for you to understand the shurg...?


Attached: 1545762752349.jpg (800x649, 121K)


Attached: ants baka gaijin.gif (50x42, 71K)

based. tired of this glasses meme.

I'm on your side but let's not do this again please.

Attached: cdc.jpg (800x450, 82K)

>expect Souls shitposting
>get that as well as a big tiddy /e/ thread

Well, alrighty then.

Attached: 1535309605698.gif (15x12, 6K)

To be sexy intentionally one must discard at least some of their childlike innocence, which most people think of a good and benevolent thing, which is why people then see sexiness as the 'dark' mirror of that innocence. But I get where you're coming from.

Attached: 1557641973234.png (402x759, 417K)

all me

Bloodborne is the best and Dark Souls 3 is as good if not better than Dark Souls 1.

Attached: delet.png (394x389, 429K)

People who realize that right is just you wanting a surrogate mother than an actual relationship

No Immortal: Unchained?

Fag tier

>getting to fuck your mom
I see no issue

Contributing for the /e thread. Also:

I'v played them all, since Demon's. DS1 is maaaaasively overhyped. It's backstabs: The Game. An entire class of weapons is absolutely unuseable (Whips), it has less atmosphere than Demons souls, and the "interconnected world feels more natural" argument doesn't really cover the glaring issue of a chugging framerate, unenjoyable pvp that relies solely on abusing the games wonky mechanics to get backstabs, every online player having access to 99 instant full heals in the form of humanity, Dark magic in general but dark bead in specific and also the way the game deteriorates after Anal rodeo.

Each game is good at at least one thing
> Demons - Atmosphere, NPCs, exploration
> Dark 1 - decent atmosphere, good movset variety in weapons
> Dark 2 - Powerstancing, off hand weilding, some fun bosses
> Dark 3 - some fun weapon arts and good looking weapons
> Bloodborne - most unique weapons and playstyles, extremely atmospheric
> Sekiro - Enjoyable, satisfying combat, nice looking areas

Attached: 1549956906264.jpg (850x1133, 330K)

Based. Glasses are for visually disabled people


WTF that's gross you just ruined the thread EWW

Cute and funny

Attached: leglocks.webm (1280x720, 2.12M)

Your taste is absolute trash and you should feel bad.

>Post: Talks about the experience of the Soulsborne series
>Response: Haha that's so cute
I don't understand this place.

>Not an argument the post

That's what makes you a cutie

Attached: shag-san.jpg (800x366, 50K)

I'm the guy he replied to. See, i don't care what he responds to. This thread gets more Hentai, great. It gets more discussion, great. But i prefer the hentai.Speaking of which, here's a vampire.

Attached: 1547696653266.jpg (650x884, 213K)

one of the most important rule on Yea Forums :


good christ my poor eyes

is homosapien

Attached: 1560972031865.jpg (1024x576, 208K)

Rottytops should have kept her glasses when she died

she died because she lost her megane power

BB is spooky and I love it.

No user, you dont understand
Its Cute and fUNNY

Attached: 1548130847299.jpg (1440x1080, 178K)

back away from my christian younger brother you temptress whores



Attached: 1560533412633.jpg (1993x1414, 417K)

Will either of them kill me?

They both will but you'll go out by having tons of sex
Is it worth it?

run little bro, oniichan will handle this

Left? Never, but you might go insane from timeloop shenanigans
Right? Definite maybe
Either going to get superlaid either way

>Meh tier
Everything else (DS1 is ruined by its shitty latter half)

Attached: 1546908165756.jpg (863x1200, 178K)


Attached: 1559802771024.gif (560x560, 265K)

demons souls
dark souls 3
dark souls
dark souls 2

Loads of sex sounds fun but death doesn't

>Bad tier
>dark souls 2
>dark souls 3

Finally these two get lumped into the bad game category.

God Tier
Demon's Souls

Top Tier
Dark Souls

Mid Tier
Dark Souls 3

Bad Tier
Dark Souls 2

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I would happily insert my face into *insert favourite part of the female body* here until i choked/drowned/passed out.

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nice legs LMAO

it has and always will be

>demon souls
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 2

you can debate all you want about the order of DaS, Sekiro, and Bloodborne, but DeS is definitely the best, DaS 2 is definitely worst, DaS3 is definitely second worst

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>tfw no Elder God sister-gf

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Sounds dangerous

Bump so this thread can be properly deleted for the off topic shit it is.

This was a good thread
Thanks Anons for expanding my folders and my opinion on From Software games

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slit your wrist you pathetic weeb

>bumps thread to first page so he can tell me to kill myself

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Which souls do I start with?

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>*proceeds to fap to 2D anime pictures on a LCD screen*

really stimulates the neurons

I didn't enjoy Dark Souls because Its combat felt too slow and I kept getting lost. Will I enjoy Dark Souls 3?

Attached: 2.jpg (900x507, 235K)

Yes, the combat is faster and the game is extremely linear

Thanks. Glad to hear that.

I like this artist.

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Woah dude post the right one

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Woah dude post the right one

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How does it feel to get filtered, scrub?

Attached: Spindlefucker.png (954x662, 214K)

Posted the right image for you

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Better filter me too, because Salt and Sanctuary is horrible.

>Not liking megane
I bet you hate twintails as well.

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I'm not the one who filtered you, the first boss likely did assuming you even made it that far.


6 hours late but im baited
>zero replayability.
>combat went from the complexity of souls to rythm games
Those are some big buzzwords.
You are meant to replay the game twice in order to experience all paths and for the decisions you didnt make the first time.
And secondly Iframes and slash has nothing against the fast paced defence based combat of sekiro.
The only downside that you didnt fucking mention is the lack of an rpg system.



Wow this thread is just a bunch of retards slapping their dicks together lmao

How to make a thread on Yea Forums:
>Post non video game
>Title thread vaguely related to video game

bought this dude's artbook at anime expo :)

>hollow knight
remove this garbage from the list and you have a real thread

Glasses are god tier.

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What the hell does hollow knight have to do with this list of games??? the lonely atmosphere maybe but thats fuckin it

>likes Bloodborne
>Doesn't like DS3

You should unironically kys


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People who don't like DS3 are contrarian faggots

That or they can't beat it

>this is the original resolution

Glasses are okay on guys, but they turn every girl into a librarian for me.

>comparing hollow knight to dark souls

that's some hilarious fucking juxtaposition


why is every male MC in anime such a fucking virgin beta male cuck holy shit


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you fucking idiot

DeS doesn't shit the bed half way through the game

Attached: Wu.jpg (845x1199, 280K)

I bet there is no porn in whatever the source is this
every fucking time