At least youll never be this angry at video games

At least youll never be this angry at video games

Attached: 1447378335385.png (1177x618, 389K)

OK which one of you fucks is this?

Why hasn't he killed himself yet?

I just woke up what is he on about

Attached: 240cfeac8a1d7af95a885ef5297ab07c599cf441a0323cfacb254947913e9470.jpg (920x960, 126K)

A direct from years ago.

what the fuck is he wearing

he finally realized nintendo has been shit for over a decade kek

Nintendo has always been shit. So is Sony.

holy fuck, this guy is so based he might even be /ourguy/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hes not wrong, but his fault for still having faith in Nintendo since the wii

>twitter deleted
He's old news


Why are anti-nintendo fags so autistic?

a diaper probably

He is literally correct, and nintendo babies will get upset about it.

He's right. nintendo fanboys are content with eating shit

yet another console war thread

And the thing is he's actually right.

>Getting so mad at someone else's opinion you screenshot their tweets and post it on Yea Forums

He used to be pro Nintendo at one point until they cut him off because of something he did.

Kind of confirms that the people who hate them here saw them as friends rather than game makers.

Is this the guy who got denied an interview with Nintendo and has held a grudge against them ever since? I'm probably wrong.

What are you talking about Yea Forums gets this autistically upset about video games every second.

Nah, he was part of that YouTube partner program I think but he did something to piss off Nintendo which may or may not be related to the diaper picture and they sacked him.
Ever since he's been doing nothing but shitposting on twitter and apparently here.