Do you think you'll actually hit 60

do you think you'll actually hit 60

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No, I've already hit 60 on 4 different private servers and won't do it again.

>Playing 2-3 hours a day for 3 weeks is hard
No, imagine being that crazy user?

Vanilla WoW actually straight up isn't worth playing. Between clowny shit like being forced to pick Orc because of broken ass stun resist racials and the lack of consistent diminishing returns around CC you just wind up with this low skill ceiling for PVP and that's honestly not worth putting the obsessive amount of time into preparing for it.

im gonna hit the uninstall wizard

I do. It takes 6day played to hit 60 if you're playing optimally and chill

>60 hours to max
as if, retard

Won't even install.

Vanilla was fun in its day, but nostalgia makes people blind. It evolved for a reason.

This. I'm not saying nuwow is good by any means but vanilla is so fucking flawed. You're chasing the relationships you had back then. All those friends. Not the shitty game you happened to play together. Hell I look back on Ragnarok 2 with nostalgia. But ultimately it was for the people, not the shitty p2w wow clone.

Not playing at all. Why would I pay a sub fee when I can NOT pay a sub fee and play on a pserver?
>hurr you keep your progress
yeah but, if I beat everything in a month before it shuts down, I won't really give a shit.

you get to play with fellow first worlders instead of slavs and brazilains

seems more like I'll be stuck playing with retards who pay money for current WoW.

Im sorry, say more like 80 hours.
I know most of the quests by heart, and got my own quest route that I know for a fact will avoid most players during 20-50.

Just learn to play, dont click your skills, dont pick a high downtime class, and go for stats to reduce downtime. Like spirit for warriors, the weapon and random damage stats on your gear is gonna be more then enough to kill fast, you should focus stats to reduce your downtime over anything else while leveling. But sure, suck cock and spend 150 hours to get to 60, faggot.

I love the way there's faggots like this that claim they somehow clear the game faster than world record holders. Wheres your world record if it's so doable retard?

I’s love to roll another twink mage with an enchanted staff of jordan and completely dominate the 30-39 battlegrounds bracket again. Enjoyed it more than raiding back in the day.

The game was made simpler. All classes were given the same tools for "balance" killing their uniqueness, LFG got rid of the need for social interactions and so on. They keep adding more shit to the game with every expansion yet it feels more empty as they do.

I had like four level 60s back in the day so I think I'm going to be just fine.

>LFG got rid of the need for social interactions
i'm sorry what?
in what world was spamming "NEED TANK @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" social interaction?

epic simply epic my fellow redditor! these Yea Forumsirgins are simply toxic elitists

nice valid counterpoint, nostalgiababy.

Not him but if you weren't retarded you made friends so you wouldn't have to keep looking for groups like that.

Probably not, I might sub for a month for the sake of nostalgia but I have zero interest in the max level content.

I've wasted enough of my life on mmorpgs

It's more than that. The dungeons are longer, and require crowd control. It's different from Wrath and beyond because in those expansions you queue up, instantly appear in a dungeon and then you zerg rush it in 10 minutes and you never see them again. Also you're bound to see the players from your realm again.

I won't even hit Level 1

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its even better now because so many people are too shy to make friends, and the harem of healniggers and tankniggers you get are eternally loyal to you because nobody ever tried being their friend

Nobody gives a shit bud, stick with BFA you autistic zoomer nigger.

yeah probably after a couple months

I hit 70 in TBC. Don't think 60 in Classic is much harder.

nah ill probably quit after a week
probably wont make it past the 40-50 grind

I did it when it came out I can do it again

most people will give up at level 20 or around that range.
You really underestimate how fucking boring x1 on vanilla is.

Of course, but it’s gonna take awhile because I want to play slowly.

you can get to at least 30 before you start hating it
30-40 is suffering

endgame of vanilla is so fucking bad
all for 1% chance at your pre-raid BIS

combined with:
>farming gold cause professions craft pre-raid BIS
> these are sometimes 1/2 - 3x the cost of epic mount training
>and the professions themselves are huge money sinks until 300 skill and recipes are farmed
>all gathering professions are just shitty collect x material on y timer
>best way to make money is usually grinding

honestly this is bad for 2019

Cross realm ruined social interactions more than LFG, you didn't give two fucks who you grouped with anymore