Here's your new Flagship bruh
Here's your new Flagship bruh
Other urls found in this thread:
>Longsword gets a 40 iframe move
>Switchaxe gets no iframe moves
I want to marry Velkhana!
Even though its just another Dragon I think his design is pretty cool
Porn when?
>It looks distinctly different from the elder dragons you may have seen in Monster Hunter: World
It looks like somebody locked Kushala in a refrigerator.
literally just a kushala lmao
At least Velkhana gear looks cool
back then flagships
>shitty kushala reskin
ohnonono bros
day 1
What's going to be her gear's gimmick?
Female armor is just waifubait again. Sick of this shit
Hold the fuck up, are those actual unique models?
>brute wyvern reskin
>rathalos reskin
>shitty anime monster
Velkhana fits right in
>Forgetting the most importent flagship
>>rathalos reskin
Stop embarrassing yourself
>it's just kushala covered in ice
what the fuck?
>Gore Niggala
I don't know but I hate it.
user you have it the wrong way, onions people always love anything that comes out and never criticizes products
They're gonna make it right bros?
>low-res male
Seethe more.
too political
gore and shagala represent blacks vs whites
>basedtendies deflecting this hard
All I'm getting from this is that the whole "weapons will all have unique models at the end of their upgrade trees" theory has been shot to shit again, just like in base World.
Why would I be seething when I don't play as a female character, autismo?
Alatreon(flight mode) > Ice Kush reskin
Velkhana's Veil (set bonus)
Upon attacking a monster the hunter is surrounded by an icy aura. This aura deals damage to all monsters within its vicinity. Hunters must continue attacking the monster, or else this skill will freeze them over.
Nigga , velkhana's weapon's look like they're own models
Problem with armor sets that have a lot of little details like those small chains is that while the whole set does look nice, those pieces will look absolutely shit when mixed with other armor pieces.
Good job completely missing the point. Think about it a little.
That would be the first set bonus you would want actively avoid.
Turn away and slam the door
I really don't like how thin the lance looks, it feels like it needs some kind of guard added. Other than that those model are are huge step up from shit like this
Best part is that an actual Barioth bow does exist in classic MH.
dude that's SnS and CB
Doesn't Nerg have those bone + weapon models too though? All his final upgrades are unique, I think this is the same.
It even looks simpler and easier to model than that shitty reskinned iron bow
I think this is the only case where the new model is better than the old one.
Those weapons are nice, but I still wish they would make models that look completely different, for example GS that looks like scythe etc.
What are some essential mods for a former PS4 player double dipping into the PC version?
But the black one becomes white? And if Gore gets attacked while he trying to turn white he becomes both but with a reduced lifespan.
haha, I somehow tough that the side view of the axe mode was a lance.
Oh come the fuck on, those teeth are horrible and look super dumb.
its habening
Gore is always white underneath the black skin. You'd know if you broke the wingarms. In other words, Gore is more like an Oreo nigger.
transmog mod
no scoutflies mod
prettier handler mod
Waiting for the inevitable butthurt
This wouldn't be a problem IF THERE WAS FUCKING TRANSMOG
Not even trasmog, just give a way to obtain every layered armor
Seregios actually is but it had a completely new and unique set of animations/moves, much like the pseudowyverns.
There is transmog. Check out the Nexus.
o kurwa
Flagships back then
>Deviljho with a sword
>Rathalos with electricity
>Faggot Lagiacrus
>Congalala with a trunk
Flagships now
>Queen Elsa as a dragon
What the fuck happened bros?
good thing happens sometimes
People keep posting this but do we actually know if they have this skin in the last rank?
What the fuck just happened?
Souvenir pillars of light
Better npc location
Near lift
Farmeable vouchers if you want
That's it, transmog if you're into fashion.
List of problems with (you)
end of the list
Retard got banned for spamming
When the fuck are we getting Alatreon
Autist, there is a pic with all flaws, it even includes some of your crap.
>even mods are tired of tendie shit
Now if they only removed the rest of the console war baiting we could maybe actually have a decent MH thread.
for those that missed it. It's the usual copypasta from that retarded Nintendie, but this time he accidentally posted the Epic store shitposting image instead of the MHW one.I think its not even a Nintendofag. It's just some typical Yea Forumsermin riling up threads considering he has this file on his computer. It's like that user who has both the sony wojak and a PC wojak
>uses female characters
>then complains about waifubait
based nips, lmao@haters
>Is retarded
>Shitposts on Yea Forums anyway
Consider suicide
Don't talk shit about lagiacrus man
The point is, if they're not shy at all about showing the designs of the unique weapons of the flagship monster, why would they be for any other unique weapons, if they do indeed exist in the game? Especially the old unique weapons of returning monsters, like the Nargacuga insect glaive or the Barrioth bow? It just wouldn't make any sense, and it leads me to believe that the weapon design complaint has been left completely unaddressed in Iceborne with no hope for proper models in Master Rank.
i want to fuck her (female) (cloaca)
Oops, I dropped this
To be honest the female armors don't look that great even as waifubaits.
Most of them are just bad .
How about you wait 2 months and see for yourself you ADD zoomer
>the MHW shitposter is the same guy behind the Epic threads
I'm starting to realize pic related was not fucking around at all. We do have a legit autist shitposting tons of games
You right now
Damn, she's pretty.
There is more than one list poster, though this was obvious
Lack of evidence is not evidence on itself user, we don't know and have no reasons to believe one way or the other, just wait until it's released, your pint is moot
I mean, they didn't show any of Odogarons weapons but it still has unique models. In fact, in the beta, they gave you the Legi SA but gave it the iron model. They're just weird about this.
I really should call my mother and thank her for raising me right. Imagine being so much of an autist that you go on a seething rage for years and years and years and years on many games because someone likes it. Probably has a folder dedicated to shitposting each game considering that slip-up
Imagine being the literal embodiment of what's wrong with Yea Forums
Spam this whenever he posts his copypasta. Let them know who's behind it
I'm starting to think he actually likes MHW but just shitposts for (You)s considering he doesn't do rebuttals
Here's the proper list
List of problems with Monster Hunter World:
>Inb4 b-but nintendo...
>Healing while running; dodging while drinking, sharpening, eating; moving while shooting
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Mounting can activate after only 1 hit, guarantees a mount or two every hunt
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, damage, etc., almost never benefiting the monster
>You have access to your full box even during hunts
>The temporal mantle automatically dodges any attacks that would launch you the same way adept did but without player input
>Other mantles can give things like a full health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, like Diablos with a 40 MV in its horns for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head
>THE CHANGES ABOVE AREN'T INHERENTLY NEGATIVE AND WOULD BE FINE WERE THE GAME DESIGNED IN A DIFFERENT WAY, however, the monsters themselves are slower and less aggressive when compared to old gens, they rarely string moves together and have slow and predictable attacks in general, Pink Rathian is a good example
>To add challenge added tempered monsters, who are just like regular monsters (slow as ever) with inflated damage, that's it, it's difficult to even notice the difference for most monsters
>And then there's Arch Tempered monsters, which have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal), raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) give it one badly designed move (Nerg) and/or make them spam AoE attacks (Xeno). These are badly designed monsters made just for challenge’s sake, not a proper way to address the difficulty complaint
Continuing on the next post
and here we go again
>list-kun also shits up threads other than MH threads
I'm surprised, but at the same time i'm not.
>Everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental weakspots
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth using, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>It can't be overstated how awful Zorah is, it might surprise you that it was the monster the team worked the hardest on, requiring a separate division just for it
>Lavasioth was changed from a fun fight to a half assed attempt at giving it the Agnaktor gimmick but without anything that make both it or Lavasioth great
>And Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace and a representation of everything wrong with World. AoE spam, annoying gimmicks, inflated damage, tremors, awful design, you name it. It's attempts to imitate the gameplay styles of MMOs failed completely simply because Monster Hunter wasn't designed to be an MMO
>Extreme Behemoth is everything just mentioned above except 2x worse, much like the ATs, it’s challenge for challenge's sake without the thought needed to make it fun to being with
>Leshen is the exact same as Behemoth except somehow worse, this time it doesn't even attempt to be like a MH monster
>And Kulve is a massive waste of potential. What could’ve been a fun and challenging fight against a huge monster similar to Ukanlos ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U, but they also happen to be the best weapons in the game
>it's a timed event monster as well
Continuing on the next post
he has nothing better to do
>Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss
>Their attempt to fix it with the AT resulted in a damage sponge that spams so much AoE that it looks like it would fit right in a frontier game
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, it’s not a matter of just going into the loading zone, now you need to follow it through the entire map as it makes its way unnaturally to another zone, you can throw pods into the monster to stop it, but this results in you fighting it in basically a corridor
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, turf wars take you away from hunts, basically a cutscene that triggers in the middle of the hunt, and are always very unnatural and robotic, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you, forcing you to waste your time throwing dung pods and waiting, it gets old very fast
>Most of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it, only a few of them become original models later
>New skill system removes negative skills and makes so you can both fit in a ton of skills, contributing to the power creep and that using full sets almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. Alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic because both usually have the same skills on them and look almost the same
>They went for a generic orchestral soundtrack that fails to match the quality of the older tracks, this includes the music for past monsters, which was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>Event related emotes and stickers cost money as well
>Event quests only available only during a certain timeframe. This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame, like the gamma armor from ATs
>Guild and village quests were merged, worsening multiplayer and lowering the amount of quests
>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the game can see for themselves
>Playing the story missions with other people requires you to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal and only then having people join
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting with people you know nothing about who will leave as soon as the monster is dead
>SoS system doesn’t work though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation needlessly complicated. The system is broken, and it still hasn't been fixed
>They killed all sense of comradery the older games had thanks to the many changes to the way multiplayer works, people don't talk, don't interact and aren't even visible to your outside of the quests most of the time
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Armor fusion removed, new system limits the player on what sets they can wear based on event quests that may go away at any time
>Only 1 palico, no different classes
>Seasonal events are a joke, their armors are not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the event quests are mostly worthless
>Item sets are hidden behind a number of menus, radial menu is tied to the item set loadouts, can’t see what monster parts you have from the box itself
What the fuck did I just see?
It's over for you listkun. You've made your final mistake
Just report for spamming/flooding. He's already fucked
tl:dr World sucks because it's not on Epic Store
>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, and the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance
Feel free to add to the list
Enjoy the shit thread, Worldfags
Unique weapons exist for everything in classic MH. That's part of what made it fun.
I love every MH except X/XX.
The cross titles are to MH what Other M is to Metroid.
>I think its not even a Nintendofag
How are you only just figuring this out? There never were any in MH threads.
World was a mistake
/vg/, Yea Forums, its all garbage places to discuss. Is there really nowhere else?
>b-buh plebbit is goooooood!! fuck nuchan!!
Eat shit and cry about exposed thighs/tits again
how could you hate the X games yet love the rest of 4th gen and World?
>The cross titles are to MH what Other M is to Metroid.
I don't see it. Elaborate?
or you could just filter the retard and stop being a whiny bastard
feels bad that you can't have any criticisms at all of World without console warriors swarming over you because of this autist
also new flagship looks like a frontier monster
What a stupid comparison
We lich king now
>list-kun actually fucked off
Finally. Let's have an actual discussion. Which mon you want in?
Khezu for me
MHW is my first MH, but is it normal for every monster to be a fucking lizard, dragon, dinosaur (all of which are quite similar), or a combination? Not exactly stellar variety so far in W.
Velkhana's design is pretty tame for flagship standards so i hope the fight makes up for that
You can fuck off with him
Nice, installed
>but is it normal for every monster to be a fucking lizard, dragon, dinosaur
This seems like a list-fag bait post.
Try not being a newfag and actually read a thread for once. Its always bitching and derailing about world/classic regardless of what the op topic is. Console war shitposters are everywhere and listfag is just icing on it all. It wont end
no, World rebooted things and so variety wasn't very good, if you're looking for a lot of monster variety, the 4th gen games like 4U and XX have a lot of it with shit like giant spiders, snakes, crabs, squids, etc.
you pick male to play as a mech and female to jerk off to bare thighs and tummy
it has ALWAYS been like that
I understand the thread just got bombed by that faggot but you're just being paranoid now.
there is the paolimu and some others.
For me it is Gore and Shagaru.
I wouldnt mind some of the more creative Frontier monsters either.
>listfag is just icing on it all.
He's literally the guy sparking all of this and me and a handful of others have been saying that since the image version cropped up in the first place.
improved handler is a must
How could you not?
The other games don't have out of place styles, hunter arts, cluttered and gimmicky movesets, retarded lolis, terrible monster designs, shounen subspecies and literal mech fights. It's a really bad insult to MH that misses the point and does not feel like MH.
Sadly some aspects bled into World, but it's still far better and closer to the source material.
>khezu before gigginox
yeah get bent
>literally just Kushala Daora with more ice
Retarded people like you are the reason the list is posted
in iceborne you will get three dragons that walks on the ground!
>World rebooted things and so variety wasn't very good,
I mean, you say that but Tri did the same thing and it had more monster variety despite the smaller roster.
Console war shitposting washappening before the list was posted
Proof itt that tendiapers all need to be gassed
are you joking? all of that was already in 4th gen with the new weapons and the most egregious things from the X games got baked right into World
It's better to be wary than to let a faggot fuck you.
There's clearly at least a couple of other people intent on starting shit as well, which is why "I don't think about you at all" also crops up in almost every thread.
why khezu when its just a worse giginox?
only because there are no leviathans in world
Am I missing out on anything if I buy a digital version of Monster Hunter XX instead of physical?
Aside from arts and styles, which are non intrusive anyway, it sounds like every other classic game.
you miss out on being able to resell it or lend it to friends
If MHX is so bad, why did Capcom give up and brought Glavenus in rather than try salvaging Anjanath's mediocre gameplay in G-Rank?
Face it, we won and you lost.
Cool box art and reselling, otherwise no
I'm willing to bet it's that anti Nintendo discord. Seems like their MO.
"You" won just like Frontier did with Lavasioth, smartass.
>anti Nintendo discord
Pathetic, at least listfag is one person
Outside of CB and a dogshit endgame gimmick, 4th gen wasn't that bad
if you ignore the gigantic issues from the 3DS.
At least a real controller makes uneven terrain far more manageable, even if it just detracts from the gameplay.
Long Sword has ass long combos until said iframe move which is why it always was a trash weapon until World. SA doesn't have any long combos you can't dodge out of any time if you play it properly. Literally just press the dodge button.
>The other games don't have out of place styles, hunter arts,
Swimming and mounting were the equivalents.
>cluttered and gimmicky movesets,
Don't know what you mean by that because even the flashiest of arts aren't either of those things.
>retarded lolis,
Little miss forge
>Terrible monster designs, shounen subspecies and literal mech fights.
Aside from the mech fight pretty much all of the above has existed day one. Also Zin is the poster boy for shonen looking monsters.
The only game that doesn't really have these things is world which would make it the Other M of the series.
Clutch claw >>> Mounting
Swimming was a very unique thing and only relevant for very few monsters. Mounting is a breather gimmick that's only relevant in multiplayer.
Arts completely changed the base game and made MH play like a spin-off or knock-off even.
Even by 4 it was clear they were running out of ideas of what to add to existing weapons, some weapons got interesting new features, others were really just adding random stuff and seeing what would stick. I'd argue that by Tri/P3rd is where our current weapon movesets and designs matured, after that it's just been random changes and experimental mechanics.
Yes, usually one monster by title. With X and XX every new monster and sub is zin/brachy tier.
Yep, almost like World has more in common with classic MH than X.
Is this a mod?
>Arts completely changed the base game
This is objectively incorrect.
>Arts completely changed the base game and made MH play like a spin-off or knock-off even.
No, retard. The hammer spin being done 2 times doesn't change the fucking game.
>muh realism
Yes, like 1-2 trees for each weapon type gets actual unique models but other than Nergi it gets inconsistent between same monster weapons so Odo has unique dual blades but his lance is one of the generic bone lance.
Your retarded monster complaint never made sense since Rajang was introduced in gen 2. Outside the mech there's nothing more anime than it, NOTHING. And Tri's final boss is a literal deviantart OC.
>back then.
Fuck you 4U and XX """""veterans""""""
Odo has all unique models except for lance.
>I think its not even a Nintendofag
No fucking shit, have you ever noticed that ever since World was announced it's just shitposting consolewar children doing this sort of thing? /mhg/ they call it bingposting where you shout down anything non-positive about World (or not about World at all) as being a nintendie or whatever. It's an in-joke for them. Meanwhile the people who actually play monster hunter simply just moved to another system as they have had to the last time the series moved systems.
Do you really think they will add a unique model for the end-of-tree weapon? They would definitely show the fucking unique models in the trailers and stuff to drum up hype for the weapons since that's literally the universal complain about MHW.
Probably some second worlder. Shitposters from those places have a totally alien mindset
>Arts completely changed the base game
They're entirely optional you moron.
Nah, unique models are too unrealistic. You'll take your Iron Sword with Barioth pubes and you'll love it.
i like monster hunter but frosty daora wasn't what i had in mind when i thought about a cool ice based final boss
its really fucking uninspired, probably uses the same skeleton as daora / legiana too
main gimmick is creating walls of ice, come on that should be a basic gimmick from early game monsters fuck
Only thing I care about here is healing while moving, not because I think it's a bad change but because it takes significantly longer and standing still doesn't decrease the time it takes to finish a pot or eat a steak.
Same with tremors/roars, even the baby ones you could be floundering about helplessly for like 10 seconds compared to past games where you got over it as soon as the tremors/roars were finished. Too many times I got fucked by Teo doing that short quick roar and then he slaps me right after while my hunter was busy covering their ears and turning wide around like an 18 wheeler.
>Arts completely changed the base game and made MH play like a spin-off or knock-off even.
ice vaal hazak
I really hope to god that they take their time with the next mainline game, i would hate it if they try to milk MH annually after World's success
>in any iteration of MH ever
t. world babby
the only cool part about that set is the scoutfly box
This is Capcom.
MODERN capcom
I can't tell if you're joking or not user but MH has been an annual series since it came out
They're taking their time perfecting MHPortable on Switch.
>I really hope to god that they take their time with the next mainline game
>every mh thread is a console wars thread now
reminds me of beokros
I mean main games, without counting G/ultimate versions and portable spin-offs, i can honestly see Capcom trying to shove out World 2 after only 1 or 2 years of actual development
Not even you wanted this Vitanon.
I still strongly believe they have a new portable game in the works if only to help bridge the gap between World and World 2. The gaps between generations have been getting bigger and bigger over time but I can't see them doing regular gap years, so it just seems like the most likely outcome to me.
So how many monsters did they not show yet for Iceborne?
Considering it's a BIG expansion and the main game had like what, 30 monsters, it should add another good 15-20, right?
Not just the 5-6 we were shown and mabye 2 more
if gore is in I'm preordering gayborne
expect subspecies for pretty much all of the new monsters in the base roster and a lot of returning monsters, that's how most G games work
pretty sure we are only missing like 3 or 4 "new" monsters
Even posting rooms of classic MH will get you stupid tranny jokes from mentally ill Snoyboys on /mhg/. That place is completely infiltrated.
And heres our first subspecies.
looks weak to fire element, kill it fast
>tfw no gobbo gf
Velkhana demo pls Capcom
need a workshop weapon comparison image, all of the workshop weapons are unique and cool as fuck but have the most soul crushing method of obtaining them, so you never see anyone using anything except the divine slasher because longsword users are gay
all their creative energy went on elder dragon weapons and workshop shit
I'm still mad we went from absolute cuties like sweetheart and marm to this.
fake news worlds is casualized in every way
Hopefully the next Monster Hunter after World will stops doing that thing, is quite obvious is here to stay with World
How can someone who claims to be above 18 years old find this funny
You realize your fridge isnt supposed to freeze things, correct? That would be the freezer's job, hence the name.
What the fuck was her problem?
she's the man in the relationship
She was in heat and needed a hard dicking
He's in!
>mhw weapon design
the garbage bin!
fuck you leatherhead
lookin good
Im a lityle tired of wyverns and psuedo dragons taking up most of the spots, iw wish we got more things like Leshen and the electric snake
Just like Brachy
Uhhhh Capcom what are you doing?
>dude more wyverns and dragons lmao
seriously? just what MHW was lacking
Appealing to the dragonfucker crowd
>no seltas queen, nerscylla, congalala, kecha
why even LIVE
>no Congalala
That's overdesigned as fuck.
But it looks okay.
it's funny how the design looks so much better without the ice
Alatreon is back
Faggot Fox is in, right?
I feel like the apes really wouldn't be that difficult to include. I still kind of expect Blangonga and Rajang.
>I think its not even a Nintendofag
None of the shitposters ever were. The shitposting on both sides ALWAYS came from people who never even touched MH.
I'm almost expecting Rajang to get teased as the first update monster after Iceborne releases
He's in
>How does it use the ice? To make matters more complicated, the Monster Hunter team tries to work within the realm of plausibility. As far-fetched as these monsters may seem, the designers agonize over coming up with explanations for their various abilities beyond shrugging and invoking the supernatural. The same goes for Velkhana.
>“We didn’t want it to be defined as, ‘Oh, it’s able to use these ice attacks by performing magic,’” Fujioka says. “We didn’t want that kind of characteristic; we wanted it to be grounded in some level of believability. That was kind of a starting point there. We bounced a bunch of different ideas amongst ourselves, and what we ultimately chanced upon was the idea of supercooling, where liquid immediately turns to a solid under certain conditions. We felt that would be a very interesting concept to base an elder dragon on, so we went in that specific direction.”
>Once you start the battle, it darts into the air and covers itself in a layer of icy shards. It also blasts ice at hunters. What’s the in-universe explanation? “When it shoots an icy breath it’s liquid while it’s still breathing, but the moment that it hits the ground that liquid immediately turns to ice,” Fujioka says. “At the same time, if it’s interacting with the air around it there’s kind of a more dense fog that breath is able to interact with that fog and create ice in midair.” Between Velkhana’s scales are ducts that excrete the liquid that it can freeze to armor itself up when necessary. “Again, it’s grounded a little more in the believability, but executing these almost magic-like attacks.
Will they let him keep his hitboxes?
they say as fatalis literally summon meteors from the sky
I think it's basically a scale. They try to keep the regular monsters the most "grounded" and least magical. Go out further for elder dragons (I mean Kirin summons lightning from the sky), and then just toss it out the window for the black dragons.
Okay then how do you explain Valstrax
>Velkhana sweats liquid nitrogen
Good thing Kushala has a gland that controls the climate, can create centered whirlwinds and lets his heavy metal ass fly.
Those eyes...
Surprisingly Valstrax is one of the less magical ones. He just breathes in hard and burns everything he has through his wings. Blame the retarded energy imput needed on vague bioenergy catch-all term.
He breathes through gills on his chest which convert much of the air into bioenergy that he violently expels out of his wingtips. You can even incapacitate him pretty hard if you can stagger him while he tries to take in extra air.
yeah, its overriding an existing layered armor
It's concept art is cooler looking desu
Valstrax actually does have a reason given to it by the developers. Its respiratory system is built like a bird's except it can "breathe" through its wings to ignite them or something. There are sketches floating around
All fishes have armor gimmicks now. I hope that when Plesioth eventually arrives he gets some weird water armor that he uses to channel his older games's shitboxes.
>the only ones modders have attempted to not simply port but actually touch it up so it doesn't look like shit is this and the Ceadeus armor
I really can't believe that they're expecting us to pay 50 dollars for this shit. I played the beta and I think the new area is fine and so is the Barroth reskin but holy shit, this is overall pure laziness. They better rapid fire new monsters from now until September because this is hardly worth 20 dollars.
>first the concept art for Anjanath which flat out had a vulture head+beak
>now this griffon looking fucker
>Could have had a griffin
>Got another boring dragon
God fucking damn it
The concept art for most of the "big" World monsters are wasted potential desu
>tfw my 2 favorite monsters
fuck man why can't Capcom implement a cross-save feature
>what's that? you like kushala daora and want the ice version of him? say no more
literally nobody asked for this
Its like they took this concept and just split it up into Vaal and Nerg
I'm not really complaining if that was the decision though
honestly is there some kind of dedicated falseflag going on to make MH vets look bad by associating them with GUfags?
that's clearly Odogaron
It really does
this looks terrible, they made the right choice
LS has been better than SA in every single MH game except Gen.
They already did
Just a dedicated operation to point out your poor reading comprehension.
That's a zerg
When are they going to add the damn Magnet Spike and Tonfas to the main games already?
I would've liked more if we had a really deranged dragon deep down the Rotten Vale. This one looks straight out of Breath of Fire though. Vaal Hazak is too much of a neet to do anything down there, he even lets Odogaron attack him the lazy ass.
Yeah, where's my magnet dookie?
I just realized what this piece of shit reminds me of! Seriously Velkhana just isn't all that interesting. I'm anticipating the older flag ships more than I am this guy.
World monsters in general are generic and have been outdone by more interesting monsters from the past, as shown here
since Frontier is shutting down soon I wonder how long it'll take to get free private servers up that don't ban you for speaking foreign languages
>“We didn’t want it to be defined as, ‘Oh, it’s able to use these ice attacks by performing magic,’” Fujioka says.
Yeah because you assholes already made an elder dragon that does that.
Seltas X armor is so damn cool
Even the female version is awesome
>yogcast stabbed him and capcom pushed the dagger deeper
What the fuck do most of these have to do with each other?
But what about dragon made out of metal that can create hurricanes?
The strongest elder dragons are always magic and shit, to give an alien feeling and a contrast agains the other more grounded monsters.
Having a monster whose powers cannot be explained and are believed to be pure magic is pretty scary in a world when living nukes have a scientific explanation
Hey, it's Hannibal from God Eater.
>Most of them are just bad .
i would agree but at least a few do stand out as really good, always fucking loved the gore magala gear
Gammoth is everything Banbaro wishes it could be and more.
Paolumu fills a similar niche as Mizutsune in the furry fandom except it sucked.
Astalos easily has more unique animations and never flies longer than neccessary. There's nothing interesting about Legiana, and the Shrieking variant adds nothing to an already mediocre concept.
Anjanath is everything wrong about World's design philosophy. He's literally picture related.
Valstrax's wing pointing gimmick is more intriguing than Nergigante's spike regrowth. Valstrax is also not a mary sue propped up by Capcom's marketing.
Nakarkos manages to be more alien-looking than the actual alien dragon, Xenojiiva, just by being a cuttlefish with sockpuppet tentacles.
Ahtal-ka is hands down the best siege monster in the franchise, and it's a disgrace we got downgraded to a fucking gacha like Kulve as a siege.
your opinion is shit except for the anjanath part
So which dragons are the top dogs in MH until now?
>Dire Miralis
>Shagaru Magala is probably in there somewhere
>was a mhw designs are bad I like old waaa
>modder gives you old
>it looks thousand of ways better than the DS versions
>waaa why it doesn't look like the mhw armors waaaa
Fucking entitled zoomers
I really hate MHW's focus on elders. It's so fucking anime. I always liked when they'd do it where it'd be like, the flagship isn't actually an elder dragon. Like the elder dragon would be the cause of all the problems, but the flagship itself would be something else. I think it allows for more interesting stuff.
Like imagine if instead of the flagship being this dumb ice dragon, it was this big fluffy monkey yeti thing. That'd be cool.
I think Banbaro's design would have been cool as the flagship. Shame it's an early shitter monster.
Even the boot screen seems to agree. If Banbaro was given the flagship treatment, maybe he'd stand a chance competing with Gammoth.
>Another early monster whos weapons and armor is getting discarded after an hour of playtime
>Just like Paolumu, Anjanath, Barroth, Dodogama, Legiana, Pukei-Pukei, Radobaan, Tobi and Urugaan
I agree with the sentiment but that image has some wack comparisons in it
Velkhana set
I'm playing tri after world left me wanting more, and I want my click clack, paddy wack, hot snack, agnak boy in world
Why do we never see the baby monsters?
>until now
The Fatalis trio, Dalamadur and Lao more or less shit on every Elder Dragon around. The last one isn't really aggressive, but it's still known to destroy whole environments if not ecosystems by just walking from place to place.
>deep down the Rotton Vale
>needing a dragon
They nerfed it in Iceborne. Still too long, imo. Should never have buffed it in the first place.
>Supersized Nakarkos that uses the Dalamadur corpses in the Rotten Vale for its tentacles
GaijinShill posted this.
Is 4U or Gen still active online?
Started World earlier this week, but I'm not really feeling it as there's no equipment I want to make
we knew this a bit ago, there is a huge info drop on the away
ded thread
>Paolumu fills a similar niche as Mizutsune in the furry fandom except it sucked.
What a fucking reach, jesus christ; Paolumu and Mizutsune have literally NOTHING in common.
Worse than Lao, and that's an accomplishment
the female armor is beautiful
Not really when siege battles are already so low on the ladder you may as well skip the first step.
I mean, it sucked in 4U, but otherwise, yeah.
Gen definitely. I played through all of G rank online a couple of months ago.
better dead than having console wars shit everywhere
Unfortunately that will probably not happen.
Bird of prey respiratory system combined with jet plane style combustion engine. He breathes through his chest and ignites shit, then ventilates out through his wingclawthings that act as exhaust pipes.
Think of it like Hajime no Ippo where he uses all of the oxygen in his body but instead of punching things he turns into an ADFX-02 Morgan
Blame PS4 being too weak to render both a shitload of feathers and leg-deep snow physics at the same time. That's why The Last Guardian was all bare dirt and carved flat stone.
Get the fuck down from there so I can hit you!
Man I still haven't beat AT Xeno
>that sns
My first MH was Tri but on emulator and World is my proper entry?
How hard will MH diehards fan destroy my feelings-boyhole?
Better Handler
the gameinformer fags said they didn't see khezu so it was probably either a new type of blind monster or it was giginox
anyone that actually plays does not care, almost nobody has played the OG monster hunter because there's little reason to do so when you can play FU instead
Didn’t they say they just couldn’t remember the name?
Gigginox has been asked for years. And his skeleton is already in so yeah.
Kecha Wacha. He’d work well in the Ancient Forrest.
Are any of the transmog mods banned online or is just client side stuff?
I kinda felt bad wrecking his shit since he kind of was just a newborn.
Imagine, you're fresh out of your crystal vagina and the first thing that happen to you is strange little bipedal creature smacking the shit out of you
they dedicated 20 minutes of their podcast to talk about what they saw of iceborne, and they explicitly said they didn't see khezu, so either they lied because they fucked up or they are serious
Fatalis and Dalamadur are definitely the two most threatening monsters period.
Xeno'jiiva is a weird case, because it's literally a newborn, which begs the question of what a fully grown adult Xeno'jiiva would be like. This goes beyond the life cycle stuff shown with monsters like Basarios/Gravios or Gore/Shagaru, since we literally watch the Xeno'jiiva hatch.
Gogmazios is strange, since it just kinda wants to eat gunpowder and fuck off. It's obviously very strong since it's got a Dragonator stuck in it, but we don't really know much about it, same with Dire Miralis. I'd say both are stronger but not quite as insanely high tier as Fatalis or Dalamadur.
Alatreon probably is stronger than most standard-sized Elder Dragons but nothing special.
Shagaru Magala is definitely a weaker Elder Dragon. It's a massive threat to regular monsters because of the virus, however it has no effect on other Elder Dragons. I'd put it next to Nergigante as slightly above standard Elder Dragons.
So yeah, Fatalis and Dalamadur are definitely the most powerful Elder Dragons. An adult fully grown Xeno'jiiva however could potentially as or way more powerful.
no one seems to have been banned for using any kind of mods, I see people with transmogs all the time
"blind bat from Monster Hunter Stories"
It's Khezu, deal with it.
>b-b-but they look baaad
They were talking about something he remembers having seen in Monster Hunter Stories in Monster Hunter Stories, not a Monster they had seen in Iceborne.
I expect Xeno’jiva to return in an adult form. Remember how you kill Gore in 4U only for it be not dead then it runs off and evolves into Shagaru?
Were there anything said ever said by the devs?
I fucking hate clownsuit and that's why I've been sacrificing efficiency over not looking like a retard so far, but that being said I haven't had a single issue with the entire game running a simple alpha Odogaron set.
I think they said they discouraged the use of mods but they never did anything about it in the end
Fucking hell I hate when they do that shit
Just say yes or no you motherfuckers
The dude was already fucking gargantuan as an infant, I know the serie isn't afraid of giving xbox hueg sized monsters as bosses but if it's to give us something like Zorah Magdaros then it can fuck off
i think they do it for plausible deniability if one day they decide to shut everything down, but for now you can use the most outrageous mods you want and nothing will happen, but i do hope someday they execute the fags that spam the chat with automated monster info those people deserve death
I knew about the UI mods that basically give you an MMO UI with monsters part stats and your team contribution but I didn't knew about the chat one, seems pretty damn stupid.
I pretty see these as cheat mods, but at least the UI one have the decency to be exclusive to the dumb fuck using it.
>An adult fully grown Xeno'jiiva however could potentially as or way more powerful.
I hope Iceborne doesn't drop the ball about that. He came out as the surprise source of the game's plot, he deserves more than being painted red and called a G subspecies for the expansion.
Xeno looked like he was in a cocoon, and organisms that emerge from cocoons are already at their adult size. If we get a matured Xeno’jiiva it’ll probably be the same size but perhaps undergone other physiological changes.
Wow a winged four-legged Elder Dragon
I can barely contain my excitement to fight Fatali-I mean Alatre- I mean Velkhana.
You think?
It look more like an egg to me, similar how certain species break out of their eggs by beating the shit out of its shell, but the biggest issue remain that absolutely nothing is natural about Xeno
If people won't get banned for mods that one shot monsters or give infinite items I highly doubt that they would ban people for a transmog mods.
>Game is pretty much about farming
>People cheat in infinite items
Why? You're basically skipping the entire game.
I'm not gonna pretend and said I never cheated in a game but I always did so just to break it and have fun shit happening.
Same reason people would run through a FPS with a god mode I suppose.
Fair enough, I make it sound like it's a big fucking deal, but then again I'm really not against cheating in solo if that's what you want to do.
Not that user, but it can go both ways: if Xeno came from an egg this explains why he seems weak during the fight. This also means there's probably a Xeno'momma around the new world, and needs to be dealt with. Also that the whole Elder crossing can happen later with another Xeno.
If Xeno came from a cocoon it makes sense that Zorah not nuking the region was a wedge on its plans, and it had to get out of the shell weaker than it planned, which explains it flailing around during the fight. If it didn't die there it's probably very mad and can get some deviant tier makeover.
The Sapphire Star is actually Xeno’momma. Just wait for the commander to say something like “The Sapphire Star is shining brighter than usual lately. Almost as if it’s getting closer... Ah well, it’s probably nothing. Go cut up an Anjanath, I’m famished!”
man i miss fitzthistlewitz
>king of the skies
>gets beaten up by an explosive pine cone in the skies
>gets cucked by a prickly pine cone in the skies
Why exactly is Rathalos considered the king of the skies again?
Time change.
He went from Chadalos to Ol' Man Rathkins blabbering on about "back in muh days"
>water element
>neat armor
yep, I'm thinking he's based
I see your point. It's stupid, but I see it
To this day I'm waiting for Capcom to create a new flying wyvern husband and wife. World would've been the perfect opportunity for just that since we're in the NEW WORLD, but nope Rathian and Rathalos are the Pikachu and Charizard of Monster Hunter. Leaving them out of even one game may as well be committing a cardinal sin and will cause fans to sperg.
>One game without Azure and Pinkian autism
>One G game without Goldian and Silver infesting the tower
Don't make me have good dreams user, having this thread purged of that one shitposter was too good already.
such a tragedy
realismfags need to off themselves
What monster would you date?
He even eats shitty Dromes and absorbs their element, killing some of the most boring monsters and putting their powers into a better fight, literally the perfect monster.
Great Jaggi is going to return. I can feel it. He is the strongest.
Sorry, but it's great maccao's turn
fuck transmog, you want the fucking stats, you're gonna look like the monsters from which it comes from.
>he says, while the game technically already has transmog
>Great Jaggi comes back
>Jobs to fucking Great Jagras
It's going to happen, he's a punk AND a punchbag.
I think the only thing weaker then Great Jagras is the Handler.
but the Pukei is stronger than Great Jagras
bump, sugar lump rump!
I don’t get the shitting on Velkhana, we haven’t actually seen a hunt with it yet so it might actually be a good fight despite the boring design.
The problem with Velkhana's design is that she actually looks blander with the ice armor, at least from the screenshots we've seen, she looks better in the one screenshot in which we see her without the armor
Maybe it’ll look better in motion, we’ve only had snippets of Velkhana footage no longer than like two seconds each. They’re being pretty secretive with Velkhana compared to how they handled Nergigante, so I’m sure there’s something more to it.
didnt read lol
The fatties, Miralis and Alatreon are considered the most powerful, not counting Frontier stuff.
Overall, doesn't look like they are really improving on the base game and are just adding more of the same. I'll skip and buy the next time an ultimate version has my best boy in it.
nigga Velkhana is feminine as fuck
>a cousin of the Fatalis trio and is rumored to be immortal isn't the same calibur as the Fatalis trio
>Black dragon info and hunts are under deep cover up censorship
>Their quests pop up in the hubs
>There's even that fucking egg mafia shit in 4U that ends up with an "accidental" Crimson fatty on the loose
Yet everything is fine when they pop up? A-are we really sure we've been fighting the real Fatalis trio this whole time?
So is yours. At least he states his.
Why would clack-clack clack his own clacklets?
>the new fade slash SA gets and that axe mode buff make the pain easier to deal with at least
Last content i played in MHW was Arch Tempered Jagras on PC
Did i miss anything great? Was AT Kulasha / Kulve and Nergi any good?
Any new cool event or quest i missed?
RIP Glavenus weapons, I guess.
You fags really will bitch about literally anything, and I wish there was something to even bitch about in this image but there fucking isn't, thank god I stopped listening to Yea Forums years ago.
Iceborne’s director is the director of Generations, that’s why Glavenus is in in the first place. Monsters like Deviljho got to keep their old designs so I’m sure the director’s pet will get to keep his old weapon designs.
He's a Canadian
More like NERDgigante haha!
>honestly is there some kind of dedicated falseflag going on to make MH vets look bad by associating them with GUfags?
Vets already look bad by clinging to trash games like FU and not embracing World and admitting that it's the only good game in the series.
yeah they should take their time porting monsters nobody cares about from the ps2 and psp days
>I think its not even a Nintendofag. It's just some typical Yea Forumsermin riling up threads considering he has this file on his computer.
I mean, that was always obvious to me.
We've never seen a tempered handler tho
The Handler is, in truth, humongously strong, thats why she runs around like a retard without a wingle care in the world
Interesting. How do handlers reproduce? Can they breed with hunters?
They already said MH won’t be annual.
Of course.
It is known that handlers rape unters in their sleep, and sometimes they will kidnap them for breeding purposes
Is there a way to avoid getting raped by a handler or should we just roll with it?
Aw come on they could have showed some bit of skin for the male version too.
>how do handlers reproduce
Theres no hope, try to cooperate and leave with the smallest amount of bruises possible
I made a quick poll about if people think the Handler is ugly based off a discussion with my friend. Its only 4 quick questions and I would love if some of you idiots answered it.
Already got 3 responses. Love you 3 randos,
Why can't we have a Great Jaggi wave mode, just fukken kill Great Jaggis by the dozens
I'm okay with this but only with Serious Handler.
Handler a shit who constantly put herself, and by extension, you, in danger.
Well our handler IS ugly but after a long day of monster hunting, I wouldn't mind relieving some stress with her
You right, you right. Next time I do this poll it will also have the question "Would you fuck her"
Okay, question added, just for you my dude.
Pretty sure Capcom said at some point than Xeno is adult. Either in a commentary in the MHW artbook or in some interview.
What makes Fatalis so scary?
goat tier design
very nice
it's pleb filter
>no tigrex
>no Nargacuga
>No Kusha
>No Rath
>kusha reskin
>completely different moves
Oh but fucking Alatreon is fine though. Kill yourself.
AT Kulve sucks. It's just normal Kulve but now with the ability to end your life
AT Kush sucks
AT Vaal sucks
AT Teo and AT Luna are alright
AT Xeno was the best AT until AT Nerg came out.
>all these mad nintenkucks over Iceborne
it gets better and better as release date slowly coming
Chinese then
Can't actually kill it for good. It regenerates. It's the end all be all of elder dragon fear as all Elder Dragons are terrified of it. It merely being in your general area is enough to destroy the continent. It's infamous of just eradicating hunters. Anybody that wears anything it was made out of eventually goes insane and die or disappears. And frontiers Fatalis literally melded armor and hunters into itself. Not to mention it has an actual fear aura that instinctually makes things terrified of it, assuming they don't just die.
You know that giant as sword you could mine in F2/FU? That was made out of fatalis. And that's why it could regrew the parts you mine from it everyday.
And AFAIK. Even though there are quests for it. Killing White Fatty isn't actually canon.
What's this? I thought AT Nerg was supposed to be the final content update.
Are we getting some pre-Iceborne events, like in an MMO?
goofy ass monster
Halloween festival.
That's just fanfic though. Fatalis is just a big fire breathing lizard. You can kill it the same as any other monster.
But we already had Harvest Fest last year. The data is in the game client already.
Actually that's just the descriptions on the armorset and the flavortext from Frontier. Frontier not being cannon.
The only actual canon thing is
Fatalis Regenerates
People who wear it's armor set go crazy and die.
AT nerg is last
but PC missed some events like
Street Fighter layered armor
MHXX is not cannon too
I was talking about MHFU's sets. I haven't actually played XX.
>Street Fighter layered armor
I doubt we'll ever get those at this point. We didn't get the regular non-layered SF collaboration sets either. For some fucking reason, even though both are Capcom's first-party games.
But I guess there is a possibility, however slight.
Crimson fatalis to me. Imagine it in world graphics makes me wanna cum
lmao so mad
It's out
What do you guys think?
I'll let you know in half an hour
holy shit there's a bunch of new monsters in this trailer
He’s in.
fucking where
Alright so far so fucking good.
Teased him at the end with that Uragaan covered in green shit stumbling up and exploding.
>Designated take off clothes button
yukumo kino is back on the menu
Right at the end.
>green exploding stains on Uragaan
Guess everyone on that big image are basically confirmed.
Waiting for my boy Zin and Ala to be confirmed next.
>Difficulty based on party sizes
About fucking time.
I didn't notice the green shit, fuck yeah brachy
JFC they allow players across the expansion and not on the expansion to play with each other. About fucking time.
The twist is that it's actually only 1/20 of the gathering hall that they showed and you need to run at least 3 minutes to get to everything important before a hunt.
only below master rank though, not much reason to do so unless you play with friends just starting the game
Sure. But the point is that you can actually do it at all.
well they made new npcs to handle stuff like managing bounties. and they made it so going to the blacksmith will have a quick load instead of a full loading transition.
Remember when MH Gen came out lads and everyone was crying over how casual it was because of the styles, then world came out lol
Wait a second I thought the fated four were dumb anime shit that didn't belong in a real monster hunter game
stop listening to shitposters
Correction: they're about to lose their balls so the World audience can stand a chance against them.
>Best boy Odogaron gets a subspecies
This is all i've ever wanted.
Yukumo is best village and I will not hear otherwise
this guy played for 10 hours and quit because it wasnt muh mhtri copy with new grafixxx lmao so mad
"Someone help me!"
So this means Gore is in, right?
>Green slime on Uragaan's face
I can't fucking wait
yukumo is comfy but pokke has always been peak comfy for me
I like the crab thing with the castle also the gorillas are awesome world didn't get any insects either
Only 6 more months until the version that doesn't have 2 minute load times while running at 20 fps.
Denialfags btfo
new trailer shows the Glavenus CB was spared we may get lucky
I don't think that's glavenus, looks like the odo charge blade
I'd shit a brick if they actually fixed lagi's neck
Keep em coming.
That's Odo.
The trailer shows Narga Bow which looks the same as in the old games.
narga LS also
Is that Lagi even a new model?
Narga SnS is back as well
Listposter on suicide watch.
even if every weapon gets a proper model back you know the Kulve ones are screwed
Three dead fishes
As they should be. Fucking Kulve
That's true. At least the Iron weapon designs in this game are some of the best in the series, but yeah I'd rather not have a recolor of them for post-patch meta weaponry.
Anjanath Re-Skin with Zinogre mechanic...
>Furniture is back
>inviting people to rooms is back
>Hotsprings are back
repeat after me
Finally adding the good monster back. Only change left for me to like the game is to revert the charms, decorations, and armor skills back to the way they were in the previous games. I know this isn't going to happen, so you guys have fun. I'll be off playing something else.
Who's weapon could this be?
Shrieking Legi
Looks like Legiana to me.