Hollow Knight dev: "I would sooner chop my balls off than take inspiration from Dark Souls"

Hollow Knight dev: "I would sooner chop my balls off than take inspiration from Dark Souls"

OMG guys the absolute mad men: mcvuk.com/when-we-made-hollow-knight/

“I hadn’t actually played much of Dark Souls when we were making the game,” he laughs. “I played a fair bit of it after because people talked a lot about how Hollow Knight was like Dark Souls. I think we were referencing a lot of games that Dark Souls references so maybe there’s a lot of connections there.”

Gibson mentions Dark Souls’ “gloomy and oppressive” atmosphere, but apart from that Team Cherry’s inspirations lie elsewhere.

“A couple of games that we played on the NES, things like Zelda 2 or Faxanadu,” Pellen starts explaining. “You know the original Zelda… It’s actually stuff that people probably don’t think of at all. For me it’s just things like A Link to the Past and Majora’s Mask… These are games where they crammed in as many odd moments as possible. And that’s the stuff which is really interesting.”

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What's surprising? Only R*ddit and game "journalist" call this game "Dark Souls with bugs"

And Yea Forums. All the time. I just exposed the ignorance of these utter faggots. Your welcome.

The real question is why is this game being shilled here again as of late?

You can't tell me the knights in City of Tears aren't a direct reference to DaS

>indi pixelshit thinks it can compare to Dark Souls

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>devs can't lie
Retard, the game is obviously inspired by dark souls in every single aspect. Don't know why some people get offended by this though

The entire soul recovery mechanic is ripped straight out of Dark Souls and serves no purpose besides to limit your ability to explore. It's one of the few things I think the game did wrong.

>blatantly rip of Dark Souls at every turn
>claim to have never played Dark Souls, one of the most popular video games of its time
>"lol its just a coincidence guyz"

>hollow knight

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Even the boss names sound like they came out of dark souls, fuck off

>DS defence force already there
that was fast

>another day of my finite I'll spend shilling some indie game for free

>claim to have never played Dark Souls, one of the most popular video games of its time

The entire series sold less than 15 million copies. That's less than Fallout 4. Let that sink in.

why are soulsfags like this?

Not to mention Hollow Knight went into development around the time Dark Souls 2 was coming out. It was niche garbage at the time [still is, but slightly more popular among the "hardcore" (read: loser) crowd]

but that's a measure of popularity among normans. anyone who's a vidya aficionado knows what dark souls is

Why would the devs lie?, they said they took inspiration from metroid, why would they be ashamed of being inspired by ds?

>comparing your indie turd to dark souls

>directly steal ideas from dark souls, not even shamelessly, just straight lifted
>”LMAO havent even played it dude”

I'd hardly consider names like Uumuu and the collector to sound like DS bosses

play more games


>blatantly rip off DS
>everyone calls your game 2D DS
>"n-no! we're paying homage to zelda dummy! i never even heard of dark souls, i swear!"
so is he assblasted that everyone saw through his inspiration or is he afraid of getting assraped by namco if he admits he copied DS?

>nes inspired
>doesn't actually mention ducktails as a inspiration

are you not allowed to cite licensed games as an influence or something?

Wow 5 seconds on Yea Forums and I'm already beyond disgusted.
Rabid underage faggots refuse to accept that dark souls is not the most original thing ever made.
At the very least you ought to acknowledge Demons' souls but your first console was the ps4.
Kill your parents and then kill yourselves, make this board a better place.

>they said they took inspiration from metroid
no they didn't. they claimed they hardly played any metroid game or metroidvanias before

but dark souls is also semi-based on Zelda

>as of late?
The game has been shilled in here since it's release at the same intensity.

>It was niche garbage at the time
DS was pretty big and most people were talking about it during it's release. Demon Souls is the only one that was niche shit.

>Dark souls with bugs

You mean life in china?

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>It was niche garbage at the time
Demon Souls was niche, Dark Souls was anything but

Convergent evolution


>I hadn’t actually played much of Dark Souls when we were making the game
This is a lie. A pretty clear one.

Don't understand why a developer would lie about this.
Like sure, there are a bunch of poop souls inspired 2D clones but Hollow Knight has already had its success.
Especially when it comes to le epic cryptic dialogue you can't tell me that these idiots weren't trying to be muh dark souls.

Agree, HK has more Dark Souls references and inspirations then any other game

The dev also claimed he never played Metroid or Castlevania
I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling, or why he’s so butthurt when people claim his million seller game took inspiration from other games.

> "I would sooner chop my balls off than take inspiration from Dark Souls"

I'd say that too if my game was the inferior product.

bullshit lmao most of the shit is ripped from dark souls. Even the light bad dark good meme.

devs can be compulsive liars too

Light bad is actually a fairly common theme in Japanese games.

Dark Souls is just a 3d MetroidVania and that's where most of the similarities come from aside from the death mechanic (which DS wasn't the first to do)

Good thing the devs are Japanese, right? Oh wait, they're not

Have you ever opened any Hollow Knight thread?
Literally there's always retards comparing it to Dark Souls

What other games have enemies reset when you rest at an area.



Dark Souls isn't metroidvania at all you retard or do you remember unlocking some upgrade that let grapple to the other side of some gap you couldn't pass before?

Chinks have no souls

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They were inspired by Japanese games

>Hollow Knight

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>light bad dark good meme.
Its the opposite, the entire thing is fire good and dark bad.

That first quote isn't in the interview

I remember asking one of the devs about their dark souls influence and they basically said the same thing, so I'm inclined to believe this interview.

I love Hollow Knight but I don't buy it. The benches are too similar to bonfires.

I dunno man, the dev says he'll chop his balls off then admit that his game and style looks similar to Dark Souls which everyone with a brain can see that

>They were inspired by Japanese games

except for dark souls, of course, absolutely not dark souls.

Are they really though? They're just save points. There isn't even any real analog to estus.

They respawn enemies in the area

radiance is the villain tho

Can't think of any metroidvanias that doesn't respawn enemies upon saving/healing

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>Numale says numale things
I am surprised

I think the only reason people associate hollow knight with dark souls is because it's grimdark and you do corpse runs, and also the game isn't a complete pushover.

Castlevania respawns enemies when you leave the screen
Hollow Knight has enemies remain dead unless you
1. Completely leave the entire level
2. Rest on a bench

Just like Dark Souls

Yeahhh, there are plenty of almost direct references. Yea Forums and the developers are on drugs again.

If only the combat was as good as Zelda II.

Zelda 2 was dogshit.

Is there a difference?

So what's that say about Hollow Knight then?

a lot of mechanics is obviously inspired or borrowed from dark souls, and that's a good thing.
HK and DS are my favourite games this decade, i fucking love both


I don't see how Zelda 2's combat is better. It can be enjoyable but has a ton of shortcomings. HK has a way more sensible magic system, smoother controls, has four-way attacking unlocked from the get-go, more enemy types, and is overall a lot less RNG-based.

Also all the lore similarities.

Being bad at it isn't the same as it being bad.

Holy shit this nigga is badass

Have you never done a soul grind in Dawn of Sorrow? You can grind an enemy over and over by killing him, move off screen and immediately back in, kill again.
That technique isn’t possible in Hollow Knight because the enemy spawn is closer to Dark Souls.

what the everloving fuck

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I have a hard time believing it
>having one chance to get back geo after death
>death mechanic explained in-game
>plot trigger is a spreading disease
>Many characters and bosses seem to be inspired by Soulsborne bosses. Radiance by Moon Presence, Hollow Knight by Artorias, Dung Beetle by Siegmayer, Watcher Knight by Abyss Watchers (even the name, not to mention the mechanic)
>vague storytelling
Castlevania, Metroid and Zelda didn't really have those. I know that you could find all of these elements in other games, but not really all of them in one.

>We did not get inspiration from Dark Souls
Yeah, just like how Muse didn't get inspired by Radiohead.

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okay, but in terms of enemies respawning when you save, every metroidvania does it so I don't see how it's a dark souls mechanic

is this what it means to have ascended?

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>>having one chance to get back geo after death
This is the actual bullet, which annoys me you put it first.
>>death mechanic explained in-game
>>plot trigger is a spreading disease
>>Many characters and bosses seem to be inspired by Soulsborne bosses. Radiance by Moon Presence, Hollow Knight by Artorias, Dung Beetle by Siegmayer, Watcher Knight by Abyss Watchers (even the name, not to mention the mechanic)
>>vague storytelling
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh like a japanese TV show audience.

The death mechanic is just too similar in function and style. The rest can easily be circumstancial, especially the knights designs. Seigmeyer and Dung Knight, the only thing they have in common is that they are round. Not to mention that specifically if the pale king is Gwyn, then dung knight would be smough... Your theory flounders here too much, stick to the bullet.

Because enemies respawn ONLY when you save in Hollow Knight and Dark Souls
Every other metroidvania, enemies respawn when you move off screen, saving doesn’t do any respawning at all.

Pretty based considering Hollow Knight is a better game than DS on almost every aspects.

>soulsfags don't know what pixelshit actually is

It's not only just mechanics. It's also that in most games death is rather meta. It's not explained in the narrative. We just assume the character didn't actually die and the story actually continues on from an earlier point. In Hollow Knight and Dark Souls death is integrated into the story. They actually do die the way we see it, just respawn because of their nature.

As for the disease, yeah it's quite similar. It's a plot point driving the story of both Bloodborne and Dark Souls. In addition to Radiance being a similarly hidden boss to Moon Presence they are also both the cause of the disease.

>The death mechanic is just too similar in function and style. The rest can easily be circumstancial, especially the knights designs. Seigmeyer and Dung Knight, the only thing they have in common is that they are round. Not to mention that specifically if the pale king is Gwyn, then dung knight would be smough... Your theory flounders here too much, stick to the bullet.
It's too much stacked up on each other. Obviously it's not the same, Dung Defender is similar in character and physique to Siegmayer. The Watcher Nights have both the name and also trasfer a soul from one to another when the previous one dies. Again if it were just one similar aspect I'd agree it's circumstance when it's several, each of them so vital it's pretty much hard to imagine the game without them then it's really hard to deny the influence.

I mean imagine Hollow Knight with a straight-forward, exposition heavy story, without a dark atmosphere, apocalyptic setting, without half the bosses, without the death mechanic, without death being explained in-lore and without the disease as an important plot point. It's really a different, un-specific game at this point.

I'll also add that I still prefer Hollow Knight to Dark Souls, though I like Bloodborne even more. They're all in my top 10 and each one has enough unique qualities to them for me to enjoy. Originality is overrated.

So I'm not writing this out of spite.

>death shit from dark souls
>story is 1:1 dark souls, king trying to help the world but makes everything worse, tries to find vessels for the fla, i mean radiance that makes everything undea- back to normal bugs

>I know better then the makers of the game what there referencing

Jesus christ kill yourself.

why is this the topic of the day today? I haven't seen this discussion in a while now suddenly there's been threads about this shit all day. Hollow Knight obviously draws from other places, by the way.

Why deny it instead of owning up to it?

>prototype was called hungry knight which used the same sprites
now I want to play as the hungry knight on a journey to eat big dinner

>lying does not exist

To appear more original than you think you are. They mention known classics with vaguely similar game play to make people think that they platformed off of them and brought their own good flare to it.

If they owned it, they'd look less original.
Same reason early Muse is fucking OK Computer era Radiohead but they pretend they were inspired by Queen while pretending Radiohead doesn't exist.


I did not like this game. It is okay to me if you like this game. Have fun everyone.

>that range
you don't lol

Because copying Dark Souls would actually make it a good game.

Why would they lie?

I started choking at Pantheon of the Knight
Fuck Markoth

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Get fucked boomer.

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So just dart and Dodge?

How can one peanut be this based?
Hollow Knight fans piss me off. It's a good game of moderate difficulty, but any discussion of it is just mouthbreathers huffing "GIT GUD" and shit like that

And then claim connection to more shittier but also popular games? I don't get it. Or then the guy got influenced heavily by other devs around him without realizing it.

user explain to me how this game is copying Dark Souls. The level design is obviously far more heavily inspired by Metroid/Igavania/Zelda than Dark Souls.

>Hollow Knight fans piss me off. It's a good game of moderate difficulty, but any discussion of it is just mouthbreathers huffing "GIT GUD" and shit like that
This. Not allowed to criticize their special snowflake indie game.


Much like when Dark Souls was gaining popularity on Yea Forums and everyone with a negative opinion was met with "git gud" spam. History repeats itself.

Lot of the stuff can be attributed to the more general memes that the jap devs use, but the radiance/hollowing thing that also has orange glowing eyes as indicator sure feels similar.

>Bench has roughly the same mechanics as a bonfire
>Geo Recovery functions much like souls recovery with addition of "fight to reclaim it" element
>risk-reward heal mechanic
Alas, not much of the gameplay is directly souls based given it is a 2-d metroidvania.
However, while it doesn't really compare all that much in gameplay, it's setting and mode of story telling are incredibly similar.
Hallownest is similar to Lordran. It has the "this spot is the word and everything outside of it doesn't matter" element, the broken pantheon, the mad king who made a terrible decision, even a plague.

I would be here all day listing the similarities, but the mode of story telling is pretty similar to the way Miyazaki does his.

>king fucks around with (flame/void) in order to stop the spread of (hollowing/radiance)
>those infected by (hollowing/radiance) turn into mindless drones
>you play as the (chosen undead/rejected Hollow Knight candidate) who ultimately acts as a vessel for (flame/void)
He's completely full of shit.

The absolute state of the average intelligence of Soulsfags

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So is the void later on if you're autistic enough to look into it.

>Bench has roughly the same mechanics as a bonfire
>Geo Recovery functions much like souls recovery with addition of "fight to reclaim it" element
This is a feature that existed in MMOs prior to Dark Souls, though I will admit that Souls helped popularize it
>risk-reward heal mechanic
This is also not unique to Dark Souls. Many, many games have a risk-reward in healing. I think the "Soul" meter is actually more well thought out than estus to begin with.

The overall game design of Hollow Knight is much, much, closer to a Metroid game. I'm speaking from a pure gameplay design standpoint because I'm not heavily into the lore of Souls or Hollow Knight. What I will say is that environmental storytelling is also something that can be attributed to a game like Super Metroid. Perhaps the lore shares many similarities, I really don't know. Aesthetically speaking one could argue that Hollow Knight is somewhat reminiscent of Dark Souls but I feel that the artstyle is too far removed to make any real assertion that the developer lifted these ideas from Souls.

anyone with 2 brain cells can see he is bullshitting , fuck him

Anyone could see the Dark Souls comparisons were forced as fuck. Soulsfags are the worst, their heads are so far up their asses.

>Environmental story telling came form Super
I mean Super had that, but Dark Souls also has that a lot better. Also the way NPCs are handled is similar to souls games.

bonfires are not savepoints

the duality of man

You're actually right. Bonfires are checkpoints. Benches are save points.
How is that? What's the unique aspect about Souls NPCs that Hollow Knight is copying? Moving the NPC throughout the world based on player progress?

>ultimately acts as a vessel for (flame/void)
You got it wrong. Void was just used to contain the moth bitch for good since it turns things into emotionless, mindless killers rather than drones.
Void is also apparently deadly as fuck to anything that isn't infused with it
Dark Souls just has the chosen undead walking into a fire to keep the world going for a few more years.
Hollow Knight also has you chained up and keeping moth bitch in you for a few more years as well but you have the choice of pulling moth bitch into a hentai hell of black tentacles as well, or if you're autistic enough, you rape her instead with black tentacles of your own.
TL:DR Miyazaki is a hack

>comparing unique indie soul to some AAA gimmicky nippon trash


>Hollow Knight dev: "I would sooner chop my balls off than take inspiration from Dark Souls"

Absolute fakest of news, why the fuck are you even lying? I just read the whole article waiting for that gem of a line and any other spicy, madman takes, but all I got was respect for various different games that they took inspiration from.

Dark Souls is shoehorned into fucking every conversation at this point. People won't stop sucking it's fucking dick.

Call me a retard, but I swear to god at this point Dark Souls is the Rick & Morty of fucking games. It really is, it's fucking pathetic.

Gives me conniptions

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Because they're full of themselves and pretentious? Have you ever met people you fucking nigger retard?

>2011 FromSoft

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It's actually become a normie meme all the way to Facebook and Twitter to say something is "The Dark Souls of X" and they STILL do it unironically. It's fucking pathetic.

i never thought HK fans would be so assblasted at having to admit the similarities between the 2 games

gotdamn nigga talk about biting some lazy ass bait

they like to think their game is unique

Option 1: It is an actually, genuinely good game. Seriously.
Option 2: the sequel is coming out

not at release, it started around when grimm is out give or take
t. bought and played it on release on a whim

dark souls is shit compared to hollow knight

>would rather die then take DS inspiration
>many mechanics and elements in the game are comparable to DS games

wew lad

Game is good, so who cares?

It's strange. HK is a good game but it's not unique or special in any way.

And you know...benches, certain levels, "soul, ember, void" being used similarly used concept wise, etc.

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I have never played Dark Souls either. I only got around playing Bloodborne this year after friend made me play Sekiro.

they are AAA developer
Team Cherrry is just 2 australian rednecks with -1 budget
And they owned nipcoocks with soul and quality

I mean hey its obvious
I'll keep saying that as a hollow knight fan there are some vapid similarities between it and other games.
Super Metroid especially because it is Metroid like in its storytelling, with the exception of NPCs in a few areas


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Literally just git gud. The game is great, you just have to not be shit at video games to enjoy it.

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is he seriously saying the soul retrival was a coincidence then? As well as the checkpoint system and that you are in an ancient kingdom that is going HOLLOW

what a fucking liar

Listen, what said is my biggest thing. I don't give a fuck if you compare it to something but comparing it so heavily to Dark Souls is just ridiculous when Hollow Knight is copying the games that Dark Souls drew inspiration from. This is coming from a fan of DaS. Hollow Knight is Metroid as fuck in its design but people rather compare it to Dark Souls.

No they said they played Link to the Past, Majora's Mask, and Faxanadu.

The story isn't 1:1: dark souls. It's a story of two Gods battling for domination over the bugs. You've got Wyrm, who doesn't corrupt the bugs, and then you've got Mothra.

Quality post my friend.

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what is so unique about Dark Souls checkpoint system? holy fuck

>is he seriously saying the soul retrival was a coincidence then?
I dont remember Meme Souls having a shadows self you needed to defeat
The gear/stuff retrieval was invented by Diablo, not by your shitty game.

>As well as the checkpoint system and that you are in an ancient kingdom that is going HOLLOW
the fuck does this means

Jinzo is a faggot.

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> IGA drops truth bomb in 2003 that Casylevania SoTN was inspired by Zelda, not Metroid
> metroidfags couldnt cope and seething hard
> HK devs drops a truth bomb they were ALSO mostly inspired by Zelda
> this time memesouls fags seething hard


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post yfw you refunded/never bought this game

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Guys, Dark Souls isn't as fucking original as you think it is.

So full of shit, there is no way the whole retrieval thing and tone of the "ruined kingdom" setting is a complete coincidence.

He should be happy it's considered a metroidvania. I would consider it one since it does not have a stamina bar like S&S or Death's Gambit which are both very much trying to be a 2D Dark Souls game.

>Hollow Knight dev: "I would sooner chop my balls off than take inspiration from Dark Souls"

Why are you using kike journalist tactics OP? He didn't say that.

I called Iga a liar for that shit. Now I can believe they weren't inspired by Dark Souls but there's no fucking way Team Cherry wasn't inspired by Metroid.

Other games used the same "Soul retrieval" mechanic.

>As well as the checkpoint system
Checkpoints a la Hollow Knight have been a staple of the genre since Metroid 1.

>IN an ancient kingdom that is going HOLLOW
The kingdom is gone, and everyone there is either a looter or a bandit. It's basically Mad Max, which is fitting because the devs are Australian. They probably drunkenly stumbled out into their backyard, found a spider that can kill a blue whale with one bite fighting off a horde of ants while ringed in by some foot long centipedes and worms, said "strewth m8! I think that dingo's eating the shrimp on me barbie!", and went back inside to watch Fury Road and program a video game.

God I wish I was you.

>He should be happy it's considered a metroidvania.
It's a Metroid-like you jackass

>but there's no fucking way Team Cherry wasn't inspired by Metroid.
They werent. Because they were inspired by SOTN. They even made comparison against it. In fact, one of these is on the store page on Steam

But he did take ideas from Dark Souls. This guy is on the same level of denial as the Shantae creator never admitting he took inspiration from Monster World IV

They're both outright lies that everyone can see through.

No fucking shit, neither is this game. I would rather stare at the sun than put the word "original" near a game about colorless mashups of Devil May Cry and Monster Hunter, let alone a game about the exact same thing except as insects with skull faces.
After refunding and giving a negative review, two people seethed at me. Not only did I get my refund, I also got my money's worth of salt.

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Man get the fuck out of here. Hollow Knight is way more like Super Metroid in structure than fucking garbage ass SotN. Closest thing it has to SotN is NPC presence and charms and those are hardly the same.

It's a good game. One of the best in its genre.

Cope hard, seething tranny.
Go dilate or something.

Its map layout is more Super Metroid, but aesthetically and gameplay wise, I'd say more SotN.

>It's a good game.

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>Too many hours to refund
>Write a negative review
>White knights attack with "If you didn't like it why did you play for so long?"

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>No fucking shit, neither is this game
Of course it's not. Who the fuck is saying that Hollow Knight is a bastion of originality? The only real denial is that the game was a love letter to Dark Souls or whatever Dark Souls fanboys want to claim.

the default argument for Jewish tricks.
keep seething

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>Zelda 2

Okay these devs are pretty based. The Xanadu series especially is amazing.

B-but I'm being sincere. It really is a good game. :(

>Played for 0.9 hours
>Write a negative review
>White knights attack with "You didn't even play it for an hour!"

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>Didn't play long
>Beat it

you go around and activate them and can go back to them to spawn from them. You can strategically plan which you will use in some scenarios. They are tucked away and feel lonely but also homely. Nothing Dark Souls invented

yes, they tool dark souls system and added the shadow. That they added the shadow doesn't mean he didnt take the soul retrival concept.

this post is all "other games did this"

Never said Dark Souls was the first to do any of these things, they just popularized it. If anytime between 2012 and now you are using these mechanics it is because of the popularity of the soulsborne games. Especially if you are using multiple of them

Would they be friends or fight?

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> yes, they tool dark souls system and added the shadow.
How about:
> take the retrieval concept from Diablo but add your own twist with Shadow?

See, you are a faggot and everyone can see it now too.

Play the fucking game for more than one hour you nigger.

I can't believe these fucks ACTIVELY DENY that dark souls invented gloomy settings and save points


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retarded NEET here, theoretically would anyone here pay 15 bucks for this shitty vector drawing I did on a shirt?

I am gonna be spending the entire summer locked up in my room producing 1 tshirt design a day, this is the first, was just learning the program and how vector/ink tool works, the original sketch was having her sitting down with her needle in her lap, but that didnt work out

anyway one of the things I am so excited about regarding silksong is that there is NO LINKS with it and Hollow Knight - we are getting a brand new story, brand new world, its actually really rare for modern video games to do that when you think about it

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I can't believe these fucks ACTIVELY DENY the fact that any game release PAST Dark Souls owns it success to Dark Souls that invented every original game mechanic.

Remember, kid: if it wasnt for Dark Souls your shitty game wouldnt be popular in a first place.

Make the game fun first, you stupid shill.

They would be friends
because slug and bug are best fren

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>theoretically would anyone here pay 15 bucks for this shitty vector drawing I did on a shirt?
No, but I can safely say you will pay about 1,5mil attorney and court fees very soon unless you read up on copyright law.

They would be friends, for they are two good games from good devs

I wouldn't even pay 15 bucks for Hollow Knight, so fuck off.



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Uh... the guy on the right in that image was not slug, it was Ori

The story was literally copypasted from dark souls, don't lie to us

If older games use a mechanic, and then one game comes and uses it and becomes very popular, and suddenly a wealth of other games start popping up and using it as well, you are blind to think they arent influenced by the more modern game. The timing of when these things happen matters

Man, Hollow Knight threads used to be fun and even comfy. But now it seems like they're started and populated by shills, shitters, and false flaggers. What happened?

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the funny thing is I'd be spending the money on one of those expensive a hollow knight plush grubs

What? No

go watch mossbag

People are waiting for silksong.


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Markoth ain't too bad, you can pogo over his head a little bit before the second shield comes out and you can also freely hit him with spells, it's not like the shield blocks themVEO MAL!

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Sorry guys, I don't know why it posted the R-9.

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I don't know. When the Dark Souls inspiration feels so obvious that it's out of place, I don't think he's telling the truth. I didn't gather a Zelda 1 or 2 or MM feel out of Hollow Knight at all, so he's clearly talking out of his ass.

I know for a fact one of the devs was a Nintendo kid through and through.

Bloodstained came out and people started to "compare" the two for an excuse to shitpost.

You know what this shit reminds me of? It's the Resident Evil 1 team swearing they had never seen the original Alone in the Dark before making their game. Despite their game being a 90% ripoff of Alone in the Dark down to the layout of the mansion.

It happens to everything discussed on Yea Forums
>Devil May Cry
>Mario Maker
>Shin Megami Tensei
Threads about those series used to be comfy. But now they are nothing but dumpster fires, full of shitposting and wojaks.

hollow knight is getting popular

it is only a great slide downhill from here

Yes I know, what I'm saying is because slug and bug are fren, bug and Ori would be great fren

Because Iga and Mikami want to be seen as innovators and genre inventors instead of hacks

Iga can make good things but by god that Igavania term makes him sound more pretentious than Kojima.
Are all big name japs like that?

Makes sense.

Good thing they arent enemies otherwise the knight would be bash spammed to death

Another example: Swery claiming he's never seen Twin Peaks.

That's because the weaboos enable them to be like that.

Weaboos are just one of the many kinds of white guilts that resulted from the wrong side winning the WWII. People who worship other races and ethnicities like gods.

A small cabal ran those original threads, and now that more people have played it, they aren't just disaapointed with the game, they are now actively angry at the people who made those threads, misleading them in the first place

It is tho

it blows my mind that there is any disagreement that the dev told an obvious lie
and fuck hollow knight. game is nowhere near as good as you homos think it is. it's a 6/10 game at best. fucking ori is a better game in every single way

How is it a 6/10 game?

Imagine Bethesda called all open world games Toddscrolls games.

it isn't fun so it's a 6/10 game
if this was the 90's it would be a 7/10 maybe
and yes, i am the arbiter of fun
honestly i fucking hated it and would score it far lower but then it would just look like i'm trying to start trouble. hollow knight sucks
but to the point of the thread, yes, of course the dev is lying about the dark souls influence. i don't even consider it a fault with the game, and i don't see how anyone could, but it's patently-obvious


Usually when you use "it's not fun" as an argument, you're expected to state what makes it not fun. I'm gonna pirate the game to see how it is, but it would be nice to know the underlying complaints.

>Imagine Bethesda called all open world games Toddscrolls games
Imagine if every Megaman platforms was called an Inaformer

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Yeah, up to ascended is fine because focusing is broken.

Radiant Markoth is fucking bullshit though , theres NO counterplay to nails spawning on top of you as you fall because you instadie.

Radiant markoth took me over 1 hour of attempts compared to rad absrad's and PV's 20 minutes

Lmao, you're not even trying

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Did you even play hollow knight?

I am an Ori fan and i dont think ori is infinitely superior at all. Both have shit combat but ori is far shittier, Ori's story has much less depth despite me liking it more, and ori suffers HEAVILY with no side content

As someone who enjoys ori more than HK, HK is WAY more worth than Ori because of side content alone

Yeah, it took me a while as well. Actually I kinda just cheesed it because the fucker was close to me the whole fight and somehow the projectiles missed, kinda the same happened with Uumuu, luckily two jellys spawned right next to it as it was all deflated so it was an almost instant kill.

But I agree with you, Dark Souls invented all games.
In fact, there were no games before Dark Souls. It was truly
dare I say
a Dark age,

As someone that has played the game there are a few things up with it.
For one, it's a very slow start. The game doesn't really open up until you start getting the Mantis hook and the Monarch Wings.
For another, basic enemies up until the point when you reach Kingdom's Edge are kinda basic, very easy to deal with.
For yet another, the MC is slow as shit unless you get the sprintmaster charm.
And yes while the storytelling is VERY Metroidlike in presentation, it does have a few similar beats to Dark Souls. Not enough to make it beat by beat a copy, but enough that it's rather noticeable. Still a good story nonetheless unless you're as autistic as Metroid thread's ACFag and hate stories in literally any media.
Also Godmaster is more tedious than hard.

Carlos I swear to cowboy Christ someone is gonna hang your ass for this shit

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>did you even play Hollow Knight
No, I just wanted to fit in

i wouldn't torrent it just because you will know within 2 hours if you like it and if I torrented it I would probably end up beating it and then never buying it because I wouldnt want to reset my progress. Just put a timer on yourself so that you can refund it in time if you dont like it but you'll know pretty quickly and theres no huge time sink tutorial to make it hard to refund.

you don't make the rules, guy
the game isn't fun
dead-serious dude i fucking hated it.
i get that. but i don't take much time to play videogames so i want them to be quick and nice and done like sex with my chick. hollow knight is one of those "oh wow let's make the game deliberately obtuse because we are so smart" confusing-ass bullshit. it's a fucking platformer. just let me go screen-by-screen moving from left to right. don't fucking make me have to try and think what you, the developer, wanted the player to do at any given moment. this is my biggest gripe with indie games. they're so poorly-made that you have to start thinking "ok, what was the dev going for here. what did they want me to do"

it isn't fun. it's shit and it's embarrassing to go through this process. i must note that i am confident i am at least mildly autistic

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the game is not that obtuse. It simply requires you to use your brain

If you dislike that thats ur problem

He obviously has never played the game, or just played it enough to die to the Gruz Mother and never touched it again. Stop giving him (you)'s

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If I wanted to use my brain, I'd buy a fucking puzzle game and not a platformer. How about you use yours first before white knighting your tumblrtard magnet?

>Shin Megami Tensei
It's all a bunch of hoyboy posters demanding people behold their demons.

Imagine being a memesouls fanboi and 2 years later still being mad that a simple 2D platfromer crap outranked your idol game by being more memesouls than MemeSouls itself.

I can feel the asshurt.

the console version ruined everything

For fuck sake buglets, stop bumping you're useless thread when it's obvious you have nothing to say and just try to bait naysayers just to bump your shitty thread.

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literally the game just doesnt hold your hand. Its fun to most people to explore in a platformer game.

Like the trailer says, you gotta carve your own path. You are alone and you gotta find your own way. That was always a key part of metroidvanias.

I dont think you have mild autism you are just a fucking idiot

Hollow Knight is a combat heavy Metroid-like.

>dying kingdom
>dark and ambient
>the few people left are slowly going mad and attack you
>most of the story occurred long ago
>bosses were once great and proud people of the kingdom's lore, reduced to madness
>three dreamers, four Lord souls
>the current age is coming to an end; you can sacrifice yourself to keep it going just a little longer, though it's almost futile
I like Hollow Knight but to claim there's no Dark Souls inspiration is either denial or delusion.

Hollow knight's combat is kinda shit tho

Dont get me wrong the game is great, but nearly all enemies are just spam nail / pogo.

There are like, only 10 bosses that are actually difficult and not absolute slowfucks

>I enjoy Ori better but HK is better
What the fuck is this post

NGo watch mossbag's videos dude

The entire metroidvania "rebirth" is because of fromsoft games. It's just the indie equivalent of dark souls. What a fucking liar

I mean, i found myself having more fun playing Ori before it got boring to replay. Thats okay, fun is subjective.

But i think hollow knight is objectively a better game, as in it has much more replayability, quite more complex and much more side content and that in average most people will say HK>Ori, which people in fact do. And i too think HK is way more worth the money than ori in terms of side content alone. If someone asked me whether to play Ori or HK first, i'd suggest HK.

>Dark Souls is a Metroidvania
explain to me which power ups you get in Dark Souls allows you to explore the area further than just "beat a boss, get their soul, get to progress because that soul is the key to the next area"?

I fucking hate the designs of all the characters in Hollow Knight, they all look dumb as fuck. Samus and Alucard have amazing designs, and then you have this dumb little bug.

Nobody said that you fucking idiot.

You know, its possible that Hollow knight and Dark souls drew inspiration from similar sources and that one need not have inspired the other

that wasn't me bro
i just don't have time to be trying to enter the heads of some indie devs to figure out what they want me to do
ori was better and i thought it was a pile of shit. sequel looks brilliant though, at least graphically.
i don't know if failing to love hollow knight makes me a fucking idiot, but i'll take your word for it.

I'm surprised to find that there is any debate at all that Hollow Knight was influenced by Dark Souls. I thought it was blatantly obvious that this was the case, and I'm struggling to see how anybody could argue otherwise. Saying HK wasn't influenced by DaS because "the dev said so", as if nobody has ever lied about who their influences were, is just silly.

Theres nothing wrong with not loving hollow knight

The way you said not being handheld is bad makes me think you in fact are an idiot

This completely ignores the timing. If a game takes inspiration from a 20 year old game, and then another game a year later supposedly takes inspiration frombthe same sources, you can bet that the more modern game influenced them in some way. They were inspired by the modern game to take inspiration from the old game.

>>The entire Metroidvania "rebirth" is because of FromSoft
>implying FromSoft "rebirthed" the genre with their games
Yeah you're looking to be the retard here fag, now let's see if anyone can answer the question

>i just don't have time to be trying to enter the heads of some indie devs to figure out what they want me to do
I think your problem is that you are approaching the game with entirely the wrong mindset for a metroidvania. There is nothing in HK that should be requiring you to think very much, just go exploring and if you can't reach an area or get past an obstacle, then go somewhere else and comeback later when you have more powerups. Metagaming it by trying to emulate the developer's thoughts inside your head sounds incredibly unfun for any game.

No, it's implying that Hollow Knight is the indiefaggot's Dark Souls, which if you actually bothered to pay attention to this thread, it actually is.
Eat a dick.

no, it's really not that. i just remember spending too much time thinking where i'm supposed to go next. if you want an actual criticism, the game lacks landmarks and screen-by-screen there is not enough variety
you're probably right insofar that my approach is wrong. if it provides any clarity, i will say that the worst game i've ever played is "the witness". i just fucking hate the style. the witness was actually so unenjoyable to me that it probably ruined hollow knight, years later.

>death mechanic where you have to get back to the place of your death to get all your money and power back
>bonfire-esque feeling to resting at a bench and getting your bearings in a new area
>set in a dead kingdom populated with zombie-like beings where you have to get access to a maddened shell of the kingdom's old hero to kill him and either take on his burden or attempt to break the cycle
>lots of warriors you can encounter on their journeys along the way with often melancholy conclusions to their questlines

There's a good bit of comparison to be drawn in Hollow Knight, I'm not going to doubt the developers or anything but

Of course, no one in the development team ever said "hm this reminds me of dark souls"
No sir
Sounds like the dev also took inspiration from Todd

>Post refers to FromSoft being the cause of a Metroidvania "rebirth"
>"Actually it's implying Hollow Knight is indie Dark Souls, which it is"
Either you're moving the goalposts or you're shit at clarifying posts
either way you need to fix your shit you bumbling retard

ok nigger

>Hollow Knight is the indiefaggot's Dark Souls
The first and last points are valid, but the second one, that's just save points and the third can be said about hundreds of games, like you know, Metroid or Castlevania

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fucking die already

says the double nigger that can't admit to being a flaming soulsfaggot

>death mechanic where you have to get back to the place of your death to get all your money and power back
is terraria a dark souls reference now too despite coming out months before it