Now that the dust has settled, is it worth a purchase + all it's DLC?
Now that the dust has settled, is it worth a purchase + all it's DLC?
It's on humble monthly bro
You have to like classic-style RPGs in order to appreciate it.
Not even saying it's good or not. Just that you have to already have a niche taste to think it's interesting.
Is the combat in this any good?
It's not bad but it gets far too easy past a certain point. Like game broken easy.
No, it's shit
>those shirt buttons sticking to the skin
they STILL haven't patched this? tell me this is an old webm
Keen eyes. I just realized that lol.
if you get a polearm the AI can't even fight you properly
I played the shit out of it and have zero interest in going back for the DLC
but yes its fun. Really immersive.
DrDrfinitelDrDrfinitely. One of the best games of this generation gewnetiong genshr
>can't romance the cute gay monk novice
Did you get a stroke?
One on one? Its the fucking best. Getting mobbed? Pure cancer
Game pad or mouse+keyboard for this?
I remember this part bugging out like 5 fucking times where everybody's dead
At first it's good but it gets really tedious and you start to notice all the ways it could be better. Don't believe the people that say it's like a classic rpg. It is not, it has some survival elements that don't matter after some point and it is mostly an open world adventure game. The open world aspect destroys the game for me. Mostly each quest works in a way that you will have to walk, run, or ride for a long period of time time with no other thing to do, then arrive at a place, have like a minute of dialogue or less, and then travel again to a place that'a far away. That's when the game gets tedious, when you start bouncing from place to place with nothing or next to nothing in between. It starts pretty strong, but goes down pretty fast.
it can be fun if you use a controller, but the rest of the game plays better with mouse and keyboard. I just swapped to a controller for combat and the fights ended up being pretty fun, not amazing, but good by RPG standards
comfiness simulator
>implying a monk would ever engage in homosexuality, even if he has sinful thoughts
>can i just call you doc?
>*start dialogue"
>Do I know you?
nope, after the first random encounter with a guy challenging you to a duel just outside one of the first towns, you will have end-game gear and thousands of gold
the devs couldn't balance a plank if they put it flat on the ground
It started out good, but after like 2/3 of the game the enemies ability to Master Strike you (by timing an attack right as the opponent attacks a Master Strike completely blocks damage while giving free damage on the opponent, and AI obviously has a much better chance to "time" it perfectly) goes through the roof. Enemies will literally MS you when you hit them in the back while they're fighting another NPC. It's pure fucking bullshit and unfun as fuck. And from what I heard Warhorse gave in to the "it's too ez" faggots and they made the combat even more unbearable.
>Captain giving a speech to a unit of soldiers in the castle courtyard while you're next to him
>Speech ends
>Every single one of the soldiers greets Henry at the same time
I have a great many pamphlets from the 15th and 16th century that disagree with you.
I could never run it properly despite my rig being pretty decent, I was able to play metro exodus on release at 60fps and high settings
Kinda disappointing since it looked cool but w/e
Yes the game is worth getting, you xan pick it up for 12 bucks on humble monthly plus the other games.
The dlc is shit and not worth getting
I've been having fun with it. It feels more like medieval shenmue than skyrim-like rpg imo. A lot of walking and talking, detective and jerking off manually. It's also a really good nature/forest hike simulator it feels a lot like hiking the national parks near my town just with less mexicans with guns and illegal booby trapped weed farms.
I about only 20 hours in and I always get my shit pushed in during combat. Are there any pro strats other than wait for the green shield icon? None of the combo moves seem to actually come out when I try them or I get parried out of them most of the time.
Pc brainlet
2 base games with no dlc is not a worthy deal especially with one of them funded by paradox
It's available for only 12 bucks on humble monthly.
Alright there Gates, what should I have done?
Plus 6 games that haven't been revealed yet. Its worth it. If you disagree you are a seething consolekek
i finished it twice with all the dlc and still want to play more.
sadly there is nothing to do anymore
Yes 2 games with no dlc and 6 shitty indie games is such a great deal. Please fuck off shill
In steams launch options for the game use the ram heapsize command.
It's levels and dice rolls pretending to be action combat. There's no such thing as getting good because if the enemy outlevels you, they'll simply block your every attack and you'll never deal damage and you WILL slip at some point. Ironically the best way to fight is to shoot arrows at them point blank because they can't block that.
get a mace and grind combat training, masterparry is the best for skill and you get free heals. or use poisons on you weapon.
Does it fix the stuttering?
We got road redemption this month which is fun af and is ten bucks on steam. Plus 60 parsecs which is fun for short bursts. You are a brainlet
Yeah as long as you disable v sync and use nvidia v sync
Well shit guess I'm buying it from humble
Thanks user
Keep shilling
Gotta say alchemy/potion breeding system in this game is god tier
How is he shilling when he's straight up stating facts?
I smell a butthurt snoy...