TF3 will never happen

>TF3 will never happen
Why live?

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whitey sappin my welfare

Dell Connigger

how much did valve pay you to create this thread?

>he think Valve has to pay anyone
Based brainlet Zoomer

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Holy shit is that how TF3 looks like? Thank God it'll never happen

I just want my heavy update!

Have you seen this man?

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>community servers will never reach their golden age again
why even live
all i look forward to playing now is single player games. it's basically the same experience because no one talks in multiplayer games

>tfw community servers died with forced matchmaking
Valve cant do anything right

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>tfw most successfull games from volvo are actually mods from other games they bought
>tfw the only things volvo did by themselves are half life, ricochet, l4d and steam

>TF|3 will never happen
I mean it still has a higher chance of TF3 happening but damn

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>wanting TF3 with the way valve is right now
enjoy your TF cardgame and TF autochess shit
dota was a mistake

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Where are the video games, Gabe?

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There's a shocking rumor on the internet that Valve can't count to three.

Money steers the community
>t. some retarded thing gabe said on plebbit that i cant remember

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tf2 is spagetti code the game. It'll be impossible to make sequel unless they start from the ground up

They say he's still waiting on them. The 3 of them.

its never happening

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Dude what happened to that 4vhan leak?
Tyler talked about it on podcasts and shit then nothing was spoken of it again.

What leak in specific?
Also keep in mind with VNN he talks about unconfirmed things all the time with speculation as well, so just brcause he mentioned it on stream doesn't particularly mean much.

Valve would probably sooner make a Dota 2 shooter than a TF3.

lurk more before posting

I don't have the the screenshot but there was a leak here a couple of months ago where he made a joke about it on a video about tf2 hackers and then in podcasts he talked about it more then last 2 months he dropped it.
The tf3 part was mostly that is is or was on development and it added 2 new classes.

Reminder that someday Valve will be sold off and the buyer will start relaunching their IPs. You will get your monkey pawed Half Life 3, TF3, L4D3 etc.

I ate those things

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