Anti-Obsidian shill absolutely BTFO

Anti-Obsidian shill absolutely BTFO
based Boyarsky is keeping his SJW subjects on a tight leash

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too bad that 100% of all women will still be ugly and strong empowered female leaders who need no man

being intentionally apolitical IS a political statement.

that's literally in the every game nowadays, it's like complaining that game doesn't portray nazis positively, no game does that anyway.
he knows, that's why he said game IS political, but not politically charged. you can't make an apolitical game unless it some simple game with no story.

Fair enough
>muh empowered
Anytime I see this the poster usually is upset that you can’t put the female on a leash.

Yeah. It's making the statement that politics is gay.

Talk is cheap.
One look at the team and you know its going to suck

you can put me on a leash bb

This is just fake conflict to get people to talk about the game and forget its on epic store

>not a politically charged game
TOW is going after the Borderlands crowd with cring wacky shit.

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>that's literally in the every western game nowadays

"Powerful" women in Cainarsky games tend to be crazy bitches (Lynette, Therese/Jeanette, Z'an Al'urin).

Anti-SJWs don’t play video games because their pastor told them video games are tools of the devil.

When did Obsidian ever feel that they were lecturing people in their previous games?
Nothing will likely change

SJWs don't play video games because their professors told them video games are tools of the patriarchy

fuck off dumb weeb, it's more true for weeb games

>Not politically charged
>Every second line of dialogue they've shown yet is 'dude rich people bad'
>Not lecturing them
>Literally tells you to 'you be you!' in the trailer to show off their CHOICES MATTER systems in the most patronizing way possible

Tons of fucking dykes in this goddamn game, even your fucking ship AI is a dyke. Damn this game to hell.

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What is wrong with dykes? They keep the water away.


Yea Forums is a terrible place to be discussing these subjects, but so is the rest of social media internet which is basically "Here is my not-thought-out at all opinion about this controversy I've just read about and did not take a second to reflect upon and make my own researches on." Discussing politics anywhere is just shitflinging from two sides who just want to preach and lecture one-another while being butt devastated that the opposition cannot be forced to change their mind. I'm so fucking fed up with this climate. Yea Forums was always shit, but I prefered it when it was shit in the "lol check my dubs" way or "lol ur favorite game sucks" way and not "if u buy (x) system u support commies and filthy femoids" and "check ur privilege filthy neckbeards and that's a good thing.
Why does everyone seem to think they are in any form of position to be lecturing everyone else like they were fucking Ghandi King of a better world or some shit? Why are there so many people openly trying to bullshit you into eating up an idea that serves their malicious intents? Why is the internet a political battlefield now?

Having games with heavy political elements make for clever stories and interesting universes, but it should be up to the player to fucking make up their own mind about what they want to take out of their experience. When you're non-stop trying to lecture your consumerbase and tell them what to think, it's fucking propagande.
And all of you fucking incel ultra rightists or whatever are not much better. You spend your fucking life on this site actively and autistically trying to push your vision of a better society down everyone's throat, but coincidentally enough, this society always cater to YOUR every little unfullfilled needs and think nothing of those around.
Fuck you all, I fucking hate you.

Have one not for ants, faggot.

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>I need to fap to every character i see
stick to japshit incel

cringe and HURRpilled

>FFVII - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Tales of Vesperia - pro-environmentalism, anti wealthy elite
>SMT Strange Journey - pro-environmentalism
>SMT in general - anti-organized religion
>FFVI - pro-environmentalism, anti-industrialization
>FFX - anti-organized religion
>MGQ - intolerance is caused by organized religion
>Tales of Symphonia - anti-racism
>Tales series in general - anti-discrimination
>Sonic the Hedgehog in general - anti-industrialism/pro-environment (save the animals from the evil machines)
>BOF II - anti-organized religion
>Grandia II - anti-organized religion
>FFT - anti-organized religion
>Valkyria Chronicles - anti-racism against Jews, anti-imperialism
>Spec Ops - anti-American interventionism/exceptionalism, anti-war
>Mass Effect -pro- (genetic)diversity, LGBT
>Fallout -anti-American jingoism/ultranationalism, anti-nuke
>Fallout 2 -explicitly anti-Scientology, anti-American jingoism, anti-Republican
>Civilization (in general) - anti-Republican
>Oddworld in general -anti-corporation, anti-industrialization, pro-environment
>Doom - anti-corporation
>Ratchet and Clank - pro-environmentalism, anti-corporation
>Mind Forever Voyaging - anti-Reagan
>Alter Ego - anti-conservative
>Bioshock - libertarianism and Randian utopianism ultimately fails and turns into a dystopia
>Halo (in general) - basically an allegory for post 9-11 fundamentalism
>MGS1 - your genes don't actually matter/define you
>VtMB - anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-elite
>Lunar Eternal Blue: anti-organized religion
>Assassin's Creed (in general): anti-organized religion (Templars are evil), religion is also a lie
>Arc the Lad- anti-organized religion
>GTA (in general) - le both sides are bad
>SMTIV - individualism bad, collectivism good
>RDR - pro-feminism, anti-racism
>Fire Emblem - anti-ultranationalism
>MOTHER 3 - pro-environment, anti-industrialization
>Catherine - pro-LGBT
>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
>MGS3- pic related

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fake, not in game

tl;dr lmao
go fuck yourself seriousposter

I'll believe it when I see it, he could just be lying on the internet.

Humans don't play video games because their world leaders told them video games are tools of the aliens


i too get my biting social commentary from video games, fellow intellectual

This is just pandering to people that bitch and moan about every manufactured crises. Almost all of their games have politically charged themes if you want to view it through that lens. Instead you have a bunch of angry adult tantrums with cherry picking examples. Obsidian has had a diverse team and female developers for ages, Carrie Patel and other female developers at Obsidian have always done a pretty solid job. Most of these people do their job without trying to pander to any audience, sometimes there is political commentary but nobody gives a shit or gets mad about it.

>Fear Effect - pro-LGBT
Okay, now you've gone full fly eating retard. Let's not kid ourselves that there was anything "pro-lesbian" about attractive assassins being anything more than fetishistic pandering.

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And yet every Obsidian game is a massive disactic lecture fest for their shitty objectivist beliefs. Or an entire fucking game lecturing you about 'hurrr we've found some logic gaps in a children's space franchise'

Wait. Are you saying that sjws and religious zealots have a lot in common? That's how people get banned from Twitter, mister

you are making shit up, Obsidian only filled writing jobs with females, when they made new vegas, first POE most writers were males, when the females entered the field the quality has objectively declined, it's not even about politics, most females are not that into these kind of games, so the reason they hire is just to have more women, it's not meritocracy.

>first POE most writers were males, when the females entered the field the quality has objectively declined
But both Pillars games have shit stories, though at least Deadfire has actually developed factions unlike the boring non-factions in Defiance Bay.

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back in the closet you dirty trollop.

>dude rich people bad
Sad part is this sentiment is so common that most retards desensitize themselves to it, hell look at any argument or drama thread, 95% of the time it's "Man with more money bad man with less money good"
Some guy completely copy a company's game for profit and gets sued?
Company uses open source emulator to sell in their own hardware, breaking 0 laws?

People aren't truly mad about politics itself, but games being tasteless leftist propaganda for the here-and-now. Games that can abstract away from a pompous social commentary and talk about ideas themselves and explore both sides of an issue are great. Progressives can't do this because games are vehicles for their politics. The politics are not to enhance the game, but to drive their agenda. Women are particularly bad when it comes to this because of their group-think and peer pressure being on a whole other level compared to men. No matter how good Obsidian has been in the past, women CANNOT resist having to make a propaganda statement in the modern times. Women, especially minority women are incredibly slanted towards progressive politics.

wrong, POE has pretty good story that at least makes sense most of the time, it has objectively better writing, everyone admits that, in 2 they could correct some of the mistakes based on the criticism they revived, but that had lot more to do with the directors, Sawyer, than any writers.

>Anytime I see this the poster usually is upset that you can’t put the female on a leash.
shhh, vydia girls is the only way that user is going to get any pussy. It's why they also complain about no romances in The Outer Worlds.

jesus this is some cringe reddit shit

Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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Yes, the only correct political stance in this day and age is to simply not to have a political stance

>Here's a list of games that would have been censored/banned had a certain political extreme gotten their way
>That's why we shouldn't let political extremes dictate what is and isn't acceptable
>At least, that one
>Now remove all big tiddy girls from all video games
>and dress the rest in burkas
Welcome to tolerance, baby

Apathy is death.

Nah you're just selling yourself on some delusion that Obsidian are 'your guys' when that's obvious total bs. Obsidian aren't about your asinine political butt frustrations, nether were Black Isle, nor Troika. Almost all games had political and social commentary, Obsidian was quickly a diverse studio after first getting the old gang together. Really people should be accusing fans like you for inserting dumb political divides into their video games.

You have noticed the KOTOR2 thread too then

>POE has pretty good story
No it doesn't, Thaos is a pretty dumb villain with silly motivations, the 3 "factions" are ridiculously shallow and underdeveloped, Glanfathans are ridiculous stereotypes, half of the companions are dull etc, writing is as bad as in Deadfire for the most part.

It's only leftist propaganda when you're shifted so far into the extreme right that any moral choice in a game is seen as bad.

you can look up the developers obsidian had and compare them to developers they have now.
I never claimed that the games didn't have political commentary, you are buttblasted idiot.

>Kill her the first time I meet her
>Kill the rest of her tribe afterwards

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>Not liking ugly dykes that act like a men is mean I need to jerk off to every character I see
Are you retarded?

>Do you let this guy suck your dick, or do you get the genocide ending?
>lol chill misogynerd. It's a perfectly rational moral choice that only a drumpf supporter would have a problem with

I want choices, but it seems nowadays the only choice we're given is right-man bad, left-woman and faggot good and morally superior. Leftists love to deny that they have propaganda all over media though. Then you can't LARP as the counterculture anymore. But simultaneously you have to control and gatekeep what issues are okay and moral and tell everyone right of center that they're extreme right. People like you ruin everything fun and interesting.

>Do you let this guy suck your dick, or do you get the genocide ending?
The only problem here is that both choices are so based and redpilled that it's impossible to pick just 1.

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I'm laffin
Take your fucking (you)

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This game stands 0 chance

You know exactly what is meant you disingenuous faggot.
Also forgot Tales of Berseria showing that communism always fails, even in fantasy worlds.

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Sheldorg how do fix computor?

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>Thaos is a pretty dumb villain with silly motivations
I don't remember exactly what he was like, but you can call any motivation silly.
rest of your comment has not as much to do with writing itself and more to do with direction and development troubles.

Uh oh, literally fucking psychos dangerous to society working on this game.

Nobody plays any of the shit games you shit posted

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the autistic shill arrived

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>Super Mario Brothers is political because the goomba in 1 - 1 is just trying to cross the border into the mushroom kingdom

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You have to be a fucking psycho to buy into this kind of nonsense, yes.

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threadly reminder

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Or be fascist

One thing after the other. For someone like Obsidian not wanting to lecture their player is already a big step compared to PoE.

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>game looks like absolute trash
>lol must be the Bethesda mafia again, Obsidian dindu nuffin

But he isn't wrong. Outer Worlds is a dumpster sjw fire, ugly as the first sin. I'd rather play ELEX.


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The game is very clearly capitalism bad and you can tell that just from the trailer

holy shit

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Based Brosnan

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Assuming this game isn't going to be a massive dumpster fire, I'm going to be the biggest corporate shill on the colony.

Arcanum had a "lol industrial capitalism bad" undertone without being obnoxious about it.

he literally mentions in the interview that he is not against capitalism and is overall he thinks there isn't much wrong in how things are now.

>taking video games this serously

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for me, its front row red shirt

Consider killing yourself

what about you, user?

I don't care, they sold out to the chinks, I'm never buying anything from them again

lol bootlicker

No, that is retarded. Not doing something is not the same as doing something.

> using politics for the game's purpose, to present interesting scenario's
> using a game as a platform to preach real world politics to an audience looking to play a game.

No user, everything HAS to be political so I can shove my constant shilling into every aspect of life OK?

calling something not doing something doesn't actually make it so, apolitics is not a real think, it's a centrist virtue signaling word

>Being poor
>Thinking other poor people give 2 shits about you.
It's so sad that people like you lack a ruling class mentality, because the moment you inherit a shitload of money your entire view on life will change and you'll see nothing wrong with that because you're just an opportunistic retard with no actual convictions or arguments.
Seethe more

The absence of a position is not a position of absence, militant. Now go back to distributing pamphlets in your campus.

Oh so you're admitting that all that political whining about MUH TTIDDAYS MUH BURKAS MUH LITERAL INVIDEOGAME SHARIA FUCK SJW LIBERALS is nothing more than underage postironic shitposting FOR THE EPIC LULZ EPIC WINZ?

my argument is that there is no absence of position

Except there is and you're wrong, now go back to shouting slogans at bystanders.

>we dont want to lecture you
>we will tell you what store front to use though

Miss me with that chang

What's the problem with devs telling you to use Piratebay?

But in order to make me laugh, first you'd have to be funny.

>JOIN MY TEAM OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!
Or else what, faggot?

top kek. i honestly love this character, too.

Seek mental help.

keep shouting "fuck nazis and SJWs" while pretending to by a just a bystander.

Keep shooting temples/dilating and censoring media while pretending to be normal.

I meant more like "every single leader in the game is female" or "every single women in the game looks and acts like a 1950s us soldier"
shit is gotten so boring. I miss having likeable female characters. female characters who actually have some female aspects to them and are not just the same feminist crap over and over again

>pretending to be normal
only spiritless retards like you aspire to be normal, imagine unironically telling people to be normie on Yea Forums, go back to 9gag, lolbertarian kike.

feminists have realized that men are superior and are trying to turn women into men now, I can't blame them, who wouldn't want to be superior?

>shooting temples
Yeah, you're not normal user

I would never try to copy cat somebody if I can´t copy him right. it comes of as crinchy and pathetic.
nothing is worse then a nerd acting like a tough guy or wiggers.
so women should know their limits and act accordingly.
also speaking form experience. you can get way more stuff done by secretly influencing people instead of doing it yourself

> centrist virtue signaling word

All you have is buzzwords. It's not even a rhetorical argument: Something != not that something.

>we won´t lecture you own politics
>we don´t consider promoting social justice and feminism a political opinion. its just commonsense ;)

>Something != not that something.
Militants are physically incapable of processing that kind of information, the required synapses literally do not work in their brains.

shes definitely got some big ass milkers. fatty with the cheese far left does it for me.

another brainlet who misses the point and resorts to a strawman.
let me rephrase it, people who say they are apolitical or want apolitical things are lying. is that more clear?
apolitical is a buzzwords, it's used the wrong way 98% of the time

>people who say they are apolitical or want apolitical things are lying
Wrong, it's people who are "political" who are lying, every single one of them. Ideologies and legitimacy do not exist and every single politician only wants power, whether you accept it or not.

you are being very politic right now, this is just moronic. get a grip, schizo.

What strawman, you blistering moron, use your words properly. Your shitty attempts at kafkatraps can fuck off too. No, people who don't buy into your liberal bullshit aren't lying. Is that more clear?

it's not my fault that you are too much of a coward and Low IQ to understand what simple terms and sentences mean, I have already explained myself and you keep attributing ideas to me that i never expressed. I'm not liberal.

im an open world sucker, i dont like the art design, and i think the quirky humor is irritating. sjw shit isnt even a factor as of yet.

You haven't explained anything, because you haven't said anything sensible from the start. The delusion that you'd be above the 50th percentile of the IQ distribution is the cherry on top.

>You haven't explained anything, because you haven't said anything sensible from the start.
the first part of the sentence doesn't logically follow the second part, so it's incoherent. even if I didn't say anything sensible I still could explain myself.
keep seething tranny.

>Deadfire studio claims no preaching
Hahahaha right. After Deadfire they expect me to believe them? The same game that did shit sales compared to the first one? The same game that's on sale for 50% off more than it's not?

>epic exclusive

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I'll call you all of my side's patented buzzwords until you agree with me

>Politics as a plot device and a setting/medium in which the story can develop and unfold != Politics as an opinion and agenda to force onto the public for various reasons as an actualization of some nebulous endgame for some Utopian ideal.

It's the difference between being "Talked TO" and being "Talked AT" one respects you while the other wishes to change you.

You probably think you're clever for posting that list as some sort of plausible deniability but people generally and innately understand when they're being "Preached" to.

You wanna know why the world and every entertainment medium sucks and everyone hates you for it?

It's because you turned the world into CHURCH and nobody likes being dragged to church no matter what religion it belongs to.

Not being a preachy faggot, laying down ideas with as little bias as possible and letting people choose what they prefer is now a political statement?

>dude it's the difference between being talked to and talked at, bruh!
Yeah and meanwhile Fallout 2 literally has a Dan Quayle stand-in talking like a retard. If it was made in 2019 it would be Mike Pence instead and everyone would whine about how overly political it is

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>RDR - pro-feminism
Fucking love retards who keep spouting this. Arthur straight up calls the feminist preacher a fucking idiot for wanting the useless ability to vote.

You didn't make an argument to begin with, so it is not possible for you to explain it. You've precluded the possibility by being a GED-tier bottomfeeder.

it's not "dude rich man bad" its "dude rich man throws away morals and human values in pursuit of money" they tale that money leads to corruption is as old as time it's even in the bible the greeks talked about it. The anti corporation stuff isn't going after every corporation its going after the ones that uses its power as a business to undermine human life (think nestle)

>you can only explain something if it's an argument
your stupidity knows no limits. yes, I didn't make an argument, I made a claim and I have been wholly aware of this the whole time. I had no opportunity to delve into actual arguments because you kept misinterpreting my position and attacking me personally.

because he's a criminal and doesn't trust the voting system not because think women are incapable of voting

I love you too, user

Based anwser

His logic is literally "I'm not racist/sexist, I hate everybody equally" which guaranteed would have him be called an incel.

But that's wrong, you faggot. Do some research before posting your shitty delusions


Based copyposter, never stop

Thank you

faggots like you say atheism is a religion, insufferable dick suckers, there's a reason you have no friends.


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The key factor is intent. Just look at the people who are upset at this, they're the ones heavily invested in using video games as a propaganda tool. Politics is fine, the entire medium being a platform for you to one sidedly preach your politics without any opposition or dissent is not. Since all opposition is politically incorrect or not socially acceptable by the people who control the narrative, the best thing is for video games to be neutral, and simply not function as a propaganda tool. The mere fact that this notion is upsetting the identity politics crowd shows that they understand how much control they currently have. People don't purchase entertainment products chastised and preached to.

Have sex so you stop being to grumpy all the time

Narrative Design
Lead Narrative Designer - Eric Fenstermaker
Narrative Design - George Ziets
Narrative Design - Chris Avellone
Narrative Design - Carrie Patel
Narrative Design - Josh Sawyer
Narrative Design - Matt McLean
Narrative Design - Robert Land


Carrie Patel - Narrative Designer
Paul Kirsch - Narrative Designer
Megan Starks - Narrative Designer
Kate Dollarhyde - Junior Narrative Designer
Eric Fenstermaker - Narrative Design / Contract Writer

notice something? more women for the second game and in higher positions, what now retard?

Every jap game is anti organized religion.

Yes all those "women" in that picture are the original creators of fallout and were developers of new vegas.

Cant believe they arent even claiming its from the original minds that gave us odyssey 2001

>Single anecdote != Industry standard
>One off jokes/jabs from development teams of the 80's, 90', 00' with varied belief systems and viewpoints != Convert or die ideologically driven circle jerk dev teams of 10's and 20's

Fallout 2 also made Sulik an "Ooga Booga" tribal stereotype that would make modern regressive lefties screech if it were done today.