First 3 words that come to mind?
First 3 words that come to mind?
Sonia a cute
worse battle network
3 is great
Not Battle Network
Omega is cute!
Misora best girl
I want more.
Glad it died.
Never played it.
Needed more games
drill hair girl
t. never played it either
why 3d bleh
2 was ok
Absolutely fucking based
Drill hair waifu.
Mega Man Starforce
Mega Man Starforce
Mega Man Starforce
Best mega series
It still hurts
I love the megaman saga as a whole, and It pleases me greatly this spike in megaman threads ( I created one about the gb games myself) Never played the starfocrce or battle network saga, But I am planning ot do so, clearing megaman and bass right now and going to clean megaman command mission, and the the battle network saga. Is battle network better than starforce?
Bring. Back. BN.
watered down mess
In terms of gameplay, yeah. In terms of story I preferred SF.
a shame starforce 4 got cancelled
based and redpilled
Also, are the diferent versions of BN like pokemon red and blue, just diferent chips the diference, or is there something more juicy to all the alternative versions?
Some nights when I cant sleep I like to imagine cuddling her until I finally drop
New game NEVER
The BN and SF games have transformations/special forms that are version-specific. There are also version-specific bosses.
Luna is mine
Stomp my balls
good and dead
Second game sucked