Can someone explain me cult following this game? I'm playing it right now, and I just don't get it.
I mean yeah, it looks nice, and shooting is pretty straightforward, but campaign feels like devs cared more about showing their new shiny engine than player enjoying it.
>long introduction cutscene, okay
>now long walk from point A to B, ended by running away while unarmed, and saved by custcene
>another obligatory running away section
>find USP and game finally becomes an FPS instead of overstretched cutscene
>boat section that well overstays its welcome
>find rebel base "finally, just a cutscene and back to fun part"
>nope, enjoy Raverholm
>long level of following setpieces and very few ammo finds to force you to use gimmick physics gun to kill zombies (fuck you, crowbar time!)
>out of mine, encounter stormtroopers, help rebels
>it's go time!
>no fuck you, here's another vehicle section
is this going to be like that entire game, or will it get better eventually?
if former, why people even want HL3?
Can someone explain me cult following this game? I'm playing it right now, and I just don't get it
Other urls found in this thread:
PC boi's first cinematic game
>Can someone explain me cult following this game? I'm playing it right now, and I just don't get it.
It's because you were 4 years old when this game came out.
Because it is an engine showcase. The good game is Half Life 1.
Goldeneye is much better
It becomes better after Ravenholm.
Can you contrarians stop making the same thread everyday, same rehashed posts every time
Play the Episodes, they're better
What cult following? The game is shit on constantly these days to the point where im starting to think Epic is doing it to besmirch valve.
19, and I'm playing it right after finishing OG Half-Life and expansions. And I liked even Blue Shift.
surely will. Got whole package, and for some odd reason, 2 more HL2/EP1 sets for free into my inventory
it;s not like valve are relevant as game developers anyway. What was the last thing they developed. Portal 2?
i will say its overrated, ep2 is actually pretty fun. has less of this games bs. but if you already dont like this game i dont think youll find ep 2 spectacular. also ep 1 is short af. ep 3 better be amazing, at least as good as the original and opposing force was.
Cinematic and no options for a "story driven" FPS.
But It's OKAY because Valve made it.
>ep 3 better be amazing
That's when episode two came out, not the core game
Its overrated like the first ,but good game.
Its too ginmicky ,but after the Road it has more gunplay .
Ep 1 is literally 4 hours long and doesn't feature ANYTHING new, just another romp through the samey looking city locations and a sewer section where you fight zombies in almost complete darkness.
Ep 2 is pretty good though. But OP seems to hate vehicle sections, so the final boss might frustrate him a bit.
The game came out in 2004 you fucking neanderthal. Holy shit go fuck yourself.
you're right, 2004, not sure why I wrote 2008
I even got my age right when it was actually released
HL1 is infinitely better than 2 if only for the reason that it doesn't have unskippable "gameplay" cutscenes. it's like they forgot everything that made 1 great and decided to opt for the exact antithesis -- long winded cutscenes instead of environmental and subtle storytelling.
>guys seinfeld isn't funny?
It was amazing and groundbreaking 15 years ago when it came out, plus it had some level of emergent gameplay despite being a linear campaign due to the AI and the physics interactions.
>i-i haven’t played this game before, i swear!
Lol okay, OP.
your move
Exactly. HL is confirmed dead now so Its confusing why there's so many recent threads shitting on HL2. Like who cares, its been what, 12 years since the last one?
i still have hope idc fuck uou
not really dead because one of valve's 3 full length vr games is supposed to be a half life game but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
I still like HL2 to this day and play it yearly. Cant say for sure if I would feel the same had i not played it when it first came out. It was a big deal when it came out and single handedly dabbed on Doom 3 and Far cry. Doom3 was way more of a tech demo then HL2 ever was.
summer sale? Half Life 2 with all episodes is like -90%, so people buy it to see what's this buzz all about. Then they play it, and it turns out meh, because it's not 2004 anymore and we had hundreds "cinematic experience" shooters already
You had to be there.
Incidentally the game looks amazing in 4Ks
Fuck everyone is this thread, half life 2 is a masterpiece and people that say otherwise are fags that have the atention span of an ant or nintendofags. I never understood why people shit on the vehicle sections so much, exploring the map is fun if you take your time but of course the fucking faggots that dwell in this board go thought the game as fast as they can, the gunplay is not as bad as people make it out to be its just that you are supposed to use the ar2 the moment you get it instead of the fucking smg, you guys are faggots
Shut the fuck up faggot the game dosent even have all that much interactive cutscenes, call of duty 4 ruined games abusing scripted secuences not half life 2
Perfect Dark is better than goldeneye
I'll never forgive it for causing Bloodlines to flop
At least you are getting a secuel
>doesn't feature ANYTHING new,
Yeah except for new levels and story and whatever lol
Everything that current games do? It did it first.
Ebic the jannies deleted my thread because i exposed hl and valve. Steamcels are furious.
I love HL2 as well and feel like its paced perfectly. Every chapter you are doing something a bit different and it has excellent atmosphere. The cutscenes people bitch about are not long at all and are grossly overblown. There was a lot of love put in this game and I would dare to say that it has SOUL.
A sequel made by fedora tipping nice guys that only know about Bloodlines from YouTube videos.
They'll puke out Malkavian quotes all day, but those cunts never talked to their TV about tuna.
>single handedly dabbed on Doom 3 and Far cry
aganist Doom it was crushing victory, though that's mostly because Doom 3 had pretty crap gameplay and visual design. Doom 3 expansion even had gravity gun wanabee, though it was more useful than one in Half Life, because in HL2 you could not use it to grab headcrab and smash it into wall.
As for Far Cry, dunno. Crytek wasn't really big player, so they were hardly competetion.
I think Far Cry aged better. Ironically, while back then it was all about graphics, now it stands out with its open maps and organic gameplay. You just need to install fanmade patch, because version on steam is that one patch that fucked AI spotting, so once they spot you, they can see you through any concealment
>it doesn't have unskippable "gameplay" cutscenes
Yes it does dumb zoomer
I love how hlcucks didnt prove me wrong
This. People bitch about cinematic bullshit but it was fucking COD that ruined it. HL2 was way more tasteful with it and had far more gameplay then these shitheads would lead you to believe.
>devs cared more about showing their new shiny engine than player enjoying it.
That's literally the idea behind it. They were experimenting with a new engine and it was cool to see but it doesn't hold up because shitty vehicle segments, physical puzzles and visual story telling was their entire focus. The AI is shit, the gunplay is shit and it has no replayability whatsoever.
Fair enough, but show me the purchase date and I’ll believe you. Steam didn’t start tracking hours played until like 2009.
Also, all of your opinions in the OP looked copied and pasted from the other 1000 threads we’ve had on this.
Yeah source engine has a lot of soul, I would even dare to say that it has more soul than goldsoruce but thats just me
They are using unreal 4 no? I swear to god that engine is the most souless I have ever seen
Imagine defending cinematic fps with no agency. Imagine liking hl1 and hl2.
you mean the intro, until experiment goes awry?
wrong on what?
>Steam didn’t start tracking hours played until like 2009.
then it doesn't involve me
>Also, all of your opinions in the OP looked copied and pasted from the other 1000 threads we’ve had on this.
different people share same opinion? Must be conspiracy.
>the vehicle sections are bad!
Never understood this criticism. Why are they considered bad? I literally never had a problem with them. It’s not like you are locked into the vehicle at all times.
I dont have to imagine anything. They are great games. They both have great gameplay and constantly throwing new shit at you as you progress. Did the sparse talking segments trigger your autism or something?
At the end of the day nothing will match the unmitigated SOUL that was the goldsrc modding scene
I actually like the gunboat. it's fun tearing through combine cops and helicopters
yeah, didn't like it. i want more forbidden science facility under demolition, i don't want ugly eastern european bloc.
Yeah I guess i had to be there its just that i grew with half life 2 total conversions
>you mean the intro, until experiment goes awry?
More than that li'l zoom
I liked them, they were fun and made the world feel so much bigger.
Seek help
Half life was the halo of its time. Goldeneye was more innovative and better while hl was more primitive.
grug no like
moment too long without bing pow pow
look around no fun
>doesn't respond
>"ur dumb"
I like it as well, though I don't play it yearly. It made a huge impact though and I think it now suffers from the Seinfeld effect to some degree, especially for those who never played it when it was new.
I'd take the HL2 shooting mechanics and weapon selection any day over most of the garbage that passes for FPS now.
What I remember most fondly from HL2 is throwing saws around with gravity gun.
lol goldeneye didn't even have dual stick control dood. If anything it's like Oot, only remembered out of nostalgia and upstaged by the underrated sequel
cringe and bluepilled
Not conspiracy. It’s just funny to me that these threads are always the same.
Hl1 has the same characters talking to you in gameplay breaks that 2 does lol
Half-Life 1 was Seinfeld. Half-Life 2 and its episodes were the individual careers of the main cast after Seinfeld's conclusion.
The Half-Life series fandom in the last decade is probably Michael Richards at The Laugh Factory.
I'm calling the police
Its not a cult following if it was the most popular game out at the time and hailed as one of the best games ever when it came out.
shooting is okay, when game allows me to just do that. Pistol feels little OP, because how crazy accurate it is, but back then it was norm, plus it's good balancing, because it's usually the last piece you have bullets for, when you're running low.
I wish I could mute suit effects, like in HL1. Shit's distracting and serves no real purpose when you have HUD.
but those are skippable, with exception of some scientists that open doors for you
Half life ruined gaming kys zoomers.
>hailed as one of the best games ever when it came out.
so was Bioshock Infinite. It means nothing.
Back to vr with you faggot, COD ruined games
Mad because /vr/ doesnt like your shit game.
Wait holy shit since when do we have a VR board?
/vr/ - retro games
not sure what he meant
Hl is literally a step back from doom, quake, unreal, blood, duke, system shock. It influenced garbage like fear, medal of honor, cod, halo and other cinematic games.
Literally a game zoomers will never understand. You got filtered at birth son
Except zoomers love hl.
Im a zoomer and i grew up with half life 2 and its eps. i love the series but i actually prefer half life and its expansions over 2, not 2's eps though
Ep2 > HL > OF> 2 > ep1 > bs
Your mistake here was assuming anyone gave a fuck the first time you posted.
>cinematic garbage
You're dumb
>garbage like fear
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
I'm probably older than your father, though
>I'm playing it right now
Imagine being born so late, imagine growing up on Fortnite, League of Legend and Minecraft.
You have no future, you will never find a job, Automation will take all the low income one and the high income are already taken by boomer such as myself. You will make no memory other than starving under a bridge or getting ripped apart by global warming. You are fucking dead kiddo.
Shooting in FEAR was state of the art.
Also linear and cinematic are 2 separate things
I still like doom, blood, halo, fear, duke etc. also fear = garbage? nah. at least not the first one, 3 definitely is, havent played 2.
Deus ex, stalker, system shock , doom, quake, thief are better than movie life.
It's a sad day when people question the popularity of Half Life more than they do for anime gacha games
I will never understand people who approach a game like that. I mean, with such a coldly analytical mind. Like, you play a game and don't focus on the experience so you can actually have fun with it, bit rather try to analyze it like there is anything to analyze.
When I played HL2 for the first time, I never noticed bullshit like
>introduction scene is long
>there is a walk from A to B
>there is a running away section
>something something it's not like Call of Duty
I just played the fucking game and I had a lot of fun and the shit you're complaining about, from my perspective was all smooth development of story and action. I would hate it if it wasn't there, because action is meaningless and boring without a calm introduction and some quiet moments every now and then.
I feel like people who play games with analytical approach end up knowing the games less than players who don't give a shit and just PLAY it.
Tl;dr you ruined a great game for yourself because you're a colossal faggot
That's old news user, hl is shit
Hl is garbage.
I don't analyse games when playing them.
I analyse them when trying to figure out how come I'm 6 hours into game and didn't have that much fun
Is there a cult following to HL2? You may be getting the confused just because of the meme of what the fuck happened with Episode 3.
I've always regarded HL2 as a competent but fairly standard shooter of its time. the main thing it had going for it was the physics that you didn't see in many games of that time period.
Still, HL1 is the better game. Both in terms of the game itself as well as how groundbreaking it was at the time. And also Opposing Force was fucking excellent.
>competent but fairly standard shooter of its time
You clearly weren't around at the time. Game stood out like it was a generational leap. In visuals mostly, but also in physics. I literally couldn't believe I was playing it, it felt too real to me.
It was so grounbreaking that it ruined gaming. Ebic valve drones.
Also you are ignoring this
HL2 was just a decent game that lived on its engine and mods and hype for HL3. I don't see anyone really praising it as much as they did 10 years ago now that the modding scene is barely alive, all hopes for HL3 crushed, and Valve turning into a shit company that barely gets anything done that isn't a cash grab. I don't see why Yea Forums been so obsessed with blaming it for ruining first person shooters.
I never denied it had great graphics. I was talking about actual gameplay.
Also Riddick looked better, but that's neither here nor there.
>I don't see why Yea Forums been so obsessed with blaming it for ruining first person shooters
Because a good half of posts on Yea Forums isn't genuine and merely tries to get a rise out of people.
>cult following
You'd either have to be baiting or a complete retard to believe it's some sort of niche game with a """cult following""". HL1 and 2 are at least in the top 10 most influential games of all time. It's like calling the star wars or lotr fanbase as cult followings
But whatever, have a (you).
Hl is casual garbage.
>I don't see why Yea Forums been so obsessed with blaming it for ruining first person shooters.
That's been going on for like a decade now. I remember back when the CoD games where the talked-about cancer-of-the-day, everyone on Yea Forums was saying that it was HL1's fault because it was the first shooter to use scripted sequences rather than just "find key open door, get to goal" gameplay of earlier shooters.
A extremely good engine showcase with flawless pacing and memorable music/storytelling.
>I'd like to take a moment to address you directly, Dr. Freeman.
>Yes. I'm talking to you, the so-called One Free Man. I have a question for you. How could you have thrown it all away? It staggers the mind. A man of science, with the ability to sway reactionary and fearful minds toward the truth, choosing instead to embark on a path of ignorance and decay. Make no mistake, Dr. Freeman. This is not a scientific revolution you have sparked...this is death and finality.
>You have plunged humanity into freefall. Even if you offered your surrender now, I cannot guarantee that Our Benefactors would accept it. At the moment, I fear they have begun to look upon even me with suspicion. So much for serving as humanity's representative.
>Help me win back their trust, Dr. Freeman. Surrender while you still can. Help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided.
>Do what is right, Dr. Freeman. Serve mankind.
How do you respond ?
It's a good ride
If you don't get it, don't feel bad, this ain't math class.
Refute it valve drones
Now that's just a sad display, boy
Paid reviews and 12 year olds. I have no other explanation.
I was 20 when it came out and it was thoroughly unimpressive, all it had going for it was the graphics and physics gimmicks. It played worse than HL1 for fuck's sake.
i don't get it either. i bought the hl2 silver back in the day which came with hl2, hl2:dm, cs:s and dod:s. it's a good game but imo it was always outshined by the online multiplayer games.
>so was Bioshock Infinite
By literal who? Bought reviewers and 12 yo's just like you were back then?
When will Yea Forums admit that hl is just as bad as cod and modern fps?
"x is better than y" is a non-argument
I wouldn't know, I didn't play these games, however, I did play HL and I had a fucking blast.
Not only did I find the combat perfect, the graphics hold pretty well for such an old game, and I found myself extremely immersed in the story and in the world Valve built.
Portal had the same effect on me. Is it perfect ? Obviously not. However, if you happen to like the game, you can immerse yourself in it so well that it basically becomes your instant favourite.
I think that's also why so many people still hoped for HL3, after all these years ; the world Valve built is fucking great. It's not just about wanting more of the gameplay, it's the worldbuilding.
I still want to believe.
While we're at it.
Why is this track so alluring, bros
I just could listen to it for hours, and yet it's not happy. It just evokes profound, crushing loneliness
>I didn't play these games
Thats all what i wanted to hear.
Why would you screencap your worthless posts out of the archive?
I want a game that does HL2 long ass tram rides and whatnot to the extreme but pays back with great action afterwards.
>long as walk to the helicopter
>some sergeant stops you and talks to you for 5 minutes straight
>you enter the helicopter
>well shit there's no fuel
>5 minutes later helicopter is all fueled up
>takes 3 minutes to start because the pilot is retarded
>20 minutes of watching the landscape pass as the helicopter flies to the destination
>at the destination, retard pilot takes 7 attempts before successfully landing
>18 minutes walking through a city ruined by war, no souls in sight
My main gripe with Half Life 2 has always been the fact that they almost completely removed the Xen monsters and brutallity gutted the Combine and Synths.
So we spend most of the game shooting zombies and soldiers, zombies and soldiers. In Ravenholm we get to shoot Xenomorphs from Aliens, along the coast we encounter Aracnids from Starship Troopers and in the city we get the visit from the Special Guest, the Tripod from War of the Worlds. Also starring the Helicopter and the Alien Helicopter.
The pistol is one of the worst peashooters I have the displeasure of using, the SMG gets very old as it(along with the shotgun) will be the go to weapons for most of the game and the AR2 design is atrocious.
First time I played it I was satisfied, but the more I though about it and replayed it, the more of what could have been became more and more obvious.
Episode One is probably the worst expansion in the series and Episode Two is hardly better with 1(one) new enemy type and massive narrative disconnect of us going from what is clearly implied to be a Eastern European City into an American forest.
What the fuck, it feels like they phoned it in, no wonder Portal and Team Fortress 2 were the highlights of the Orange Box.
The modding scene was alright, but I remember many projects that just did not make it.
That's one thing I believe Portal 1 did better than 2 is the atmosphere.
You're a bottom of the barrel zoomer, don't even attempt to understand these 10/10 games and stick with your dogshit CSGO or whatever moba
Address the screencaps and the other posts valveniggers.
its the first fps where people didnt have to use their brain to navigate maps...
Just beat it, your a gamer, aren't you?
After that you have to beat the episodes, after that you might have an argument worth listening to.
The soldiers knock you out and drag you with a cutscene after the assassins.
no u
>Can someone explain me cult following this game?
>explain me
How about I explain how to use correct grammar, you fucking halfwit?
I don't believe anyone will debate you on that
I like Portal 2, but it feels almost welcoming at times.
It was Myst for the 2000s
90s: Myst
2000s:Half Life 2
2010s: ???
Witcher 3
At this point part of it's has to do with nostalgia and living through and playing games directly influenced by HL2, fully grasping it's insane technical achievement back in 2004.
I assume OP was about 5 years old in 2004.
>cult following
Nigger HL2 was huge.
Hlniggers cant defend their shit game.
>cult following
I feel like I've seen this thread before
Its babbys first fps
shit game shit company.
Realism? Cult following? The fuck are you guys talking about?
it came out in 2004 your were literally 4 you fucking zoomer faggot, go play fortnite
only one
Lmao valve is destroyed.
Hl is halo/cod tier.
The orange box/gmod/various mods and games were built around this game, it was the foundation of several other online communities so people remember it came first and respect it.
Refute my posts hltrannies.
Death to all zoomers
At least finish it before making up your mind, or if during NONE of this you had any fun whatsoever then just stop playing it. Also the last third of the game is pure ludo.
Cringe and seethepilled
>"I'm like SUCH a nerd! XD I like Star Wars and Legend of the Rings AND Harry Potter! haha!"