Now that the dust has settled, why was it so controversial?
Now that the dust has settled, why was it so controversial?
Because you couldn't summon randoms online to beat the bosses for you.
If you mean the difficulty it was just retards buying a hard game without looking into it and having to refund it then blaming the game. Shame the game had to be associated with a bunch of cry baby faggots who wanted to cheese their way through the game.
Its different
My save file got corrupted when I was finally getting gud and now I don't know how to go back.
Because you cant play as a kunoichi
Because it's not a Souls game and people that were complaining about the difficulty all kept approaching Sekiro as one without ever deviating from their approach.
The basic combat is tight and challenging but the game overall is let down due to most Prosthetics and all Combat Arts just being useless. It felt like FROM was too afraid of giving the player any kind of advantage or ace so you sit on these tools and CAs, not using them, because the risk/reward is so astronomically one-sided that sticking to regular attacks and parrying is always the best option.
Why are you so right?
Game "journalist" and people who couldn't understand that it was a fucking souls game and had to learn how to play a fucking new game instead of relying on their Souls muscle memory.
the only controversial thing about it is that it exposed scrubs as the hack frauds they really are. Game is excellent, it just needed to flesh out prosthetics and combat arts more, and make exploring a bit more rewarding.
Crackers worked for most things.
Whistle fucks up all beasts.
Umbrella replaced your block if you sucked enough and when upgraded it deleted Ghosts.
Kunai/Shuriken were used constantly.
The Spear had one use sadly and I cheesed the boss before I found out that he was the boss the grunts were talking about.
The Axe is constantly useful.
The dagger made short work of grunts
The feater Fan was constantly useful
The leaf also.
The Fire thing sucked honestly.
Biggest issue was they put it all behind a resource instead of have full use of it at all times.
Spear is great to spam vs anything, the range, damage and stagger is good.
Never found it worth a shit to use over any other prosthetic. If I wanted range I'd use a shuriken. If I wanted damage and breaking I'd use a axe. If I wanted stagger the dagger worked fine. Other prosthetic did it's job better. Would have been nice if the spear performed it's who shtick with the armor rending on more than one enemy in the entire game.
The game keeps a backup save file, at least if you play on PC like you should.
Because they needed to get gud and they couldn't deal with that
Because game journalist rush games while they are doing reviews because the have to get their work done in time so a hard game that requires to learn how to play it makes them seethe
>no character creation
>no equipment change
Literally the biggest offense
i was fine with the game until this boss. i felt miserable trying to beat him until i found out that you're supposed to have an item to beat him
i really didn't want to look up any guides but i'm glad i did with this guy, how the fuck was i supposed to know that i needed an item, i just thought he was a really dogshit unfair boss
brainlets kept trying to play it like souls instead of MGR
i played it first time today
this game pissing me off
because its not good but everyone had to pretend it was for gamer cred
>People demanding an easy mode.
>From didn't even really acknowledge them outside of a few comments.
>Anger gets more and more. Victimization starts, demands are made.
>Nothing happens, no easy mode.
>All the complaining stops in literally less than a month.
Its that easy, huh?
I'm still baffled that this game drummed up such a big controversy regarding difficulty, I'm usually pretty bad at action games but I beat over half of Sekiro's bosses first try. Either I got really lucky or normies are much, much worse at vidya than I initially thought.
Idiots tried to play it like Dark Souls when the closest thing it had was cryptic lore. Even then, Sekiro spelled out the important shit that happened more than once.
Sekiro isn't Dark Souls. It's a rhythm game that you can cheap out if you're mildly clever.
outrage is the only thing driving traffic to gaming sites nowadays
they don't have to genuinely care about the problem they complained about, they just have to be in the public's consciousness until their next big story
>normies are much, much worse at vidya than I initially thought.
that's what journalists want you to think
they want you to think that their problems are everyone's problems because that might cause whoever runs the show to think that a majority of people are having trouble with the game. Truth is that most people who are having trouble with the game are gaming "journalists" who can't play games for shit
This depresses me the most about DS3. Because of password summoning people don't even try to play the game without a squad of phantoms.
People couldn't git gud
It was great but different and Dark Souls fans are cancer.
It’s Dark Souls II if you replaced rolling with timed blocks and positioning with mashing R1 at all times.
Not sure why it was so controversial, game is awesome. Fight system is much more fun than Blood Borne.
>explore a lot
>most items are those Mibu Spheres
I beat him normally. What item did you need besides Pacifying Agent?
At least the spirit ones were good in between bosses
because the "gamers" of today have grandpa level reactions and no hands apparently. If you had trouble with this game you need to get the fuck out of here and stop playing videogames.