This game is painfully mediocre. It feels like some cheap Chinese knockoff

This game is painfully mediocre. It feels like some cheap Chinese knockoff

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>WoC higher than anything


N-Tranced>crash 2>crash 3>crash 1>huge adventure>Wrath of cortex>other garbage

I loved it when I was younger but you're probably right.


Attached: Wawa.png (366x520, 315K)

I agree. I always thought it was just boring compared to the first three. Remember that Traveller's Tales wanted to actually do something cool by making it more open ended, but Universal told them at the last minute to make it like the old games. So it was rushed like fuck.

>other garbage
I hope you aren't talking shit about Twinsanity.

Too many gimmick levels and too little core gameplay.

Shit opinion.

Those loading times though

abhorrent taste

Being a bit generous with that one. Games an irredeemable pile of feces from the levels, loading times, graphics and so on.

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I liked one of my first ps2 game the shit was hype

So were any of the PS2 Crash games popular?

I remember always seeing this game at my friends house when I was a kid but never played it. I thought the front cover was cool because of the creepy monster looking guy in the background. Is that Crunch?

>manages to feel more like the originals than any other Crash game
>levels have their own song
>nostalgiafags shit on it anyway
It has flaws, but come on it's not that bad.

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Popular? WoC sold pretty well I think.
Good? Not really, WoC was probably the definition of mediocre. Twinsanity is probably the best Ps2 crash, but it's pretty unfinished and radically different from the rest of the series.

The normal levels are perfectly good


Dude, it's really, really bad.


A guy I knew on Xbox Live had that picture of Crash as his gamerpic. I only remember because his tag was 'gang deatdown' and his profile motto was 'i mean beatdown'.

I remember liking the hamster ball levels. I remember hating the LOADING TIMES

I liked CTTR

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Crash Bash will always be my favorite
Tag Team Racing will always be the best


The loading times were improved if you played it on a launch ps3 that had the hardware ps2 emulation.

Crash of the Titans was the best PS2 crash game.

It's actually the best crash game, but whatever you say dumb faggot.

Fuck this game. Loading times, hideous character models, boring bland levels with little platforming and too many crappy gimmicks. Gutter trash game. My very first ps2 game and I don't have the slightest hint of nostalgia for this turd.I think twinsanity sucks too yet it gets shilled more than any other crash game on this board. I think these posters were kids who played it young and don't know any better praising it so much. I think the fanbase needs to realize that everything between naughty dog and the new Activision reboot deserves to be forgotten.

You're right but the 2018 demake was completely unnescessary aswell

But then it means Crash stopped existing

i liked it as a kid, 100% it multiple times, just thought it was like crash 1-3, but better looking. still plays alright to me. bosses aren't amazing but it has some cool levels like gauntlet

WoC is the best crash game.

It's Crash 3.5, not without its fun moments but it had no reason to exist. Would've been pissed off if I paid any more than $15 used for it as a kid

Yea but it reintroduced the games to the public and was a lot of people's first time with the series and seems to be the springboard for a series revival. The fact that it ignores all the crappy games is good for the franchise and gives it focus.

It really was unnecessary though, aside from crash 1's save system getting fixed.

For 2 and 3 I tell people to play the originals on PlayStation. The remakes had pretty lousy load times desu. Plus they lost some charm while doing nothing for core gameplay. The originals still stand on their own which is nice. Spyro too, the reignited trilogy just shows how perfectly fine the original 3 always were. Can't really improve much and most of the game was outsourced to India

Oh I wanted to say that crash nitro cart was ok. I tried it out while waiting for CTR nitro to come out and it was very ok so I'm sorry for saying everything after naughty dog was bad. I think CTR nitro replaces nitro kart tho, it's better in most ways. It even kind of replaces OG CTR despite that being my favorite game
He might as well have. Who the fuck played those shitty mutant games? It wasn't like Sonic where some games are gems and some are putrid dogshit, crash is fortunate enough to have a whole era that can be skipped. For the historical record, that's probably good for him.

Wasn't the best Crash game but the soundtrack is good stuff

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It's very "low energy" compared to the older ones

It doesn't play nearly as well as the older ones and it has even more gimmick levels than Crash 3

Dude that's like saying Mario Party is better than Super Mario 64

>Who the fuck played those shitty mutant games?
Not you clearly

I emulated this before ctr came out and CTTR is fundamentally broken. The theme park is comfy as fuck but the racing is just fusing with N.gin/Nina and winning.



Nostalgiafaggotry is the only reason you defend this shitpile

As far as post warped crash games goes this is one of the better ones, yes it's pretty much a ghetto warped but the gameplay and music are top notched, even if some parts of the game can be a slog.

It's way more fun and polished than twinsanity, for what little time they had to make the game (12 months) they did a pretty good job.

Overall it's a good game, not amazing but well worth playing if you're a fan.

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Traveller's tales was only given like 8 months to make the game and a lower budget. During the early 2000s it feels like Universal was just trying to squeeze quick bucks out of Crash, unlike the original trilogy + CTR where more time was taken for polish and soul.

No way fag
It's stiff and slow garbage

So was crash 1

It was my first PS2 game

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