>The end is near for Gamestop, stock valued at just $5 a share, down 70% in the last 6 months.
>The end is near for Gamestop, stock valued at just $5 a share, down 70% in the last 6 months.
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Hopefully they close soon and sell are their shit for cheap
Not surprising. GameStop literally lost to places like Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target, and to try and recoup these loses, they became this horrible and insipid store that tried to sell "all things geek", which alienated the audience they had. If only they would have stuck to gaming and started re-working older console and games back into their shelves.
Idiot company have Barnes & Noble sold them.
>started re-working older console and games back into their shelves
This, if I could go to Gamestop and pick up some NES and SNES games I'd go way more often
But sadly most of their locations are tiny little units and the wouldn't be able to handle all the extra vidya. So fuck em. Die Gamestop, DIE.
>They running some sale
>Can trade in my launch Xbone and launch PS4 and get a PS4pro for like 75 bucks
Is it worth it lads? Then I'd have my Xbone X and PS4pro.
Should I?
Sell your xbone and ps4 on craigslist
Bring a counterfeit pen
Id do that honestly.
Yea and then go to /biz/ if you teally wanna piss away money
>PS4 Pro
wow a minor hardware upgrade and still no games to play
Exactly. Imagine if you didn't have to deal with the hole in the wall mom n' pop or flea market shops that charge obscene prices for things because eBay told them that's what it sells for!
Seriously, if GameStop wants to turn around and actually start making money, ditch all the non-relevant things like T-Shirts, Statues, Backpacks, etc. Sell video games and few Funkos(since people eat those things up).
Buy the dip lads
It has uhhh, umm, Bloodborne!
>he bought the dip
Dude there is no saving them. They yried selling merch because profots are high with that shit. The retro game scene isnt big enough to keep them around. They'd still have to kill off 2/3 of the stores
well so long as they don't die before i get can my digimon 20th anniversary digivices i don't give a fuck
You could easily save them. They just have scummy policies, both in store and corporate side, that need to be dealt with; they have higher ups that are more concerned with their million dollar payouts over a thriving business. They easily sway with market trends instead of doing what keeps business steady. When you think video games, GameStop/EBGames should be the first and only place you think of, but because of the way GameStop has got these past years, it's the absolute last place I think or shop.
Literally buy the dip. Fuck the pink Wojak autismos.
buy an option at 1 dollar
The PSN/XBL store undercuts Gamestop by so much. If a game isn't a new release you can find the deluxe edition on PSN for less than half of the price of the used base version at Gamestop. In my experience, the only time GS is good with pricing is when they sell used weeb games.
Buy low sell High morons
I dont get the problem with the trade in values. Say you want to trade in your day one ps4/xb1 that was 4/500 dollars. Youre mad that you get like 100 back? Were you expecting to get the full price you paid for, a free fully paid next gen console, and a blowjob from the token hot girl employee? How much do you realistically expect to get back when you are dealing with a business whose main source of profit is buying things low and then selling them higher?
Also wait for one more stock drop then buy. They will spike up in november 2020 when the nextbox and ps5 come out.
This never happens user. Before they mark shit down they sell it to 3rd party wholesalers. The only things you will get "deals" on are sports games from like 6 years ago
The smart thing to do is go online only, and have same day shipping. Use one store in each town(you dont need three gamestops in a small town idiots) as the “warehouse” and have employees deliver purchases same day.
Literally the only reason I use Amazon is to get physical video games.
It's more or less the price structure in trades. For example, if you buy a brand new, day one release game from GameStop, you pay something like $65.59 with tax (in my location). Now, if you turn around and sell that game back, after buying it, they'll give you $20 cash, which is roughly 1/3 of what you just spent. Then, when you get your $20 and leave, they mark it used, and sell it as used for $65.59.
I have a PS4Pro and an Xbox One X.
It's a good deal just be aware the leap in quality wont be nearly as insane from S to X.
Why cash instead of something like Venmo?
Because selling stuff used is their main profit source. Publishers hate it and secure good digital deals with microsoft and sony so they can sell more and make more. Thats also a really contrived setup. If you buy a game day one you probably are excited for it or have it preordered. Youre not going to play it for 5 minutes then sell it. And they would sell it for $55, 5 under $60. Ameritubbies would sell their soul to the devil for that extra 2% off something and they expect someone to save that 5 dollars and get the used one. Gamestop just made $55
Biz is literally the reason I don't have to work and can play vidya all day. Got in to Ethereum @ ¢40 and sold at $1280
>Because selling stuff used is their main profit source
and yet most other big stores that are still around are doing more than fine while they mainly deal in new games
they needed to realize that trying to profit off used games while obliterating the only upside of buying used (cheap price) was not going to end well
people don't buy used because they like fingerprints on the disk, shitty repackaging and someone else's save file with the non-zero chance of the game breaking way early because it was used beforehand
They're always dying, huh? Any day now, lol.
Oh, no, I understand; GS's main source of income is used, which is why the retro gaming space makes more sense for them. However, I do firmly believe they under value a lot of trade-ins. But you'll never be able to make a fair price trade because someone will get more for that trade in somewhere else.
>remove GBA games
>remove PS2 games
>remove GC games
>remove remove remove
>add funko pop to every shelf instead of games
They just leave Xboxen outside the door?
Isn't that mega-easy to thieve?
People like to hate on gamestop, but consider this.
The big gaming companies actually want places like gamestop to close down so they can eliminate the sale of used games.
Anything the big gaming companies want is usually a bad move for the consumers.
I’ll actually miss GameStop.
>go with my mom to the mall
>have to sit on my ass, bored to death while she drags me along through macy’s or sears
>finally when its over i can go to gamestop
>browsing through the abundance of ps2 games
>find a fun new game for $20 or under
I never want physical media to die because of this. Browsing through Blockbuster, Toys r Us, or GameStop is a magical experience.
so where is gonna be the go to place to get games if gamestop is gone? i fucking hate preordering stuff on amazon cause it's a 50/50 chance i'll get it on time or not
Eh, Toys R' Us is coming back--this'll be no different. Just a name skinned over a new venture, piggybacking on "muh retro" culture. You just watch.
Sounds like they're only doing bad from their phone store debt. They should've copied more of FYE/ Vstock and other "geek" stores that sell vidya
Rebrand as "FunkoStop". Become manager. Commit insurance fraud. Profit.
JB Hi-Fi probably, at least here in straya. They already have a better selection of weeb/nintendo games than EB, usually cheaper too.
>NES and SNES games
I too would like to pay $60+ for Metroid.
>i bought google stock at the absolute historical minimum and made money off it
besides that, it was at that price for literally 1 day over 4 years
also, if you really don't need to work i hope you made a few million dollars or you'll need one sooner or later.
out of curiosity, what's the difference between how much you sold vs how much actually stays in your bank account after taxes and whatnot?
empty boxes, obviously.
These fuckers don’t even take “old” vidya anymore. I wanted to sell some worthless shit from my PS3 collection like Vampire Rain but they said they stopped around April or some shit.
Out of curiosity is there a list of Gamestops that are for sure to close?
Even back when they did have NES games they did cancerous shit like throwing the boxes away to save space. I just want them out of business and gone, personally. They haven't been anything but shit since the end of the Electronics Boutique era.
Why does Gamestop get people fired from their jobs? youtube.com
>Blockbuster, Toys r Us
Well... at least you still have one.
>takes new sealed box
>cracks it open, tosses the disc in a drawer with the other games
>tosses the box in a drawer
>label it as "new"
>that'll be $60 + tip
>get offended if you bring up that this isn't a "new" copy
Good riddance honestly. I'd rather buy from a collectorfag, at least they're more liable to keep the game in good condition.
do they have any plan to get out of this shit?
>everyone and their mom is opening an online game store
>gamestop didn't
what a visionary company.
Why do I feel like I've heard that a hundred times before?
I'm not the biggest GameStop fan but shit is gonna suck when no stores except Target and Walmart are open and malls turn into warehouses
He's lying
Because we've had threads on their decline for a while now. Businesses usually don't just collapse overnight, it's a long drawn-out death.
Yes, just like the horse drawn carriage industry and blockbuster could have still been around if executives had just "cut payouts". Industries die, they should have seen the writing on the wall sooner and had a diversification strategy better than "videogame hottopic".
We're already there, support your local mom and pop if you have one.
This. People chose this future as soon as they started downloading whole games over a decade ago from services like steam or live and others before those.
Physical is near dead. If that's a good thing or a bad thing will remain to be seen but the choice was made.
>Physical is near dead
No its not you fucking retard, people just aren't shopping at Gamestop
I tried but the owner is a literal Jew who has knack still selling for 40 bucks
Fingerprints can be wiped out. Save file? What decade are you in? I've bought used games that havent worked but they have a 7 day return policy and one time a brand new game fresh off the truck (Resident Evil 5) didnt work for me either.
Gamestop is going out of business because they suck dick. The stores smell like cat piss. Their shitty merchandise is falling off the shelf so its hitting you in the eyes while you trip over other shit on the floop no body could be fucked to pick up. Transactions take 20 minutes while they try to upsell you and half the time they add "disc peotection" even if you say no because "it just makes sense bro".
Yeah sure let me just buy the average title at 80 dollars
Keep telling yourself that. Fingers in the ears.
But there too expensive
It's literally dead. The full game doesnt ship on the disc anymore. This isnt like "an opinion" developers work right up until launch and then patch that disc copy with the full game.
should you short them, yes.
>Tfw work at gamestop and laugh at all the losers who want sealed games
I deliberately open any and all weeb titles even if i dont have to.
Nice user, do you jerk off on their anime figures too?
I visited a local store and they sell even the shittiest PS1 games for $30 minimum. Bunch of jews just check ebay and price match. Why even have a store if your prices are going to be the same as online?
In 2017 digital sales made 27% of PS4 software sales and in 2018 they made up for 43%. Nearly half of all PS4 games are being purchased digitally now.
This is at high as its gettin ya dinks
Good luck meeting your quotas
Brick-n-mortar stores will never go away. They will always have an audience to cater to. Horse drawn carriages are still used by the Amish and Blockbuster literally would still exist if it didn't tell the inventors of Netflix to fuck off. Blockbuster CEO, CFO, and COO are to blame for Blockbuster's downfall.
Hell no, their fundamentals are garbage. At this point the only options are don't buy, short them, or hold out for an acquisition and sell when that boosts the stock price.
I'm putting a grand in I feel another boom period esp with new consoles on the way
>Places LIKE Gamestop.
This is the key word. Disc Replay, Game X Change, Play N Trade and many others are just fine. And that's not including the smaller chains and local stores. Gamestop is shit, was shit, and will always be shit.
The digital only paid shills are in and going all out, people are waking up to the digital only/zero ownership agenda and people are rejecting it
Game sales have collapsed and share holders are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship, its going to be a few shit years ahead in the gaming world while we wait for the gaming division of the zionist mafia to collapse but physical isn't going anywhere
We the gamers decide what the market is and what will succeed and what wont, the xbox one launch should be a reminder for any company that wants to go under
so they're hemorrhaging $cardboard$, I see
I'd miss EB if it's parent company goes belly up. I prefer buying games from an actual games store over Walmart or Amazon
We truly live in a society
you could make a labo out of those boxes tho
a free game is a free game
>physical isn't going anywhere
That's what people said about VHS, and 8-track. Like it or not, we are trending towards the domination of digital. Physical might live, but it will be a novelty, like records.
Gamestop deals are pretty good for employees if you know how to work it. On release day I got Smash Ultimate, a pro controller, and an Ike amiibo all for 45 bucks.
>Gamestop deals are pretty good for employees
2) oh good, deals that can only be accessed by the minimum wage monkeys that work there? surely that will save the company!
>That's what people said about VHS, and 8-track
Both of those just got replaced by better "physical" formats
Part of the reason physicals are dead is because they're expensive to make + not many people want physicals nowadays, especially PC. Would you buy the hundreds of games in your Steam library if you had to worry about shelf space? An indie dev can't afford to contract a factory to pump these out unless they sell a million copies or if they run a Kickstarter exclusively for a physical release, plus PC gamers wait for a Steam sale anyway so they can get the game for pennies on the dollar. Besides, you can make your own physical release if it means that much to you.
>GameStop/EBGames should be the first and only place you think of
How would they make it so I dont think of either Amazon or digital distribution first?
why do people think gamestop=physical?
do they seriously have problem differentiating between a specific company and a method of distribution?
would they fear fast food vanishing if suddenly mc donald went out of business?
You /biz/ LARPers are the worst
Are physicals really that expensive to make though? They're just optical discs with the data transferred to them. I think the box/packaging would be more expensive to produce than the disc itself.
I mean, you work at Gamestop. Are you really in a position to laugh at anyone, wagie?
A reminder what the big push for digital only is all about, its about the gamer being made to continually pay for a product they will never own
Its a scam which is already collapsing
Well, for starters, a lot of people started avoiding GameStop because of how pushy they forced employees to become with memberships, right? I know I got tired of hearing about the PowerUp Rewards every time I was in because lets face it: no one really wants your paid rewards system no matter the benefits. I eventually caved because the magazine was well written at the time, but that's neither here nor there. Stop making your employee lively hoods dependent on the membership and instead focus on better sales and titles across the store. Do marginally better trade in deals and you'll get a lot more people back in.
Just buy physical from Amazon, any mom&pop, or even fucking Walmart. Fuck Gamestop.
Look at the procedure.
>bulk is cheaper, so you ask a company to make you 5000 units
>if you want it to be the absolute bare minimum, it's a DVD box with a slip cover and a disc
>but who would want to buy something shitty like that?
>5000 units of a nice box is more expensive, gotta print off a nice manual too
>no guarantee that you'll sell those 5000 units unless you have people pay in advance
>print on demand? even more expensive
I'm not against physical, but asking some indie dev in some slav shithole to produce nice boxed copies is ludicrous when you can probably make your own for cheaper and in better quality
Good they have the shittiest practices in the biz selling opened games as new,buying your games for dirt cheap even if there a month old and selling high,badgering you with there magazine subs even making workers plead with you so they dont get fired.
I'm a college zoomer working part time and getting my bachelor's in fucking you mom in the vagina.
Physical media is all but dead already, user. It has been for years. A majority of physical releases are simply placeholder disks with a serial key, or in some cases only contain a fraction of the game files which then require you to download the rest. I'm not going to say that GameStop was entirely responsible for where the industry is today, but they certainly had one of the largest roles in pushing it there. There's absolutely nothing about GameStop to be nostalgic over, they're the ones who screwed over customers time and time again with ever more draconic policies. They were the ones who squeezed out smaller businesses like Software Etc, Funcoland, Egghead and others in order to drive competition down and prices up.
I'm okay with digital AAA games, but anything else is prone to be lost like Telltale games or PT. People need to be more aware that these games could just disappear.
GTA Vice City Stories used to be on PSN and now it's gone for both PS3 and PSP, only way to play it now is to find a UMD or pirate.
>and instead focus on better sales
Try and compete on price and you're competing with Amazon, and you're going to fucking lose. Jewing dumb soccer moms, weed addicts and dudebros is the only option
We have to see what the final tradeins are.
I want to get rid of some shit dammit.
Imagine working at Gamestop. Even in my most desperate spots in life I'd never work retail, especially at fucking Gamestop.
I got $220 in ebgames credit (Canada). how worried should I be?
Use it now.
They won't go up
Anons should I trade in some shit I don't want to keep for a switch lite?
Realistically what do you think makes them profitable? They make nothing on consoles, almost nothing on new games, barely enough to cover overhead on trades/other sales. It's honestly surprising that it's lasted this long.
This is wrong. The fact is that about half of vidya sales these days are done digitally. So now GameStops potential market is half of what it was five years ago. And that number is going up, which means the market will continue to shrink no matter what they do.
There was no saving Sam Goody or Tower Records. GameStop is the modern version of those.
Malls are already dying user, white people stopped going to them because they’re full of blacks chimping out and Mexican teenagers with strollers.
So you’re telling me if Blockbuster had a genius management team, they would still have stores renting out movies and selling popcorn with it?
I used to like Gamestop despite all the shit they get for pushing you to preorder games and what not.
Lately I been trying to buy new games and they'll be like sorry that's only for preorders, come back in a few days.
No fuck you.
I was able to go on their fucking site and order the shit the store clerks wouldn't let me buy, and trust me, I went to multiple stores and none would let me buy their fucking games.
Fucking useless and they act all high and Mighty.
Get the fuck off your high horse, you're working a register for fucking toys.
I'm so sick off their bullshit so as soon as I'm done with my membership, I'm done.
I'm exclusively ordering online from now on so I don't have to deal with dickish retards working at a counter that won't sell you shit like the fucking potion Seller to the knight.
You should google "catch a falling knife."
Yes. And Netflix would be known as Blockbuster. Sure, there retail stores would probably shrink, but they'd still be operating.
Save them and buy all their Funko Pops!!!
I don't give a shit about spooks and spics, I just stopped going to the mall because amazon is objectively better. They're run by scum and exploit their own labor force, but on the consumer side I get free one day shipping, so I don't even need to leave my house to shop. Gas is still way too fucking expensive, it's hot as hell in the summer, and I have to be somewhat presentable when I leave the home. If there's no powerful entity to leash these gigantic corporations, they ravenously eat up everything in their path until nothing is left but them, this is only surprising to brainlets. Since we allowed it to get to this point, might as well enjoy the few perks before amazon just outright purchases swaths of our country.
Remember how cheap the movies where when blockbuster closed down?
Gamestop liquidation sales are going to be fucking dope.
This is exactly how capitalism is supposed to work, why is anyone surprised? if franchises were meant to last forever there would never be room for a new business to bloom. Fucking learn to adapt, or die and leave room for the new stuff.