>He pretends to dislike Bethesda games on Yea Forums
>Pirates all their games and enjoys them for hundreds of hours
>Still pretends that he doesn't because he didn't buy them
>Probably didn't even pirate them and actually bought them and is just trying to sound cool
He pretends to dislike Bethesda games on Yea Forums
>he pretends to talk about video games on Yea Forums
or maybe he actually dislikes them you fucking retard
I liked Fallout New Vegas. Didn't even try to play Fallout 4 since they totally gimped the dialog system.
I pirated Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 and uninstalled all after putting a few hours in, they all had garbage gameplay and terrible writing. The only point of Bethesda games is to mod the shit out of them until they're unrecognizable, the base games are always a trash experience.
New Vegas was decent at best but I loved oblivion. That’s about it. I liked fallout 3 for completely different reasons than new Vegas
Good thing they're video games and not books
That is true for Skyrim, which while "worse" than the likes of Witcher, is still a game you can sink far more time into.
Fallout 4 however, I couldn't play much at all, boring game.
Too bad the gameplay sucks ass
unga bunga me no read me play bideo game
>being assblasted that other people aren't dumb enough to enjoy objective marker simulators
>computer role-playing CRPG game for the computer where you role-play as a character in a video game (on a computer)
>"writing doesn't matter"
They still have atrocious gameplay anyway, Oblivion probably has the single worst action combat ever designed.
Best in their genre seething storyfag
Not an argument, storyfags are equivalent to people who listen to music because of the lyrics and not because it actually sounds good. Pathetic.
yes, I call out wojakposters how could you tell?
Bethesda makes hollow shells that require filling by the modding community.
If they had half a fucking brain they would hire the modders to make a more complete game on release
nice selfy, bethesda cuck
>he listens to music with shitty lyrics because it sounds good
Are you retarded? You listen to music because of sounds only? You’re the reason why niggers have taken over music entirely.
What do you call a song with no instrumental then dumbass?
This is actually much less of an issue than bad writing in a CRPG though, it'd be more like listening to an audiobook or spoken word album with shit writing.
There's a reason why they're the highest selling and most played games in their medium, and its not because of the writing.
No other game offers what they offer in terms of freedom and gameplay combined together. Some games have better gameplay but lack freedom, some games have more freedom but are storyfag drivel with trash gameplay.
Most people including myself would rather have a complete sandwich rather than a really tasty single ingredient.
I was about to say this, I actually did play and enjoy Skyrim a lot despite being able to recognize its many flaws. Fallout 4 was a different story, I only put like 40 hours into it (30 of which were my first char, so I only played my second for 10 hours before getting bored), which is pathetic for a Bethesda game. I'm glad I pirated it.
>Best in their genre
But they all have horrible combat and movement.
exploration and looting is the thing that keeps people playing these games
Unless you equate "freedom" with "space", that simply isn't true, also TES games and nu-fallouts all have horrid gameplay anyway.
There still isn't a betrer combination of gameplay and freedom. There's only games that have better gameplay and less freedom, or games with more freedom and trash gameplay.
Exploration sucks in Bethesda games. Maybe you'll run into a place that looks interesting or pretty from afar, then you get there and it's more of the same boring drivel with either another generic dungeon with more of the same godawful combat or some location with yet more terribly written uninteresting NPCs that give you a boring quest with no real freedom of choice as to how you solve it.
But nigger music doesn't sound good?
>best in their genre
Putting Morrowind aside as the exception, Planescape: Torment, Gothic 2, Deus Ex, VtMB, Geneforge, and New Vegas are all immeasurably better.
>shitty game can be fixed by Thomas the Tank Engine mods meme
Even if you try to actually mod the game instead of just doing meme shit or porn and you get a mod to individually fix each of the games flaws, you get an incoherent and undirected mess.
The gameplay sucks beyond combat.
>Objective markers
>Shit copy paste quests
>Bad puzzles
>Fast Travel
>No cold survival mechanics for some reason
>Horrible factions
>Bad magic system
It used to sound good when it didn't have words (Coltrane).
>good gameplay
I’m not the other guy and I hate fallout 4, but those games you listed as having good gameplay all have either outdated gameplay or outright boring gameplay.
Does anyone really enjoy turnbased shit? I only put up with it if the writing and choice/consequence rpg aspect is top notch. It’s just not entertaining.
All have worse gameplay, and some have worse gameplay and are smaller aswell.
They're only better in the fact that they have more dialogue options and maybe more class variation but that's not gameplay. That's storyfag shit. Its cool as a bonus, but not what inherently makes a game good.
>complaint about turn-based gameplay
>literally only 1 of those games is turn based and it's the most obscure one
what did he mean by this
Huh? Planescape is very popular, often called one of the best RPGs of all time?