Post yfw seeing one of the dragons for the first time

Post yfw seeing one of the dragons for the first time

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>mfw realizing the dragons are just eye candy

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>seeing Farosh flying over the bridge at Lake Hylia

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This was my first one. I didn't know what the fuck it was.

seeing farosh diving into the pool in the jungley area was scary as fuck, i was not prepared for that area at the time and was getting blasted with lightning

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Not a dragon

>That music

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my first time.

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I saw the trailers/commercials before playing the game

>climbing Lanaryu mountain to get to the spring of wisdom
>"Oh, dragon music"
>music turns eerie real fucking quick
>look around for the dragon but it's nowhere in sight
>get to the peak
>corrupted dragon ;-;
>gliding down over the mountain range and forest over and under the dragon all while trying to free her of corruption

Just did that. From afar I thought the glowy bits were some rare mineral vein, I climbed up to smack it and was surprised it was a fucking dragon

im glad i was able to play the game completely unspoiled of moments like these even 2 years after its release

>A star fragment falls down

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I was half dead on the bridge and thought I just stumbled into an area guardian boss fight thing.

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Way to ruin your own experience.



>thought they would be a cool boss fight
>turns out you just farm them with 1 shot of your bow to unlock temples

Pretty much my only complaint with the game. Same with the Legendary Beasts. Wanted them to be big epic boss battles and they were just 5 puzzles in a temple then a small boss fight you just jumped around to beat

I was in awe until I realized they just ignore me and do nothing else than dropping materials.


Are these like the first massive scale creatures for people or what?

name 500 other games with interactible giant creatures
I'll wait

I was going around the jungle region, spent the day climbing the mountain, then turned to the lake and saw something green glowing and moving. I zoomed in and saw a massive fucking dragon flying towards me. That was adventure as fuck.

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But they literally ignore you no matter what you do.

It is for a sandbox game.

Not him but their bodies reach to you via drops, even depending on which part of their bodies you attack

Wtf are you talking about? They fucking ignore you and do nothing but drop items when you shoot them, they're amazing when you see them for the first time and that's it.

So fucking disappointing that it wasn't a fight, just flying loot. The lack of danger or more random hazards in the overworld was a big waste of potential.

I want the dragons to merge together into an unholy mechazord for a fight in the sequel

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