>imagine being this assblasted
Reply to this post if you think OP is a faggot
It's baffling to me how someone can speak do confidently about something they know nothing about
reply to this post if you reply to this post
Isn't it funny how people can act smug and call you a retard and go "copeseethecopeseethecopeseethrentfree", and STILL be factually wrong?
the ps5 is coming soon so im not worried
I didn't
what is this cope thread
what has happened in the life of an individual that he finds wasting his time on this is completely reasonable
Nintendies will buy it just like they buy anything with a sticker on it. Even if it's as obvious of a scam as this. Nintendo is the Apple of gaming.
>Nintendo is the Apple of gaming.
Except Nintendo has always offered the more affordable alternative.
It's baffling that you proudly call yourself a nintentard due to your social anxiety, spastic attacks and inability to function in the real world. You are drawn to a community because you are a failed faggot, it's incredible that this is literally it
At least snois or pcf*ts have a bigger clearer image of the world and don't make a corporate their entire personality
The new Switch Lite has been leaked and rumored for a big long while. I think I can recall rumors about it predating the release of Smash Bros Ultimate even. Not really surprised it even actually exist.
Switch Mini is aimed directly at the Japanese audience.
In other topics. Anyone buy third party attachments for additional cooling when Docked for their Switch? I'm worried about it over heating cuz I binge JRPGs on it. Its never turned itself off, but I don't want to over wear and tear the hardware.
the whole point of the mini is to get people who don't want to spent 300 on the base switch into the library, to get the people who don't really care for the TV part and prefer to just have a new handheld, and that's really it. No reason for you to REBUY the thing(I don't understand why you re-buy consoles to begin with unless your console is literally broken)
so you've been obsessively screencapping and cataloging peoples posts talking about a new switch for the last few months, counting down the days until you could make this exact post, and they're the losers?
>anime incel
kek, good one.
read your post again, here meditate on this a little
imagine being an adult and taking yourself seriously while spending time on an anonymous online board talking like a queer about the most mundane trivialities of this world
your days go by without any meaning whatsoever, devoid of any importance
I feel like you only see a chunk of humanity left in you because other retards with anime avis also do the same. spend their days trying to talk in a serious manner, giving them the illusion that they are serious people and their opinions in the most boring dumb shit that is irrelevant to human life hold much value
>4 screencaps
All I want is a box that plugs into the TV and doesn't need to downscale to 640x480
Handhelds are for kids at recess and busriders
Nice projecting retard. Now we all know how insecure you are.
premeditated for this specific purpose over the course of several months...
maybe the autistic mind doesn't see anything wrong with this
That wasn't me, and I'm not reading more of your paragraphs. You probably get off sexually to people listening to you pretend to be smart, since nobody in your real life values any of your precious insights.
I know that.
I know you didn't.
It's easy to predict what your answer is gonna be to basically anything when you're a simple little corporate drone. see I even made this reply as if it were on hindsight
even if you feel like you don't own anything to anybody you should get ahold of yourself and straigthen this wreckage you call life. nintendo isn't gonna be your shelter to remain a useless unskilled faggot for the rest of your life, trying to build a sense of importance where there can't be any. it never was
are you on the screencap maybe? or is it you first day here
>box that plugs into the TV and doesn't need to downscale to 640x480
You've got Xbox for that.