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Suck my cock, you discontent shriveled up piece of shit
>Do you know anything about the dead miners in the medbay?
Why would you even consider she knows something if she was locked in the morgue?
What did she mean by this?
The only thing I can think of is that maybe she could have heard something.
You don't know how or why she got locked in there. It could've been related to the dead miners.
Is it worth turning Bao Dur into a Jedi? I have stopped leveling him at 11, and even in throaway save where I raised him to a lv 20something tech specialist, he still sucks at combat. I even invested into the single handed feat, no pun intended.
Nah, he's one of the characters who goes cross class if you make him a jedi. He's more useful in his original utility class.
This is the model they used for the jedi Exile in SWTOR.
You may like it or not, but this is her official appearance.
Atleast Revan is Keanu reeves
They based her off a shitty book that came out after KOTOR 2 launched. It sucked balls, and it even had the gall to kill off the Exile. Despite being one of the best Star Wars characters to date.
She meant that you're an ESL nigger
I wish my character could insult people without getting dark side points
no, but i found an ancient loading ramp.
unironic... the only good games Bioware and Bethesda are tied to were the ones made by Obsidian...
op is a fag
her only description on the book was "brown hair"
But did you charge up it?
>no option to hatefuck Atris and cure her of her autism
What the fuck, obsidian?
Any decent Let's play of this game?
>Drew in the Big Guy Trilogy: Knowledge is power, strength is meaningless if you can't focus it properly, and grasping the philosophy of the dark side is what marks a true sith from a pretender in black robes
>Drew in ToRtanic: just steal Nihlus' gimmick and utterly miss the point lol.
What the FUCK happened? Did Avellone mind fuck him that badly?
Thread theme:
if only the anons that post in these daily kotor threads colaborated on keeping /swgg/ alive..
based atris poster. She was seething because Revan left her for the thrill of war and saving the world and then even Exile cucks her. No wonder she turned to the dark side, she just needed some chad revan dick, or even the second rate exile pussy.
That's the problem. In KoTOR 2 they specifically leave aspects of 1 ambiguous and left to player choice because not everyone played the same. Then SWTOR threw it out the window and forced canon stories for these characters for no god damn reason. I thought setting SWTOR 300 years after KoTOR meant you wouldn't have to worry about previous games.
/vg/ is an autistic cesspool for forumfags
Cringe. SWTOR and new Battlefronts aren't worth talking about.
Why? ToR is fucking dead.
we end up discussing kotor more than swtor
>and Yea Forums is not!
I didnt know that handmaiden would get jealous that i influenced visas first, i have an earlier save, but i should influence handmaiden then visas to avoid this. I just kinda like that theres a consequence there but hate that theres no way to fix it, its permanent
If you max Handmaiden first you can max Visas. She gets mad if Visas is higher, but if they're both maxed out it's cool.
You.. sound like Revan. At... the end.
Do you know what he told me, in those last days on the Outer Rim? That the Mandalorian Wars were our doom, and that we had been deceived. That it had never been our decision to wage war on the Republic. Revan said the Mandalorians didn't invade Republic space ten years ago because it was our choice. We were tricked... our entire people sacrificed as pawns... and never knew it. He said there was a war coming. That it was waiting out in the Unknown Regions, in the dark, waiting for us to destroy each other.
"A war? This war?"
No, not this one - another one. More terrible. Against an evil we couldn't begin to comprehend... a war of belief, that had been fought for thousands of years. Revan went off to fight it.
"And left you here."
Revan was one of the greatest military leaders in the galaxy, in history. He knew what he was doing
And I always follow orders.
thanks, visas is so much easier to influence, i just talked a bunch to her, gotta do the fights with handmaiden and take her as a party member, should be cool to have both visas and handmaiden together.
I already knew of that, thanks. It's not the kind of material I can piecemeal while in bed on my tablet though. It seems worth a read but not exactly what I'm after here, which is a video clip series playthrough.
I want to FUCK visas
>The third game involved you, as a player character, following where Revan went and then taking the battle to the really ancient Sith lords who are far more terrifying than the Darths that show up. These guys would just be monsters. These would have a level of power that was considerable, but at the same time you’d be able to dig more into their psychologies, and their personalities, their history, and even how they dealt with the player, how they talk with the player, the different powers they cultivated and developed, and for some of them like – they’re the ancients, so they’re not just ruling a solar system, [but] swathes of the galaxy.
>So the places you travel to [you’d see] how they left their stamp on that world, or that solar system, or whatever collection of moons. You’d see how horrible that was. Part of that environment would tell a story about that. [That] would be a great, epic way to end the trilogy. The Old Republic are out there. We just didn’t get a chance to do it.
I wanna replay KotOR2.
Any mods worth mentioning other than the restored content one? I already know the Droid planet one is boring as fuck and should be avoided.
I think we'll be able to see some kotor 3 some day. or at least a star wars rpg like it. one day, hopefully it has writing on the level of 2, with actually somewhat balanced gameplay
Yes, I did. I found loads of equipment and money and items
thanks for asking, vapid cunt. fuck off.
I want to have a spaceship harem of big titty tomboy, blind cutie with dsl, redhead slut and autistic historian whos cunt gets wet every time she hears your voice.
Playing a blaster focused Exile and all it's doing is making me want to go back to being a Sith Lord
restored content is really it, everything else is bethesda game tier "content additions".
I too play blaster Jesus but I'm enjoying it. Though I had to cheese Handmaidens
>he still has hope for star wars
It was utterly dead the moment disney bought it.
Hide headgear mod. It's absolutely essential.
SWTOR aint canon
i still have hope for a lot of stuff that people say will never happen, like half life 3.
The only way that's ever going to happen is if 9 utterly shits the bed at the box office, causes a LucasFilm/Story group holocaust and Disney whores out the license to recoup as much as they can.
Yeah well technically nothing other than the movies and clone wars is canon right?
Except for light side inquisitor.
>half life 3
It's literally an impossiblity at this point
not to me it isnt
Maybe if EA loses the license. They don't make RPGs anymore.
this sounds like the ideal path for the entire franchise actually
>story leaked
>writers and developers gone
>voice actors dead
What does it take for you to accept it?
You already got half life 3 in epistle 3.
Time to move on.
gaben saying hl3 is no more, buy artifact 2 and ricochet remaster
We will get kotor movies by those 2 guys and nothing important will be allowed to happen in EU outside of movies which are main audience and money printers. Games, books and comics are only allowed to have minor stories in them now that are supplement to movies. Proper kotor 3 never ever, unless someones buys license from Disney and retcon their shit and that will never happen
I'd be very surprised if it actually goes down as initially claimed.
GoT's ending torpedoed those two retards having a positive impact from name alone, and if 9 can undo even a fraction of the shit 8 laid down, I'll be fucking astounded.
We already can infer that Johnson is being shunted aside, and I suspect that once 9's theatrical run ends, we'll start seeing some heads roll in earnest and projects getting axed left and right.
Sounds great, I will never stop SEETHing about this never getting the light of day. FUCK that gay ass MMO.
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment but I want you to be right.
get over it nigger
To think I used to be hyped for this cunt.
I'll accept the possibility I'm wrong, God knows that enough companies make one retarded decision after another rather than admit fucking up, but from a business perspective it makes sense.
Disney's current MO is an abject refusal to back down and admit weakness. It worked with Marvel, and as a result they've brute forced their way into an absolute goldmine. They thought they could do it with Star Wars, which is why they haven't taken the obvious steps to damage control it. They also know that admitting an error would cause shareholder discomfort, and efforts to repair the franchise might not even work; in their eyes it's safer to chase a lower return they feel guaranteed by it being the end of an era than potentially make things worse.
However, at the end of the day Disney is still a company. While they won't risk sabotaging a product already set to launch, like 9, once that run ends, they have nothing to protect. The brand's name alone is near worthless, and only has it's setting creatives can use as a selling point.
This means that they have nothing to lose by simply declaring exterminatus on objectively toxic influences at their company and either salvaging what they have by flogging the license without undue oversight (what I hope will happen, since that Era of the EU produced some great gems despite the shit), or simply canning it (what I fear will happen, but at least then it's over for good.)
I honestly hope they go full original story and only use the shit that the EU took from Lucas like the Sith Empire and Darth Bane.
If they make their own thing then I might be able to enjoy it even if it's not that good but I fear they will try to incorporate EU stuff back into canon and completely ruin it.
I'm still butthurt about how they butchered Thrawn in that Rebels show.
Aren't most of the problems with Star Wars due to Disney's retarded feminist CEO or whathever the fuck her position is? I don't think anything will improve till she either gets the boot or is pressured into backing off from the franchise and letting other people handle it-
>why the hell did we let Nihilus do the talking
based Kyle
who said canon
It's annoying how few people get Thrawn.
He's not an infallible mastermind, he's just very good at getting in people's heads. In the original books, the ways he was bettered was when he encountered something he didn't truly grasp, like Luke, when he overthought something, like when he managed to completely miss Leia on Honogr, or when he faced a fair fight with an equal or superior tactician, like Bel Iblis or Ackbar.
It really wasn't necessary to have him constantly let people get away because it's just according to keikaku
And then the keikaku doesn't even matter anyway because the good guys get bailed out by a magical storm buffallo or a magical hyperspace-travelling octopus.
KOTOR 2 is an amazing game, but for some reason, I keep replaying the first more times than the second
They should port the second to android as well.
Kennedy heads Lucasfilm, and she's there because she bullshitted execs into believing she could keep the old fans while getting a new woke audience.
When Iger figures out that 7 was a hit for unrelated reasons, and that she's been driving the IP into the dirt and throttling book/game merchandise with her retarded story group, she'll get her ass thrown out the second doing so won't impact ticket sales.
>or Ackbar
I always forget Disney killed him off screen and then I'm mad all over again.
Literal aliens aren't diverse enough. They needed another human woman for political points.
And they replaced him with Admiral Tumblr.
That whole subplot and the hyperspace ramming thing would have been retarded anyway but I would have been more willing to tolerate if it was Ackbar doing that shit.
why do Americans dress like this
I played first one only once, but made plenty of 2 playthroughs
My wife understood snacks...or something...
What do you think these threads have been?
Here's how to do it
>plan the goddamn trilogy out ahead of time
>Han survives 7
>He's at the the climax of 8, which isn't a retarded chase that relies on the not empire refusing to look out the window, and the not rebels forgetting they have hyperspace capable shuttles that aren't being tracked
>earlier on R2 figures out that the tracking device has a unique connection to hyperspace, but he rattles off some massive odds of anyone actually managing to do anything useful with the knowledge
>later on, Han is evacuating people
>tells Leia and Chewie to head off, and he'll pilot the ship to distract them and meet them later
>Next scene has Han at the controls, and Chewie comes back in
>Han asks him what he's doing, and Chewie growls something in response
>Han responds "Hey! I'm not THAT bad a liar!"
>Chewie gets in the co-pilot seat
>they share a smile, and Han says "Chewie... Punch it."
>cue a hyperspace ram which doesn't fuck the entire setting up
>that image
Ah yes. A man of culture.
No thanks man. It's not about the vidya any more over there. It's just a video-game-themed hangout.
Only exception I've found is /tfg/ but that's often dead.
>tfw Drew is Darth Sion
there's some books that are canon that have been released but you're correct, technically everything about the old republic era is noncanon which also means you don't need to give a shit about the mmo
though they're evidently doing a movie set in the old republic era and I'm dreading which would be worse, one that stuck to the old canon but utilized mmo shit or one that just aped the games but in a shittier way. I'd probably hate the former more honestly
This is missing that both Sion and Nihilus exist to show that Sith Code is wrong
>Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
>Through passion, I gain strength.
>Through strength, I gain power.
>Through power, I gain victory.
>Through victory, my chains are broken.
>The Force shall free me.
But they are literal slaves to the force
yearning for those times is the only thing i have left in regards to this site. honorable mention to Siggy too
It's telling that so many Donut Steeles miss the ultimate irony of the Sith.
To truly be free, they aren't allowed any chains such as emotion, friendship, loyalty, etc, and ultimately are even more constrained than the Jedi as a result.
Why do newnigs kept putting Herb in Name?
I liked how the RotS novel (which is pretty good, btw) puts it during Anakin's inner monologue when he fully becomes Darth Vader.
"The shadow" is Sheev, in case it's not clear enough.