Top Tier

Top Tier

Mid Tier

Low Tier

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thief is sexy as fuck though and goddamnit I miss racial classes

Racial classes weren't that interesting. In AD&d they changed to sets of allowed multi-class with racial class level caps / soft caps. Having no racial adjustments for classes is what killed race+class identity.

wait a minute, that thief

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Cleric went full retard on his Stat distribution though.

Attached: clericProfileHalf.gif (526x356, 63K)

they all do, and if you go by the stats then the elf is fucking busted, while thief is 0 PB or worse
fucking fighter's got charisma pumped

Mage is pretty good except for con.
Though in combat that wis isn't going to do anything, if it was for role-playing purposes it would make sense.

Attached: mageProfileHalf.gif (524x354, 61K)

I hate Magic-U players. Stop pausing the game every 5 seconds so you can waste your spells on trash mobs!

Have you seen his hair? You don't maintain a mane like that with any negative penalties.

>5 str
Surprised he can even lift his staff.

Hell yeah

Attached: thiefProfileHalf.gif (525x355, 70K)

>the class with the best offense short of spamming spells and an unlimited-use ranged attack

I seriously miss the fays when Japan interpreted old western fantasy, Dragon's Dogma was the last example in recent memory

Attached: 1363373227-dungeons-and-dragons-shadow-over-mystara-flyer.jpg (1692x1194, 626K)

you need CHA for 'turn the undead'

>These games are stuck on last gen consoles
Probably a rights issue, but still....

>not playing the cute brown muscle girl no matter what

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That's the rapper class, I presume?

>Cleric is 31
>I am 31
Jesus Christ.

Wizardry remains pretty popular in Japan, maybe even more sp then in the US.

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Post more stats.

Dragon's Crown? Though that might have been before Dragon's Dogma.

Needs her own game

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>muscle girl
you're like futafags or the chubby chasers, have to ruin anything even tangentially related

>elf and thief low tier

yes, clerics need cha for casting, then pump phys
there's no reason to pump int/wis on one save for rp reasons


No, futa is gay as fuck and I'm not into chub, I just really love muscular women.

Attached: 49771754_p0.jpg (1414x2000, 501K)

I didn't say being into muscles makes you a chubby chaser, that's fucking retarded. I said you fags latch onto anything tangentially related and do your damnedest to ruin it for everyone involved trying to cram it a square peg into a round hole. LIKE the chubby chasers, and the futa fags do. Oh, she's tanned? Well lets fucking oil her up and draw some striations, add some veins like she's flex fucking wheeler, why don't we.

Don't you want to ensure the genetic prosperity of your young user? You can't be so gay as to believe breeding a muscle girl wouldn't give you giga chads as sons.

user, I think you're being a bit too autistic here. I said I like muscle girls, I'm not one of those DUDE THICC XDDD" normalfags that spout it at every turn.

What's the difference between Elf and Magicu?

Elf has a sword and decent close range combat prowess, but less access to magic. She's the jack of all trades character.

Did that actually have RPG elements or was it a straight beat'em up?

No you don't.
AD&D Turn Undead was based entirely on level.

Attached: turn undead.png (535x394, 151K)

This is elf.
She is smart and fast, but she cannot lift very much.
Be nice.

Attached: elfProfileHalf.gif (525x355, 61K)

Not much.
You level up which gives you more spells.
There are some short dialogues with 2 choices for choosing A/B routes.
It has money and there is a shop after each level.

Otherwise it plays like a Final Fight clone, though with more complex combat mechanics because of the classes.

Delicate and strong, best waifu for any tank, I want to princess carry her.

She's got nice thighs for someone with only 7 strength

>7 str
>can use a sword with ease

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her sword is not long, so finesse

AD&D level 7 strength only receives a -1 penalty to hit.
8-15 is considered normal and has no combat adjustment at all.
She can just pick up gauntlets of power to increase her strength anyway.

>putting women with a fucking dick anywhere near on the same level of degeneracy as a simple physical preference

to say you are retarded would be an understatement