IS there anything better then seeing an elf get raped and have the smug beaten out of them?

IS there anything better then seeing an elf get raped and have the smug beaten out of them?

Attached: Smug elf not so smug after getting raped.jpg (1296x797, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not rape if she enjoys it

That's not an elf, that's my octomommy

What do nagas need noses for?

gimme a tldr

Saved you from playing the patch

need an even quicker run down. don't want to give them a hit

n'zoth is freed from his prison and he vores azhjara after she dies to horde and alliance


big bad plan was to lose all along to summon even bigger bad

squidelf dies, black fog wakes her up and nobody is surprised at all

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>Azshara is defeated
>By the final old god is set free (as part of his plan all along)
>Drags a seemingly death Azshara into his shadow realm, she wakes up right before being pulled in so perhaps its some form of resurrection.

can we get an even quicker rundown? as fast as possible

Why does she have eyebrows?

perfect. thanks user!



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Why does this company post spoiler-filled cutscenes from their own endgame content on their Youtube page? Do they not have the resources to have someone throw together a proper trailer cut? Would that cost too many raid tiers?

why did they remove her FEET I want all her mechanics have her step on people with her stinky fishy FEET

That'll be 10.000 patreon dollars please

Ok this is epic

virgin sacrifice to copyright free cthulu

Giant nelf eyebrow genes are too strong.



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seeing them enjoy it

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But naga usually dont have eyebrows

>Patch in the raid
>The cinematic is in the game files
>Best case scenario some guild will finish it in 3 hours and post the cinematic for several million views
>Worst case scenario someone will datamine it in 10 minutes and post it for millions of views
>Or blizz can post their own version already.

Azshara is canonly saving herself for Illidan, and only uses her hands (or tentacles for degenerate suction fags) to pleasure individuals and dominate their ruined orgasms.

You realize snakes have noses, right?

Can you name one other company that posts the literal ending cutscene from their game, MMO or otherwise, on their official Youtube page?

the only thing WoW related i do anymore is watch the cinematics and occasionally get disappointed at the lore
and i know its the same for lots of other people

Blizzard is making shit up as they go, like two armed female nagas.

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She's saving herself for Tyrande not Illidan. Lorelet.

>snakes have noses

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She is queen

I like when this happens to any smug female. Like when a succubus or other demon girl has a monster that turns on her after he's finished with the heroine.

We all know the rea$oning why Blizz put$ there cinematic$ on youtube

She is queen

The best kind of succubus is an otherwise pure succubus which only acts like a slut for the man she loves in the privacy of their marital bed.

Prove me wrong.

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>Blizzard is making shit up as they go
well yeah, this is a fictional story that they're creating. why wouldn't they develop new ideas

Her sugar daddy just got out of jail, how's that supposed to take the smug out of her?

That's not the same as "making shit up as they go"


I'm more surprised by Lor'themar being buddy-buddy with Jaina.

Hes gonna fuck every hole shes got

Every hole?

Lor'themar sort of forgot about Jaina killing the Sunreavers

why does everyone assume that she died when right after beating her she is very clearly alive and breathing heavily on the floor? Even outside of the cutscene. She could have briefly passed out.

Every hole. He might even make new ones to not get bored

I can't watch WoW cinematics without cringing. The fact that so many still bother to follow this fucking trainwreck of a lore is beyond me.

elves literally cannot be raped

have it be an actual elf not a post-rape underwater niggeraids infested elf

Blizzard takes a shit and the blizzdrone eat it up like a good boy. This is why Warcraft lore has more retcons than anything else in history

I can't.

>You are NOT allowed to do ANYTHING that I decree goes against lore or story! Female Nagas with two arms were NEVER seen before so they can NOT exist AT ALL!

Except Russian history.


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Well her breathing as she collapsed sounded more like dying breaths, and she did seem to be at chock when coming back
>This is why Warcraft lore has more retcons than anything else in history
Clearly you don't read a lot of comics

You want to talk about retconned history? Then we should talk about Egypt, and I don't mean that whole thing about whatever or not Egpytian's were black, I mean that pharaohs had a nasty habit of destroying historical records and calming they did all the good shit

>the worlds are full of hotter females
>everyone is lusting over some stuck up moon priestess
At least the dragonmaw clan got it right in the 2nd war.

is this true? wouldn't surprise me with how shit wow lore is

how big is the draenei horse cock penetrating her?

So the best kind of succubus is not a succubus at all? You got that right, brother.

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As big as your brain. Which is to say, so small it doesn’t exist

>tfw ywn have a Void Elf lover who enjoys manifesting void tentacles during sexy time

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Is there anything better than having a thread for an irrelevant game nobody plays anymore?

>Alliance and Horde are fighting together again

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Well don't stop now.

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>tfw azshara doesn't have feet so I don't have anything to look at while fighting her

So just a kinky girl?

I still can’t believe they had a 27 minute cutscene depicting the pretty brutal rape of a naga queen. Like did N’zoth really need to cock slap her that many times? And did we really need to see him ejaculate enough semen up her ass to fill her digestive tract to the point of her throwing it up on the other end?

Just seems unnecessary

This game is so fucking unbelievably boring. I cannot believe people still play this shit. I SERIOUSLY doubt this game even has 2 million active subscribers.

snake nigger gets killed and demon nigger comes out


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>snakes don't have noses
Imagine being this fucking stupid.

Haha.. Why would you post something like that, user? Nobody in their right mind would want to see something like that, let alone draw it. Haha...

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>kill off your only interesting villian as a loot piñata


She ain't dead.

Literally who gave a fuck about Azshara

>Spoiled Queen
>Interesting Villain

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I miss him too

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Monster girl fetishists do.

They literally have no one left besides Old Gods and Void Lords. WoW needs a reboot like Classic+

They really have no idea what to do with Lor'themar

>There are anons in this thread right now who don't want a pure relationship with a loving succu-wife.
>There are anons in this thread right now who don't want this.

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I would gladly impale a succubus, with a greatsword that is.

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a pure succubus is an oxymoron

Getting raped and kidnapped by a bunch of elves (female)

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>They literally have no one left
They can bring back characters whenever they want. Warlords of Draenor is a prime example of this, as well as Illidan coming back in Legion.

The average IQ on this board is around 90, what did you expect?

I am willing to bet that on average a person here has read less than 1 book written before 1945

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If they decide to bring any characters back only Arthas could stir up some hype. It would be really dumb though.

Just in case the end of Wrath wasnt badly enough written, arthas returning from the grave would firmly shit all over the already flimsy TFT plot

>It would be really dumb though.
That's one of the only things about WoW's writing that's consistent.

is Sylvanas going to be okay? haven't followed WoW shitshow of a story in months

No, because she dared to have an actual War in a Warcraft game.

Yea, I miss Garrosh too.

She's falling into the same trap Garrosh did. Just this time instead of ORC PRIDE WORLDWIDE, it's Forsaken Pride.

No, she is a canon virgin though. Weakness disgusted her and everyone she's ever met has been weaker than her.
That's how the demons got on Azeroth, she lusted after Sargeras since he was the only ONLY male she's ever met that was more powerful than her.

People complaining about WoW's story now when it's actually the most well developed in terms of story and characterization in this expansion.

I bet you faggots find one of your favorite characters being killed as great story?

No, just Jaina and her pals. Most of the Horde and Alliance still hate and are killing each other.

No she hasn't. If anything all of her forces are more diverse than any other leader.
The only pure forsaken forces are literal fanatics that she allows to be killed to continue her schemes.

She still has tits, and that sultry voice.

>Implying new villains can't be set up
The horde gets an extra quest line where players finds out that something is going on in the realm of death, and that something in it has been manipulating Voljin. The tie in comic also mentions that the void is afraid of death and Nzoth says in the storm raid that the light has struck a deal with death, and then there are the undead risen with light magic.

The next expansion will be in the death realm

I thought Kiljaeden and Archimonde were her equals in strenght? (Yeah Sargeras is the first that overpowered her).

>plot threads running wild
>well developed

Garrosh did plenty of things that alienated his allies, while Sylvanas has done acts of genocide she hasn't really done anything against the other horde leaders the same way Garrosh did. Which means that the second horde Civil War might be less one sided then the previous one, although that might change when Sylvanas burns down thunder bluff.

Old gods like always.

Playable Naga.

ie not a succubus

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>Why is he already naked...?

It's youtube. One 5 minute cutscene does not make much money.

Take your bets on how this bitch's story is going to end
1. Dead
2. Everything she did was to gain enough power to kill N'zoth, she dindu nuffin
3. She was under N'zoth's control the whole time, she dindu nuffin
4. She combines with her last Valkyr and gets purified or some really gay shit like that I wouldn't put past Blizzard

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She marries Anduin and/or Jaina

A combination of 1 and 2 but they bring her back somehow

For me it's 5 : Literally don't care and never cared about this bitch.
I just want Illidan or Arthas back at this point.

Anduin is being set up to marry this literal who, and Jaina is too angry to marry

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Indeed this user is forcing his headcanon. Azshara had the same power lvl as Malfurion

Illidan is stuck with the Pantheon fucking with Sargeras until the end of time or until Blizzard needs to bring back another villain
Arthas is fucking around somewhere, you can see a remnant of his soul with the Frost DK weapons, so he's not out forever
I fucking hate Blizzard, you know villains will never stay dead because they need more money

>2. Everything she did was to gain enough power to kill N'zoth, she dindu nuffin
this + helya was helping her

None of that, it's
>She made a deal with a death entetiy to save her own skin

She scared Mannoroth who thought she might be an equal to the Legion's masters, but Mannoroth is a fucking retard, so take that how you will

>Jaina is too angry to marry
We haven't played the same game

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Just like Jaina and Azshara she won't die. Sylvanas will be the last boss in 8.3, and then it'll lead into a black empire expansion, hopefully

Yep that's all. And Mannoroth/Archimonde were scared about Cenarius, Mannoroth/Cenarius were killed by Grom, etc.
They belong to the top tier in terms of power lvl, that's all.
Cosmic entities, Archimonde/KJ, Sargeras are above though.

>1. Dead
Means literally nothing in WoW. Especially with her

Considering she attempted to kill Saurfang, Thrall, and now Baine, I don’t think 2 is happening anymore.
Either she dies or she was under some corruption bullshit which gets undone.

I'm hoping for another incident that will actually drive her over the edge. She almost jumped it when Theramore wnet up, and almost murdered Baine on the spot before she saw her brother
I want Jaina to actually PURGE

Only thing purging is her quivering pussy

I never take WoW story seriously that's why i don't care. Arthas was a giant joke in wotlk.

Now why would Helya help her when Sylvanas probably failed to keep her end of the deal?

>black fog
Is this le Lost?

>She will never kidnap Anduin and force him to marry her to unite Kul Tiras and the Alliance, and cuck the Fordragon whore

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She tried to kill honorless traitors

She will unite the Horde and the Alliance by bearing Thrall's babies.

What would happen if I dragged her into that church?

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I mean, she displayed herself as honorless way before they did, unless you count Thrall cheating in honorable combat against Garrosh

>new xpac in 2 years, thanks for waiting


For breathing air?
Naga have lungs and gills. Their underwater houses and buildings are dry on the inside.

>implying it's rape and azshara doesn't love daddy N'Zoth
They are a perfect couple and OTP!

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>Anyone Jaina even remotely loves will inevitably die
I hope so, just cuz I'm tired of seeing Go'el. I miss Thrall

>wage WW3 against the Alliance and genocide the Nelves.
>that's ok.
>use mind control on Jaina's brother to kill Jaina

this is why I came here

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helya is a seanigger
helya and her dark valkyre are shadow death realm niggers
azshara is a seanigger
nzoth and old god minions are shadow death realm niggers

helya wants azshara and nzoth out of her ocean and afterlife so she can rule over both

She has no honor herself. She and anyone who stands with her doesn’t deserve any in return

>An ancient, unspeakable horror borne from entities that embody nothingness
>An entitled slut with admittedly impressive magical abilities
Like a match made in heaven

>censoring the canonically most beautiful being in the WoWverse with a fish
Fuck off tumblr why even draw her if you aren't gonna do her justice.


did they retcon he has a wife/kid?

>Reading a book from before 1945 constitutes IQ.

To be fair, Helya is only a seanigger because Odyn showed himself to be an even bigger nigger

nagas are amphibious.

It wasn't really a retcon, it just happened in Cata. They didn't go back and change anything, they just put in Aggra when Thrall was going through his Christ phase

>>Reading a book from before 1945 constitutes IQ.
That's two separate arguments, moron

Ignore shipperfags.

yeah but she likes being a seanigger now

seek help

WW3 was bound to happen, with Greymane being so close to Anduin. Nzoth doesn't rule the afterlife
To be fair it's a very beautiful fish

Well, thousands of years of being forced into a role by this cunt you used to call a father and you would enjoy the power it gives you too. Fuck Odyn, seriously

this patch literally had a 10 billion dollar cinematic of thrall living on a farm with his wife and kids so no its only retarded anime romance fags looking into it

>WW3 was bound to happen, with Greymane being so close to Anduin.
Stop lying to yourself.

Why can't Thrall have both?

Greymane abandoned his mission in Stormheim to go directly after Sylvanas. Even if he doesn't hate the Forsaken as a whole anymore, he's still going to be gunning for her the moment he gets a chance

>Nzoth doesn't rule the afterlife
there is no "the afterlife" in wow but being trapped in the void forever is one of the afterlifes (one that sylvanas is trying to avoid). he also literally brings azshara back from the dead in that cutscene so he does have some kind of control over death

That generally happens when you kill a man’s son

WoW one dude leader of an irrelevant faction that has no country did something wrong. That means WW3 is going to happen!

I don't think he brought her back, I think she just wasn't completely dead yet

I didn't want to say amphibious because they aren't amphibians. The correct term for non-amphibians is aquatic or semi-aquatic.

I'm not saying there isn't a reason for it
>One leader of an irrelevant faction
>Said leader is the closest to the king and is almost always by his side, advising him

I'm sorry to tell this but Sylvanes says the exact same thing in a tie in book, with a new resources showing up and Greymane being so close to Andiun another war was going to happen. Even Saurfang couldn't argue against that
Sylvanes was his mission in Stormheim

You clearly correlated them. How about you fuck off now.

This isn't how I envisioned Azshara in WoW, thank god I left this trainwreck of a game in 2012.

Too bad no good pron of it

Kind of. He was supposed to only engage if absolutely necessary, but he jumped the gun and attacked her fleet the moment he saw her

>You clearly correlated them.

Ofcourse there's a correlation between the two. Not strong enough to claim that the one constitutes the other, but there's definitively a strong correlation between the two parameters

>How about you fuck off now.

Neck urself

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You sure? I remember him being there because he wanted to take out Sylvanes, him going there with the air ship was an unofficial mission and was nothing but a vendetta.

>Said leader is the closest to the king and is almost always by his side, advising him
Tell me the part where Anduin aproved what his furry Advisor did. He's the bigger peace faggot. His body literally hurts if he does something wrong. Your cunt started WW3 not the Alliance and you are a delusional waifufag if you think that the Alliance would have waged war first in anyway.

Everyone did right after Cata, but then blizzard wanted to waste two expansions away from old god or demon plot lines because they feared getting rid of Azshara, the old gods or Sarg too soon would cause subs to drop since most autists still playing convinced themselves those enemies were all they played the game for.

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ww1 was started by some retard assassinating a guy

>Azshara dying to random fuckers
Jesus Christ they'll bastardise their lore instead of writing a barely passable story because they don't have a triple digit IQ between them

They're official mission was to transport the player to Stormheim, their unofficial mission was to see what kind of fuckery she was up to, but because he was partnered with Rogers who hated the horde as much as he hated Sylvanas, they jumped the fleet and ended up getting their airships shot to shit

And that's not the case in WoW.

Not really, world war 1 started when Germany invaded Belgium. Had Germany not invaded Belgium then chances are the British would never had joined the war

calm down waifufag, that's WoW since vanilla, + your waifu isn't even that strong + she isn't even dead cauz strong woman, etc.

Hopefully N'Zoth doesn't kill his waifu. We need them together, or at least Azshara to survive.

It's an mmo, so it will suck by default.

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>Blizz jumped the gun and got Garrosh killed too soon and for shitty reasons.
>Voljin died without ever doing shit.
>Cairne died a even more pointless death
>Baine is a young nobody
>Sylvanas genuinely hates the horde and the living
>Saurfang is a wet blanket of "muh old honor, muh old horde"
>No one wants Green Jebus again except Metzen
What will Blizz do with the horde now?

>My cunt
I fucking hate Sylvanas. And if you don't think Greymane is the biggest fucking warhawk in the alliance you are delusional. Remember that time Greymane went behind Anduin's back in Stormheim and ran Sylvanas down? Just because Anduin doesn't follow his fuckery doesn't mean he won't do it anyway

The player characters are hardly random nobody, and we are joined by like four named characters in the battle.

Britain didn't give a shit about violating Greece's independence though, it was just an excuse to join the war.

>Blizzard ever establishing a new character people care about
No, last one was Garrosh and they butchered his character

>Like a match made in heaven
Like a catch made in the ocean.

>Gallywix cares only for Gallywix
>Lor'themar is a literal who who does pretty much fuck all
It's either going to be Baine, Saurfang or Lor'themar. I want to see the Horde players get mad when another elf leads them, so i'm kind of hoping for Lor'themar

>Just because Anduin doesn't follow his fuckery doesn't mean he won't do it anyway
So what it's a furry doing shit on his own. Anduin would never aproved this, and you know it.

>random fuckers
Those "random fuckers" are the champions of their classes, bashed a corrupted Titan and shafted Sargeras.
The scale of power is all over the place but generally the "Raid team" is one of the strongest forces in the universe

Dummy, i'm not talking about Anduin when I say "doesn't mean he won't do it anyway". I'm talking about Genn

>All the possible leaders are alliance bootlickers

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We are probably the most powerful beings on the planet, aside from maybe Azeroth herself. Everyone else, we just slap their shit down

>random fuckers
Bruh, you had 4 OP as fuck lore characters with you the entire fight doing 100k DPS. Technically they're the ones who beat her fat ass.

Perhaps, but they could have joined any time earlier. Following the diplomatic crisis after the assassination the Russians asked the British for some support, but thr British turned them down.

Furthermore the British were closer to the Germans then the French at the time

Actually filleting them, adding spices, cooking them up and eating them.

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The power of retard strength is strong with the raiders

>bashed a corrupted Titan and shafted Sargeras
>This is meant to indicate it makes sense for them to be planetary tier threats
>And doesn't indicate Blizzard has had shit writing for the better part of a decade

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>Blizzard basically kills all its fucking leaders due to shit writing
In retrospec what the fuck were they thinking? Should have kept Garrosh and gone with Metzen and that other Dev's vision of him being a more "Hordey" asshole leader who could stir shit up without going too far.

I blame the fanbase for pressuring blizzard into making faction-war a plot element because all its done has created endless bitching and terrible plot decisions.

Saurfang and Lor'themar aren't really Alliance bootlickers, though

So what ever happened to rexxar? Was he left as a literal who since vanilla or what?

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We need the Titans help to beat Argus, and to bring us back to life

They’re going to undo factions after this xpac anyways.

>Played a role in BC where we find his clan
>Found an alternative version of him in WOD
>Hunter follower in Legion

I haven't finished EP, i actually started a break shortly before Azshara, so I haven't seen this
I take it back, Saurfang isn't an alliance bootlicker

>and ran Sylvanas down?
Yeah, she was trying to fuck over the minor deities that were helping against the legion, for her personal gain
At that moment half the horde should have already rallied against sylvanas

Based Azshara saving herself for one true daddy to dominate her.

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Yeah, but Genn didn't know that at the time. He saw her and went for it

Sourfang literally caused everything because he didn’t axe malfurion. He’s the biggest alliance bootlicker out there, and bends over for anduin whenever they meet.

so much for champion of the horde

Their crazy relationship is the only interesting thing about this entire expansion.

That's not really alliance bootlicking. He didn't axe Malf because he's obsessed with honor, and his only real interaction with Anduin was when the blonde shit let him out.

For the most part true. But Blizz will fuck it up, no doubt, have N'Zoth betray her or some shit. I wish they stuck together till the end.


Has there been a single plotline in all of Warcraft that hasn't gotten fucked up at some point? You would think with like 10k employees they'd have at least a few competent writers on hand.

wait Jaina isn't crazy anymore?

>allycuck seething his boring faction doesnt get enough love

No, because Blizzard constantly throws around writers who each have very different ideas. If you were to look into the lore, and the history of the retconns you'd notice a lot of shit implying different directions or contradicting ideas that were never focused on.
Dragons for example, have a lot of weird lore that doesn't blend well with the rest of the universe because it was all written by Knaak who only knows how to write DND settings. When blizzard wanted to cut away the mysticism (I.E remove actual gods, magic = form of science, Titans made the world with machines) he never adapted very well.

The WoW universe just constantly refreshes itself with bullshit because the writers can't just agree on "cleaning shit up" in the lore that they have and then moving forward. They tried doing it once with those Chronicle books but then failed to maintain that the expansion they came out in (I.E Sargeras paradox).
Even Metzen fucking gave up at some point and just wanted to have Thrall be superman/his insert.

Dismantle it because Sylvanas.

>They tried doing it once with those Chronicle books but then failed to maintain that the expansion they came out in (I.E Sargeras paradox).
I'll never not be pissed off by how badly Chronicle was handled.

go on

Why is elsa touching thrall?

Well, she was disappointed that SargeraS betrayed her (aka turned out to be gay) when she creamed her panties over him so now she moved on to N'Zoth. She's sassy against him for being trapped but once he gets out and shows her the might of his tentacle then her tune will change and she will beg to be impregnated with his old god/naga/highborne babies.

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I never even heard of this. But I also gave up on warcraft lore after bc

i need proof of this tentacle changing her mind

Stop lying to yourself user. A pure succubus is a contradiction.
Succubus are literal semen demons incapable of love that suck your lifeforce.
What you really want is a loving, flirting, and sexy girl with horns, a tail and maybe wings.

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God I wish that were me.

>>Drags a seemingly death Azshara into his shadow realm, she wakes up right before being pulled in so perhaps its some form of resurrection.


She was gasping for breath and clearly on the cusp of death; N'zoth clearly resuscitated her.

Never trust an elf!

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