Joins the server

>Joins the server
>Turns on his mic
>Loud-ass fan
>Bad quality mic
>"Cala boca ai macaco"
>"GG meu pau no teu anus"
>"Supremacia br cara"

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1280x896, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

try living in a shithole, these small moments keep us going

Central and South americans are the worst

Please nuke us.

>please nuke the USA

you didn't say if you liked it or not

RIP joão gilberto

Bom dia rapazes

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Sounds based.

We are bad, but our country is so bad in everything that we aren't the worst. Good luck for you when you find the peruvian plague, you'll wish you had us playing by your side.

>all these brazilian ITT pretending OP isn't brazilian
Why this

Where's the dick

Because you people are no fun and salty e v e r y t i m e

Brazillians and Australians together are the apocalypse

No one actually calls other "macaco" in Brazil só nice fabricated story you got there.

>be kid
>used to call black friends macaco all the time
>nobody cared
>fast foward 20 years
>now I can go to jail if I even say the word

t. mexican

We used to call a mullato kid from our class "preto" back when I was in elementary school too. Nowadays everyone becomes triggered as fuck if you use that word.

I used it a few years ago to describe a guy that was missing from a class I was attending to, and everyone on that class nearly jumped from their chairs the moment I used that word. At least no one corrected me, they just showed the typical signs of white guilt.

>the mullato kid who believed himself to be white

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I still see mullatos (and even people who are literally just tanned) being called black pretty often actually.
Maybe people just don't give a fuck where I live.

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sopa de macaco

Tinha um moleque preto que a gente chamava de pato assado kkkk.

To be honest, restarted playing a few weeks back after a hiatus that lasted years.

Started playing with Brs and they are not loud as ppl here portray them. If anything, they are polite as fuck.
The children are a nightmare tho.

And the spanish speaking ones dont say shit, or will ask you for shit and ignore you afterwards.

One shot me yesterday when I was escaping a dangerous zone on PUBG Lite. Like dude, Im going to leave this fella in the safe zone and come back to get you, Wtf, are you shooting at us?

Olá pessoal!

>asq 24 anos mês que vem e incel



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Uma delícia

I'd BuRy my HUgE (haha I wish) dick in her

heuehuehue br macaco huehue

being a virgin in brazil is like failure2

vai toma no cu fdp

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-143312_Minecraft.jpg (1280x720, 714K)

>Be kid
>No niggers
>No sand niggers
>Grow up
>Alot of niggers and sandniggers around
>What have happend to my country

Attached: reeeeee.jpg (225x224, 5K)

maybe don't play trash like CSGO

A healthy local community for a game that's NOT garbage like CS or DotA, please.

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Cala a boca, macaco.

Oh god muh dik

real talk, what went into that guy's head to think about eating monkey meat?

because they quite literally live in a giant jungle. i've been to rio de janeiro this year, the absolute state of poverty of the city is incredible. it also looks as if they dropped a city in the middle of a jungle, brazilians truly are subhuman monkeys

Phone poster yuck

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The real reason is that the taxes on practically anything vidya are prohibitively expensive in Brazil. So, this leads to your average Brazilian- that you would find in any given NA online lobby for a F2P game- more likely to be playing on ancient hardware.
Unless you mean why are Brazilians assholes to you personally online, then I can't really assume enough to guess without making an ass out of myself.
t. Definitely not Brazilian.


Up your ass tranny


>implying you are not a monkey yoursef

stop badmouthing your own, retard

somebody post the real photo/video of that thot without 2 tones of make up, fillters and photoshop. i am getting tired of virgins who spam that bitch

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>T. macaco

>chicken going apeshit in the background and mom yelling at someone/thing

>i've been to rio de janeiro this year
why the hell would you go to rio ?

i don't understand why gringos visit this shithole, why didn't you just jump of a cliff ?

works on my machine: the post


Alimentos e Sementes de Alse, anteriormente conhecido como Fuch.

não sou bom nisso

>goes to the tourist trap hellhole that everyone is fully aware is chock-full of favelas and poverty

Where's the places to visit in Brazil?

Remember when /vint/ happened? Yes, most shitposters here are brazilians

Not like the rest of it isn't also filled with both lmao

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Canadians, actually.

>Churrasco de americano
A vá pra puta que pariu

Airports and borders.

São Paulo, Salvador, Santa Catarina(Balneário de Camboriú).
Stop taking the jewish pill, go to other places, Brasil isn't just Rio, the south is literally Germany but better.

They were canadians, you false-flagging canuck.


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This, if hues and strayans lived close to each other the shitposting would reach infinite levels

If i were mexican i would have killed myself by now


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based, fuck non-cheaters

>first that bitch who stole content from mother's basement
>then that faggot who faked playing a piano
>now this
god, why is everyone on this shitty country that i live so damn corrupt? from politicians to your average joe. it's just disgusting...

>tfw no brazilian bf
Argie here btw

add me at [email protected]

I feel you man



How about playing RO and some idiot spam BR? BR? BR?
And don't forget about those "give item or report" piece of shit.

Don't be a mongrel, Pedro.

>Kill la Grill

Um clássico.


Brazil is the russia of the americas

lol i hate this so much

this happens all the time, they create a retarded narrative and then send a mob to harass you

So... the entire population of Brazil and Argentina

Nigger your kind made Dota a trasfire along with Peruvians
You did the same fucking thing in HoN


>south is germany
continue vivendo na ilusão,sulista.

Oh man I watched this a couple hours ago. No clue how it even ended up in my recommendations or why I clicked it in the first place but as a random nobody with no stake in the matter, I say fuck that monkey piece of trash, I'm hecka mad.

Sinto cheiro de merdestinos, revelem-se.

>The posterchild country of the amerimutt meme
>white in any shape or form
Lmao kill thyself, soap do macaco.

Thoughts on filipino gamers?

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Man I miss the golden age of lan houses so fucking much.

Underrated post.

can filipinos speak in moortuguese?

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I honestly expected this to be the immediate first reply. Why did you disappoint me?

Because they eat monkeys

RIP Patricia Araujo.

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Post nicknames for blacks
i start:
>gasparzinho do candomblé

parem de falar português aí seus cornos

>negão pika-grossa (ui)

The HUEmonkeys of Asia

I just keep saying "Yeah" anytime someone that doesn't speak English joins in.

safadinha_gostosa_94 stole all my tibia gold

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You forgot:

heh, yeah

Kill yourself.

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actually it's more like hauhsuashuahsuahsuahsuhaushua

>most BRs I've met online just go: lol, lmao, haha, etc
>many still go: huehuehuehue, hauhauhau, etc
That's to be expected
>some go: kkkkkkkkk
>but recently i've met some going: spokaspokaspokaspokaspoka

>be kid
>be racist
>fast foward 20 years
>now I'm not a kid anymore and have to deal with my shit and can go to jail if I ever say the word in a racist context

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>أعطني زوجتك ، سفين
>أحتاج إلى هذا الرفاه
>!لم أفعل أي شيء

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just another form of laughing. If you want to laugh online you can just bash on the keyboard and it's valid.


How can I not hate my own people when the vast majority of the mentality is people like this? People that think that just because our reputation is in the shitter that that is somehow justification for acting like a shitter. You don't fucking go "lel people called me a monkey time to shit on the streets for fun!" that's literal subhuman behavior, which is the behavior the majority of people from this country have.

I don't understand how one can look at themselves and think "yeah, this fine, I love being treated like a literal animal and then acting like one in retaliation", that's the thought process of a literal child and it only serves to bring down the few decent people that do exist in this naturally beautiful shithole.

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Ki-Suco de fumo

I'm from Portugal, dunno if the connotation changes in Brazil but here preto is the equivalent of nigger.

I heard "yeah" and "uh" really bugs shitkins who don't speak english because they're in basically every sentence

>muh raycism
Calling a nigger a monkey is not any different from calling a fat fuck a whale.

how is preto = nigger
but negro = black


olhem esse 5

I still do it with my friends, usually macaco and neguinho, but we pretty much only refer to each other with insults. I love them though, in the past never thought of it as racism.

Patético, chupa o meu 5 fi

preto = nigger AND black
negro = nigger AND black

preto is more commonly used for colours but they are all interchangeable, depends on the context

lmao faggotes, perderam esse cinco?

>Why yes, I am actually brazilian but prefer to speak the server language and avoid other BRs

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This is oktoberfest you retarded fuck.


No wonder you have pictures of semi naked men in your computer.

>Semi naked hue streamer that strips on stream, watches porn on stream, watches porn with friends and his own grandma, do and sell steroids, cheats and harass speedrunners
Based Chadvera.

Preto isn't necessarily racist. But people used to call black people "preto" as if that was a bad thing, so you can still use the word in a racist manner, depending on the context and how you say it.

It is different because of how black people were treated for a fuckton of years during slavery and after, and how the way they got their freedom fucked them in an economic way that keeps them marginalized up until nowdays.
Even if it's different, you are a unsecure and ignorant retard for calling people that...

Speaking the server language when dealing with natives is just manners, doesn't make you a chad, just a decent person.

I tend to avoid anyone that doesn't do the same, but still speak in portuguese with other BRs.

>7 a 1 checked
disdain for plebs is the only answer, user. it's the only thing that unite both hue leftards and conservashits: the truth that the brazilian rabble can't talk by themselves

We don't really have a highly offensive word like 'nigger'.
Like, 'negro' sounds more formal but we can still say 'preto' and probably 'crioulo' on TV and when we're just joking around. It mostly turns offensive depending on your tone I guess.

preto viado


neguinho baitola

crioulo chuparola


>Speaks and/or types in broken English
You're still a Brazilian monkey and a faggot.

>Tranny joins the 40%
Not surprised.

>see another brazilian struggling in some MMO
>decide to party up and help him
>he starts going "huehue do you like pica na bunda? XDD" and doing general retarded underage shit around the natives
>abandon my old char and create a new one just to avoid him

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>The posterchild country of the amerimutt meme
but isn't that the USA?

>see another br in online game
>avoid him like the plague
>see another person from another countyr
>avoid them like the plague as well
I'm just too socially inept for life I guess

tição boiola

Melhor do que jogar com os gringos paneleiros, tê bê agá.

>that one black kid with a lot of pimples
>"eai chokito!"

>tfw downloaded mu online again after all these years

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pardo putão


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Preto gained a negative connotation here because it's more tongue in cheek. And because of such "negro" by default became the word to go when you need to call an African by his skin color here.

Wtf I love São Paulo now

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Quem é esse rapaz?

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I can't believe Kelly if fucking dead!

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Pav dvro nas rvínas

Como fácil.

macaco do cu assado

negroso filho da puta

The only broken thing here is your asshole after getting pounded by my average cock lmao

Eu sou branco (arabe)
Lidem com isso.

Buiu pau no cu

>better act like a pissy underage favela monkey, this will certainly prove him wrong!
Parem de ser retardados seus animais

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Tá certo, Maomé.

>they made a turma da Mónica movie
Uh? lol Ok I think I'm going to watch this ironically ahah

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More importantly, there is something that I have always wondered about
> puts “br” on his online name
Why? Is there a need to let everyone know you are juliano_br

Are the kids barefoot?

>sim mestre me humilhe haha como somos subhumanos!

Aprenda a bantear, mongol.

You poorfags participate in console wars, don't you?

Everyone but the kid in green are canonically always barefoot but I didn't watch the novie so I don't know.

I assume they do this because they can't speak english so they can spot each other more easily. I'm br but always thought that was silly af and never used it specially because I learned english early(12yo) and never really needed that.

Cebolinha is the snob, he wears shoes and has normal feet.

primeiro post melhor post

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Yeah, and it's a really Brazillian thing. Only other time I've seen people having to add their country's initials to identify themselves was for localization stuff.

Is this...the power of Brazil

>Patricia Araujo

>viado! pinto na bunda! feio bobão comi sua mãe!
Aprendeu a bantear no ensino fundamental?
Pelo menos pergunta quanto eles deram de gorjeta pra o médico judeu cortar a cabeça da rôla deles.


>essa magali

Attached: cyYqBGq.png (691x597, 4K)

aqui é baixo padrão, não precisa usar muito o cerebro

muh circumcision, jews lol é o mesmo nivel de "comi sua mãe haha"

>perú lost to this

>it's a really Brazillian thing
I used to play mu online back in like 2005~6 I think(last time I bothered playing f2p garbage) and it was very common for people in that game to put their country in the name, most commonly the polish with "_PL" in the name.

not really

Attached: 1554843091121.png (976x658, 272K)

>see a brazilian on a american server
>now i have to try my best to not make him realize im also brazilian otherwise he will start speaking portuguese on a american server like a fucking retard

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Well, it is a Brazillian thing nowadays.

Only richfags bother with console wars nowadays. All the rest is either on PC and pirating or "playing" on mobile.

This in tabletop simulator:

>I'm teaching the rest of the table how to play the game in english
>A BR joins in, notices my username and asks if I'm a brazillian in portuguese
>I respond in english that I am, but I'll keep speaking english so the other members of the table know what I'm talking.
>He leaves

Motherfucker, what did you expect me to do

>azaghal's daughter is now a ftm tranny who is about to marry a mtf tranny

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Literalmente quem?

utterly based

No, I just try to help on console hacking threads

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oque ele quis dizer com isso ?

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>filho de puta
*bang bang bang*

Any other games capture this feel?

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i bet they'll kill themselves in 40 days

>Cirno da Favela aprovo

*ahem* cirno é a mais forte

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Nah, it was a steampunk theme drafting and building game.

sharing is caring, user
post screenshots

City of God is KINO
Is there something else thats decent from Brasil?

Hey Anões... did you guys played RO?

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Elite Squad and Elite Squad 2.

Here's the workshop link if you want to play on TTS.

Yes, for many years, I miss it so bad.

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I'm so fucking sick of Brazilians in CS:GO dude, SA CS is also piss easy because most people are either Silver or Nova and I'm MGE so I rarely ever find people that speak my language (Spanish) and are near the same rank I am. Fuck.


Max Payne 3, a game that lets you kill BR niggers in explosive visceral fashion

>he doesn't know about Cacão

I hate this country and all the dirty fucking filthy footed people in it, I hate their disgusting foul fucking language, I hate their shit netbooks they stole from the local internet cafe, I hate that they get lumped into NA servers, I fucking hate everything about them. End this shit hole continent and country. The world would instantly be a better place if all of South American people disappeared and everything returned to forest and nature.

You mean just movies or any media in general?

That other max payne rip off

Same here brother. I started when I was 14. During my first year on RO, I ended up meeting a 24 yo girl (I saw her via cam) and she wanted to drive to my town to meet me. Now I realized she wanted to ara ara~ me. I ended missing this golden opportunity by being a sperg tho.

I would be insanely happy if the entirety of South America got nuked so as to cleanse the world's gene pool
t. Argentinian

You're never getting rid of us lmao


>tfw all I remember from Turma da Mônica is her and Rosinha naked
good old times

Get me a one-way ticket to Japan and I'll help you

Media in general

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Kinoest choice.

too powerful


muh dick

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Prontera... casa...

Let's not forget the nigger faggot who wanted money for an Apple computer because of "wypipo".

Can any poor black guys ITT tell me why you all have a fire alarm with a low battery beeping 24/7?

>omg o gringuinho random de merda não vai me aprovar se eu não me curvar o suficiente :(((
lmao bichinha

Waaaaay ahead of you:

Old music is kino


Boomer laugh. T. boomer. That shit was standard for 00s for brazilian teenagers whenever they went for a brazilian written laugh, back then it always felt to me as a sarcastic version of the huahua/huehue laugh; an intentional tongue in the cheek way of laughing. Granted it's been too long since i've played with brazlians online to know the demographics that laugh like this now. Probably some boomer youtuber/streamer popularized amongst the zoomer crowd.