Bloodlines 2

This is your Ventrue daddy

Attached: D_CANwlXoAA1RqJ.jpg (1920x1160, 254K)

Damn what the fuck happened to Kiryu

old age really opened his eyes

Why does Trannylines 2 have better models than Trannypunk 2077?

Attached: xbox 360.png (1270x939, 1.91M)


Attached: __jeanette_voerman_and_mina_tepes_vampire_the_masquerade_bloodlines_and_etc_drawn_by_kiriririn__6be1 (1024x2297, 725K)

Hi /fa/

Attached: sebastian-deredas-vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-4.jpg (1920x1160, 257K)

rent free

Christoph Waltz?

Attached: HyKU9tz.gif (300x184, 1.49M)

Hey I'll still play both. Just wondering why Paradox jank has better models than CDPR's multibillion dollar Keanu Reeves friend simulator.

Attached: long heads.jpg (4500x4500, 1.15M)


Attached: angry.png (313x301, 94K)

Because like the image clearly specifies Trannylines outsourced the production of those models to some other studio called Platige Image. Google says it's a Polish company by the way lmao

Sauce for the images?


the more money you have the worse the models
this is known

Attached: witcher 3 vs dragon age.jpg (1920x1941, 701K)

Now show in game model

>Platige Image
I just googled them and these guys made tons of pre-rendered CGI trailers/models. For Honor, Witcher 3 CGI trailer, TW3K and even the old CP2077 2013 teaser. Neat.

Yeah TW3 somehow had better face models and even textures than CP2077.

Attached: 1562688528247.png (1180x904, 1.09M)

things keep going backwards

Attached: mass effect vs witcher.jpg (1200x695, 117K)

Siri looks stoned here

She cute though


>putting women in control

Unironically waiting for when vam2 injects currentyear politics and has you fight a trump clone ventrue.

Yeah it's just her eyes are weirdly red is what i mean

she's crying


Y'know I get that vampires are supposed to blend in with humans for security reasons and all but I'm gonna miss the pale grey skin from the first game, made the girls a lot more cute.

Attached: 1519437651230.png (1137x806, 1.24M)

I forget but doesnt less humanity make you more pale and scary looking in the table top

Could be all the Seattle vamps are just marginally less depraved but idk

How do you actually make the "jizzed in my pants" face, I always fail at emulating it.

I would be baffled if there are no pale dead-looking girls in the game.

I'm gonna miss the sluts walking around in lingerie.
>mfw Chinatown parlor

If you can't keep your male gaze in check, maybe this game isn't for you, sweetie. You'll always have vtm1. Go play that instead.

>male gaze
How do you explain all those girls who play shit like Hunie Pop then?

Girls only play those games because it's a hit with their male audience

Internalized misogyny from being forced into a role of desirable damsel by a male-dominated culture.

This. Women can only be told what to do, they cannot make their own decisions.