Hey bros, just finished the story. What do I do next?

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Other urls found in this thread:




start gearing up. hit ilvl 430, do inno/titania ex for your 440 wep and right side. or rather, try it and keep failing because of braindead DPS.

shitpost in WoW threads about how much better the game is.


>run EX to get BiS left/right side gear
>run roulettes as an 80 job to get tomes to gear your main job
always greed on all gear while doing so for GC seals

>while queuing for roulettes or afterwards, work on leveling alt jobs at 69/70 to 71 with ShB fates to work on ranking up your zones for good riding maps and mats that sell decently. Also if at >=70 run ShB daily hunts for chunks of XP.
>while queuing for roulettes or afterwards, use your entire daily leve allowance to level your gatherers and to make the eventual crafting grind more sustainable. Use GC seals from roulettes to get XP manuals (they are kinda shit but free xp is free xp)

>while queuing for roulettes or afterwards run crafting beast tribes for free chunks of xp
>while queuing for roulettes or afterwards run SB (4.0) daily hunts on jobs in the 60's.
if you have nothing else to do
>work on leveling your crafters with your daily leve allowance. Crafting is a big grind and takes a lot of money. If you are capable of prioritizing this highly you will already know it and have likely already been doing it.

in decreasing order of priority, as you become able to do so. there is obviously stuff I've missed

correction, xp manuals are from squadrons, so work on your squad as necessary. Use GC seals for cordials, ventures, and the like. Always keep your retainer running shit for free money and XP

sounds boring as fuck id rather shitpost on Yea Forums

So any black mages in here have any advice? Basically wondering if it's worth using a proc in fire phase even if you don't have to move. So like say I have a fire proc in fire phase can I just use it?

Go back to a better game finally

get a sex change and post on trannylogs

of course zoomer

The guide for sam says "2.13 gcd", is this before or after shifu?


Seething asmong donators


It's a good safety net. Sharpcast can be up every AF rotation, and having the extra time to guarantee six fire IV and despair is good.

>queue ex trial
>as healer of all things
>more than 30 minutes wait time estimated
no thanks

Level alt jobs while finishing this garbage.

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Don't queue for EXs. PF them.

>queue ex trial
Nobody uses raid finder for extremes, that's why you waited so long.
Just join a PF.

what is even the point of this

Would anyone on Primal like to do anything together?

Repeat making the same threads on Yea Forums over and over and over again, just in time when the other one died.

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Crafting mats, orchestrion scrolls and a couple of minions and housing stuff.

At this point they should just delete raid finder since brainlets keep fucking trying to use it.

Makes getting monster mats a hell of a lot easier and there's some minions/orchestrations/etc locked behind it.

Is it better to save hunt currency for now? Materia and minions seems like a pretty underwhelming way to spend them

What to level next?

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There aren't any, and I don't want to have to talk to people, since most of them require Discord, and people looking at my gear, and judging me. Fuck them, this is none of their concern.
just give me an invite.

Unsub like everyone else.

No u

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don't fall for the bait, the game is irredeemable shit

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>discord for ex primals
I farmed that shit some 20 times each and nobody ever said anything about discord. And I can judge your dps and gear on a duty finder party too.

Stop being autistic and play the game like a normal human being.

nobody is going to ask for discord for a fucking extreme

Already done with that a long time ago user

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Yeah, you can, but I can just throw a fit and votekick you if you say anything about it in duty finder, since my job class is more wanted than yours, anyway.

SMN/SCH will let you get two role quests done, Sam will let you finish em off.

King's honor, friend

Observe the balmungians and play drpgs as you level alt jobs

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W-What are shared fates?

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Every single side quest

>mfw Innocence dragon on first try

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based retards

Special events where you engage in activity with your other shards.

It works on JP. Its not the dev’s fault half of NA and EU are braindead shitters.

Good luck with that bud. I'll just say I can solo heal the fight and kick you anyways.

Again, stop being autistic and play the game like a normal person, if you don't want to join a discord then don't join a discord. Nothing stops you from leaving the party and joining another one.

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Miqo'te women are exclusively for Hrothgar cock

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cool, now go home

>leaving raktika last
But why

Wait a second

If I engage in ERP with another person, who is basically another shard of me, the Warrior of Light, wouldn't that mean I am literally fucking myself?

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Not him but I've played since launch and I still don't get smn

LA HEE will grate on you after so long. I prefer farming during the night.

Whats the point of condoms when different races can’t get pregnant and you can just magic an STD away

>different races can’t get pregnant
But they can

No it means you're digital fucking another 300 pound neckbeard virgin

I've been scared off extremes since back in stormblood launch I literally had to farm lakshmi 99 times since I kept getting shit rolls

>"let me just brag about how good i think i am at the game for no reason"
Go away, elitist cuntbag. You're the reason this game is shit.

I did tempest first because of archaeotania then I went as i progressed in level since I'm leveling alts with this.

Which datacenter? There are plenty of learning and farm PFs on Aether and few of them require discord.
Don't be concerned about others judging you, people will always silently do that to players they don't know. Just play well and prove them wrong.

>since my job class is more wanted than yours, anyway.
Seek help.

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you can either be antisocial and paranoid or you can do the 8 man content but you cant do both

I really hope nip players don't require discord

Acquire friends, have sex, and dilate, subhuman.
Pretty sure I play my WHM better than you, anyway.

See? That's why this game is worse than other MMOs. At least in those you get a chance to do the content while being antisocial.

Hey user, I'm judging you right now. Dont get too scared.

Good advice, just dont be shit and they wont have anything to say

Why are you playing MMOs if you don't want to engage with other people?

Which other mmos dont have elitists?

>"let me just brag about how good i think i am at the game for no reason"
Seek help.

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>a Massively Multiplayer Online video game that encourages you to interact with other people
>thats a bad thing somehow
punks can never be satisfied. Im sorry it took me this long to realize you were baiting

oh no no no
the cocksleeves are getting uppity again

Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to 5.0 SCH or AST? WHM is better by miles in every possible way.

Just get a room, you two.

I would but that user is afraid if entering private parties.

>different races can’t get pregnant and you can just magic an STD away
Did you only free trial? Both of those are literally wrong.

why would anyone willingly subject themselves to being a healer, unless they love copious amounts of cock

I'm not even scared, I just have to try really hard not to get aggressive about it and make an ass out of myself since I have anger management issues, and I don't like that feeling.

If WHM is a cocksleeve what does that make SCH AST GNB PLD DRK and WAR?

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This is what bothers me, as a whm player who took on the role simply to service their party and tank, and be their personal cum dump. Now that its 'meta' I am seeing more and more people playing the job who dont even offer the tank the chance to bend them over and fuck them senseless to relieve stress after the dungeon is finished
Stay off my job if you are going to disrespect the heritage and culture of its role in the party.

I can almost hear you slobbering on the dancer's cock for the damage buffs

That did not answer the question.

What does "enrage experience" mean?

Means you've seen everything up to the enrage, i.e. you've gotten through all the mechanics.

it means you wiped to enrage and have therefore seen all the mechanics

If you have any WoW friends please take a moment to check on them today. It's getting rough out there.

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Most extreme/savage fights has a point where the boss will forcefully wipe everyone after it goes through every mechanic on his rotation, that's what we call enrage.
Saying enrage experience means you've seen every mechanic but just need to clean up the fight so you have the dps required to meet the kill check.

>Adventurer in need: DPS
>15 minute wait
Somehow I think the duty finder might be wrong

>Doing Titania EX as Dancer
>We fail the dps check
>Go check my parser
>Im somehow top DPS

Fuck the people who play this game, how can you get outdpsed by a fucking dancer when you're a DRAGOON

a good job

Name Race sterotypes
Midlander - Boring
Highlander - Boomer
Male Miqote - Gay
Female Miqote - Slut and most likely gay
Male lalafell - Shitposter
Female Lalafell - omg subscribe to my twitch, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter!! ^^ /hug
Male elezen - don't exist
Female elezen - let me speak to your manager
Male Roe - Top gay
Female roe - let me speak to the head of the company
Male Au'ra - Broomstick so far up their asshole it creates extra horns.
Female Au'ra - Mentally Ill

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not him but I see faggots here on aether do it

Everyone that's any good is already done with the EXs

The good thing about playing on EU is that people are too self conscious about their english to ask randoms to voice.

>somewhere out there there is a half lala half hrothgar child

Is GNB the best tank right now?

I'm not a gay slut! Only for the man I love...

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No, that would be PLD, GNB is pretty good though

it's the most fun and isn't that what really matters?

No but having the highest damage in its category is a very good niche to have in this game.

Good thread.

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PLD is the best tank
PLD/DRK is the best combo
GNB is the most fun

Allright, you niggers got me curious. I tried out the trial, but so far it seems to be your average fractured world story-based eastern freemium MMO, except this has a monthly fee. I've heard it gets better later - how exactly does it get better?

Female Elezen are either actual, for real, biological women, or people who are really into elves

Would he be a small furball or a roegadyn?

If you're not liking it now. You won't like it later.

you get access to the best questline after you beat the MSQ of ARR

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>caring about ilvls at x.0

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I feel bad for my friend who was excited for 8.2 he saw the azshara cinematics and went "that's it?" I've never heard someone so remorseful

You're probably the kind of slut who creams their breeches whenever their tank screams at them to heal properly.

The trial doesn't do it justice, most of the early content is a chore fest.

That'd be female highlander and midlander. But especially fem highlander. And they're all massive cunts.

>subby healers


>dommy mommy healers


>Male elezen - don't exist
Take that back

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>Female roes - chads
fixed for you

How else will I get into EX user?

Hey, want to be rescue'd off a cliff?

>Feel like trying out the extremes
>Open party finder
>Stare at it for a while
>Log out

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Gotta say it's pretty accurate.

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Clear AS and OS with your fc in preparation for the new raids?

By the way, you all were complaining that battle arenas were all circle and squares.

I bet you all didn't even do the Storge fight in the level 77 dungeon

i really love emet-selch

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i'm not crazy!!

Imagine not liking the Irish/Scottish Pixies. Imagine having that much of a pleb opinion.

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wow i dont even know english!

I don't play healer, I play Samurai.

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They should've sounded like Irish/Scottish little girls not soccer moms.

...but that arena was a square

>male elezen don't exist
user, I...

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please tease me more about how much I love cock

its a cross

>Dub vs sub

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why would hrothgar play a game where all the dudes are human lmao
unless someone made furry mods for it

I want to play with more diaper friends!

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Why couldn't they have sounded celtic but also young?
Why did they need to hire grannies?

I'll change it to narcissistic faggot.

>99 Lakshmi runs
>when the mount is unrequired and you only need 20 to get the accessories

>He's too bad to do extremes

>dream daddy
>not morenatsu

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>This is what diversion posting was keeping us safe from

Unlock and level GNB.


What do you mean? Now we can play the game

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How do I find a static? It’s only been a week and party finder is already a dumpster fire

>Male elezen - don't exist
From what I've gathered, Yea Forums is full of them, all good christians that don't post slut pictures like the other races

Melee healer when?

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FFXIV requries high intelligence and good level of cultural background to fully enjoy. WoWfags with Orc Backstabbins from the Evil Valley need not apply

nigger I did both with unmelded AF gear and dungeon accessories plus 2 ronkan pieces

There you go.

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Play wow.

*loses aggro*

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I wanna say someone did but otherwise you're right

>he's never fought on the giant sky donut, or the oblong arena with a cheat crevasse

I pity you

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Why would a mini girl sound like a little girl? Just because they're small doesn't mean they should have a high pitched voice.


They keep pruning skills without taking into account how it’s going to fuck with lower levels, so every expansion the early game gets worse. If you like world building, you can enjoy the main story while you wait for your rotation to flesh out. If you don’t, you really might as well quit since it’s the main draw

You need 99 totems to buy the mount

There will never be a new healer, since they can't come up with anything outside of "shield healer" "regen healer" and "shield or regen healer"

GNB is edgier than DRK.
DRK atleast embraces the edge while GNB tries to play it off as cool.

It is literally impossible to lose aggro right now, wtf are you talking aboot?

male aura or always fujos. Every male au ra I know is a woman

go to leveling roulette and witness the mediocrity

Right? Especially when they look extremely young. No one is giving it any shit for being Scot/Celt, but it's not a fucking woman/roastie, why should it sound like one?
All the other voice options got it to some degree, but English dubs are generally retarded about getting the pitch to match the characters' appearances for some reason.

there's nothing edgy abot GNB, it's cheesy as hell

Actual armor for healers when? I need a goddamn battle cleric glam for my WHM

parry healer

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Question, how would you guys fix Blue Mage?
Procs, combos, certain dungeons requiring certain spells, tell me.

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>melee healer when there are mechanics that require you to heal/dps from afar
It's like you want to play a cuckshed job from day 1 or something.

Well this game ever let us dunk on Lolorito outside of the CUL quest?

Nice bait

meant for

Female Roe - Shemale with 22 inch futa penis played by a cringey grown man

Where do you find cute midlanders there are cats and bunnys everywhere

In the same expac we get a dodge tank.

well, you got the crystarium armor


this is killing me

>tfw the Ondo will have beast tribe quests

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>Fem Elezen
Doesn't exist

>my FC was talking about how to "fix" SCH
>"dude just give them like 3 more DoTs, and also make all their DoTs also heal a target of your choice while doing damage, and let them keep everything they already have"

Buff/Debuff healer

Green Mage for 6.0

>ageless beings existing since time immemorial
>wtf bros why don't they sound like Lolis?

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is it worth getting into the mmo if i never played it right now? how is the vanila content and how long will it take me to get to shadowbringers? looking to play with gf

You can. Get on your chocobo and ride there.

>>Fem Elezen
>Doesn't exist
That's not true, there's at least a dozen of us

i cant somehow i can only travel to the main city

You'd need to be a furry to know about that.

You a furry son?

Why do a lot of people whine on here?

>Crystal braves are forked by syndicate backing
>crates of weapons mysterious disappear, merchant is murdered, and leader of the braves gives a really suspicious story to boot
Oh boy here we go.

Why do they sound like a 40-year-old mom if they're ageless?

You can later.

do you imagine people fuck their chocobos?

>Thancred was Lahabrea all along

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Does a Stormblood Story Skip do the Crystal Tower quests? I have a friend returning who didn't play Stormblood but did ARR and Heavensward with the exception of the raids.

Something something imagine the smell

Finally. How long does it take though?

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Keep going

get out of this thread before the whole game is spoiled baka

imagine this moist chocobo V


I would never partake in such degeneracy.

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People have died trying. Hit a funny spot, get your bones shattered by one chocobo kick.

I thought about it, but the daystar gloves and boots since they’re basically perfect and it doesn’t match. the fucking daystar hoop skirt ruins the aesthetic so I went with high allagan since it’s like the one thing that isn’t a giant robe. Even though it’s just cloth

>main city
You in La Noscea friend? Cuz thats an island and you won't be able to travel to other city states until level 15.

it means you have been in a party with a dancer

Log off til the next expansion like the head developer literally tells you,

They literally already revealed that the dwarves, pixies and nu mou would be the beast tribes of the expac

It only covers MSQ, all optional quests aren't completed

Remember Virus?


Can I queue up for a duty, switch to another job and grind fates in the meantime?
I would try it out, but I'm already 22 minutes into the queue.

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>Dodge Tank
So Blue Mage with a couple more cooldowns?
The 6.0 Healer is gonna be debuff/green DPS and is gonna be Ascian

huh? i just want to travel with my low level char from small town to town!?
no i mean travel from those smaller towns where you can take a chocobo to your main city

Give them a reduced version of their skillset suitable for DF content, like how the other jobs have alternate skillsets in PvP.

i'm not a slut and can't be gay because there's no cutebois near me. i've tried though

If you're asking that question then this is not the game for you

They're meant to sound slightly monstrous and inhuman. Also I don't think you've heard young Irish people. The inflection they use makes them sound older no matter what.

>two beast tribes for the same beast tribe
Pixies and Nu Mou are technically the same beast tribe since they're both Fae.

Feels shorter than 2.0-2.5 but it might be because it’s just a better story

I'm pretty sure the nu mou and pixies will combined since they're Fae.

Gotta mix and match, chief. There's a few options for armored arms and legs. Aurum regis sollerets of healing are popular. Bonewicca has armored arms and legs, dyeable too. The deltascape set is armored, though the helmet looks silly. There's the legacy warrior seasonal set from like a year or two ago. Look around a bit more, I'm sure there's options.

Not long enough
Every expac is ~100 quests, and the hw/stb bridges are only ~45 apiece

Why would they sound like a 10 year old loli if they're ageless?

Why yes I am married to a Viera how did you know?

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fuck off we're full go start your own

When does 5.1 hit?

yeah, as long as you switch back before commencing

Yes, when you'll get into a duty, you'll be asked to change into the job you've entered the queue as.

Why can't I fuck anyone in this game?

>when casters could role action hawk eye

>Eden will have the first versions of the sources primals apparently

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>Elidibus flees like a bitch
Emet was truly the only one keeping the Ascians going.

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I want him to wipe the source and make me whole. It's a fucking mess.

Just go to the healer forum and you'll see more treats like that. SCHs don't want balance, they want to be straight out broken.

WoL has exceedingly high standards

Dwarves and Fae will be the combat beast tribes
Ondo will be the crafters as they literally recruited notGerolt and he sucks ass

>no i mean travel from those smaller towns where you can take a chocobo to your main city

You can’t go across the whole map on a chocobo porter but each settlement usually has 2-4 choices. You have to walk there at some point first and talk to the NPC to unlock it

It makes more sense for small creatures to have higher pitched voices

October I think?

>GNB edgier than DRK
>GNB edgy at all
Imagine being this fucking dumb.

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Did she break her spine?

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Define "best" because PLD has it all, save overwhelming damage like GUB has

You're probably using a porter. Keep on playing the msq and you should unlock your own chocobo.

Because they're literally children's souls, stop skipping all the in-game text just because it's not dubbed over

The cheat piece is the real hard part for me. I love the daystar boots and gloves and can live without a helm. Boots are thigh highs so pants are inconsequential


Well, all female Viera are lesbians.

Finally I'm out of this hell.

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can you get Savage mounts if you unsync?

I feel sorry for your learning group

This actually needs to be shopped.
>norvrandt map
>erp or wiped Titania Ex party on the screens
>waifu posters


>a lot of the music sounds a lot like ff 12
i like this

how long did it take you

Whats this new thing I keep seeing lately in the last few months or so about parse being suddenly related to trans shit? Is this how bad people throw a fit now?

you should feel sorry for the knuckledraggers who still can't clear either at i440 instead

>that anatomy
>implying Viera anywhere near capable of having asses

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How many irl children do you know that speak with a anime loli voice?

The word tranny has just replaced fag. 10 years ago it'd be parsefag.

is Anyone from Mexico playing this through steam? I need to know the regional pricing for the sub in mxn, but I can't see any of that until I actually buy the game, and I don't want to buy it just to see that. Hope someone could help me because I been trying to find it online with no luck.

>tfw no cute Elezen gf
Why even live?

Dude nice. Make me some level 45 mining jewelry.

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But have you gotten to the Ivalice raids yet

No they arent, the mount drop rate is abysmal.

I literally just want energy drain back. It would fix so much. Fuck, make it not do damage and just give the mp back. I have no idea why they took that away

What if
>Eden is kino
>Yorha is kino
>the next trials are kino
>the other expert dungeons are kino
>Ishgard restoration is kino
>NG+ is kino

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people just say anything they dont like is related to trannys

Zenos will find a way to merge with/become Zodiark and be the final boss again in 6.0 cap this

nah but ive read about them, fucking hype also zanarkand likeraid

>HEARTLESS sapling you are all mine

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what if i had a gf

Then I chose an excellent time to start playing.

How many children do you know that sound like 45 year old Scottish women?


>parse being suddenly related to trans shit
Nigger this is not a new observation. Go hang around on the Balance for more than a few minutes.

GNB is as edgy as Nero. Not very

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Reminder that Gpd Soken was the first person to believe that YoshiP could turn the XIV franchise around.

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What do you want from NG+?
I'd like it to be scaled up to level 80 so you go through the story with your full kit and enemies are tough enough for it. Also the have level 80 versions of all the old trials with added mechanics.

I Can be your au ra gf daddy

but that's not kino

can i play with english audio but other language text?

the single best thing they could do for this game is shave off all the boring filler shit from ARR


>NG+ is kino
They better allow me to start straight from Heavensward or I won't even look at it.

Cause parsing is gay and wrong just like trannies.

>Thornmach EX for WT
>new player bonus out the ass due to expac
>less than 2 min to solo
>repeat without arbitrary waits
Sticker RNG sucks ass but I'm glad ARR content is on the table.

>run Amaurot
>roll Need on my tank accessories to fill out my ilvl
>get the bracelet I need
>healer pipes up
>"Oh great, I didn't know we were rolling Need on stuf..."
What the fuck

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Gear to 430, do Titania EX for 450 weapon.
Innocence for your 440 accessories.
Grind out tomestones for 440 gear.
Meld materia obviously.

>he doesn't have mods installed

>Also the have level 80 versions of all the old trials with added mechanics.
Never ever

>want to level up trusts
>the dps is painfully slow

1 run has already taken the wind out of my sails

>dalmasca referenced

why is this game not set in the ff 12 universe again?

How's this?
Chest is legacy seasonal armor. Hope you were there for the event. Arms are smilodon something or other, level 70. Aurum regis feet.

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This star may very well be worth saving.

This exactly. It's the single biggest reason why I will never try to convince anyone to try it out. Not because I don't like it, but because I know for a fact that they will undoubtedly burn out before they reach the parts worth a damn.

I would tell you how many if I lived in scotland.

>the best thing they could do for this game is prevent people from playing it

>spent all his effort drawing that ass and said fuck it to everything else
classic amateur mistake

Was anyone else disappointed with Titania EX and Innocence EX? I get it's the start of the expac but they felt way too easy. Especially Innocence.

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getting mad at another persons talent wont make you less miserable

How many children do you know from Tir Na Nog?

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I think you need to re-evaluate what you consider edgy, pal

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Soken is pure! PURE!!!

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>go to the balance
>see this
you weren't kidding

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really? are they 100% drops and which Savages are worth doing?

What the fuck could possibly wrong with rolling need? Sounds like that healer was a cunt.

Is it a bad idea to level my first character as a conjurer/white mage?

This is normal.

Susano and Lakshmi was a cakewalk too.

Should've hit him with a /laugh

I remember Bismark and Ravana EX being relatively hard.

Not many, but I haven't seen a single one that sounds like a 35 year old tranny.


The first two ex trials are always piss easy.

Where the fuck is the lvl 80 Gunbreaker quest?

All the guides say you have to beat "a quest with no name" first

Nope, play what you want and enjoy fast queues.

Y-yeah, way too easy...

>turned it around just to run it into the ground with the same tomestone and weekly clear grind we have had for four years

I love my pixie mom(dad)!

I'm hoping to get some kino scenes with my new goth raid gf and i hope it isn't some stupid kid like ryne

Everytime I see my GNB run from the back I think of Nero, cuz he has the same haircut and he even holds the sword the same.

nice argument loser

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Those were pretty easy too. Bismark was just DPS the level. Ravana too.

The first two are always the easiest.

You have to beat the MSQ.

How's BRD doing right now? Can't decide between it and MCH for my third job

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>"Yes I'm going to do it!"
>Actually does it
What a treasure.

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What issues are you having with them, friend?

Alright, im just used to healers being a bitch to level with in MMOs.

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Do your role quest

One character can be every job, go for broke.

No wonder he's looking for static members, nobody wants to join that shit.

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Because that's how it works in real life.
Small throats cannot make deep sounds.

I wouldn't, the most commonly-proposed solutions are completely recreating it and to give it an alternate "raid-acceptable" spell list for queued dungeons and raids, which would be a fucking nightmare to get used to on the player-end and would require you dedicate a second set of hotbars or get used to a shit-ton of your skills being greyed out all of a sudden. I'm relatively content with their stance that it's never getting in, but they wanted us to play it regardless, so it got in as limited.

titania is easy, but I fucking hated innocence on ninja

Feels like less busywork but people seem to be switch to mch in droves

Well if you feel that's the case while leveling you can just change your class. It's no big deal.

>turned it around and keeps giving people what they want

This thread has so many wow refugees. It's making me physically angry...

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This is okay though

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>how it works in real life
I am sure fairies don't exist in real life

Around 4 days.

make your own party you dumb fuck


>main nin and now play dnc too
>both are the lowest dps jobs

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should i change my lvl 23 MAR into DRG or HUN?


You unsubscribe as Yoshi intended.

Fuck no, everyone complained about it not fitting too. They don't get to have double standards now.

I have done both of these things

But it's basically confirmed that it is the same setting. You go to Ivalice you mongo.



german brother please

NA is not everyone

Go to More Donuts

he's not a primal you idiot

>greeding for seals
feels good to have desynth maxed out

Ivalice questline lets you shit on him by giving him a primo bottle of wine with the contents replaced by a mediocre blend, and he's not actually enough of a connoisseur that he can tell the difference

>Let's change something that works for no reason
They tried making the process of gearing """more interesting""" in WoW. I'm fine with how it works in FFXIV. It's very similar to the gearing process in The Burning Crusade.

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How much did it cost you?

Finding a party in the party finder that isn't JP only is an issue, and I don't have any EX clears under my belt so I'm afraid I won't be good enough. As for Titania EX I read a guide and the only thing I don't really understand is how to know where to stand during that part of the giant adds phase where you get pushed back by the wind to break the tethers. We still couldn't pass the enrage at the end for that one and I haven't found another party since. I joined a blind run party for Innocence EX and the only mechanic I thought I figured out was the summoned swords, and I quickly learned that I have no fucking idea what they do.

This kind of content is exhilarating because of the challenge but at the same time I'm not used to failure in this game and I'm terrified of letting the group down. Sorry for the long rambling.

I want it to award exp.

I literally only want it as a means of leveling alts.

>he thinks a PMSing scottish housewife isn't an appropriate voice for a creature with a flaming temper and random disposition

Because it's also a setting where FF3 happened and FF6's not-Japan fell while under Cyan's rule

That''s the Gege-whatever, the guy in Costa del Sol, not Lolorito.


>Eastern pirate is right there
>Alisaie still insists on being racist
Goddamnit we should have brought Alphinaud on this trip

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That's Gegeruju.

2mil, but I only had miner at 80lvl, so had to buy everything botanist.

WHMs are too good right now, I'm sure they'll be nerfed like they always do

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new player here

should i just get every job lvl 1 quest there is once im free to go wherever?

Good ol' King Moggle Mog still making lorefags seethe.

literally every single mechanic happen during TA or tcj


She's a knife ear, it's in her blood.

>But it's basically confirmed that it is the same setting
It's not, nigger. It's completely different. There's no Archades, Ashe and Rassler are siblings and are dead, Fran is a resistance member, and FFT's shit happened in the past instead of the future. Matsuno confirmed it's not the same Ivalice.

Is exp shared between jobs or do i HAVE to equip one class to get it

Too good at what exactly?

I would do them just to declutter your map. A lot of the time they send you where your MSQ or Hunting Log want you to go anyway.

Only do that if you want to play that class.

I did 1 run and it was excruciating. Didn’t even give a lot of xp for me

squenix sent me a code for the expansion and 4 months of game time, but my character's still stuck in Stormblood

At the very least I made my character a bunny, so i've got that going for me

Nah, you don't have to. They'll be there whenever you want to try them out. Just do the ones you want to do right now and pick them up as you feel like later on.

There's no reason to, you can pick them up at any time you want and you have limited gear space.

Can you wowfugees just play the game instead of asking inane questions

Mog king is the mog primal that some retard mogs summoned based on the real mog king on the sea of clouds.

It's not the same Dalmasca and the events of XII don't play out the same way

The initial theory was that each shard was a different FF world given that the XIIIth was literally said to have been destroyed just like it was in LR, but the actual lore threw that out of the window, along with Omega being another copy of FFV's and Midgardsormr being that same game's Shinryu

taking cock

thanks anons
nothing insane about wanting to ask something

Both will still be greatly wanted, due to what they can bring to a raid team. More so if the raid leader is a DPS and wants that extra suck.

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how is mch bois?

i wanna buy the skip

This game was all the Kino-therapy i need from 20 years of mediocre final fantasys.
I'll treasure it always.

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I didn’t get anything from legacy. I played up to when they added the sub fee back but I couldn’t justify the price

then why even call it ivalice and dalmasca and so forth

The Crystal Tower is from FF3, along with Xande, Desch, Salina, Unne, and Doga. Doma is from FF6, along with Lord Kaien (Cyan), and Hien (Owain).

What do you mean?

You gain XP on the class you're currently playing. You don't gain XP across all classes at once.

Why the fuck would it work any other way?

>Notice I'm almost always ahead in aggro of other dps while levelling through sb as machinist
Is this it bros

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I actually hope Uematsu is not going to come back for 6.0. Let Soken do his own leimotif. He showed he can do it here in ShB. It's time the man gets his own way forward.

You get xp for your currrently equipped job. The exception is Summoner and Scholar, which do share levels.

>More so if the raid leader is a DPS and wants that extra suck.
This is true, my raid lead is a drg and he wants me to switch to rdm for the embolden.

because then i wouldnt have to level like virtually 9+ classes

Yoshida said that Gunbreaker is the expert tank so they made them the best.

First for me was levelling my DPS alt jobs, set up the new alarms to gathering timers, grinding fates to get orchestrion rolls for my apartment, running dailies to gear up my alt, running EX to get 444, running story quests if I get bored, riding the hunt train to get my new alliance maelstrom WAR jacket, so on and so forth

>having to buy things to desynth
>having to craft things to desynth
just click greed lmao you're already in the dungeon

Uematsu is probably dying before 6.0.

>we've been waiting for you warrior of darkness

what do?

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Same reason they called them titan and ifrit and shiva and alexander and omega and shinryu and cid and biggs and wedge and the invincible and the prima vista and chocobos and moogles and marlboros and kefka and exdeath and ghost train and chaos and do you get the point yet?

Why are you like this?

Honestly though, FFXIV has lots of different ways to gear up though. Crafted gear, Tomestones, 24-man, raid + savage raid. I dunno what WoWbabs want from the gear economy in this game.
Do you seriously want titanforging in this game? We had it at the end of Heavensward it was called Diadem and it fucking sucked and nobody liked it.

Friendly reminder to bring out your turret/robot with 60+ battery charge and not full 100 since the damage is scaled.

It's just a fun little throwback. XIV is chockablock with references to other FF games, it doesn't mean they're all canonical connected.

How does this need to be explained to you?

>do NG+
>all quests are level synced down to where you should do them
>but are exp synced to give side-quest levels of exp to where your character's level actually is
>making NG+ an actual way to level alt jobs

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Yes waste your money piggy

Will scholar get energy drain and pet actions back?

You're a monster.

I am saying that you greed to desynth it, instead of trading it for seals. Made 10m alone from desynthing since ShB

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Was Unne not in FF1 or was he added in the later versions only?
I know Cid was only retconned in.

You level as much as you want.
If you just want to level black mage for example, you can, and just ignore everything else. You don't HAVE to do anything.

Great idea until
>Post-ARR quests

That's an oxymoron for MMO's.


Crystal Tower questline claims that the Allagans were 1:1 the evil empire from FF3
Doma in Stormblood, Cyan's actual name was always Kaien, who is Hien's father, and he has the nickname Shun which was one of the actual names of his children in FF6

>want to play again
>pc is basically out of commission
>have ps4
>on medical leave for a month
>considering biting the bullet
Only downside is needing to buy the base game again. Should I do it?

Maybe you're thinking of Matoya, Unne is definitely from 3

>Lesbian Viera foursome
Fuck yes.

well its one thing to call summons the same every game and another to reference cities from a single ff game...

Emet is easily the best villain they've made.
I will never forget you, best girl.

Unne was in FF1. He was the translator.

I met him at a fanfest once and this is 100% accurate. Felt bad cuz I introduced myself and my name is basically unpronounceable in Japanese but he tried his damnedest. Then he put his hands on his hips, puffed his chest out and said

“I... am SOKEN”

10/10 Japanese imp-man

Nope, Unne teaches you Lufenian when you give him the rosetta stone, at least in the GBA port.

4.5 spoilers

>it's a former enemy becomes an ally trope
I'm a sucker for these and Gaius(japanese dub) got a majestic voice

Does he become more based in ShB?

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say "have sex" and walk away

That moment actually got a chuckle out of me.

No but the tanks are close enough that you can run whatever you want and even raiders won't complain.

It's not bad on PS4.

It's a Dalmasca on Eorzea, part of a Garlean legend of a continent once called Ivalice
The Ivalice in FFTA definitely isn't the same one as FFT/VS/FFXII, think about it like that

Doma isn't exactly original to XIV either.

Gaius was always based.

I was in the exact same position at the start of stormblood. PC died and I had to play on PS4.
It's very playable with a controller, and you can use a mouse and keyboard on PS4 anyway. It's basically an identical experience.

It literally just comes down to weather or not you want to play bad enough to buy the game again. Shadowbringers is by far the best expansion yet though, and probably one of the best MMO expansions I've ever played period. I'd go for it.

We might get some form of aetherdump though

Not really at the moment. You see him doing stuff a few times while you're having your adventure in the First.

Gear up with tomes of goatse, find a nice glamour, beat and farm out ex tit and Innocence, get ready for savage, level other jobs or crafting/gathering.

>Does he become more based in ShB?
user, I...

>not liking roose bolton as roose bolton

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They said the way it'd work is you could pick story arcs to replay. So yes, you would be able to start at HW. I'd assume they will split every main expansion story into 3-5 arcs, go the simple route of having every numbered patch be a separate arc, and then just let you start at each of them.

We already know NG+ quests won't give you Exp, Gil, or any other rewards. They've explicitely stated it numerous times.

So far in SHB he's only been in a few scenes. But it's heavily alluded that he'll play a major role in the coming MSQ continuations

>fucked anatomy

His voice is actually the same
he's Iskander if you haven't already realized

I'm assuming you can pick which storyline you can do, hopefully.

They know it's a problem, but there's no easy fix when it's setting up plot threads that last all the way into Shadowbringers. The most they can do is remove the fetch quests leading up to Titan and trim the 100 quests between ARR and HW down to 70, maybe 60.

Nothing because alisaie will force us to leave.

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Just because I don’t avatarfag with my character doesn’t mean I don’t exist. Rude.

It's not there though, that's the problem.

I've beaten MSQ and it's nowhere to be found

>tfw the final battle will be you absorbing hydelyn and zenos absorbing zodiark

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He dies to Zenos' autism.

Is this just story instances and spawns or also old trials and dungeons?

Longtime player, SMN/MCN main. Former MNK/BLM/AST main. Been playing for years. I stopped after the second patch of Stormblood and didn't comeback until Shadowbringers release. I'm addicted again. And I love GNB, absolutely destroy everyone in pvp. I require an FC that deserves me.

>does he stay based
He's the other focal character of the cliffhanger ending
You should be able to guess who the other one is but he mostly just gets a handful of scenes where he bros up with Estinien since ShB doesn't really take place anywhere but the first

I recommend arcanist since it gives scholar and Summoner. DPS goes.through content faster and scholar gives quick duty queques.

So how will they top this in terms of final dungeons?


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>doing seiryu trial as undergeared sam
>didn't get surpassed by anyone
whew that was close

What's the priority for recitation on sch?

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>wear the two largest, most powerful primals in all of creation as a hat
>have a giant primal mecha-battle
>a screaming sound erupts from the depths of the earth

>the way Alphinaud glances at her

>not slapping his shit with our usual abilities

Alisae giving death threats to anyone that looks your way for too long when?

Try the brightlinen cyclas. Level 70 armor. Not plate armor, but a little armored and not robes.

Remember us, remember that we once lived.

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Where's FSH Brother?

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>We don't end up fighting each other but rather combining forces against whatever force of nature in the planet's cire sperged out at Ascians and caused the calamity
>Story is actively turning more and more into Asura's Wrath

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Oh hell yes.

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Topped it from day one bro

Adloquim always.
If you need a crutch aoe heal then use it on indomitability.

And this is a good thing. Asura's Wrath was kino.

1. Excog
2. Do not

You can deploy a recited adlo before pull or when guaranteed damage is coming like the beginning of innocence EX but half the time a vanilla indom after the fact is better

All that's left is Akuma barrels out of the Interdimensional Rift and fights us for a thousand years

>button mash as space god tries to smash us with his finger

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100% depends on the fight, unless you mean in dungeons. Then probably excog.

>Want to play a legitimate beast race
>Pick Hrothgar
>Straight and like thicc women
What now faggot

>Rapidly shift eye contact between the three until I settle on the middle
>Punch palm
>Whistle and teleport on a chocobo that appears out of nowhere
>Flap away on a quest to deliver a lalafell merchants viagra

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Someone asked last thread about this chest. It's not a mod, it will probably be a mog station item. It's in the game files.

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Oh hell yeah, thank you. Not a huge fan of the legs being covered but at least it’s only one side

Please understand, adding a face five would melt these potato servers t. Yoship

Post lala dancer.

>Punch palm
>mfw we *clench fist*

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What if they added Trusts to older content, but exclusively in NG+?

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I don't have any lala dancers.

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>only 4 Titania clears
Why does this fight feel so fucking long?

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>tfw hated Zenos because he was a generic unbeatable anime villain in stormblood
>tfw love Zenos because he's a generic unstoppable anime villain in shadowbringers

They have to script them for each dungeon manually and if they start doing it people will expect them to keep doing it which is why they were reserved when asked about Trusts in further content since it costs so much.

Then what good are ya?

So the ascians people brought their destruction on themselves right? What I gather is that the calamity they summoned zodiark to stop was the result of their creation magic (summoning) running amok causing the people's vision of an apocalypse to come to pass. So wouldn't that mean Hydaelyn sundered the people and the world to ensure such a thing can't happen again? Yeah they're weaker now but they were clearly too powerful before and it caused them to almost destroy themselves

They need to path every single dungeon for trusts to work, it's not worth it.


Hopefully Zenos will become an ally later on since we know there are worse things than Zodiark and Hydaelyn

Lots of colors in the fight, it's visually tiring.

>helping friend speed level
>one shotting everything
>tfw this is how bored Zenos feels
I welcome tearing at each other again. Though I'd want it to be a solo fight. As in like, solo-ing a primal/trial not a basic instance.

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>yfw the planets crisis that killed the acians will be this games versions of weapons waking up

diamond weapon

It was actually necros