Judgement AKA Yakuza Detectives

This game is absolute proof that the Dragon Engine is fucking garbage. Even with a real budget and real development time and what was clearly a lot of thought and effort (and re-used assets) the game is still clunky as shit and the combat is downright underwater.

Not only that, the whole detective conceit is just terrible. The story is actually pretty solid for a Ryu Ga Gotoku studio game, but the lockpicking and thumb-turns are just horrifically tedious. And don't get me started on the fucking tailing missions - what utter sadist created these awful plodding monstrosities? What absolute fucking masochist tested them and said "yeah that's fun walking slowly behind an NPC as they turn every 10 feet and force you to press circle or get a game over"

They even managed to take what little control you had over chase minigames out of your hands so you can spend 8 fucking minutes chasing shit on rails and doing the same 3 QTE's over and over and over again

They're just never going to make a game better than 0 are they?

0>FotNS>4>K1>3>Judgement>literal dogshit>5>having your fingernails ripped off>K2>6

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>having taste this shit

I bet your favorite Yakuza is 5 or K2 you zoomer fuck

People shit on those that started the franchise with 0 but I'd take a million of those cunts over vacationfags like you. At least 0fags care about GAMEPLAY in a VIDEO GAME

>seething this hard over your shit taste being called out

>I can't defend my opinions so I won't even give them
Zoomers, everybody

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My opinions are easily better than yours, given I'm not bitching over trivial shit like you.

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>shit gameplay is trivial

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>can't even finish his post without autistic 0 fellating
>3 that high on your tier list
0fags really are pathetic

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>he thinks Judgements gameplay is shit

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I don't think you know what a 0fag is. Enjoy trying desperately to fit in on an anonymous image board.

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Kaito-san is such a bro i love him

I think I'm looking at one right now user

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>combat feels like fighting underwater
Zero must feel like fighting in jelly, if you think Judgement is that way

>what utter sadist created these awful plodding monstrosities? What absolute fucking masochist
Jesus fucking Christ user calm the hell down

Like holy shit this is how literally every video game since the dawn of time has designed tailing segments.
Even if it wasn't damn-near industry standard design, why the fuck are you THIS upset about something so trivial?

And how are you this upset about lockpicking and thumbturns?
I'm in chapter 5 right now and have barely come across them at all, despite doing all the side cases and friend events I can.
And when they do show up, big fucking whoop. It takes 10 seconds you fucking baby.

Fuck's sake.
Imagine letting trivial, minor elements of a game affect you THIS negatively.

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Problems with Dragon Engine combat:
-Massive fucking input lag because the engine is totally unstable and can't stay at 30fps
-Insanely long startup frames on top of said input lag not only make the combat slow and clunky with that awful "underwater" feeling, it even fucks up the input windows so even getting the combo you want is a pain in the ass
-Enemies blocking no longer just block, they halt your combo, making combat EVEN SLOWER
-Enemies group up into packs and attacks typically hit 2-3 enemies in street fights, meaning 2-3 times the chance of being blocked
-Enemies can not only block out of hitstun, they turn to face you after a single hit meaning flanking/dodging around an attacking enemy is pointless
-Extreme Heat mode is shit and the emphasis on it is shit. The only reason they even pushed extreme heat so hard is because they dumped all their heat action animations in the garbage can and were too lazy to make new ones

Yakuza 4, 0, and K1 are the only Yakuza games with good combat. Yakuza 3 and 5 are ok. 6 and K2 are fucking trash.

>why are you upset about long, tedious, incredibly boring segments being attached to every single segment of the game
Gee I wonder
>Tailing and thumb-turn
>trivial and minor
They're easily a quarter of the game's content.

He's clearly retarded

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I'm not reading this, you're wrong and I'm right.

>"tl;dr" used to mean a post was actually long
>now it just means it's longer than a tweet
Zoomers and vacationfags leave

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Yea the combat in judgement is just weird. Crane isn't effective and tiger does the same shit. Does crane even gave any upgrades? I don't see em.

>Does crane even have any upgrades
Nope. It becomes pretty much worthless compared to Tiger style the second you unlock flux fissure.

Literally the only reason to switch to crane is for the mook-clearing wall jump EX move and the extreme heat triangle spam heat action

>being this mad that you're wrong

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If you think blocking is bad in Judgment wait until 3 HD comes where everyone is made of a diamond brickwall plus their health bars are a mile high and Kiryu is somehow slower than ps2 Kiryu.
And that's the engine everyone faps to.

>There are people that think 5 is better than 4
>There are people that think 0 was bad
>There are people that think DE games are good

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>They're easily a quarter of the game's content
Well then the next 7 chapters must have a shitton of thumbturns 'cause I'd say it's been about 1% of the content I've played so far.

Christ this game is weird. I hope the next yakuza is better.

I can't figure out how to make flux fissure happen for the life of me

I like 3 it's fun.

Blocking in 3 is easily beaten by sidestepping behind an enemy (since enemies don't instantly autotrack outside DE) or using the opening a guard break gives to throw (that opportunity does not exist in DE). There are very very few enemies in 3 that actually require patience and tiger drop, one of them being Amon

You're in chapter 5, retard, most of the side cases and friend missions aren't even available yet. An entire side part of the game that is nothing but lockpicking and thumb-turns is introduced literally next chapter. Finish the game before flapping your gums.

Don't let go of square until the right timing. As in, from doing nothing hold square and you'll do one rush attack and then the flux fissure, and then at the end of the fissure you finally let go.

It's fucking weird.
It also auto-kills everything that isn't a boss and gives two free segments of EX meter because ?????

Don't mind me, just posting your objective guide to the best final bosses (assuming you think each characters last boss is a final boss)

Attached: Best Bosses (2).png (1216x467, 384K)

>sidestepping behind an enemy (since enemies don't instantly autotrack outside DE)
Unless they are blocking, which for some reason has a 360ª range in the early ps3 games up to 4.
They are always blocking

Sleeping dogs combat >>>>>> yakuza "combat"

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the EX meter feels super slow in judgement, I dunno why they gate meter gain but don't for Damage, HP and Combo Speed

>An entire side part of the game
Oh boo fucking hoo a completely optional element of the game isn't something you like
You don't see me bitching on Yea Forums about how much I hate mahjong

Shut the fuck up already

Sleeping Dogs is another rhythm game derivative of the Batman games, calling that a combat is an insult

It's not optional it's a main element of the game which is pretty ass.


Yakuza might be simple but it's a grand strategy of depth compared to that trash

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>side part
>not optional
Learn English fucko

Not that the lockpicking or thumbturn minigames are even that horrible in the first place
Lockpicking is basically the way it worked in Oblivion and I loved that shit
And thumbturns are fucking 0IQ shit that shouldn't bother anyone because it's so simple

...you said they were optional. They aren't. Sperg less senpai.

>call a mandatory element of the game a "side part"
I'm not the one who called it optional
I don't even know what the fuck it is yet

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>thumb turns and tailing
>completely optional
You went full retard.

But that's wrong. Hitting a blocking enemy from behind puts them in hitstun, it doesn't get blocked or break the block.

No, dipshit, working for the locksmith is optional not doing thumb turns and tailing. Tailing is part of 3/4s of the side cases and a decent amount of friendship missions on top of being in every goddamned main chapter. You're just a fucking moron.


I legit cannot fathom how bad your taste needs to be to rank fotns over anything

>thumbturns are easy
So is tailing, that doesn't make them any less boring or tedious.
Doesn't help that every fucking safe space in DiQ is a fucking thumb turn

wheres kuroiwa

The OP is outed as a 0fag, I can guarantee he probably hasn't actually played anything in the series released before it

Some people actually like the "beat-em-up" part of beat-em-up games.
Crazy, I know.

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OP here

I picked up 3 in a bargain bin in 2010, before you were born.
You know nothing of the pain of waiting

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I wanted to avoid spoilers plus the list was more intended for mainline games I'd say he's an A tweening on being an S, easily the best final boss in the dragon engine

Yeah I saw you trying to sound like an oldfag here however this thread was clearly more populated.
The fact you pride yourself as such a veteran of the series and didn't even put the first 2 games in your rating makes me think you're a disingenuous faggot.

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>I started with 3
are you actually factually retarded?

I mean I also started with 3 and love the series. Just how it works out I guess.

I mostly agree with this. The engine is ugly and poorly optimized and the gameplay is repetitive, boring and sluggish. Not that normal Yakuza didn't have those issues, but it usually found a way to overcome them.

Yakuza gameplay is trash I thought we all agreed on this

You know it's possible to play games that came before the one you played first yeah? 1 and 2 are readily available.

>gamingbrit said it's the worst yakuza game
>worse than 1 and 6
>hyperbithero echoed his thoughts
>is refusing to buy shin yakuza


>gamingbrit said it's the worst yakuza game

patreon video


Attached: gays not welcome.jpg (329x399, 44K)

That's very convenient excuse for not posting it, but if you are on Yea Forums you are able to use your braincells can rip it and uploaded elsewhere right?

Yeah you mean the thing the game goes so far out of its way to prevent you from doing thanks to godawful pacing, abysmal fetch quests, and the worst driving imaginable, when the game lets you actually fight its fun for a bit but outside of a couple bosses near the end fucking nothing actually utlizes the combat system properly so your just basically playing a near musou game at a braindead challenge destroying elgions of the same looking dude.

Even by yakuza standards, its the absolute laziest and worst paced game in the series, and thats on top of it being signifigantly shorter than most of the series and having a story that isnt even funny bad, its just shitty cameos that amount to nothing one after another till the game sort of ends.

Yakuza's gameplay only sucked in 6 and K2.

You can tell the newfags by the following signs:
-they think K2 is good
-they like 5 over 4
-they shit on 0 to be contrarian
BONUS: they hate Lost Paradise because its focus is combat

I mean not for the people who like and enjoy the games fuckwit.

>source my ass

go on his patreon and you can see, it's only $3

>FotNS in 2nd
>the shortest one
>the one where the story is just there to introduce fights and everything else is nonsense
>the grindiest one
>the one where a major side activity has the poorest controls and gameplay of the entire series (the buggy)

kek, fuck off and dilate, tranny.

Nah just rip it and post it, your attempts at shilling are worthless

>worst town
The story was so bad it's not even good FOTNS fanservice. It was insulting.

Why don't you just bypass the lock on patreon and do it yourself. You have the brain capacity for that correct?

pony up or wait for his full thoughts video in a year

Thanks for reminding me who should I filter again.

So it was really just a bad at shilling.
Man his fanbase does suck.

Nah just quit bitching at niggas to rip vids fucko

Holy shit, what happened to these threads?

>guy said thing
>in this video locked behind a paywall pls gib
Can't be more transparent than that

It has its moments and a few great points as one might expect but yeah Judgment is a grand example of "it's okay when Japan does it." Even a small reuse of assets like Yagami having the same animations as Kiryu for all the minigames is unforgivable to me.

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You have to be an older thinking man to appreciate Yakuza. Too many zoomers in the fanbase now.


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He just said it was there he never said you had to pay. Why don't you just go around the paywall?

Can you remove her glasses in premium adventure?

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Yakuza games are absolute shit. It doesn't matter which engine. It's baffling to me that this board eats up this absolute garbage franchise that commits all the same sins as the games they claim to hate. Of course Japan can do no wrong though so it's okay for them to make a boring movie game with an empty open world, repetitive side quests, horrible combat, and a bland story.

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He'd post a link directly to the video in question if there was such a easy to bypass it, no?

What would you have done in his situation

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>Massive fucking input lag because the engine is totally unstable and can't stay at 30fps
>Insanely long startup frames on top of said input lag not only make the combat slow and clunky with that awful "underwater" feeling, it even fucks up the input windows so even getting the combo you want is a pain in the ass
Works fine on my PC in 120fps

No. He even said it was on patreon dummy.

Still waiting for the patreon video where he said it then.

suscribe to it and you'll find it on the front page

you can post patreon links moron

You can also Google it dummy

Your avoidance just makes me think that you are projecting your opinion on an eceleb because Yea Forums sure has a tendency to regurgitate their opinions as the world of the Lord.
A video link would appear sooner if that wasn't the case.

Idk who the guy is man. Just quit bitching for rips and do it yourself sloth

>hyperbithero is literally the new spoony

I don't even know the title of the video, some pretendo dick sucker is yet to tell me anything besides "it's on the patreon, locked behind a paywall which has a super secret bypass"

is that the famous j-idol

>posting this again
you going to be the new copypasta spammer?

He's wrong anyway, 6 and K2 are way behind Judge Eyes. Judge is actually playable

Weren't Shin Yakuza details meant to come out today?

These threads seem to be a prime ground for copypasta spamming.
I only check out these every few days but i see the same exact walls of text and replies over and over again.

No just who the heroine was going to be played by, the actual new details will come out in August.

It was just the winner of the audition. New details are to be revealed some time next month.

God of War opened with an hour long cutscene with no gameplay. Name ONE Japanese game that would do that.

>Shin Amon fight has that nigga absolutely butcher the framerate to a chugging mess

Thanks Dragon Engine.

Yakuza 6

>shit gameplay
Fuck you

Attached: 1561053142563.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

No, every Yakuza game is flaming garbage and so is this. Seethe niggertaste faggotbreath

>God of War opened with an hour long cutscene with no gameplay
This isn't true. Yakuza 6 does, though.

>well we have to throw out all of our assets, reprogram combat from scratch, and we can't maintain 30fps even on a pro
>but loading screens are masked!
Dragon Engine was a mistake

>Whoa he pressed a contextual button to pick up a cone and then the attack button

Okay that was epic. Buying that garbage asap

>At least 0fags care about GAMEPLAY

Attached: Yakuza God Tier Combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Persona 4. 3 hours, all kino. Btw GOW has barely 10 minutes of non-interactivity (if you don't consider movement as interactivity, which I'm sure you don't).

git gud

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Isn't that attack string just mashing triangle?

phew you pushed the "continue cutscene" button in time

I dont know who's fucking idea it was to have the first game the engine gets made with be Y6 when previously a non-canon/AU title would be made with it. But at the same time, even if Judge Eyes was the test game, it shows RGG Sutdios still wouldnt have their shit together for Y6.

If you are counting following a guy on a set path as cutscene then even Y0 has an hour long intro

Sometimes I see footage of Yakuza and it feels like people saying any of these games are good has just been a massive ironic meme from the start. "Let's pretend this game series is good, that will be funny." But a bunch of people took it seriously and have been trying to convince themselves it isn't total garbage as they sink literally hundreds of hours into them.

But DE games aren't bad either. Judgment is the best thing they did in 4 years after 0 (mostly because Kiwami 1 was mediocre, 6 was rushed tech demo, Kiwami 2 was okay remake of a great game and FotNS was grindy as shit).

The absurd amount of shitty tailing missions is the only negative thing I found about the game, otherwise it was a straight improvement to the formula.

lmao at yakuza """"veterans"""" who think they're the only true fans because they played 1 and 2 on PS2 before the series caught on. Go fuck yourselves. I started with 0 and actually bothered to snag a copy of the og PS2 game after playing Kiwami. Guess what? IT'S SHIT. Kiwami is better in literally every way, and Kiwami 2 is even better than that. The dragon engine is excellent. Fucking worthless niggers touting their veteran status to get people to respect their shit opinions, JUST like the worthless MonHun faggots that think the MHFU, with its shit hitboxes, is peak MH. Fuck off.

>gamingbrit said it's the worst yakuza game
>worse than 1 and 6

He has some shit taste then. If, of course, you say truth.

Series got popular, sadly.

>>There are people that think 5 is better than 4
>>There are people that think DE games are good
are you really mad that people have actual preferences and opinions?
how fucking autistic are you?

>Massive fucking input lag because the engine is totally unstable and can't stay at 30fps
I'm assuming you're on a base PS4 considering the stability complaint because on a Pro the only thing I have happen is it sometimes drops the charge input on Tiger and only on triangle charges, never on anything else, and even then it's a rarity. Never had any problems in 6 or K2 either with input lag.
>Insanely long startup frames
This only really happens on Crane and only deep into the chain, Tiger is fine and snappy.
>-Enemies blocking no longer just block
>-Enemies group up into packs
>-Enemies can not only block out of hitstun, they turn to face you after a single hit
Completely agreed, this nonsense is really bringing the combat down and has been since 6. I wholly blame this on them doubling-down on the dumb bouncing block system though, but even with Judgment you can tell they're mulling the whole thing over with the shattering glass blocks being added back in and you have extracts that can always cause that to happen instead of the bounce. Seriously though, it's one of the worst things they ever added to combat and just screeches it to a halt while leaving you wide open, the tigers in particular show how frustrating this dumb thing can be because you can just bounce off them and they can attack you as you're bouncing killing you instantly.
>Extreme Heat mode is shit
It's fine in Judgment, overpowered in 6 and K2. In Judgment it drains very quickly, every time you are hit in it it drains even faster, and the only real benefits of it besides the invincibility are the triangle attacks being changed which makes Crane a ridiculously good mob cleaner. They do need to stop focusing new Heat Actions on it though, it's a dumb thing to do when normal gameplay really needs them.

I don't blame the engine, I blame their dumb implementation of certain mechanics, the engine is fine they just aren't optimizing it properly and aren't budging on the blocking thing.

0 > 6 > 5 > K2 > Judgment = K1 > 3 = 4

It's the usual "game gets popular so Yea Forums goes into hyper contrarian mode to shit on it" cycle that happens to every game series here. You can set your watch to it every time.

Yikes, the Worldsperm menace is spreading THIS far and wide.

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ahahahaHAHAhahahAhahahAH du bist fucking ubermad hahaha

"Real" Yakuza fans got so defensive they started lashing out at everyone. Doesn't matter if you've played every single game, if you say anything negative about any of the games, no matter how slight, they lose their minds.

>it's fine when Generations has adept style that literally is an infinite evasion mantle

Not even the most hardcore MH fan acknowledges that X and XX exist.

I don't like adept style but it also gimps your offensive capabilities outside of evasion counters and evading puts you into a forced counter animation.
World's evasion mantle has none of those drawbacks, and gives a much larger offensive benefit.

You keep saying this in every thread, but I don't see it. What I see is
>Dragon Engine hate (somewhat justified)
>Pointless rankings
>"Yakuza is shit and boring" being said in the samefaggy way
>Contrarians praising 5 or FotNS
>"Look, this Legendary Guy (that loves MGS4 and Resident Evil 6) said that this new game sucks on his Patreon video, pay 3 bucks to see it for yourself"
And sometimes discussions of games.
Oh, and some bitches calling others 0fags, but I call bullshit on this one, it's a clear provocation.

Judgement's gameplay is abysmal.

Anyone that hates the Dragon Engine hasn't played K2 on the PC

>>Contrarians praising 5 or FotNS
what's wrong with praising them?

The drawback is that it's on a cooldown. Not a long enough one, mind you, but its existence doesn't magically make every fight shit and trivial. I played hundreds of hours online and that experience is all the proof I need.

You're proving the point by saying
>you're wrong! the problem is people keep saying negative things about the games!
>and yes people do call others 0fags just to provoke
So yeah

>The drawback is that it's on a cooldown. Not a long enough one, mind you, but its existence doesn't magically make every fight shit and trivial.
The fact that evasion and temporal mantles combined cover about the entire duration of a hunt does though.

So still no patreon video link of the eceleb shitting on Judgment?

better framerate doesn't fix shit gameplay

Wheres the blind guy that can see the future, the samurai fags, the giant zombie and the buff bussinessman?

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>t-t-they're gonna get it right, this time! They just need time to develop it!
GTFO retards.

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One is bloated and it's full of nonsense
The other has no content, is full of nonsense, shit sideactivities outside of the one they just rehashed (cabaret) and yet still expects you to play it for 100 hours for 100% with 70 of those hours being grind and driving in the awful desert buggy sidequests.

You can only post opinions I agree with on Yea Forums. Posts I don't agree with are shitposts.

They've been "refining" the same combat against the same enemies for literally over a decade. And it still fucking sucks.

It took 5 games for the combat to start being good again in 5 ever since they switched to the kenzan engine
And then they throw it all away because they couldnt be botheted to release a spin off

>This game is absolute proof that the Dragon Engine is fucking garbage.
YIKES stopped reading there. Dragon Engine Yakuza at 100+ fps is a thing of beauty.

>FotNS that high

Goddamn you're a fucking retard.

>K2 that low

Oh it's you, go back to your shitty youtube channel.

Well, prove me wrong then. You just deflected everything I said with "hey, you are one of them!"
As if the fact that I'm saying that "I don't see it" is negating all criticism I've said in the past.
Those false-flaggers appeared after 0 got popular. Before that the only hostility here were for clear shitposters that said "it's like GTA/Sleeping Dogs", because it was wrong and dumb. Do you really fucking think those cretins who call others 0fags somehow represent fans here?

you can't just decide who the fanbase is and is not by how valid you find their posts
you can't say the people who draw autistic sonic OC aren't part of the sonic fanbase just because you decided that yourself
face it, the yakuza fanbase has turned to shit, and it's not because of newfags. most of the shit behavior is coming from the "veterans"

Is K2 really that bad? Im just about to start playing it.

if you're still willing to play yakuza games after finishing 0 and Kiwami then you'll enjoy it fine. more of the same.

Not really, the problem is mostly how enemys block so often just like in kenzan and 3
Also i hope you have played and memorized the extreme heat combos, because the game sure as fuck wont do it for you

5 is bloated. They got more time to work on it, but they clearly bit more they could chew. The result: uneven, dumb, messy game, that has as much great in it as it has really bad.
It's the first one with dynamic random encounters, cool. It had new iteration of the engine, which is fine. Music is amazing, so is install screen.
But Colleseum is botchered, story is just bad (though it starts alright and Shinada's part is okay if you can isolate it from the rest), Haruka's segment is clearly under-developed, with one song being repeated about 90% of the time.
I get that some like it, but saying that it is "the best" or "better" than most other games is just baffling.

Fist of the North Star is just mediocre cash-grab, and the only redeeming quality is combat, which is fun, quick and pretty challenging. But everything else surrounding it is just underwhelming - at best. Mini-game selection is hit and miss, races are sluggish, and that empty desert can go fuck itself.
City is really boring too. It's somewhat pretty at night, but meh.

i agree with the nonsense part, though the last two games before it were like that too, so it didn't bother me too much.
as for it being bloated, i disagree. i think that most of the side content presented here is enjoyable (taxi racing, hunting, shinadas baseball adventure, the haruka dance battles)
also the combat is a nice step up since it feels as smooth to play with as 0.

Aw yes I sure love my boss fights being 50% some half assed first person minigame 30% the cutscene that happens in between and 20% the actual fight that you finish in under 30 seconds by just spamming the hokuto techniques.
>better than all other games btw

>everyone says 3's combat is bad

I dunno, I keep spamming that head butt attack and cigarette spit move to win

it's not bad, but the constant blocking from every single minor enemy can make fights last longer than they need to be.

They fucked DPS also, this is the real problem. Every boss us just a sponge.

>Dragon Engine is shit
why? I haven't played a game on it yet but it looks really nice

>I get that some like it, but saying that it is "the best" or "better" than most other games is just baffling.
how is it baffling if someone thinks it's the best?
this shit is mostly subjective.

Ryou would probably be an A or so for me. The fight in general was a lot of fun but I was too overpowered at the same time for it to be a fair fight considering I had 極めし者 hours before even getting to him and I fought Chaos as well so anything would feel too easy (Even though Chaos was a joke compared to Gaia)
Buff businessman is definitely a C, same with his lackey and the same with that sword guy in BP2.
Kenzan would be its own tier of F lower than Munakata because of just how awful and boring that fight is after the wonderful fight half an hour before it which I consider the true final boss.
Ishin would definitely be S, what a great fight even if the character is pretty "meh" overall.
Does the giant zombie count the fight before he roids out or not? Because that's the difference between a B and a C.
Kuroiwa should probably be an A or an S, great fight, he's really aggressive, it has a good spectacle around it, and he has some neat moves.

So you didn't play the game? Because Jagi is the only fight that even goes into first person, Secret Techniques cause diminishing returns, and getting a perfect channel on a boss takes either Burst Mode jump slam spam or being so good at dodging and quickly retaliating while avoiding guys like Shin, Toki, Rei, and Raoh's random super armor to keep the gauge going that you'll get maybe one or two STs off on them at best in a fight outside of the Toki one when you drop their health to 20% of it left. Even when farming bosses with the charged beam attack into downward ST spam you can time it wrong, they can sometimes super armor through it, they can just dodge it, or a whole host of other things which makes the fights dicey particularly because on the harder difficulties it doesn't even work properly on some bosses due to the low damage.

Well, it has objectively really shitty design choices. Like Haruka's whole segment which is undercooked rhythm game with 3 main songs and like 5 street songs. Even of we ignore the story how can this game be "the best" if it has so much really weak stuff in it?
Even combat is weird with that "devil trigger" nonsense that just breaks everything.

I seriously hate how Yakuza combat is hit and miss fluctuating between good and bad instead of the devs learning just about anything. Enemies can be absolutely ridiculous with the amount of super armour, blocking after getting hit, turning after getting hit, dodging out of getting hit and similar taking a big meaty dump over most of your moveset that isn't counters, and grabbing being nearly entirely random in whether it's even allowed by the boss. In year 2019 and enemies like that you still can't even dodge while guarding and are forced to first let go of guard button just to add delay and a way for game to drop your inputs. You also have to relive increasing amount of stiffness in combat because you have to re-unlock most of your moveset every game, especially the counters.

What's so bad about kiwami 2? Isn't 2 meant to be the best in the series? Did they fuck up really badly or something?

Fuck you, Ryan. Stop helping me!

Attached: do not want.png (800x600, 545K)

Consider getting better bait

How's it feel knowing Sleeping Dogs, a CHINESE game, is better than Yakuza series?

you know 5 is a pretty well liked entry right? 3 is the one your contrarian for praising if you do.

i agree with haruka's segment with you on harukas segment (outside of the street dancing since it's similar to 0's disco which is probably the best minigame in the entire series).
>if it has so much really weak stuff in it?
what weak stuff are you referring to?
i thought stuff like the taxi racing, shinada making baseball enjoyable for once, and the hunting minigame.
>Even combat is weird with that "devil trigger" nonsense that just breaks everything.
that doesn't break anything though, since stuff like dragon spirit is vastly inferior to kiryu's base moveset while also draining heat as fast as a motherfucker.

*i thought stuff like the taxi racing, shinada making baseball enjoyable for once, and the hunting minigame was fun.

its not bad its just comparatively worse

So? Most games are better than Yakuza games

sleeping dogs isn't chinese

In a vacuum it's fine even if the ending shits on everything the game built until then.
Compared to OG2 with all the cut content it's just a straight downgrade.

The chicken racing, the snowball fight, the noodle shop, the Akyiama hostess club managing, all of Haruka's side jobs.
It's incredible how much throw away bloat that game has.

>All these retards itt actually defending the absolute disaster that is dragon engine

Attached: D9-YgBXVAAIaVFc.jpg (1024x576, 59K)

i'll agree with those, at best they're decent as a one off (the noodle thing was probably the best of the lot.
>the Akyiama hostess club managing
pretty sure you're getting 4 mixed up with 5, because that minigame isn't even in 5 iirc.

I have literally never heard a single criticism of a Yakuza game which was valid

0babs and PC cucks

Does Judgement count? Because enemies randomly activating super armor in the middle of a combo is absolute bullshit.