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Other urls found in this thread:


stupid games, stupid prizes

They deserve to get fucked

Yikes posting faggot with no actual commentary. Get the fuck of my internet faggot

Now i knew why Sega didnt want to made Shenmue 3

>buy game on kickstarter
>expect to get gamestop/best buy/vendor exclusive content

Man I'm glad I never backed a Kickstarter

>Get the fuck of my internet
Oof, major yikes

Imagine liking shitmue at all.

When is this dogsquit even out ?

What the fuck is wrong with Lan Di?

>finance the game out of your own pocket
>no, you don't get the preorder DLC
>even though you preordered it so hard that you preordered it when it didn't even exist solely to help make it exist

Shenmue 3 feels like a monkey paw so far.

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You could at least post a source.

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gtfo newfag

>in fucking 2011+8
Not knowing better at this point is inexcusable

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>Back project on kikestarter
>Project promises Steam keys
>Suddenly it's Epic exclusive
>You don't get pre-order content
>No refunds by the way ;)
>Even if you could refund it would basically have been a rent-free loan
>Everyone could refund and Epic would just pay for the costs
How do we counter this? Rewarding ineptitude does not facilitate good games being made.

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what the fuck? Deep silver are top tier trolls.

>Getting fucked in the ass by the creator

Why i'm not surprised ?

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Honestly I'm expecting the game to be mediocre at best.

So much for shenmue franchise

>Buy game for 30$ with only promise to get the base game
>WTF??? A person who purchases the game week before release for 60$ will get some shit pre-order item?? INEXCUSABLE

He used to be a god. Shocking how far he's fallen.

>Rent free loan.
Retard or ESL?

hail corporate

Don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement, or this shit will keep happening. Shenmue 3 looks awful.

they deserve it for using Kickstarter

Where's the evidence this is his fault and not Deep Silver's?

>back game for $2,500
>"thanks for the donation! We will give you the game as recompense... Oh, but you will be forced to use Epic Games store aaaand this donation does not count as a preorder. You must preorder the actual game later to get the preorder bonus. Toodles!"

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what else is this fuck going to ruin

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I'm not even mad at this point, I'm kinda just over this mistake I made a few years ago. I just want to know when I can get my refund already. And if they dick around the backers despite saying they'd be fulfilling refunds, then I guess I'll have to settle for switching to physical PS4 and getting a second-hand market refund at least.

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five seconds on google
inb4 "durr post archive link" nigga just do it yourself

Boy am I so glad I was a broke ass nigga when all these big kickstarters came out, now I can act all smug at these losers who got scammed

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>those comments

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Lan Di looks (relatively) decent
How the fuck does Dreamcast Ryo look so much better than Shenmue III Ryo?

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Where is your argument?
If you backed for 2,500$ you would actually get exclusive DLC that only the backers and no one else receive.

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All the sane people have refunded already so now it's just asslickers.

It's like they're actively trying to prevent Shenmue IV from happening. It's fascinating.

Did he though? What's his claim to fame?

I thought they hadn't allowed refunds yet and it was way too past the date for most people to force chargebacks

this game looks like hot garbage. What the fuck are those graphics?

>subhuman bullying
Is there more of this?

>Those upset by the debacle are being offered a full refund by Epic Games, not Shenmue 3 developer Ys Net.
What happened to japanese honoru

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>that one guy policing other people's posts

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I'm loving the Shenmue 3 dumpster fire. It's the triumphant grand finale of Kickstarter ass-fuckings.

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Small stuff like inventing 3D shooters, 3D fighting games and 3D racing simulations and stupid shit like that.

>too stupid to know where dollar sign goes on a sum
We're done here.

>Well, I pledged $450.00, and I wasn’t expecting to get any DLC at launch. Those $450 went to fund the game, and to get the rewards associated with the game. I think people have a misconception of what Kickstarter is. This isn’t a place to preorder, its to kickstart a project. The place is literally called “Kickstarter”.
>With that being said, if there is a “season pass” the least they can do is throw backers who have donated at least the price of the game a bone, and grant them the season pass code.

What are these contradictions

>Donating money to anything
Nobody to blame but yourselves.

They did allow it eventually

Imagine being one of the people who paid to have dinner with Inafune.

Please delet this image

His games dominated arcades in the late 90s and early 2000s. He practically made Sega and his IPs were all blockbusters. Not only that, he designed the Naomi board (Dreamcast).

I'm so going to refund that shit. Only backed for $28 but still, if it can send the publisher a message i'll do it.

>3D shooters
>3D fighting game
What an asshole.

Just cancel it tbqh.
No way it will meet the hype anyways. And the first two haven't even aged that well.
Just play the Yakuza games

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last I heard they were "in the process" of allowing refunds

zoom zoom

Post Kick starters you are proud of and would still support!

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Calling it now, Epic will "pay for backers preorders" to astroturf good PR for themselves.

I backed it on steam originally but since its going to be epic exclusive for a year I switched to ps4 so I'll get the season pass anyway on ps4, and again next year on steam, aint no thang

If you're dumb enough to donate to kikestarter you are perfectly fine with getting fucked over. What's the issue here?

>yu is also handling the publishing stuff
absolute brainlet

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tick tock, shows almost over, board deletion imminent

Sorry, but you will need to purchase the game again to receive the season pass as the Kickstarter game is separate version from the retail / digital version.
Hope you understand!
Sincerely, Deep Silver :)

an email from ysnet to a backer

>Trusting Kikestarter or any of its kike-spin offs
They deserve it.

but refunds have literally been confirmed

>that "Shenmue Backer" guy replying to every negative comment

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Yakuza's cool but we still don't have the ideal Shenmue-like game because they're too roughly gated in what you can do. I wish we had one closer to Sims-level freedom that gated you just enough to keep the plot moving.

factually incorrect, as was stated in the e-mail from ysnet

>that "Shenmue backer" guy

Fucking incredible. I really hope that he is some kind of dev, otherwise that´s just next-level cuckery

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>constant work diary updates
>goes to conventions to promote game
>an actual indie dev studio
>didn't scam anyone

funny how all the big name "indie devs" are screwing over the supporters and even ruining the kick starter ideals.

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Shenmue 3 will be based. A modern day Dreamcast title.

It will be terrible and end of a cliffhanger again

>I waited too long for Shenmue 3. Not gonna risk Shenmue 4 not coming out for feeling some sort of entitlement because I donated to a kickstarter two years ago. People have to grow up.

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>tfw only game I ever backed was pCARS

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They made the backer rewards the pre-order content.

Still love how so many people flipped their shit when it became an EGS exclusive. The most minor change and everyone sperged out hard.

I don't really have a dog in this fight but the game's gonna be painfully mediocre.

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Shenmue 3 keeps getting worse. Never fall for the kikestarter meme.

So Epic has conclusively killed Kickstarter

You'd have to be retarded to back a video game on Kickstarter when this is the bullshit they will pull on backers

This is the Japanese Scam citizen, the only difference is that at least Scam has loyal people willing to pay thousands still.

And I guess Shenume 3 will still be released

Ragna Crimson says Google

Cliffhanger is a given. Yu Suzuki doesn't want to cut / squash the planned story.

I thought I dropped this nigga in the water at the end of the first game, how did he survive?

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user are you 12? This is a publisher decision.

He swam.

>Spend ~20$ per Kickstarter
>At least 2/3 of all games I've kickstarted have been complete games, decently successful and good enough to play from start to finish
Meanwhile I can shell out 60$ for a game I've looked up and still be disappointed with the direction it takes after launch.

>being proud of backing a shitheap game

Former Deep Silver employee stated they ran through the 7 million and were forced to sign with deep silver to fund the rest. Deep Silver just saw the game has public interest and took Epics extra special deal as they did with Metro. They didn't bother with Outward tho

Underrated comment. It seems like everytime something is going good, backers get stabbed in their backs. The absolute worst one was the Oculus Rift. It was promised to be an open format, then they sold the rights and patents to Facebook, after collecting backer money.

hes not black, how the fuck else do you think he survived?

Thats not the point.
pCars treated their backers like investors so for the 45 euros I paid I got about 120 back from them.

>I didn't actually pre-order, and the kickstarter page didn't say I will be eligible to get pre-order content, but I should get pre-order content anyway
gamer entitlement at its finest

fucking lmaoing at these babies

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you made that up right?

It just gets worse and worse. This guy is trying to compete with Inafune for the title of greatest scam/disappointment in history.

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copied straight from reddit :^)

>tfw all the games I backed ended up great like Pillars of Eternity, Bloodstained and Divinity Original Sin
Wow, dodged a bullet there, I haven't backed something in years.

>great like Pillars of Eternity

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why pretend to be retarded if you can go to the font of all autism

Now you understand why publishers are careful not to take risks often. You're afraid to put $5-40 behind a game, it's no wonder why they're afraid to put millions behind them.

He's playing the heel and taking a fall to put Epic over, probably got a bribe for it

>Shenmue backer

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I've backed two, Distance and Divinity. I regret neither, but it's a fucking mindfield.

>Think Yu would let his most cherised work sail itself
>Insults someone of brainlet because he is right and you don't have any counter argument to it

Good old classic Yea Forums

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Not a problem.
>backing a Kickstarter
>supporting Deep Silver

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>yfw you didn't support this scam or Kikestarter in general

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PoE1 was fine, PoE 2 was dogshit.

Fuck off or apply yourself, retard-kun

I think I backed FTL and Wasteland 2. FTL was pretty good, Wasteland 2 was pretty mediocore but at least it was a complete product.

To be fair, as a publisher you have a lot more control over the project and can threaten to ditch them if the devs act like shitheads or aren't getting their milestones done on time. You can also demand they release early if you really need to make your money back. Kickstarter backers just get fucked regardless of what they say.

The schadenfreude is too good. Kickstarter stories are always fun to follow. You can see the 5 Stages of Grief in real time.

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They are both dogshit, PoE1 is a bastardization of the fucking 4e which was horrible on its own but made ten times worse thanks to Sawyer's autism.

The game is going to sell like absolute garbage, it´s like 10 years late. Just look at the mediocre sales of Shenmue 1+2HD. I honestly think they knew this and that´s why they opted for Schweiney's guaranteed sales deal

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This is peoples brain on corporate onions

Top level cuckoldry. They payed for girl and waited for age of consent (release) and some small cock chinese will fuck her now.

Sure, but a publisher is still risking MILLIONS whereas you're just risking a few hours worth of pay.

I actually did get 1+2HD to experience them for the first time, but as I understand it, the first game still has a lot of bugs and asset downgrades to the point it might be better just to emulate. During gameplay it wasn't too bad, but knowing in retrospect the voice quality and skyboxes could have been way better is a shame.

You gotta check the project creator first and see what other projects they have delivered. If you see them delivering on time or without issues on previous projects, it can be trust worthy. As well, the less information they have on certain things or if it looks low quality, then those are huge red flags.

t. work for a board/miniatures game company who uses kickstarter a lot

Yo get me a job nigger. Unless your Matt Ward, then imma beat you up

>support a campaign that is a risk and can easily fail years before
>If you supported the campaign, you need to buy the game twice to get all the content
>people who didn't support the campaign originally get rewarded more than the people who did
>you think this is fine

when we run advertisements on our miniatures game, there are always people who say 'IS THIS GOING TO BE CHEAPER THAN 40K?' and i always reply 'Exponentially cheaper :^)'

But they don't? The pre order DLC is an item that is obtainable in-game though regular progress.
There is outfit DLC which is exclusive to retail version but at the same time the kickstarter backers receive a different exclusive outfit too.

Why care about Shenmue when it will just be worse Yakuza?

i'm 90% sure Epic games is personally buying Denuvo support for every exclusive they get.

Everything is cheaper than GW, you don't even need to use the gag.

>The pre order DLC is an item that is obtainable in-game though regular progress.

oh wait what? Thats what shitters are complaining about? Nevermind I'm the retard then, carry on

>will it be cheaper than 40k
What kind of retarded question is that? Of course it will be, no company that makes miniatures and their games are near the level of Jewish as GW

You can never underestimate human stupidity

Kickstarter is okay for plenty of things, just not vidya.

that's gonna be a big yikes from me dawg

Shenmue was always a dogshit series and Shenmue 3 is no different.

good, keeps zoomer scum like you away.

Why do you think that?


Fuck off Yu

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I'm glad I've backed certain games and it usually works out well for me. Glad I didn't back this one though.




Play Yakuza and Judgement instead. Literally the only things good to come from Shenmue.


They're trying their hardest to lose any fanbase they have left. We're not going to see Shenmue 4 at this point.

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I don't put money behind a game with the expectation of earning money back.

Publishers goal is to make money from the investment.

If I saw a percentage of the profits proportional to the amount I backed, I would take a lot more risks with kickstarter.

In fact, crowd publishing when?

More like they know it has no chance of happening, its time to cash in from the nostalgiafags drop a turd and run

excellent fpbp. suckers never learn apparently


>worst one
Nigga all the DK1 backers got a CV1 for free, they were like £500-600 iirc

>If I saw a percentage of the profits proportional to the amount I backed, I would take a lot more risks with kickstarter.
I doubt you would, because you'd soon realize that the majority of projects wouldn't turn a profit for you.

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Is anyone actually looking forward to this game? Seems like it's going to be a disappointment for everyone involved.



Initially they denied them until Epic said they'd front the cost.

Just read some backer comments. Are Shenmue fans really this pathetic and thirsty for a game that they will overlook all these massive warning signs? The company initially refusing refunds after switching the PC store on backers and now telling them they will have to pay extra for pre-order shit absolutely reeks of a game that the devs know is shit and that their best bet of getting money is by getting people to buy shit prior to the release. Willing to bet when this comes out it is utterly garbage and they know it won't sell that well.


If Inafune couldn’t kill Kickstarter then this won’t either.

I really enjoyed 2 when I played it long ago on Xbox. Got the HD for nostalgia and realized that the games still have some soul but they have aged like milk. If they keep their same gameplay system I can't see the new one picking up any new fans and it's only support will be the crazies who backed it and are plugging their ears to not listen to any of the horrible press surrounding this game.

just give the source





>In fact, crowd publishing when?
It's been a thing for years

But just know one of the first games to try out this platform was Psychonauts 2.

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Geez I was excited for Shenmue 3 but more and more it seems like it’s become a victim of modern gaming practices.

>Feels like
It is literally one

Right behind you my man!! Some sense, and a great post!! :D

Good. A developer can do whatever they want with THEIR content, fuck retards that give then money and expect them to change their creative vision to add shit to the game.

>How do we counter this?
We counter it by waiting for Epic to die, their business model of "buy exclusivity and pay the difference if it fails" is unsustainable, even with the fortnite money


Well when you play lucky hit, sometimes you just get fucked by shenmu.
Try again next time

why dont you zoom on outta here lil zoomer?

This is most likely correct. Shenmue originally made waves for its at the time stunning graphics. While deciding to let Shenmue 3 look like a game from 2 generations ago they’ve effectively limited themselves to people who have a history with the series.

I wish we could have an actual thread about the games aside from this 3 bullshit. They are soulful yeah (meme term aside), but got shown up pretty hard by games like Bully and Yakuza which took their formulas and added way more content. The greatest sell Shenmue has in the modern era is for its immersion as a modern life sim, but I don't think Suzuki-san quite realizes this, since telling the rest of Ryo's story is what actually matters to him. "It's more Shenmue!" may have made a success some years ago, but honestly I think it's one of those milestones games have fully usurped and taken from them what they could.

Didn't see anyone paste the full article

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>That one deranged guy in the comments
So this is the power of fanboy cope huh?

>PC Physical version

>The PC Physical version will be delivered on disk. However, the disk will contain the Epic Games Store installer and not the actual game data.

There’s parts of the original game that are still impressive to this day. The Yakuza comparison is brought up a lot but Shenmue 2 accomplished a bigger world than any Yakuza game outside of maybe 5 at a comparable level of detail.

tainted by western kikeru

lmao this is funny as hell
and they paid extra in the kickstarter to get the physical copy of the game

Yeah, I get what you mean. Going and interacting with every element of the world through first-person mode and hidden moves and stuff is really cool, but it also feels really small by modern standards (1 does at least). There's all these shops in Dobuita but the most you can do is play pool once or visit the slots/games, and you can't even buy anything in most shops. It's not an obsolete game, you know, but it leaves you wanting much more for sure.

I've started to wonder if egs was ever meant to compete with steam in the first place. It may be that timmy tencent wrote off a large sum and dedicated that to trying to "advocate" for a lower take on steam's part. Just look at thier store. This is not a serious endeavor. and they all know it.

kickstarter is for boardgames.
every single boardgame i kickstarted was amazing.

canceling my pirate

This shit isn't even the final entry in the series. is there actually any reason to get reinvested in this franchise again?

I think it's Epic not understanding why games go exclusive, very rarely is it because a company buys exclusivity, it's usually
A. console company owns the devs
B. game wouldn't exist without console companies funding. Ex. Bayonatta 2
C. Bias. Ex. a majority of Japanese games for Sony

This is amazing

I backed anime and it has always worked out.

I thought Epic's deal was the bottom of the barrel.

Kickstarter is for board games only mate, 7th Continent is the only project I've backed and it turned out fucking amazing.


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Shenmue cucks getting cucked the fuck out yet again.

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post yfw you never spent a single cent on kikestarter

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Haze was exclusive because Sony paid Ubisoft for that.
Whether it was a temporary exclusivity or a permanent one, we will never know.

See, the difference is that a publisher also has the ability to put significantly different amounts of money on the table. They could put hundreds of millions into a CoD rehash or just put 2-3 for some smaller dev to finish some niche game. For a kickstarter your range is significantly less.

And now you understand why buying exclusivity is rare these days

A flop is still millions of dollars in losses regardless.

Reminder that this was the first kickstarter to get revealed live during an E3.

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Yu built a chink-punching simulator, and made the chinks pay for it. Chinks even have to pay for the refunds. How based can one man be?

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He got money from pretty much half of the industry.

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anglo's should all die

Press S to spit on all the ResetEra whales crying about their own idiocy right now

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Tim is technically the publisher now.

Uh, 2018 was last year sweaty

>Going on resetera
Go back




>Not wanting to laugh at cucks when they get fucked over
It is called salt mining you retard, you need to actually visit the mines to get the salt

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So I'll have to wait a few months to download it?
By then I'll know if it's worth the bandwidth waste.

Emotional and intelectual investement in a product is a hell of a mindfuck

I'm glad the only kickstarter I ever backed was episode 2 of Little Witch Academia at the lowest requirement for the rewards, so I could get the blu-ray and artbook

That's a pretty basic way to get a hit of dopamine, user.

Everyone involved with this project is never going to work again and I feel genuinely bad.

>Feeling sorry for Japanese people who make deals with their eternal enemy China
You shouldn't feel sorry

>inafune confirmed a fraud
>kojima confirmed a fraud and a hack
>mikami confirmed a fraud
>now yu suzuki confirmed a fraud

Man igarashi will be the only that that will prove himself?

>the only way to stimulate growth and innovation is to keep paying for the same stupid shit and hope it gets better
Why are kikestarters such imbeciles? They’re almost as bad as the “wait for the game to come out first” and “well, where’s YOUR videogame creation” fecal eaters

>Japs who sold out to their eternal Chink enemy
They should be thankful that that's all that will happen to them.

What the fuck happened to Lan Di? Fuck off, that's NOT HIM

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>where’s YOUR videogame creation
well i mean if you're complaining about so many sjw's influencing games wouldn't that be the proper response? doesn't it show how cucked you are to contently let your vidya get fucked by someone else?

Yes we should all make our own vidya, seriously

>don't spend a dime in it
>pirate the projects that end up being decent

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It's almost like all other branches of business: A good result is actually due to the performance of an entire team and their supporting colleagues, but quite often the boss will claim the spotlight for himself and even succesfully further his career when doing so. Then, when the boss is put in a situation where he can't depend on said team of underlings and is actually tested, it might turn out this 'cult of personality' is actually worth jack shit.

If anything, these kinds of 'personalities' and 'personal brands' should make you suspicious. But clever marketing uses it as a selling point instead.

I would've pledged way too much money for this, but they refused to release on the xbone, so I'll just keep waiting until the inevitable port.

>fucking your founders twice in a row
I'll be surprised if they even bother pirating it

>anything made by mr. shitface
Nah, thanks.

>That's a pretty basic way to get a hit of dopamine, user.
You misspelled based.

By not being a stupid faggot and buying into games that dont even exist.

If the majority of people keep doing that then this is the sort of shit we deserve.

>3D fighting games
so he invented the dark ages


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fig is literally the SJW version of Kickstarter.

Faux-3D rail shooters, not 3D shooters. 3D racing games also predate his shit by a lot.

This. AM2 was legendary. What is one old man going to do with a bunch of ultra fucking amateurs MOBILE game devs? 6 millions $$$ or 60 millions $$$ won't do jack shit

Reminder that Darkest Dungeon is one of the handful of Kickstarter-funded game that did not shit itself all over its backers

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>3D racing games also predate his shit by a lot.
None of them worked right
He also did the first 3D fighter and Shenmue 1 still btfo a ton of recent games on quite a few stuff.

>b-b-b-b-b-but I don't like them so they don't count
Lmao, cuck
Literally the only thing it pioneered was shitty QTEs.
Hell, even 3D fighting games were a mistake. The guy has made a couple of okay games but pretending he invented jack fucking shit is just lying to yourself.

>conveniently forgetting the balancing controversies





is that killing bites

Sega took everything good about shenmue and reinjected it into Yakuza. Shenmue is no longer necessary

Shenmue and Yakuza are only tangentially alike, stop talking shit

Backing Torment taught me the lesson to never do it again.

>balancing is the same thing as cut content

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I wouldn't put it past Timmyboy to do that. Pay Yu some good money to style himself later on as savior of backers. He basically killed crowdfunding anyway since nobody can be sure if the project won't be bought by him later anyway. The word of indie devs is worthless in that regard.

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>He doesn't know about G5

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Really wondering why a niche series decided why the best course of action would be to piss off a bunch of people.

too bad it's shit

Wtf bros are you telling me that they're only getting... exactly what they paid for? We need to get this to the gamer UN.


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Pirated that shit and had some fun with it. Thanks for believing, chumps!

Either it's 50+ hours long with tons of content or optimized to shit. I think it's the optimization.

I don't get it

this is what half life 3 looks like

>eating ass
I don't mean literally user

It's probably a guy who paid a dollar so that he could troll the comments section for epic lulz on reddit.

Let's wait until Shenmue 3 releases before you go around calling Suzuki a fraud.

>publishers gives money to MAKE money later
>kickstarters gives money to make OTHER PEOPLE money
hard choice



>retards are too dumb to read the rules about whishlists
>5000 games get distributed as compensation
Praise the mighty GabeN.

ackktuallly, a flop is just a perceived loss. you could profit and still flop.

all investments are expected to make 50 bucks
investment 1 costs a buck, makes a 2 bucks
investment 2 costs a buck, makes 50 bucks
investment 3, costs a buck, makes 100 bucks

investment 1 is a flop, investment 3 is a breakaway success.

The only game I've ever backed was REZ infinite.

Was 100% worth it. Got a PS4 copy and discounted

why did this give me an existencial crisis of how much time has actualy passed.

I imagine a lot of it was also just people who hadn't looked at their wishlist in a while cleaning it up. I know that's what I did, I didn't even remember wishlisting a few games.

you forgot a fourth reason
D. Target audience has the largest precence on said console.


that's what you get for suporting kickstarter gooks

I've only backed that Swery game, hope it will be at least decent

>30min IRL time walk through the mountain range
yeah fuck doing that shit again nibba


I´ll admit that lube is not necessarily, just ram it in!

>you don't get the preorder DLC
>even though you preordered it so hard that you preordered it when it didn't even exist solely to help make it exist

you said it best user, thread/

It won't die, it's backed by tencent,/alibaba, the people's republic of China's corporation. They are attempting to buy out entertainment and rule through subversion of media just like the jews did with hollywood.

>spot the dev

digital bonuses?

I wanted to back Shenmue 3 and Subverse but I'm still in your boat.

never backed a thing in my life

Eat shit dumb nigger. :3c