How is it? Is it worth 45 bux?

How is it? Is it worth 45 bux?

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Did anyone even play it?

epic excklusive, fuck it..its only 25$ btw

I liked it. Gathering evidence, going to the news archives finding old headlines. Don't expect much from the combat. Come for the atmosphere and stay for the atmosphere, it nails it.

it's basically the exact same as that other crappy call of Cthulhu game on steam except ten times as long

its ok if you want to do detective stuff but it gets repetitive really fast, the combat is shit and all the bugs kill the immersion

it's trash

it looks and plays like it came out ten years ago

yes, i pirated it, its garbage

i pirated it and might pick it up in a bundle but wouldnt spend more than $5-10 on it

>Is it worth 45 bux
fuck no, don't do it

How so, if you don't mind explaining? I played the 2018 Call of cthulhu but they seem like really different games, except the Livecraft influence.

It really pissed me off how there's no point to collecting all the evidence in each crime scene or location. I thought it might change the endings or have some kind of effect but no, it's just giant waste of time finding everything. When you get to the end there's basically just a big fork in the room that goes three ways and you can just watch all the endings if you make a save there. I think it actually autosaves there.

>has literal KKK as a faction
>you can't join them
>red/blue/green endings regardless of actions taken in game
it's worth maybe tree fiddy

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It's worth twice that

He's an idiot. The story is infinitely better than the 2018 Cthulhu game and while it might be a bit janky it doesn't come even close to the unplayable mess that was Dark Corners of the Earth. If you enjoy lovecraft shit then you will probably enjoy it, it has a fantastic atmosphere and has a ton of nods to lovecrafts other works.

Play Dark Corners of the Earth instead, it's real unironical kino.

Is the combat shit like everyone says?Already did.

It's a game literally made for Lovecraft fans. Most of the references are completely lost on normies who think monkey men are a Planet of the fucking Apes reference.

It's really good in that they pretty much tied all his lore together in one game. Think Lovecraft would've been happy with it.

Gameplay wise it's pretty much slower deadspace with Arkham Knight detective mode added in.

8/10 Good experience.

>Dark Corners of the Earth instead

Good luck getting it to run unless you have have the original Xbox version.

we don't discuss chinese games here

The combat is incredibly basic. You have a generic melee that only does a single overhead swing forward. The shooting gets the job done but the weapons don't really seem to carry any impact and I usually end up just running around enemies

Everything in this game is incredibly shallow

that game can be a buggy piece of shit but at least it has memorable moments like the Hotel escape.

And that ride in the back of the truck where you are getting shot from all over. I remember that part quite well.

Yeah, there are quite a lot of big OH SHIT moments but i don't wnat to spoil them for people that haven't played yet.

It's comfy, but runs like shit and those loading screens are serious immersion breakers.

Or the boat part. Before the cannon bug, at least.

If someone here hasn't played Dark Corners of the Earth by now then they aren't going to. The game is near impossible to run at this point.

Yeah, it does, and The Sinking City has nothing like that.