Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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we got to install microwave ovens

money for nothin

No it was ascension

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(dicks for free)

Yes CoD Zombies, probably the best ending we've had to a season. Hopefully DLC 4 will be good too.

Also an acceptable answer, Gersches are comfy af

I don't have a lot of hope for it. AO was better than expected(if only slightly), and I fear the worst for DLC4. Doesn't really matter because it could be the best thing ever and I'd still be just fine here having not bought BO4 and playing BO3 customs for the rest of time

Aren't all the DLC just going to be remakes of old maps

What i'm looking at? BO4 zombies and the earth blowing up?

Black ops 3 zombies

It really was, it completely went downhill since then.

Can i buy AO alone or is the forced season pass bullshit still going on?

Yes, did it once with my friends and another time on my own, probably my favorite map imo

technically BO3, but the question is in reference to BO1
All too true. Feels like since then they've been increasingly making the gameplay to fit the story, rather than the other way around(which it should be). For example the Five BO4 remake was going to have the Pentagon Thief but it was cut for "storyline reasons".
Probably not, I'd just skip it, it's what I did. They butchered the perk system too, so fuck that.

>For example the Five BO4 remake was going to have the Pentagon Thief but it was cut for "storyline reasons".
I don't know, i really feel like it's the other way around. I think they cut him either because no one liked him back in the day or just didn't have time to add him to the map, then they made up a canon reason why he isn't in the map.

Butthurt fired QA tester took to leddit and leaked a ton of shit

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Okay brothers what does /codzg/ think of the Alpha Omega map, easter egg, and ending?
I can't believe Samantha actually matters again.

>CODZ thread with decent amount of replies and possibility of continuing for the next couple hours pops up finally
>Have to go get my car serviced in 10 minutes

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All i can say that current zombies is a fucking mess and the ending is getting robbed and rushed. I mean seriously, yet another map remake for the second to last mission for the storyline? """Animated """ cutscenes rather than proper CGI like in BO3? They absolutely decimated the budget for this game's post launch content.

From what I watched(still haven't bought the game plus I play on PC)they gave it the BotD/Classified treatment(remake with new areas), except moreso because Nuketown was small. EE seems okay, not overly long or convoluted, Rushmore was fun. Bossfight seems neat, and ending is decent by cliffhanger standards. No idea what to expect from DLC4.

This more or less, having a remaster as one of the four main DLC maps makes this shit seem like even more of a scam than usual.

So DLC 4 is going to be Tranzit remake and after that Zombies Chronicles 2?

Transhit with the alternate bus route.

DLC4 is going to be "The Great War" so it's probably going to unironically be an Origins remake

It basically feels like Classified 2.0, which isn't a bad thing mind you but it definitely feels like we're playing another version of that map. Regardless, I'd still put it above the original Nuketown Zombies as well as BOTD and on par with Classified. The EE and boss fight wasn't bad and having multiple Raygun Mark II's with different elemental upgrades is pretty great. I haven't tried the new Perk though.

Friendly reminder that for all their faults, the Tranzit crew(Victis for the true autistics)maps all try something new design-wise.
>Tranzit: Experiment with massive map scale/several relatively safe areas separated by deathtrap areas, with multiple mechanisms to traverse deathtrap areas(Bus, Denizen teleports)
>Die Rise: Experiment with vertical/one-directional map design, with mechanics in place to mitigate the one-directional nature(elevator keys, Trample Steam)
>Buried: experiment with non-linear and sandbox map design, with very little in player direction and multiple mechanics to make the map even more non-linear(Trample Steam, Paralyzer)
I want to fuck her in the ass until she pukes Aether

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Origins makes more sense but tranzit needs the remake way more
Oh well

How do I play the classic zombie maps for World at War on PC? All there is Nacht.

Is that a Black Ops 1 mod or something that redoes the textures?

Someone give me a quick rundown for someone that dropped Zombies since Tranzit and only watched the intro/outros for the maps since then.
>OG crew or """Ultimis""" nukes earth from the moon and Richtofen/Sam switch bodies (this leads nowhere as far as i know)
>then you play as some irrelevant literal whos
>then you play as younger versions of Ultimis or also called """Primis""" who aren't actually young versions of them but actually alternate dimension version???
>then in BO3 you kill the OG crew for some reason and also Richtofen got back into his old body somehow
>then the young ones meet an old dude and go back in time to the medieval times and they have magic staffs and shit what in the flying fuck happened to my nazi zombies?
>skip to BO4 and now there's like 2 alive versions of the OG crew, Rich in his body, they join up with the young crew (even though their Richtofen died on the other map)

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Last I checked they were all there. Did you pirate it?

>wanted to buy zombies chronicles during steam sale
>50 FUCKING BUCKS if you want bo3 with every zombies map, and that was with the discount

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Steam, so maybe I'm just retarded. I'll try looking again.

BO3 Zombies Chronicles. cashgrab dlc that remakes the original crew maps.

>cod zombies still doesn't have it's own standalone game
I guess this shit is really the only selling point of cod at this point.

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Four assholes run around following the orders of one of two mysterious voices(one of whom can only be heard by one guy, because he ate zombie flesh)
Depending on whose orders are followed, the Earth is either doomed to destruction so an asshole can find his daughter who's still in a creepy weirdo's body, or the creepy weirdo dooms the remaining humans to an eternity of "fun"(killing zombies without being allowed to die). We don't know because this timeline is never continued.
Primis show up in France(in an alternate dimension) for various reasons, build dumb staffs, play stupid games, and win the stupid prize of "it was all a kid's imagination". Except it wasn't, and then Primis goes and travels through time to collect the souls of the Ultimis crew(at variois earlier points in time)and hold them in a little ball they stole from some
assholes who trapped the devil in it. Their jackass friend accidentally lets the devil out, and with the help of what we can only assume is literally the Abrahamic God, Primis beats the devil and then they get sent back to Medieval France to fight zombies forever. Except LOLJK we need more story so then there's an alternate timeline where Ultimis(OG) got sent back in time(?) to the Pentagon after the events of Moon(and Richtofen got back in his body???) and then end up getting rescued by a DIFFERENT version of Primis who were created when a version of Richtofen from after the end of BO3 goes back and fucks up Primis Richtofen's plans midway(getting him killed in the process). And now we're going to a shitty military base overseen by Q to steal a macguffin to kill God AND the devil.

BO3 ended with cycle shit where they are stuck in an endless loop of going back in time and doing the same shit.
Bo4 started with them breaking the cycle in BOTD, then meeting up with the other group to "fight in the great war" in Classified, which leads to nuketown for some reason. Now samantha wants to kill Monty and end all this bullshit hopefully for real this time. So the next map is probably going to be an ending again and maybe in bo5 they can actually focus on Chaos instead of just remaking the same old maps over and over again

And something about a timeloop and Satan(MAYBE not the devil mentioned in the above post)

That's whack

>bo4 dlc is just rushed cause they gotta make bo5 at the same time

It's the blops3 remake

Eh, the community wanted it, and the assets were already partially created for Revelations, so they said "fuck it". Also if you don't know BO3 has mod tools on PC so that's more shit for them to use in custom maps.

Yep. From what I understand, like half of Sledgehammer left with the founders, so CoD 2020 was given to Raven to work on with Sledgehammer, but Sledgehammer were being assholes so the project hit several snags and was not on pace to be completed in time.

Still, it has no reason to be so expensive. And ruined the maps spamming the bubblegum jew shit on almost every room.

It should've ended here desu.

Activision are the kikest of kikes when it comes to over-time price reductions. I'm sure they'll still be selling games released next year at full price about a century down the line.

CoD had real Kino

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The jew shit isn't even the worst part. It's the jew shit that you get to keep if you alt-f4/dashboard midgame. Lost all your gums? Just dashboard man! Nevermind that it'll end the game for everyone else!

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Still waiting to actually play the map since I'm probably the only person playing on PC at this point

From the story tidbits it's really becoming an effort to give a shit at this point, how many times have they killed off Maxis at this point?

>Origins ending was clearly meant to be the end of the story
>Fanbase whined and cried so hard they retconned it
I'm mad. I'll always be mad. Nothing will make me not mad. It was a good ending, it made sense, and it's much more interesting than the lovecraftian shit they're doing now.
I really hope the rumors of a Black Ops reboot are real and they bring the zombies mode back to basics and keep the few good things they added in 3/4.

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Three now. Der Riese, Origins(technically), and now. Revelations he was just stuck in the ball

Black ops 1 and WaW will forever be kino.

But BO3 was all about lovecraftian shit.
The reason fans cried about the ending was because it didn't make sense, there will still a huge amount of open plot points and unexplained paradoxes.
Ofcourse people would be pissed if they tried to end it at that point

Not happening, if they reboot things it'll be a continuation of the Chaos story

Origins was BO2 not 3.

pls help
dire straits is not kino
I dont understand

yes, black ops zombies was the peak and it was all kino

Shit I keep forgetting that
Also no that ending would have been even worse as a massive copout

Yeah the sales for BO3 shit is ridiculous
after waiting since last years summer sale I caved and bought chronicles alongside Der Eisendrache and Zetsubo, I'm gonna get Gorod Krovi and Revelations soon

why she so sad

>Got Alpha Omega for free
>Box glitches out
>Zombies and elemental crawlers running at me backwards and can still hit me
What the fuck, do they not playtest their shit?

>Plot points and paradoxes
I honestly think the answers we got are worse than nothing. That's some of the appeal of it. I never needed to know where Shangdri La took place, and the theories of it taking place on Mars was much more interesting than "somewhere in the himalayas". It's a dumb theory sure, but zombies was built on dumb shit. I think that's one of the biggest appeals of it, dumb arcady fun.

I can dream dammit

AO really feels rushed so that they could finally get to the last DLC map

Buckle up because there's a lot story you missed, I'll give you the quickest rundown I can
Yeah so the Tranzit crew (referred to ingame as Victis) set off on a mission with the guidance of Dr. Maxis to take control of the zombies away from Ultimis Richtofen. They succeed and shift power to Maxis who ends up being evil too and destroys the Earth. Samantha, greatly disturbed by her father's actions, seeks help to stop her father so using ungodly powers opens up a rift to another universe where she contacts Primis Maxis for help. The events of Origins happen and Primis Richtofen and the other members get separated for some time. He and Ultimis Maxis are confronted by a divine being calling himself Monty who tells him of a plan to set everything right by bringing the souls of the crew to a special dimension that is uncorrupted by evil which both agree to. While hopping from dimension to dimension, Richtofen discovers a book called the Kronorium which details knowledge of all worlds which he uses to find a special device that can contain souls called The Summoning Key. The events of BLOPS3 happens and Primis are sent back in time to the Great War creating an endless loop (one thing to note though is that it isn't Ultimis that Primis killed in BO3 but just different versions of Ultimis throughout the multiverse). Meanwhile back in the original universe, it's revealed Victis survived the apocalypse created by Ultimis Maxis and are wondering the destroyed Earth. They are eventually found by Primis Richtofen who puts them into cryogenic storage "until they are needed next." The events of BOTD happens and the cycle is broken by an evil being know as the Shadowman, the Richtofen we've come to know sacrifices himself and is replaced by the Great War Richtofen and Nikola assumes the role of leader. They team up with Ultimis and the events of AO happen. This is where we are now

Aether is gonna end on a shitty rushed and rehashed map
Meanwhile bo5 is likely not going to be much better

Yknow as much as I hate to say it
you're probably right

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Poster of here, thank you for explaining it in an actually logical way

Honestly that map was great. Funny dialogue, Romero, great location, Romero, it had a kick-ass cast of characters and did I mention it had Romero?

Can't wait for Transit remastered.

>Chaos Story Part 1's ending is actually pretty okay
>Chaos is getting scrapped because Activision wants Treyarch to reboot Aether

They tried to explain how Avogadro got into Tranzit but they forgot that the original universe wasn't altered by Primis


>but they forgot that the original universe wasn't altered by Primis
it is now faggot lmoa did you rike it?

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They could and should make another zombie chronicals to fill in the story gaps and hype the ending up more.

Honestly if they make it similar to Classified or AO I wouldn't mind it. Tranzit was simply too ambitious for last gen hardware but next gen hardware could make it exceptionally better.

No it's not. It's LUDO

custom kitchen

I'll be real with you. I don't even own BO4, I was just trying to meme.

It wasn't until they broke the cycle

Samantha is always my favorite character in the weird cod lore. Seriously zombies really should be it’s own game by now. Yet that fucking map seems like a reskin. With Black ops 5 coming I just don’t understand zombies players or people who buy that pass. The company clearly doesn’t give a fuck about the player base.

This, they even added weapons to zombies that you can only get with their lootbox bullshit.
yet you can't get those lootboxes by playing zombies

I unironically did a onions face when I launched the Zombies menu yesterday and heard Damned playing again

The reason Activision hasn't done it yet is because it wouldn't sell as well

No, it's because COD wouldn't sell well without Zombies. What do you think makes people buy their shitty Season Pass?

The fact that they are shitting all over zombies players it seems like MP and blackout players are what are really keeping them alive.
have you seen those videos where people spend over thousands of dollars on getting a single new weapon?

I really hope we hear more of Monty in DLC 4, Malcom McDowell does a great job playing him.

It’s the only reason why I ever bought the pass. I also wanted to add earlier about the pass. It’s pretty messed up for Treyarch/Activison to hold the pass from Xbox and Pc players too. Imagine paying about a 100$ for content that’s already out but having to wait. By then everything is spoiled probably anyway. The gaming industry is so messed up.

He better have something to say if we are going to kill him

Not sure if legit but I heard McDowell actually really liked being Monty and has been begging Treyarch to let him record lines for a while now.

The fact they never showed his face in the end cutscene makes me doubt Malcolm McDowell is coming back, he'll probably be some generic big apothicon monster with a distorted voice in the final DLC

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Yeah but they also showed his face in the opening for Alpha Omega so who knows

I wish the map wasn't Nuketown again, it feels lazy. However, it's nice that both crews are on the map. The Easter Egg so far doesn't look too hard to do this time. Kinda looking forward to having Samantha on our side for once in the next map. Hopefully we get rid of both Monty and the Shadowman for good.

All I want is for Aether to END on a good note. I want ultimis and primis to literally ride off into the sunset while an orchestrated Samantha's Lullaby plays as the land has been cleansed of 115 and apothicons and the grassy hills and green trees wave with the breeze