Hey user, play Overwatch with me~
Hey user, play Overwatch with me~
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hey user, play Overwatch with me~
is that a P*ny
Sure, we doing comp?
Sneed's Feed and Seed
>all the eggs in this chat
well ladies, lets get cracking
>dyed hair
ugliest shit
You shall not pass
I invited you to my lobby friends. I'm probably going to be playing Hanzo, D.va, or Mercy though.
I love how mods let these slide on all boards despite you freaks having one of your own.
>artist draws cute girls
>but is a SJW lefty tranny
This is a very complicated feeling.
Where's the board for grouping to with other gamers to play vidya if not Yea Forums or /vg/?
Girls follow their mate.
You know what to do.
i'm straight and i'd fuck a hot tranny or a trap, no problem, but that hair is horrible
>weird piercings
>dyed hair
not on my transgender girlfriend, thank you very much
It's because the threads tend to be bustling due to Yea Forumss weird irrational hatred for trans people they'll never meet or have any interaction with and will effect them in no way what so ever.
>i'd fuck a 2D tranny or a trap
You can really smell the roast coming from this post. You're being antiquated sweety.
Can we get a term for attractived to feminine people
I keep seeing trans threads and I want to use them to get harmful attention via my butt and camera phone, but then you fuckers are all mean and invalidating so I don't want to.
I'm lonely and horny enough I'd fuck man ass*
Based already works.
>all boards
Just Yea Forums really, when you leave this shithole you don't see any threads about trannies or gays or whatever. It's amazing how abysmally low the quality of this board is compared to even something like /r9k/
I wanna see.
Top right passes, one right from the lower left passes, the one in the pink choker near the lower right would pass with eye make up (she is wearing lipstick only for some reason)
where's the board for propaganda posters?
Too bad they expire real fast.
that would be /pol/, ass hat
guess you already have it user
i'd fuck a few 3D ones as well and cum buckets in their feminine prostate
Can't wait until your inevitable necking, freak.
I'm not sure what that has to do with this thread user. Are you okay?
It's not like cis women that fat are ever attractive either.
Is it because I play overwatch and not your favorite Nintendo game?
>draw a cute anime girl
>slap a tranny flag on it
you know this is not really good propaganda when the real thing is hideous 99% of the time
I agree with you on the top right (I assume that's a FtM), but I'm skeptical about the other two you pointed out. Even if they had more/better makeup, I really couldn't imagine them passing outside of angled photos
If you darken the blue and red, they just look like patriotic americans.
I'm very glad they ditched the LGBT flag and joined the rest of us freedom loving decent folk.
Yeah, and Yea Forums always liked 2d traps anyway.
>K-POP haircut
>flat-chest (only good in 2D)
grow that hair and grow some hormone tits and i will think about it
>mfw I'm straight
No accounting for the LGBT flag, but the trans flag is adorable.
But it isnt a trans flag. It's just the U.S colors.
No because you're a genetic dead end who contributes nothing to society. Don't dilate.
Sit down and take your daily dose user.
I can never work out what words this trannyjak is mouthing.
Based colourblind user.
just take your happy pills user, being a girl is fun :3
My old school girl friend actually said that to me some time ago. I refused.
>insulting DFC
>No because you're a genetic dead end who contributes nothing to society.
You'd think /pol/tards would get along better with trannies given how much they have in common.
Are you mad because you're sterile, or sterile because you're so mad? I froze some swimmers, I'll have kids and guarantee that they turn out trans.
I heard that estrogen lets you see the differences between colors better. Maybe you should transition for your eyesight.
>Love this guy's art find them extremely cute
>find out they're trans
>Still love them
Oh no 2d is too cute.
>4 ears
That's two sets of ears!
seething freaks
bait but this is how gays actually reproduce
and porn
I love how everyone gets seething over tranny threads its not even anons from /lgbt/ its just trolls looking to bait for attention and it works 100% its pretty sad
Based /pol/tard impotently raging at complete strangers on the internet who will never effect his life in any way.
This, here's how it goes
>guys trannies just want attention
>let's spam the thread giving them attention
Why are her shoulders so broad?
Actual autism.
Imagine what a seething person would type and then look back at your posts in this thread user.
DFC only looks good on 2D
flat-chest looks terrible even on 3D women because real life people have broader torsos in comparison to anime girls and traps
underages b8ing underages
>tfw started off baiting but actually started to get dysphoria after a while
started HRT last week and it feels great, I have boobs now :3
Guys relax. They're just Americans. There's no such thing as Trans movement. Like dude they just like the American flag. Just like all of us regular common people that don't stand out in society and no one pays special attention to.
for the same reasons """her""" dick it's so huge
I don't get it
holy shit thats a dude? sauce?
are you
Attention everyone, I have a redpill
Notice how in tranny threads, people who don't like them will only post white trannies. Really makes you think doesn't it?
Those screencaps never have black trannies. Ever.
Tranny haters are anti-white
Its unironically trannies shitposting themselves to take advantage of the boards contrarianism. If it looks like the whole board hates trannies, then suddenly anons will love and defend them.
Art of war nigga
Look at the top of his head.
many of the people that make the things you love are "SJWs". get over it.
You'll be nothing more than a fat man with longer hair
If you killed off all the white people, all social justice shit would die off with them.
Wack theory that might be true desu
Is this the stupid discord tranny shit I've heard about on /pol/ I must say it's really pathetic, trying to convince lonely anons to fuck a tranny because it benefits your agenda. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth to think about
Based and pinkpilled
How does that happen? You would think after your neck grows a couple of inches of fat you would do something about it, but this nigga kept eating until be became a frog.
That's a guy
>still replying
based mental defect
>mods when they see a loli thread
>mods when they a tranny thread
You did it, user. You saved Yea Forums.
this is true, I infiltrated one of their discords, SJWs HATE trans folks and transitioning makes them seethe
I’m with this faggot. If you guys had to make a choice between a chick with a dick and a dude with a pussy... wut do? I’d rather bang Tifa with a cock than Marcus Fenix with a vaj.
Based lost schizoposter
Fuck off jews you've been called out
Heres a joke.
Why do trannies always have Adam's apples? Cause the fact they will never pass is a hard pill to swallow
go back
The tranny movement in general is a jew black op aimed at genociding the white race, you dumb tranny. Have sex.
Based and cunny pilled.
Thank god pedos get the short stick
to be fair, people tend to post actual CP in loli threads while tranny threads just corral retards for a bit
Its funny because trannies are one the one turning little boys into girls by mentally abusing them
>it's another "trannies think non-whites like them" episode
damn, trannies look like THAT?
This but unironically, does Yea Forumseddit not remember trannies for trump? Jews don't like that
>people tend to post actual CP in loli threads
Literally hasn't happen in fucking year you fucking braindead redditor outsider.
Every last one, get on estrogen today user.
Top right passes they just look like a butch dyke which is a woman trying to be a man.
the upper ones are for fucking
Still want to know the context of this video. I only ever see the short webm version of it posted in here
>Jews don't like Trump
I got some bad news for you user...
>hasn't happened in years
t. doesn't actually browse cunny threads
every so often someone will drop a picture or two
>Not pictured: dilation hole and various mental and biological disases
is there a gif where he shakes?
>trannies will never look like their 2d personas
It literally happens in every """""anime""""" pedo thread, you literal pedophile.
my biggest daily concern is that my rib flare is larger than my tits
I look like I have (very very flat) 4 breasts if I wear a tight top
As a trans person, I demand respect.
Why all trannies are into moeshit anime?
What the fuck is happening in this thread
How trannies age? Do they age like a man and get receding hairlines and shit?
Nice to see jews are afraid of whites existing. Not fooling anyone
surprisingly small shoulders, but
>no hips
>no boobs
you're left with just a pretty face, that person would improve by a lot with small boobs
2D traps can pull off the flat-chest looks because the rest of their body makes up of it
cockchoppers aren't human
I'm in a chastity cage
anyone want to watch porn or hentai with me on rabbit
>some Yea Forums tard post a picture a of fully clothed little girl he found on instagram
I love how transphobes just randomly insert the word 'biological' with zero regard for the meaning of the word.
there is no way that is male
>muh dysphoria muh mental illness
Trannies are just weak pathetic men who see that females have privilege, so they give up on being men and try to get life on easy mode.
>She fell for the bottom surgery meme
Point and laugh
Beautiful fucking set. We need to bring this standard back, men have been getting pussified with no consequence.
How do these things not become overwhelmed with the desire to kill themselves the first time they look in the mirror?
So, how your daily dilation is proceding, gals???
Damn bby, you trans?
Not that I disagree with your sentiment; but I am firmly against having both human and animal ears.
There exists a subset of people who actually don't like boobs at all and the flatness attracts them.
>do they age like men?
Well yeah that's what they are.
Does your fronthole leak shit?
A white tranny shit talked and riled up some latinos what the fuck do you think is gonna happen dummy
only biologically
fucking sweet moves mate
God damn I want to plow that field.
I still have my dick so my "front hole" is the same as yours except bigger
is there a tag for this
Let me eat your butthole bby girl.
they're subhuman troglodytes, not "people"
>tfw passable trap
>tfw not w*ite
Pics or it didn't happen
Not even gay but I want to rub those ears.
>Liking piercings
Yikes! See
>it's another "troons brigade up a thread with the grace of a drunk elephant" episode
Kill yourselves, abominations. You have failed at life, with physical proof of that nontheless, so do not try to bring down anyone else. Just end it all.
n-no bully
>It's the daily 'insecure little boys seethe about (leftist thing) thread'
l o l
>Using the female Snapchat filter
You're never going to make it.
There's no way that's a trap.
You didn't lie I guess. I only care about white girls tho
>not putting date and board
i don't believe you
Who else cute here?
Extremely obvious that you used the female filter
how big is your dick
also timestamp or gtfo
>tfw have pics
>to scared to share
Let me eat your ass
but it's ok when pokefags do it
8 inches
please respond
hhhehh... me... i'm cute... i'd fuck me... hehhehhehhhhhhhh... i'd fuck me hard...
Based thread nuke.
Was getting boring anyways. Cute picture d e s u, me on the left.
I'm so fucking tired of trannies forcing themselves into everything. Aren't you dumb faggots supposed to want people to call you a woman? Why the fuck do you subhumans cling to your special snowflake title?
I know that your a biological hazard that should go in the waste bin.
>tfw my body is like that but hairy as fuck
No, they are not, get over it, tranny.
fuck I'd love to fill up a cunny
>we're real women!
>hyperpresent in a hobby barely any women care about
Really have big think
>do men age like men
Take a (one(1)) guess user.
Nice videogames btw.
What if I like trannies AND cunnies?
Checkmate, /pol/.
Liar liar. Who's the qt nog, though?
user crashing the thread with no survivors. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Why are you guys mad, didn't you say Yea Forums always loved traps :^) le bailey jay woooo anime traps aren't gay xDdd
This is why all of you faggots need to die. Anime or not, it's the same shit.
please post an actually timestamped pic
Dios mio...Espiritu del Senor. Espiritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo, Santisima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, angeles, arcangeles y santos del paraiso, descended sobre mi. Fundeme, Senor, llename de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destruyelas. Expulsa de mi los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestacion diabolica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fisica, psiquica, moral, espiritual y diabolica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca mas me toquen a mi ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espiritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominacion... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcangel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talon de la Virgen Santisima Inmaculada, aleja el aberracion genetica, al ogro de las Americas... Amen
Are you ready, user?
they do actually
remember to s**e and post cunny
based cunnysseur
40% of them do.
Fuck deleters
>Implying this wasn't a /pol/ falseflag
i want nat to give me a girl juice enema
the people that make these come across as so fucking mad lol
This was a false flag user why are you posting this as ''proof'' ?
If discord servers were physical places I would want to shoot them the fuck up.
How come trannies have always such huge loli porn collections to dump?
Really makes you think...
you STILL haven't posted a timestamp
Reminder that dogs get pussy and yiu never will lmao
he got banned by mods dude
>imagine being this thirsty for trannydick
because its impossible to fake cropped screenshots of discord, it's 100% unfakeable airtight evidence
I'm tired of niggers posting discord screencaps thinking they prove anything. I'm going to make some myself for you autist braindead fucks
Except you're a pussy lol
Do it faggit
Shoot something up you pathetic excuse for a man, where the fuck are your principles? All talk and no action.
would friend t.b.h.
2d is cute
real trannies are digusting shit
No /pol/tards have the agency to make a decent falseflag lmao
>tranny raiders already freaking out
>hey lets post a raid on our public discerd server its a fool proof plan and no one will tip them off!
>Trust me its a real raid!!
>Based thread nuke
He never achieves this tho: he gets banned, the threads stay up and nobody gives him attention
Y-yeah it's not like tranies actually look like that or anything
Right-wingers are so insecure, they will literally fall for any bait. They're so easy to fuck with it's unreal.
Video Games.
Not video games, thats for sure.
Well, looks like I'm fucking gay now. That's great. Just great.
Uh, because they're based.
no seriously does anyone want to watch lewd stuff with me on rabbit
>Yea Forums used to love and defend this guy
>one day comes out as trans
>Yea Forums is forced to hate him
why is this board so bipolar?
Its funny; trannies are too incompetent to even nuke a thread an abandon ship
>tfw gonna go blow a huge load to some qt 2d/3d boys
anyone else?
Go to Yea Forums then faggot.
i-is it worth it??
>spam tranny/cunny/politics threads
>people get annoyed
>"lmao the bait works"
Fuck off with this shit
I actually know trannys that look like this
lgbt are child molesters
Old Yea Forums used to be great at video games. Nu-Yea Forums that seethes about trannies all day challenged our transexual friend here once at Smash and got blown the fuck out so hard that any discussion of the event will get buried instantly.
Post em then
They sit in their echo chamber for so long whenever they see anything resembling leftist thoughts they'll jump on it to "destroy the libtard" which just amounts to edgy /pol/ shitposting.
None of them can actually survive a debate since the actual ideas don't hold up.
In fairness, /pol/tards are the right wing version of SJWs so they're constantly looking for stuff to get butthurt over and give them an excuse to preach and moralise.
Based Mods. I love them
Only if you have a dick babe.
until you neck
maybe open up
Shut the fuck up degenerate. Everyone hates him because all he did after becoming a tranny is beg for money and cry on stream.
Does this one have a penis (female)?
based cunnyposter nuking trannies
literally my idol
i want to share a double ended dildo with nat
I have two different convincing traps on my phone I can get nudes from any time I'd like. One has been wanting to hangout. I've been resisting because a girl confessed to me in Feb but it's been a long distance thing since then.
The lgbt flag is ugly like rainbows
But i dont use it (bi) because pride is stoopid
>implying anyone has ever won an internet debate
imagine the taste
40% is calling
Watch The Sphere Hunter you worthless trashbag Yea Forumsincels
>vidya threads
>20 posts per hour
>twitter screencaps and tranny bait
>250 posts per hour
All that starving wont make that thick neck go away.
the people who defend trannies come across as literal vermin that needs to have their lungs filled with nitric acid.
>Calling out /pol/'s inability to debate
Uh oh, prepare to get inundated with tons of graphs and screenshots saved off of /pol/ into a 'own the libs' folder about some cherry picked half-truths and outright fabrications.
Gay here
Plz dont try to make straights gay as it doesnt work
Either your born lgbt or not
i think im gonna do it i can explain officer
Don't forget just like SJWs they tend to hate on hot girls in bideo games/media. But according to their reasoning instead of blaming everything on "sexism" hotness is supposed to be "degenerate".
Euthanasia parlor is offering a 40% discount post pride it seems
>me and fiancé buy FFXIV yesterday.
> same world same data center, both au ra
> she immediately gets tells, gifted 20k gil, and was offered to be taken around area to activate every crystal. Despite never talking in any chat or in any discord, just has a female avatar.
Why is it like this, we even made sure not to pick a heavy rp/erp server
yeah how come there's no african american trannies
really makes you think
video games?
viiiiiiiiideo games???
video... video games!
As a bi i have to agree
I dont want to take pride or be special for something I didn’t choose
c u c k
stop talking to yourself
Already got banned for posting pics before
>Calling out /leftypol/'s inability to debate
>Uh oh, prepare to get inundated with tons of graphs and screenshots saved off of /leftypol/ into a 'own the nazis' folder about some cherry picked half-truths and outright fabrications.
Yeah, it's almost like you can say that about anyone, because that's how everyone debates online.
If only they looked anything like this. Then I'd be cool with it.
too late user we are gonna cart you off to the girly prison now
It is, considering weeb incels love traps.
Posting from my mobile ip since the tranny j*nny likes to block me
I'm not a pedophile, but I want to lick those vaginas for some reason
based cunny poster
Fucking worthless neet mods don't wake up until noon. This is taking up a slot for a Smash topic for Christ's sake.
no please officer
wait wtf is a girly prison
Sure but real deal trannies will always be an unsellable product.
Post your tranny shit elsewhere. Your skeleton remains will always be male.
This doesn't actually happen though. /pol/ are the only ones who go around spamming their shitty, dishonest, artifact riddled infographics in an effort to "redpill le sheeple".
Based Mods.
Phone posters don't get any mercy on the day of the rape.
isn't it about time you suicided?
I'll take your word for it, literally never seen it anywhere except in obvious bait threads like this.
Trannies deserve to hang from a rope.
the place where boys who resist get turned into good citizens(wives)
>mentally ill retards trying to cut their dicks off and have kids do it too
Ay dios mio, la cretura americanas
I don't want to debate you, scum, i want you dead.
most putrid smell
(Most) trannies are gross and they're pretty funny to laugh at, this isn't informed by any sort of political opinion and there's nothing to debate. A man in a dress is just funny and a classic comedy trope. It's entertaining going on trans support forums and gawking at people who's existence is a joke in the same way it's entertaining to go to a carnival freak show or watch my 600lb life.
post more r63 mods, i lost my folder
>Transexuals, who lead very hard lives due to internal strife, pressure from family, and pressure from society to conform, commit suicide a lot
>Men are three times as likely to commit suicide as women despite lliving much easier lives
>"I-It's w-women's fault..."
Really makes me think.
wtf i dont wanna go there
i just wanted to like maybe get boobs not becomae a wife wtf
Here to stay, bigot. Must be easy saying things like that from the comfort of your room.
Im mot friends
There friends of a freind
Trannies are men
Trans commit less suicide after transitioning
you know that artist posts on this website, right?
Go away, tranny.
This thread is proof that the Janny is a Tranny
Even more reasons to post the photos since it's harder to trace who did it
Whats the logic behind this post?
You should be nailed to a cross with as many nails your dead body can take, tranny. One day things will bw made right.
keep going
too late user the judge already signed off on the warrant you are going away for at least 2 years and when you come out you will be arranged with a nice husband
>thread is still up
I dont have photos
What's the matter, snowflakes? Triggered?
gandorf is based as fuck
No joke I'd slowly dump every single one of you /vpol/tards inside the toxic waste from robocop and leave you looking like the trannies you bitch about if it meant I could suck her dick.
Cope and seethe retards, you LOST. DRUMPF AIN'T doing SHIT.
Someone is sleeping on their job and should be punished for not removing this thread.
men have life over 3 times harder than women. also you aren't a woman and never will be. go dilate before your wound collapses
Then you're gracefully invited to fuck off
Only in 3 week studies. No long term studies have been carried out. I would speculate it returns back to normal suicide rates in 3-6 months like depression.
You will never be a woman, no matter how far you go to disfigure yourself.
You're not gonna do shit but type on your keyboard fatass
Not you
I don't follow your logic
The virgin tranny vs the chad tranny
>Having a political ideology so flawed you get this kind of posts.
>Still completely deluded.
I know there's more images user, don't hold out on me
Ok, real talk here:
Are trannies even human beings?
Concession accepted ;)
cry moar tranny faggot
I'm so happy that these colors are being pushed by faggots now. Baby Blue and pale pink are shit tier colors, they can choke on them and thanks to the whole clown thing we're getting rainbows back.
Being driven by rage isn't aways a bad thing.
he probably looks like worse than trannies irl lol
No they are not
>if we spam the board with our garbage, people will start to agree with us!
no we just reaffirm our beliefs that there's something wrong with you and you should be oppressed.
trannies are the leaders of humankind, they are ushering in the first waves of trans-humanism
Some are pretty breedable.
Holy kek
>Admitting to being perpetually butthurt about what other people are doing
more like 4? more? females just cruise by on tutorial mode
they own the planet
I do what i can, asswipe. And finding some fucker over the internet isn't in my priorities.
now post one without the flattering angle and photoshop
>cunny and anti-tranny posts deleted
>pro-tranny thread stays up
if i didn't know better, i'd say there are some tranny intruders on the moderation team, but hiroshimoot wouldn't allow that, now would he...?
We need gore posters with lots of dead trannies
.t boy who knows he's handsome because mommy said so
Ehh, it's a cosplay set, there's not going to be any of those.
But hey, she's pretty cute.
Concession to what? I was simply stating a fact and insulting you.
At least that's an actual woman
Someone needs to let him know.Its teh same thing over at Yea Forums
>tfw dont give a shit about any of this transgender bullshit
>Just want to wear womens clothes and have fun
>Dont give a fiddlers fuck if someone uses proper pronouns, if someone has a problem with me they are a nigger faggot anyway
stay mad, my kink hurts no one
>I do what I can
You do jack shit from the look of it
Go back to your containment board. You are just as cancerous as /pol/ leakage, if not worse
>Muhhhh interut debates
>Ideas that build strongest pillars of humankind to ever exist don't hold up
>Meanwhile my 40% suicide rate ideas do
this post is the pearl in a sea of shit, thank you user
Explain, /pol/tards
Concession accepted again ;)
>gut drooping over waistline
Fucking barf, and that's with the angle hiding some of the fat.
Americans are incapable of being right wing.
Even the ones that claim to be are racemixing scum.
well some passes
the problem is they pass as ugly women
why cute traps don't exist in real life Yea Forums?
>be ugly
>decide to cut dick off and dress like a women
Yes, and the solution to that is to rid this world of them.
whats humiliating is having to share a restaurant with those degenerates
>thick neck, would not bang
None of them are passable save the top right at best.
Imagine being turned on by holocaust bods
No problem. I don't know if there's any more though.
your kink hurts my balls and cock though
>the faggot cope
I’m laffin
I can't believe Jimmy Fallon is doing this to himself
He has 3 mental illnesses.
the more you act like this, the more your opposition will hate and not tolerate you. you are breeding racism, sexism, and homophobia. there is no magical argument "threshold" to reach wherein hatred will just go away and it will be worth it. youre simply teaching people that not only are you a strange, disgusting abnormality, but that you're a dangerous instigative group that needs to be culled.
factory error
If you walked around in a furry outfit you would rightfully be mocked and laughed at, same goes for if you wear ladies clothes and you're a man.
Imaging rping as a tranny apologist for (you)s on Yea Forums
>60% of of tranny freaks can afford to drop 50k on looking like a living mop
Fucking american city slickers.
Man I really like that hair colour combination
lmao fuck you nigger
>trap thread
>redditors sperg out about trannys
No, it was never continued. Shame.
What, cotton candy?
You're still a freak regardless
Getting away with it matters more. And nothing like getting rich. That's my priority.
Yeah, imaging squeezing it while she rides you hard.
>400 replies
based mods
On this dumbass shithole maybe. In the real world we're winning.
Did you guys know that, despite making up only 30% of the population, White Men commit 70% of the suicides? I thought that was pretty interesting.
Disgusting mutt face
Bottom 3 look good user
I dont care what normieshits think, I am still gonna wear the clothes I like
Cotton candy would just be the blue an pink. Also hair color should only be two-tone at most.
Oh shit! Rob Schneider?
>Don't try to change my mind or i'll cry and stomp my feet and dig my heels in even harder
Just like a little kid, you're not capable of anything other than typing on that keyboard of yours. I doubt you even leave Yea Forums because you wouldn't say any if this dumb shit unless you were anonymous.
>this thread
I just want a cute bf
>Canadian """"""""""""""""""""""""""news""""""""""""""""""""""
>tfw you'll never have a cute tranny roommate
>she will never step on you
why continue to live?
I already know for a fact that there are bronies, trannies, blacks, women, and tumblr/redditors among the jannies and mods.
Redditors loves trannies, by the way the subhumans on this thread should go to fucking Chapo, trannies get them thirsty.
Well, she's half latina.
Since when do we care what normies think
Fuck off with your aposematic hair, thot.
Whatever that pastel combination is called. I think it's cute. I'd be up for colouring my own hair like that but I can't into colouring myself and it'll probably cost a small fortune to do it at a salon
did you know that despite trannies being less than 1% of the population, they are over 60% of lgbbq suicides?
not middle
Threads like these just make normal people hate Trans freaks even more lol
>that brow bulge
>that chin
>squeezing in the shoulders
poor kid
>hiding the man hands
>hiding the adam's apple
>tfw she will never wake you up by fucking your face
Denial and underlying desperate desire for redemption.
>>trap thread
not with OPs pic its not
What game is this? Before this gets 404
meanwhile, in reality
>I have opinion
don't mind me, just cruising past this ebin tranny thread
wouldnt you rather suck my dick while i play the game
This is all cause and effect you know the only reason theres a growing number of trannies is because there's a growing number of thirty betas that orbit them cause they think its an easy lay, and also the only power fantasy they think is alpha. If woman werent such shit and could accuse you of rape and ruin your life 3 years after you last kissed then it's no wonder men have no choice to look for alternatives.
Honestly if you want trannies to disappear fuck up anyone who thirsts after them. Otherwise the attention they get showered with only serves as an inspiration for the sheltered and deluded.
The picture that killed Contranny's reputation.
>obviously not video games at all
>leave the thread up
So can we all agree that the mods are 100% mentally ill tranny freak?
that's why
should have rolled on primal, you dumb fuck.
You mean part mong
We will see about that in 2020.
This is due to lack of acceptance. With just family support the trans suicide rate goes down to a mere 4%
is this some kind of fucked up incel pact to lose virginity?
It should be
I think that Sneaky, he simply crosdresses, isn't a trans.
I was just thinking, maybe we shouldn't be taking White Men seriously if they're so happy to kill themselves. After all, compared to other demographics, they must not be mentally sound.
Absolutely seething, holy shit.
Thanks doc
they even deleted the loli posts only to specifically allow this thread to go on
>Don't try to change my mind or i'll cry and stomp my feet and dig my heels in even harder
Yes that's what trannies do sweety.
Probably the first one to actually somewhat pass, and that's because he looked like a girl already, LMAO
Traps are trannies tho. Only newfags argue otherwise. People loved Baily Jay and called him a trap all the time. And how is he a tranny? He has the dick still. And any boomer or normie fuck would think hes a girl till push comes to shove. Oh wait is it because of the titties? Well shit I guess we can call you a trannie too with those fat man tits.
>yfw you're a pedo and a tranny
Imagine his boibussy
This statistic came from the 40% survey to meaning if this is invalid so is the 40%
I saw it in 2019
in 2018
That we're winning
sorry you look like quasimodo's uglier cousin
well according to /pol/ crossdressers and traps femboys etc are all trans
You’re not straight any more dummy
Trannies dilate and die early
Maybe until they have to go out into the real world.
>Lol parents just help your child destroy their future and happiness in exchange for kink pleasures
>At least then they might not neck it xddd
You think people are ever going to buy into that? Spoiler: They won't, the rest of the world isn't as sick as america
Dilate your anus with my fat cock
no one will ever love you freak. you're a disgusting abomination and will rightfully kill yourself soon. do it asap because no one will miss you
I’ve been jerking off to tranny porn exclusively for like 15 years, even though a vast majority of trannies are ugly or barely passing. Normal shit just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I will say that biological girls are more attractive 99% of the time but for some reason seeing an emasculated dude cum from anal is fun to watch(until the post masturbation regret kicks in).
Actually the old terminology went like this. Want to dress as a woman? Crossdresser. Want to BE a woman? Tranny.
>you wouldn't say any if this dumb shit unless you were anonymous.
Of fucking course he won't. You fucks would make sure he gets fired and that his life gets fucked over.
> Face of watch on the bottom of the wrist
They truly are degenerate.
It never really had one to begin with.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Video games
that pic isnt me btw
give kik and Ill rate
You’ll die young and unloved.
So trap seems to be a blurred inbetween those two subjective word that changes definitions.
The fuck you on about? I just came in to have a wank to some 2d, but then the entire thread got spammed with fat balding dudes.
the next user to post has to start taking girl pills and become my gf
>35k favorites
>These same people would probably avert their gaze or wouldn't be seen dead walking with this person in public
I want to fuck that bear cunny
He was building one based on
he really does not pass without layers of photoshop, needs to cover the shoulders to, this is why when I use to crossdress (for fetish reasons only) it was in a dark BDSM club, helps a bunch
>when the tranny kills himself
trannies and the lgtbbqxyz in general
dont have kik
and you would bully, cant post here mods would ban
Trannies are pathetic.
Most trannies are white men.
Trap is something invented. Traps are usually just gay effeminate men, it's once they start taking hormones and talking like a girl that the become a tranny.
I'm just saying, if White Men are so unstable, why should we listen to ardent White Nationalists on issues regarding suicide? There's no need to be upset, buddy.
Yeah, people tend not to like bigots who incite violence. He knows he's a piece of shit and deserves to be fired, provided he even has a job.
so why and how is this thread still up?
the mods are here cause they are deleting stuff so what? please someone explain
it's memespeak for crossdresser. comes from that old it's a trap meme.
>tranny bashing thread
>arrive just the moment it starts autosaging
why, god, why
Literally draw a girl call it a guy. Might as well be called a tranny
>have weak jaw as a boy
>have decent jaw as a (((girl)))
Do I also need to suck dicks to get the same results? Asking for a friend.
I'd like to slice your fucking face off
And before you fags start implying,
it's a gif, and if you load it and wait long enough (5 1/2 minutes), it turns into a Spike pepe.
Or if you open the gif in Photoshop, GIMP, Preview, etc. it can show both frames immediately.
factually wrong
Give me something else besides kik then.
Post discord
Dudes who are literally incels going muh 40% and pretending they're more successful or happy than the average tranner is honestly the funniest thing I've seen in these past few years. Never fails to crack me up
Trap is slang sweaty. It refers to anyone who passes as the other gender, whether intentional or not. The criteria is simply that one is mistaken about their correct gender, and fell into a trap.
Not with that attitude you wont
time to take your pills user
They pass
Traps are anything that pass enough to be able to deceive people, they can be either cartoons or those very rare trannies that actually look like real women
Trannies are ugly monsters
trannies are so unstable they think anyone who doesn't like their cancer is a literal nazi. you're in for some slit wrists once you find out no one likes you
Sorry sweetie but she's not allowed here, she lost for a reason...
What do you guys think the suicide rates are for just Yea Forums users alone?
did you know males commit three times more suicides than woman they must be mentally ill
>video game threads rarely get past 200, deleted by mods because they don't like it
>tranny threads reach bump limit every time
fuck this board
*flips coin*
oh look heads, youre gonna kill yourself within a year :)
I dont use d*scord
fat lot of good it did, I have heard nothing about that contest after it ended
for a board that hates trannies so much there sure are a lot of threads about them. Yea Forums even has generals
Wait those people are trans?couldnt tell
You mean sex
pass what? the point of no return?
>tfw will never be a cute catboy
Sexy. Source?
Not our fault the mentally ill mods of this site are pro trannies and won't delete these threads
>.t literal nazi
I can only imagine how awful the trannies on this board look irl
No, people tend to value profit. And when you fucks do enough noise they can't not fire the guy, and stop assuming shit, tranny, the only one here who deserves something awful is you.
Post steam post email
I'm not even one, seethe
do people think suicide is just something that happens randomly?
is it really that surprising that people who are disowned by the vast majority of society are far more likely to kill themselves?
I used imgur and it didn't get me banned
Sex and gender are the same thing, there are only two genders - male and female. The rest is made up pseudoscience like phrenology
I'd fuck a dude rather than a tranny.
t. literal male abomination that no one will ever instinctual think is a female.