How do we make Mario have soul again?
How do we make Mario have soul again?
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it never had any
there's no going back, graphics are too advanced now
We hang the nigger.
It's a fucking kids game who gives a shit
I do.
Soul doesn't exist. It's an idea of the good times one felt when they first played a franchise and the disillusionment they feel as an adult gets pinned on a latter installment for not reinvoking those same feelings of whimsy as a child because the things surrounding them when they played the older game are no longer around.
Unironically keep Mario Maker alive.
would need to have indies make a mario game akin to sonic mania. mario is one of those games that will always be designed by committee though
>Nintendo never takes any risks
>SEGA takes way too many risks
>official Nintendo artwork will never be soulful again
Give it to someone else besides Nintendo.
Why doesn't Mario Maker 1 or 2 have the Chainsaws?
how about stop making mario games and work on new IPs
All games are for kids. Do you give a shit about any games?
I don't like the modern Mario design, in my opinion he should look more like the old drawings or N64 renders, being more stout and expressive, I hope is they do make a new 2D game they take notes from Cuphead's success and put real effort into hand drawn sprites..
I do
It's fine to like Mario games but they are literally marketed towards 3-year-olds so caring about their development or gameplay as an adult is just delusional
Stop releasing 3D shit and actually give a fuck about story
While you might have a point, this thread is not about the illusion of having thinking the first game/franchise you played was good, ergo, are wrong.
God, I hope you never have kids. They're going to be dumb fucks. Because you won't expose them to anything of substance. "They're just kids, it doesn't matter what they consume."
Odyssey already brought the soul back
Mario never had story, the fuck are you talking about?
Mario artwork has soul again, just look at the artwork from Odyssey
Give Yea Forums a dictionary so they stop using the word "soul".
have a clean version
Only soulless Mario games are the NSMB ones. Everything else has been great and they even use that same art style and the same artist for their artwork these days.
>Fake validation just to disagree
Okay buddy.
Bros 3 NES was the last real Mario game
the mario universe was so damn interesting in super mario world, mario 64, and paper mario. after that they kinda lost touch
Look at the size of this guy's balls.
Give him red overalls again.
donkey kong for og gameboy is such a damn good game wish they still made these types of games
Mario still has soul. They only really fucked up for NSMBW and NSMB2 because they kept it safe. It's why everyone says NSMB style in mario maker 2 has no soul but 3d world looks great.
Soul is associated with older games because older games weren't as polished as contemporary games. An over-polished game is like over-produced music, it's completely safe and lacks the quirk and charm that naturally arise from just a bit of roughness.
Just develop a regular ass fucking platformer without a gimmick like Cappy/Spheres/Fludd
>Give Yea Forums a dictionary
2. emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.
keep the cap throw but get rid of the capture mechanic
They need to go back to 2D Promo art. 3D World did a couple of these portraits and I always thought they looked like peak Mario soul.
I don't like the red overalls blue shirt style
Fix the UI so it's more like previous games. Minimalism is boring.
>yeah let's just take up more of the screen with flashy colorful bullshit like the score meter that doesn't matter
Look I agree Odyssey's UI lacked a little personality, but I'd much rather have it over giant letters, numbers, and gaudy artwork taking up more of the screen space.
Damn Mario, those are some huge testicles!
reboot as a third person over-the-should action game (w/ platforming elements) with realistic face-scanned human-sized Mario
It's the best.
It won't happen anytime soon, since Nintendo is busy retroactively removing soul from their games.
Make bowsette, canon. Instant soul.
return with the adult jokes
Make a new Paper Mario with original characters and battling on the same level as the first two games
Make a fully animated 2d Mario resembling the old art in this thread
unnatural levels of SOUL
more star-themed areas but no space/galaxy stuff
>klobstrosity's art
my absolute nigger
>”Mario should go back to the old SMW promo art again”
But they’ve been using that since 3D Land
New Mario lost soul compared to the old one, but just like Zelda & DK it didn't lose it completely.
Current Nintendo still has some soul left. (it's the most soulful of all constructorsright now)
Punishing corporate for their lack of soul.
The whole industry is SOULLESS. Good 'ol Nintendo is doing its best.
>kirbyfags thinking their pink blob of shit has soul
>italian plumber rescuing princesses from giant evil turtle while eating mushrooms and riding dinosaurs
>no soul
yeah I'm sure a PINK FUCKING BLOB has more soul. So creative, Sakurai. Get out of my thread.
Go back in time before allstars
This post made me sad. Why not let me live in ignorance of this.
Hey that is pretty nice. thanks.
Boycott Odyssey
odyssey is just a shit game in general
press D to dab on the seething mariofags.
Not only does all stars look and sound like shit, I feel like the controls are also awful. Everything feels off. Does anyone else think this?
Has anyone ever tried recreating the older box and promotional art in motion?
how long will this artist stick around? he was supposed to retire a while ago. i'd hate to see him go.
>200 different games of this exact same garbage that was never interesting or fun in the first place
>N*ntendoids think this is soul
Honestly I pity you people
Yea most people who aren't retarded agree
>An adult that plays n*ntendo bing bign wahoo shit typed this post
“How they actually look” is actually better, so that pic doesn’t work.
If Nintendo were to make a proper New 2D Mario game, what would they do to make (you) interested?
The NSMB series is overdone and derivative, Mario Maker exists for making all kinds of regular and bonkers levels, so a new entry should ideally do something genuinely new.
A new artstyle and sound. The NSMB stuff is functional but its bland and overdone. I'm not really sure if I'd want them to go 100% cuphead, but hand-drawn sprites in the vein of Wario Land Shake it with an artstyle reminiscent of would be a good start.
New level themes. We've seen the usual Grass-Desert-Snow stuff so many times. Experiment with new themes that influence level design in new ways.
New mechanics. SMB has always prided itself on being easy to pick up, but a new entry would HAVE to do something different so people don't just wonder why Nintendo didn't simply release it as a level pack for Mario Maker 2 or something. New types of enemies, moves and powerups that change how the player approach the game.
>All games are for kids
Odyssey had soul.
Honestly I feel like the 2D Mario formula has essentially been "solved" in that the internal workings of it's game logic has been so thoroughly explored that we can just let people take the building blocks of the formula and make their own levels like we have now with Mario Maker. It feels like the next step is for Nintendo to create new assets and mechanics for players to build with that isn't limited to the pallets and aesthetics of previous Mario games. 3D is the future for Mario.
A complete overhaul of the artstyle and sound like what said. If we have to keep multiplayer just give me fucking Wario already.
>how long will this artist stick around?
He's left the company since 2007 and does freelance work now. I'm pretty sure the only post-leave Mario art he's done was for 3D Land.
The artist that does the modern 2D art is a really good imitator though.
Odyssey had soul
what level is that green cave? I don't remember that
Get rid of over-endearing gimmick directions.
We don't NEED to have Mario talk, nor does we want everything to be surrounding the gimmicks.
Mario is a cat, EVERYTHING IS CAT
Mario has a different hat, EVERYTHING IS HAT NAO!!!
Toad's old voice>>>>new voice.
Nailed it
Oh and get rid of the name Bowser, give him his original name again; King Koopa.
Mario maker is peak 2D Mario. It will never get better, all they can do is improve Mario maker.
someone finally said it
nice bait
64 D's crushed Nintendo's soul. They haven't been the same since
You're just projecting your disillusionment and unhappiness unto the modern game industry. Games had soul then and some games have soul now.
you don't some games should have died when SNES era ended
Go play ur gay open world Mario dress up simulator with 1000 moons
It's the definite bing bing wahoo platformer. You know Nintendo has completely given up on their vision the moment they release a new 2D mario that's not Maker.
the problem is not mario, the problem is neotendo, mario will never have a soul again until neotendo stick to their guns as usual and either uses yet again the awful NSMB format with it's awful WAH WAH sound board or put mario in different situation than a plain/jungle/desert/tundra/lava level
it shouldn't be a fucking surprise that when they announced odyssey, the most put new donk city cause they fucking knew otherwise people would immediately understand nintendo was in no fucks given mode
i mean look at previous mario games, mario world invented boo houses which at the times were an amazing idea but now have become a dull certainty, mario land 2 had a level in a fucking giant robot where you fought the three little pigs as a boss
oh and speaking of the three little pigs boss
FUCK BOOM BOOM, i don't even want to see his sorry ass ever again, he's even more boring and dull than the koopalings
you know what hurts the most? despite all the boring ass formula nintendo pulls over and over, nobody will ever call nintendo on their shit praising nintendo for their creativity when mario galaxy 2 went as far as actualy reusing almost every boss of the first game
is that creativity? recycling your own stuff and calling it a sequel? puah
>Boom Boom shows up for the first time in decades after his initial appearance
"oh cool I remember him!"
>he shows up again
>and again
>and again
>and again
>and again
jesus christ nintendo give him a rest