>The west has obese disgusting people in their video games
>Fucking SJWS forcing their fat acceptance agenda!
>Japan does it too
>Wow take my money! Japanese so based!
Explain the bias.
>The west has obese disgusting people in their video games
>Fucking SJWS forcing their fat acceptance agenda!
>Japan does it too
>Wow take my money! Japanese so based!
Explain the bias.
Who gives a shit what it looks like. They ruined the gameplay by making it a mobage.
Makes me want to puke
Thicc != fat
Ya dun goofed
Look at the gameplay, son. Automated gameplay until you opt to use a special ability or an item. Porting that to mobile will be super easy.
What do you mean
Seething mobile shitter.
>Links to an entire hour of footage with no time stamp.
what? how is she even fat at all retard
It's still the same old boring turn based combat. I can't go back to playing fucking turn based combat after having played Warframe.
They should be jailed for promoting underage obesity
This. Turn based just feels outdated as fuck now. Tried to replay FF7, 8 and X and I just couldnt. Too slow and easy.
we could have just had this thread without the bait user, fuck you for making me read that
>couldn't go back to turn based after playing different genre with different gameplay
Fucking retard
>dat boob jiggle
Should I get the PS4 or the Switch version?
Post chubby Ryza
FF7 and 8 are some of the easiest turn based games of all time dude
You can't be taken seriously any way now
Why is it even a question? Switch/PC is always the pick. Why'd you buy it on a console that notoriously censors every single Japanese game for their platform?
You should be jailed for openly being a faggot