How's that learning Japanese to play imported games going, user?
How's that learning Japanese to play imported games going, user?
she looks like she fucks black guys
All women look like they fuck black guys. I wonder why.
In the ass, with a strap-on maybe.
>studying another language for vidya
I'm not even learning french to play Dofus, why would i even try japanese
This thread's off to a terrible start
>tfw talking to people is fine but reading and writing moon makes my brain slow to a glacial pace
どうしよう みんなたち?
Learning japanese to play bideogames is like learning japanese to play bideogames... ho right, is fuking stupid
What's her name and her endgame?
>learn hiragana quickly
>tell myself i'll soon start with katakana
it's been 5 months
Your summer Japanese classes just start or something, buster? You sure are obsessed with making these threads where everyone is either far past your level or a total fucking retard like
Importing games fucking sucks. Hell, importing fucking ANYTHING from Japan is a complete fucking hassle. Remember downloading decent quality scanlations? Well, that's a thing of the fucking past. You get 300dpi garbage at best digital rips, or "scans" that look like they were done with a digital camera from 1998.
What pisses me off the most is how all the translation groups have decent raws, and they refuse to upload them.
You can't learn Japanese
Why do 合併 and 併合 both exist? Fucking dumb.
I'm just at that shitty point where I should know enough to get through most media aimed at teens/young adults but I too lazy to be consistent with my study so I'll forever be N2 kun.
Grammer is fucking me sideways hard and dry meanwhile Kanji is tearing me a new hole with his 12 inch barbed cock.
shit isn't fun.
I’m fucking a Japanese girl in Japan but she insists on talking in English.
She won’t even do 「行く行くいく!!!」 She literally just says 「I’m cumming」... I’m bummed out
Why do 社会 and 会社 both exist? Fucking dumb.
I know these threads and I know dekinai-chan, faggot. Pointing out that someone is spamming like 4 variations of this thread at this moment should not perturb you unless you are an EOP retard or a shitposter.
She is practicing. Immersion is the key.
Why would I play shitty games from whaler island
The difference is the ones in my post mean the same, while those 2 mean something different at least.
More and more people are waking up to the idea of learning the language, you mean. /int/ is soulless, /djt/ is in complete tatters, and Yea Forums hasn't been good for years.
The reason this kind of thread is popping up more commonly here is because the tide is finally turning. People are sick of crappy translations, and even more, they're sick of being left out of the hot new elitist group of people who aren't EOPs.
You are a fucking idiot.
Dilate then cope.
That isn't particularly difficult to read though. She's just sticking feathers up her ass.
>tfw you misread a kanji because of a small radical difference like 持待
Because they have a different meanings in Japanese even though the English translation is the same for bot. If you weren't too lazy to google it you'd see that the former is mostly for business and companies while the latter is for territory and land。If you don't have the Japanese ability to understand how they're different you really shouldn't be worrying about it
Sounds like someone didn't do their Heisigs.
Are there any good resources to start?
I failed Spanish class 2 times back in high school but I'll give it a shot. Hopefully the promise of video games will be enough to keep me motivated.
Nope. No resources. None whatsoever. Better to not even try.... failed Spanish class.
I know that retard, that still doesn't mean a different word for both should exist when it's just the same word turned around.
I wish we had better methods of learning that didn't require us to kill a Japanese native and eat their brain raw. It works, but it's really fucking gross, and air fare is pretty expensive.
I just started a week ago. Still going through the grammar and only picking up words along the way. At what point should I jump into grinding vocabulary and how to go about it? I've seen people recommending the Core2k Anki deck, so I've mostly been considering that. Also, does studying Heisig pay off or is it a meme method, like some people say?
Pls help.
>im not even learning another language for some random french game
>why would i learn a language that spans tons of games from one of if not the biggest game producing countries in the world where many games have no translations?
JLPT N2 and engaged to Jap woman dont even like anime suck it weebs
You've just had the difference explained to you, how can you seriously not understand that you need different terms for different things?
Hell, in English we've got consolidation and amalgamation, how about you tell me the difference between those? Why do we need 2 words when 1 could do?
>I just started a week ago. Still going through the grammar
No! After one whole week you're STILL going through the grammar instead instead of just grinding vocabulary? DUDE! How are you gonna get better I don't understand.
And why is that, because (you) don't like it? Kill yourself tard
>engaged to Jap woman
I feel bad for you, man. I don't really understand why ALTs try and brag about their misfortune.
I honestly can't tell if this is supposed to be a serious response.
Im an engineer and will never even considering working in JP unless I get offered a job with western work standards and salary
I haven't rebooted yet. I might buy the genki workbooks before I do anything more. Or just say that I will, and never do it.
And I am not surprised at all.
There are already different words in Japanese for merging/combining/annexation that don't use the exact same kanji as an existing word, actually giving it distinct meaning. If it was anything like 社会 and 会社 where the meaning is far enough apart to mean something different it would be no problem. But like this it's just dumb. And don't come with dumb arguments like git gud, because I'm not complaining about difficulty.
You should also mention, you can import games months before the western releases and spoil them for anons on Yea Forums. That alone is motivation for me
Her dad lets me smoke in his house and car as well drive his car when I’m over there, constantly buys me smokes, grandma owns a snack and gives us free booze and food whenever I visit. suffice to say It’s not the typical jap family neither is she a typical jap woman. But it’s fun to piss off weebs.
if you're poorfag like most of us then core2k and tims grammar guide for starters and then when your confident enough start reading anything
Here is my advice. do grammar whenever you have the feel the passion to study and make vocab/kanji your daily grind. you're going to get burned out eventually I mean we all do at some point so don't feel bad of reducing your load at any point.
Heisig does pay off, but it's hard work so most people don't want to do it. If you apply yourself you can do it in less than two months.
Knowing what the kanji mean before you even see the word is a massive boost. After Heisig I ran through C6K at 40 words a day, which was just barely doable.
For grammar go watch CureDolly's videos. She's kind of creepy but the content is worth it.
Already have the basics down.
Are there any good audio files I can listen to while at work that can help me further?
measly n4 here
how the fuck do i get better with self learning?
no one in my state speaks nip so classes are out of the question, ive hit a brick wall with books
do i just wait until my company sends me there and just wing it?
Core2k is tricky. It does help, but the words usually won't have to do with what you're reading or studying currently, so it's harder to form connections. My advice is to just read your grammar books to a decent level (get to at least Honorific/Humble forms), then do some basic reading, and add new words to an anki deck the second time you encounter each of them. Trying to get every word on your first go-around is a bad idea and it will leave you burnt out, so just get a good basic vocabulary, and read, read, read.
Please just ignore him, it's not worth giving attention to stupid people.
>learning nip for anime/games
I'm learning it to read nip Twitter accounts of anime shit I follow and to communicate with nip artists.
>summer classes
>fall semester starts in about a month
Now this is epic
what game?
Thank you for the responses, anons. I'll take them all to heart and hope to do well. I've already been looking for reading material beforehand, like some easy news articles from NHK, but I wanted to progress more with the grammar before picking them up. I have to say though, these CureDolly videos seem very informative, but everything else about them just unsettles me.
Took a break from textbooks to get my listening up to speed. Jpod101 and various YouTube channels have done wonders. Don't skimp on listening. It's a very different skill than reading.
I started about two months ago and moved straight on to core2k, which was probably a mistake. I wasn't really keeping anything in my head and last week I finally dropped it for Heisig, which has been a much greater help. It won't teach me how to say the words but just knowing what the kanji is made up of is helping me remember their meanings a lot better.
Honestly, EOPs already have it hard enough because they have to consume dogshit ESL translations written by interns, I can't actually be heartless enough to crush their dreams.
As someone who took a lot of classes, I imagine it must be very though learning the language all on your - not having any native speakers around who you can ask all of the many questions you naturally have.
One thing I'm wondering though. How many of you are able to use a traditional printed kanji dictionary to look up a character you come across and don't recognize? I know, not 100% necesarry anymore but still.
Keep at it.
>learning another language if you're native english or speak english
it won a cultural victory faggot, people learn english not the other way around
Core2k I a big mistake when starting. Before you get a bit of grammar under your belt you're basically just learning words that you can't properly use. It's not a complete waste, many words will stick, but much like Kanji, I think it smarter to learn then with a beginner textbook which is like 30 bucks.
I've recently learned that the 3DS is great for trying to play games in Japanese. Tons of easily accessible kids games with furigana. It's less helpful than outright studying I think but it's nice to ease myself into all Japanese with an easy way to look up stuff I don't know.
Yeah, first off. It's みんな (Minna) but みなさん (Mina-san). And don't use tachi after mina-.
>not 100% necesarry anymore but still.
It's a complete waste of time in the modern world. Even if I could do it, I wouldn't.
I'd say not having a native, or at least someone you can ask who is further ahead than you, is a minor drawback. But classes cost money, finding people who can help for free is a pain, and ultimately, you should be consuming enough material that it really isn't a big deal unless you're aiming for 100% pitch perfect production fluency.
Yeah I plan on going back to it after I finish RTK but for now I'm just going to learn how to read, though I'm also doing Tae Kim on the side.
I learned on my own and went to classes to get free credit. All you need is motivation, the material on the internet is endless.
>It's みんな (Minna) but みなさん (Mina-san)
It reads "mina" if you use kanji 皆, I'm not sure about みなさん. -tachi is something you generally shouldn't use unless you know what you're doing.
It's just whenever I read threads like this one I see people wasting so much time, or having like a lot of misconceptions of certain systems or whatever. I think it's natural that you have a ton of questions when starting out. And no learning material does a perfect job of explaining things to you - so you kind of fill in the gaps. Sometimes without even noticing and then often with false conclusions. Having someone you can saves a lot of time there and can prevent you from forming like bad habits.
So do you know any lookup system? Like by radical and stroke number? Do you guys just write it on your phone with some character recognition software?
Terrible. Been formally studying it a Japanese school in Japan for three months now. I can write stuff now, but my reading hasn't improved and my listening skill is still non-existant.
Please don't correct me and then add "I'm not sure what I'm talking about" like three words later. Because I do.
This is what I'm talking about right here without a teacher around. Let me tell you. NO Japanese word changes it's reading just becauese "when you use kanji". That does not exist okay? You don't talk in kanji. They're just words.
The word, on it's own. Is Minna. みんな If you add -san. The ん goes. Mina-san. みなさん No doubt about it. I hope you even know what that means when speaking. Like word syllable length-wise whatever. And people generally don't use tachi after mina.
I've been doing VNCore for about a month now, I'm gonna start reading Tae Kim in a few days.
back when I was a neet it was a blast to study and I was going at a really good pace.
now with work its way more difficult.
I feel like there should be some sort of な or other particle in there somewhere but I don't know enough kanji or vocal to correct this
That's not "I'm not sure what I'm talking about", it's more like "I've never seen it used like this but whatever floats your boat".
>And people generally don't use tachi after mina.
People never use tachi after minna, that's why I said forget about it unless you know what are you doing.
did you start from zero user? what program is I'm interested
I think everyone uses radical lookup now. There was also a thing called Rikaisama or something that tell you definitions on mouse hover, but I found this hurt my motivation so I uninstalled it.
>Having someone you can saves a lot of time there and can prevent you from forming like bad habits.
Yeah, it's true. It's just a kind of luxury most people can't afford. Even in my major there's no room for me to fit Japanese classes.
It was the opposite for me. As a neet I procrastinated too much but now that I've got a job I'm more conscious of my spare time. It also helps that I have about half an hour of nothing to do at the end of the workday where I can cram in some learning.
>three months
dude, you're fine. some people breeze through hirigana/katakana in a week, others take a month.
you're par for the course dude, only start worrying if you get to like 7 months in and cant start a conversation with basic sentences.
>grinding through jap just so I can watch asian porn and understand what the fuck they are talking about
>also visual novel filled to the top with a sick porn
I've been doing the KanjiDamage Anki deck after reading, rereading and rewriting Tae Kim's grammar guide. So far I'm doing okay with it. Once I'm done with that should I try the Core2k/6k deck? I tried it out before KanjiDamage but it didn't have enough rules or explanations so I felt like I wasn't progressing properly, but maybe it will help me learn Jukugo which KanjiDamage isn't that good at doing beyond showing you examples.
I just realized you maybe were just trying to show your kanji knowledge there with 皆 (which is cute) and not necessarily implying that it changes it's reading when using kanji or something nonsensical.
Anyway, look it up in the dictionary. The reading of 皆 on its own is みんな. But this vocabulary 皆さん reads みなさん. No doubt about it. Subtle difference but Japanese can tell when you speak and don't know. Clearly. It's in every dictionary like this too, so...
It similar to things like "ame" changing to "ama"-mizu.
Try 2 years, I'm still stuck at the low end of N4
Beginners will always make mistakes, have misconceptions, whatever. You've also got to remember that most of the people asking questions really are right at the bottom in terms of comprehension, so they're not a good sample for self-learners.
What saves the most time is consuming native content as fast as possible. Having help might boost the start of your journey, but the majority of it is always going to be solo, so having other people might also work as a detriment if you can't get out of that mindset.
All you need is get to the point where you can read with the help of dictionary tools. After that all you need to do it read, read and read. Find native level speakers to communicate with somewhere down the line
still going, but I feel my resolve to keep studying is slowly fading away, reading less and less.
So where do I find the guide and where to study and start this shit already? want to know if I'll make it or not but have to picture a basic idea in my head how fucked up is this.
>2 years, I'm still stuck at the low end of N4
No amount of misconceptions would make one lose more time than having to go to some school for classes, listening to a teacher speak at slow speed and having the pace adjusted to fit 20 students.
1-on-1 private tutoring might be a tad faster than learning alone though, but it's expensive.
I can read enough to play video games and work with japanese clients but the chinese runes are hard as fuck to see from the sofa sometimes
Oh yeah, absolutely. I wasn't trying to say one will always need a teacher or helper around and of course it's a solo effort in large parts. Just it that it helps tremendously in the beginning even when establishing the most basic concepts and then agian it's kind of a blessing during grammar lessons as well. At some point it just turns into learning kanji and idiomatic speech though and that goes on for A WHILE.
Also, fun fact. Learning Japanese killed anime for me. HARD. Suddenly you're like "Oh, they talk like Cartoon Network. No one sounds like this. This shit is for kids. Fuck that." Can't do it anymore 90% of the time.
"No one sounds like this" is true for every language really
appreciate it user
>All you need is get to the point where you can read
JUST bee yourself
Yeah, it just rubs me the wrong way now with anime. I dunno. It's cringe. Anime is trash.
Japanese and Asians and general hate black guys unless they're pornstars or prostitutes
Please I'm just stupid and not as interested in Japanese video games and comics. I only just started reading Yotsubato so I could try and learn through that's. Plus there's so much in the guides and I know all the basics so I don't know what to do with them
>I know the language so well that native speakers in anime are not good enough for me
I can spot exactly where you are on this curve
I did it. I'm playing Tobira no Densetsu currently. Only a couple hours into the prologue at the moment but the mechanics seem promising, and all the reviews I've seen hype the absolute shit out of it
>What pisses me off the most is how all the translation groups have decent raws, and they refuse to upload them.
Lmao, where'd you get that idea? If it's a currently running series chances are they're just using kindle rips and they can't exactly affect the quality of those.
>yeah I'm learning japanese NO I'M NOT A WEEB ANIME IS CRINGE HOW DARE YOU
The cringinest group of weebs
It's cringe and you know it lol
I have to shell $9 to WaniKani each month to keep me going. I have neglected to study any grammar in the past couple of months beyond the first section of the Tae Kim printed guide.
I'm a failure of a degenerate. I really need to learn the grammar and start reading through actual written work before I can accomplish anything before my next trip to Japan in November.
it's going OK. i read for an hour or two a day. i never listen to anything though so i need to start watching anime or something to get improve that.
Games are better
Don't feel bad, you're probably just not practicing enough. Grammar guides aren't really the key to language learning - they're more like a map to navigating the actual process of it.
>be Japanese
>pathetic excuse of a country was illiterate until the 5th century
>had steal your entire language from the Chinese and Korean CHADS to even establish a script
Retard esl gook
>your entire language
unlike all the countries using english sure
>people in fiction don't talk the way they do in real life
What a shocking realization.
I started 2 and a half months ago. I spent the first fortnight learning the kana. For the next 6 weeks of daily study, I did a few sections of Tae Kim + Core2K (10/day) + KKLC (12/day) + a bit of anime. I find handwriting practise to be really relaxing.
Now I do the Core+KKLC (I'm going to bump up the words/day soon), and I spend 45 minutes to an hour each day working through Hanahira. I watch anime and JP ASMR for listening input.
CureDolly's videos helped me a lot with consolidating my grammar. They are also massive normie filter, so the chance that she will respond to any questions is high.
>doesn't know what Man'yōgana is
Haha fucking weaboo retard..