Hardware thread

What GPU should i upgrade my GTX 960 in to?
Should i just get some cheap 1000 one and wait better one next gen GPUs? Or just go to RTX 2060?
What do you think Yea Forums?

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>GTX 960
my nigga

5700 tb h

GTX 960 is literally the mininium for CP77 so i just wanna upgrade.

Used 1080 or something like a 1660 ti/2060. A 1660 ti matches 1070 performance while the 2060 comes close to a 1080, but you also have the RTX cores and other shit which might come in handy for anti aliasing once it's not vaseline tier.
There is also the 1060 or 580 which are both roughly 80 to 100% better than a 960.

just get the 2060super
that or grab a 1080 used, but i think the 1000 series is going to end up like the 700s, so that might not be a good idea

RX 5700

>but i think the 1000 series is going to end up like the 700s, so that might not be a good idea
Considering barely anyone has a 16/20 series card as of right now, yeah no.
They've been out for nearly a year now, but no one wants to touch those cards. Making the super versions won't change much, most people will just keep on using their old cards or buy cheap used 580s.
Only richfags buy new hardware the moment it comes out.

1660 ti has has the rtx cores for a?

No, it's just a plain jane GTX card. When I talked about AA I meant the special anti aliasing thingy that nvidia uses for their RTX cards. Only selected games use it and it's not that great. They fixed it for Metro Exodus, but eh. If you wanna buy a 2060, buy it for the warranty and performance. The RTX itself and the features that come with it are gimmicks.

Yeah thats what i though im propably gonna stick for 1660 TI and see what comes next. I was gonna go for 1700 TI but just cant find them, what happened to them?

It came out very late, at the end of 2017. It didn't appeal to most people and was kind of a 1080 replacement/alternative. It's as fast as a 1080 if you OC, but then again you can OC the 1080 too so yeah.
They are not that easy to find since no one bought them.

What about 1660TI and all its own variations? Do i go for the cheapest ones or the most expensive ones?

If you're talking about brands, they're all the same. You don't need triple fans or "super epic republic of GAYmers" editions" just get the brand that's cheapest and/or you like the looks of.
I'd avoid mini/1 fan variations, in case there are any. Factory OC doesn't matter either, you can always OC yourself with MSI Afterburner. You can use MSI Afterburner with any card, doesn't have to be an MSI one.

Thanks, my local store has literally like 28 variations of it but their all pretty cheap.

Jesus Christ. Yeah, just get the one you like the looks of and is cheap. Just make sure it's actually a 1660 ti, since the non-ti isn't worth it. Non-ti is basically 15% faster than a 1060/580 and at that point you could just buy a used 1060 or 580 for like $120. The 1660 ti is nice since it's 1070 level of performance + you get a warranty and longer support.
Also if you wanna look for different cards, this website can give you a rough idea of how cards perform compared to each other.

RX 5700 but don't buy stock. Wait for the aftermarket cards to be out.

A 5700 is barely better than a 2060 for more money. Yeah no. Unless OP wants to get into 1440p or the high refresh rate meme there's no point in spending $400+ on a card.

but it cost $349.99

how will this be for 1080p 60fps ultra/high on modern and next gen games? don't want to upgrade for a few years at least

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>Unless OP wants to get into 1440p or the high refresh rate meme there's no point in spending $400+ on a card.
No shit Sherlock. But if that was the case he wouldn't bother to upgrade from a 960.

Imagine being stupid enough to buy a high end card. youtube.com/watch?v=WYTPgDvLkmY

This is the cheapest one. Not really interested in overcloking in general but eh.

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Don't. Streaming video games is the future.
I just played MHW(streamed from my home PC) on a integrated gpu loonix toaster at work. It was awful.

Google says $399.
>hurdur a 960 is PERFECT for 2019 games at 1080p
Yeah no. You better be on a 970 minimum if you wanna play at 1080 high.
Never heard of that brand but it should be good. Make sure the brand's RMA/warranty service isn't bad. Just google the name and see what you can find.
A 1660 ti isn't a high end card and a 2060 barely qualifies as one either. A 1660 ti is what you'd want to buy nowadays if you aim for 1080p60 at high/very high settings and a 2060 is just further future proofing.
Overlord Fagging is covering mood points, high end cards are expensive because of the RTX gimmick AND because nvidia knows retards will pay for it.

Overkill for 1080/60

>hurdur a 960 is PERFECT for 2019 games at 1080p
I never said this. All I said was that a 960 is still viable for 1080p/60fps gayman.
>Yeah no. You better be on a 970 minimum if you wanna play at 1080 high.
Again, no shit retard.

>still $399 for a new 56
Just get a used 1060 or 580 or aim for a 1660 ti and then upgrade to sth better in 2 years from now. If you can get a 56 for 300 or less then yeah sure.

i got 960 too and gotta say a lot of games i play are either medium or low. i guess it just depends what your playing

If it's not "locked" 60fps at high settings it's not viable. Playing at low-med at shit frame rates isn't okay when you could buy a used 970 for 65 bucks or a 1060 for like 100.

$399 is for the XT version. The one that trade blows with the 2070 Super

What this guy said I just recently build mine with a 580 8gb and a R5 2600 and I can play everything at 1080p/60fps on very high/ultra. The 3600 is way overkill for gaming, hell my 2600 is already overkill and I only got that because I plan to upgrade to 1080ti in the future.

XT, Super, ti, I wish the faggot companies would stop this nonsense.

Wait prices to change because of the 5700 release. If 1080p I recommend RX 580/590 or 1660ti for best value. I've seen some cheap 1070's out there so that's an option if you want.

>1070 is
Based ESL poojeet.

Not that user, but please explain the mistake English teacher-san.

He's full of shit. It's a legit way to make a plural out of acronyms and shit, but it looks too much like a possessive so I prefer to just omit the apostrophe myself.

's is when something belongs to the 1070, just s means multiple 1070
for example, I went to the teacher's office means the office belongs to the teacher, and I went to the teachers lounge means you went to the lounge owned by a group of teachers

It's not, only for single letters (A's, B's, C's) and in the special event that it looks too confusing without the apostrophe.
Nothing do I hate more than people using 's for words, numbers or dates. For the latter you write 1990s, 90s or '90s. '90s over 90s since the 90s are technically the original 90s and not 1900's 90s.

sauce plz, give me a reference better than "cuz I sed so"

daily reminder


They also say it's fine to use it for single numbers, so do as you please. I personally only use it for single letters and in case something looks plain retarded without the ' in between.

such autism, you earned this

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It's one thing to use "your" instead of "you're", but 90's/PC's/etc still fucking triggers me.

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you'll need a 2080ti MINIMUM to get even 30fps on this game.

RTX 2080 ti Super*, ftfy.

i guess you never played witcher 3

Well duh, he doesn't have a 2080 ti super. How would he be able to play W3?

2080Ti Super? It'll need at least 2080Pt Ultimate

>9xx to 2xx
that's a retarded upgrade, save your money, there's nothing even worth upgrading for.

Call me when devs start optimizing their games and they don't require double the graphics power every three years otherwise nothing is overkill.