ITT: the things we DON'T miss from the old days

ITT: the things we DON'T miss from the old days.

>passwords instead of saving
>battery backup saving
>handhelds not being backlit
>handhelds not being rechargeable

Attached: MM2DifficultAirQuickCrashFlash.jpg (256x224, 27K)

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There was a certain charm in writing the passwords into a notebook, though. It's just not the same when it's all digital.

Being able to play games in split screen, who used that garbage anyway?

Obscure hidden bullshit that was intentionally design to force completionists to buy (((the official strategy guide)))

>who used that garbage anyway?
everybody? I dont even think that you're human.

Being overly difficult and/or overusing backtracking to pad the length of the game since they couldn't make anything that genuinely lasted a long time.

I don't miss things HAVING to be physical media
I don't miss CD's, things got damaged way too easily. (I know cd's are still used now, but i don't use them myself, so they are a relic of the past for me)

I don't miss information only being able to be disseminated via gaming magazines
I don't miss the isolation of being the only person I know who knew what megaman was.

>life system

The artwork in japanese games being changed to some generic western fantasy shit in localization

Yeah I definitely don't miss passwords. At least nowadays I can just use a save state or take a picture on my phone if I'm not emulating.

Mega Man passwords were pretty harmless.

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The menus.

>memory cards
>games with multiple disks
>arcadey elements like losing all progress on game over
>never having the option to play those obscure multiplayer games that the rest of your friends don't like
That's something i take for granted in modern gaming i guess

I dont understand how discs get damaged so easily, every disc I have ever owned goes back in the original case when I switch it out. The only one disc I own that has problems I bought used.

Then I see my friend leaving all his discs out despite having a zip up CD case that holds 100 CD discs lying around face up, stacked on top of each other in like w or 3 different piles like nigga treat your shit right.

not having rechargeable batteries had it's benefits though. like if your batteries died on a long car trip you could just throw in a new set of AAs, instead of making sure you brought a car adapter, or that it's not already occupied by something else

Only thing I miss, yet never did, was drawing your own map.

I never thought how fun that might be to immerse myself in the world.

I never beat the original zelda, I may give it a go and draw my own map for the fun of it.

Non-backlit screens

Attached: Game-Boy-Advance-1stGen[1].png (672x372, 108K)

play etrian odyssey.
zelda1 doesnt really need a handdrawn map.

I like auto saves for the most part

No, there wasnt. Stop pretending

Life Systems depend entirely on the genre, but it was always pointless in shit like Mario 64 there if you ran out your only punishment was having to re-enter the castle.

This, Jesus. Circle of the Moon was a fucking pain in the ass, yet we all pretended that it was kind of ok because the excitement for the console and whatnot

>every game has a scoring system for no reason

True, only in 9 out of 10 games were they completely unnecessary bullshit.

I would like if maps in gaming improved. BOTW did a good job with both telling you where you are but also not giving away too much information to the point where you're not even exploring, just following the dotted line. So few games actually know how to give any sense of discovery anymore.

>Strategy guide has mistakes and false info

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I definitely don't miss the days when you had to grind or do some stupid shit like "get 1000 headshots with this one gun" or "win 100 ranked matches" to unlock different weapons/armor/skins. Nowadays you can just pay a little extra if you want something, saving me lots of time.

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They have use in Mega Man, for example, where running out forces you to start the stage from the beginning rather than a checkpoint. The threat of a Game Over creates tension, it's necessary otherwise you'll just be able to throw yourself at the same obstacle over and over until you succeed. Same goes with Classic Sonic being sent back to the start of the Zone, and so on.

Lives absolutely serve a purpose, just not in games like Mario 64.

split screen is nice but having to use same keyboard was fucking bullshit

go fuck yourself with a cactus

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>Having to attach some monstrous peripheral to your GBC/GBA just so you can play games at night
Those were the days

having wired controllers

Ideally portable electronics should take standard-size swappable batteries but also have built-in chargers for them. There's computer mice like that, where they use NiMH rechargeable AAs and the mouse itself can charge them if plugged in.

>having hardware that works even after 20 years as opposed to becoming obsolete in 5 due to built-in batteries
How terrible

Please be bait.

Passwords for games like Gauntlet were actually superior to saves due to them more or less being hex code to give yourself certain abilities/progression.

Without save editors and saves locked to your account now, saves suck balls

Passwords that can be done in 20 seconds I don't mind, it's those Metroid NES passwords that can forever burn in hell!

Wired controllers dont suffer from input lag unless the game is programmed like shit. Rules out a bad connection.

>mom do we have any more batteries

I still remember the password to get to the last level on 2 player bubble bubble.


fuck you

>I don't miss the isolation of being the only person I know who knew what megaman was
I'm sorry you went to a shit school elm school user

Attached: Megaman II (U) [!]_001.png (256x240, 3K)

Games getting totally fucked in localization (increasing difficulty, removing passwords and continues, fucking up music) for games like Castlevania 3 and Ninja Gaiden 3

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replacing batteries in a pad takes three minutes at best you incompetent fag

that is wrong. many pads are faster over bluetooth than over USB.

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>that guy who throws out his game cases